Borderlands 2 Guide

Borderlands 2 72 OP 8 Characters for Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 72 OP 8 Characters


This is a simple guide with a link to each character and their builds. This guid will run other how to play these certain builds and what their strengths and weaknesses are.


This guide is going to provide a link to a couple of build which I have found online and have created in game so you guys dont have to. This guide will also explain their weakneses and their strengths and how to go about playing them

Special Thanks to Admiral Bahroo, Masterkizz, MorninAfterKill and Yoteslaya for their build guides and teaching me and many other people how to play this awsome game and finally Gearbox and 2K for providing us with this game

*The builds which have been copied where placed on youtube, I will provide a link to the builds proved in this guide and a link to a mediafire which contains all the builds in this guid so you guys dont have to build your own. all the builds will start off on the Symbiosis on the 3rd play through.


This build is MorninAfterKill’s MACxTON build. This build makes use of the turret being slag and using a high damaging launcher to take care of the slagged enimies.

The gear your going to be using is the Creamer, Logan’s Gun, DPUH and finally the Grog Nozzle. You are going to have to use the turret to slag enimies and the Creamer to take care of them, due to the low ammo count of a launcher, switch to the Logan’s Gun to shoot your self in the foot to generate rocket ammo whicl using The Sham. When the turret is recharging chuck some magic missiles to slag enimies and if youve taken damage, dont worry switch to the Grog Nozzle ands throw some more. The relic will help with the explosive weapons and especially the DPUH due to it adding 39% explosive damage.

His Strengths are being able to slag such enimies to deal high amounts of damage but his downfall is the lack of usefullness against bosses such as PyroPete or Terramorphus.


This build is my personal favorite and is very helpful in group play due to it focussing on being a medic for your team. Play at the back and try not to be in the heart of the fight, keep your distance.

The gear she is using helps you to keep the distance from the target by using the Sand Hawk and using The Bee you can get more damage output if you keep your shiled up. Slag your enimies by using the Magic Missiles and use the Grog Nozzle to keep your own health up. If things are getting heavy pull out the Norfleet and blow everything up and keep your team going. Both the relic and class mod decrese the cooldown of you phaselock so reviving teamates of a distance should be easy.

Her strength is being able to take care of her team and utilising her healing powers but her downside is not being able to be upfront and taking care all the damage for your team.

This build is the second Maya build and focusing mainly on being able to out put a lot of elemental damage. The skills mainly focus on being an all around elemental freak and the gear only supports this.

The gear provided focuses on the skills being used and builds on them allowing the user to swap from shock damage to fire or corrosive. The differant artifacts only help this by adding an extra 39% elemental damage to your character. This is the complete opposite as the one above, stay in the front and use the elements to your advantage.

Her strengths is being able to destroy enimies and other things her downfall is not being a team player.


This build may look familiar to some and you would be correct. This is YoteSlayers pistol build, with a few tweaks. The skills mainly focus on using pistols but they can be swapped out either showguns or double launchers.

The gear provided is currently what every gunzerker should be using DPUH and the Grog Nozzle. The butchers can be swapped out for the two Norfleets if you want to just kill everything, but the Butchers skills are great for this build due to their perks. If you dont enjoy the rough rider and want a shiled both The Bee and The Sham are provided and other class mods are provided which results in the player being able to change how this build is played. Play upfront and use the Magic Missiles to slag enimies and use the Grog Nozzle to regain healthe if you ever find yoursefl low on it. The extra relics provided can also be used to alter whch guns you use.

His strengths is that he is ghreat for bosses and over all a beast but his downside is that he doenst provide any group play and is more of a lone wolf type of build.


This is MorninAfterKill’s Forever Alone build mainly focuses on using the infinity pistol and bore to do massive amounts of damage to unexpecting enimies.

The gear provided can help you to get out of stick situations such as a FFYL or if you want to do massive amounts of damage. The Sand Hawks provided are elemental and the relics which are related to their element have also been provided, that is if you want to use that element. Much like the other builds use the Magic Missiles to slag your enimies and the Kuna to add to this and exercute them by using the Infinity or the Norfleet if your heart desires. Play upfront and theres no shame in retreating for a quick health pick up. if you prefer a shield The Bee has been provided to deal even more damage.

His strenghs is being able to hide form his enimies and deal massive damage but his downfall is being squishy due to not always being able to hide from them.


This is Admiral Barhoo’s OP Gaige build and theres nothing more to say, just kill things.

The gear provided will allow the user to quickly get rid of any enimie due to the provided Norfleets and if ammo gets low, use Logan’s Gun to generate some. If your health ever gets low use the Gorg Nozzle and some grenades. Play upfront and never run back, beleive me youll kill most things before you go down.

Her strengths are that she can quickly kill enimies and is usefull on add control but her downfall is that she cannot deminish bosses quickly.


This build is Admiral Barhoo’s explosive krieg build and mainly focuses on you not meleeing but throwing the fastball grenade.

THe gear provided is little and doesnt provide the user to change how to play. The user should always have the Grog Nozzle out and should always be using it to slag enimies, once slagged throw a grande and watch the sparks fly. The DPUH and Badaboom should only be used when in FFYL and if enimies are too great in numbers. The relic provided adds an extra 39% explosive damage which only helps the fastball, DPUH and the badaboom. Stay somewhere between upfront and behind.

His strength is being able to dispose enimies quickly but his downfall is once hes out of grenades, good luck.


The videos are there if you guys want to create these legit and have a go at them.

Axton Build: [link]
Salvador Build: [link]
Zer0 Build: [link]
Krieg Build: [link]
Gaige Build: [link]

The medifire link is there for you guys who dont want to farm or create them your selves. You cant just click the link, simply add them all together in your URL to find the file, this is due to Stam not allowing links to Medifire or Dropbox.

Save Files:

To install the save files go to on your computer;
C:Users*Your Name*DocumentsMygamesBorderlands2WillowGameSaveData

If you find two folders in there and not too sure which one it is, place the saves in both folders.