Brick Rigs Guide

Brick Rigs: Kinds of Servers for Brick Rigs

Brick Rigs: Kinds of Servers


In this guide I will go-over the types of servers I experienced in Brick Rigs.


You log in to Brick Rigs, select multiplayer, and see a whole lot of servers popping up. The problem is: You don’t know what to expect on each of them. So which one should you chose? Which one fits your interests? Which servers you want to avoid?

#1 City RP servers

The City RP servers are very common in the Brick Rigs community and are also known as “Neighborhood RP”. They are usually located on the City or Bricksville maps. In fact, they are ones of the most popular servers. Every now and then, you will find some servers of this kind with 10+ people on them.

The City RP servers have their own rules. You are expected to play as a civilian class. You will not be allowed to shoot people or spawn any tanks or militarized vehicles. You will most likely to have a right to spawn a house and a car for yourself. You may also have a job in the city (possibly a police officer that will allow you to use a weaponized class).

You should also follow some chat rules: type only in character. If you want to express an action in the chat (listening, grabbing, etc.), you will need to follow this format: *grabs the wallet*. If you want to speak outside of character, you will most likely follow this format: (what you want to say).

Overall the City RP servers are very peaceful and fun to play on, however, they must stay very organized to remain that way.

#2 Zombie servers

This is probably the second most popular kind of servers. They will most likely to be hosted on city or desert maps. They are extremely fun to play on if the server has more than 5 people. However the difficulty will vary based on the map you’re playing.

CITY MAP: The City map is usually very easy to play on. Here is why:
It has a big red house (see screenshot) where zombies will see you (and move towards you (we’ll get to that later)), but they will not be able to reach you.
It is extremely easy to grind a lot of money on that map due to it’s large sizes. Another crucial detail on that map is the presence of 2 hangars/garages. This means that you will be able to spawn any vehicles you like as long as you have enough points (see “Mechanics”).

Overall this map is great if you want to mess around with some people and have some fun.

DESERT MAP: This map is a nightmare for most players. It is so hard, only PROs manage to get past wave 20 without dying once. The reasons for that are: there are almost no safe places, wherever you go, you’ll either be considered outside of the map or zombies will reach you. There are only a few rocks that you can climb on top of and be safe, however you will not be able to access supply crates from there (see “Mechanics”). It also lacks hangars/garages which prohibits you from spawning any vehicles to help yourself. I highly suggest having at least 10 people before loading into this map.

Overall this map is definitely a challenge, but once you have enough buddies playing, you certainly will have a blast on it.

MECHANICS: The zombie mode has several mechanics that you can utilize.
Points: points are the currency in zombie mode, for each zombie killed you get 100 points, for each zombie killed with a headshot you get 210 points (key to earn a lot of points), for every boss wave passed you get 1000 points. You can use points to buy ammo for your current gun (500 points), get a random new gun (1000 points), upgrade your current gun (1500 points). Here are some upgrades:
Normal Machine Gun –> Desert Worms MG –> Golden Sniper MG (Why is this a thing?) –> Fire MG (ignites everything)
Normal Sniper Rifle (holo-sights (rlly underrated)) –> DW Sniper Rifle (Normal one) –> Golden Sniper Rifle (The Holy Weapon)
Normal pistol –> DW pistol –> Golden Pistol (Another Holy Weapon) –> Fire Pistol (Complete Garbage)
RPG (only good against bosses) –> DW RPG (same thing)

Common Mistakes: The problem with zombie mode PVP (and BR PVP overall) is that people aim with MGs. You have to use the MG without using scope, it is much more efficient that way.
On the City map people go up the tallest tower sometimes, DO NOT DO IT, it makes zombies bugged and they just stay in place and do not move, it is insanely hard to find them when they stand somewhere.
People tend to waste their RPG shots on regular zombies, they’re “saving” money to buy ammo on their other weapon, but when the boss wave comes, they waste a ton more ammo with their main weapon than they would with RPG.

#3 Mess Around servers

These are the servers that most new-comers join, they typically do not have any rules at all. They can be hosted across all maps, and there is usually no way to tell if a server is mess around or not. You can expect a massive lag when you load in and you probably will see a gigantic Umbreon type tank. I tend to avoid this kind of servers since they are not really fun to play as.

#4 Battle and Conquest servers

These servers are not very popular among the community. They are only hosted on maps that have Battle and Conquest game modes. I my opinion, these servers are extremely underrated. Whenever I play them with friends, we have a ton of fun.

Conquest: The conquest game mode has 5 different objective points, your team should capture as many as possible and reach 1000 objective points first to win. Objective points can only be obtained via objective posts, the more you capture, the more you get. There are also normal in-game points that you can earn via capturing the objectives and killing enemies. You can then exchange them for a vehicle in the garage.

Battle: This is a great game mode, two team fight each other using any methods they want. There are 10 rounds, to win one, you have to eliminate the enemy team. There are no respawns during the rounds. Score best out of 10 to win a game. You are allowed to use any vehicles you want during the rounds.

Overall both game modes are great if you can aim. I play them from time to time to have some fun.

#5 Military RP servers

These servers feature a military based roleplay. They are usually hosted on City and Bricksville maps. Again, there are some rules, but they may differ on different servers. These servers are for people that want a mix of City RP and mess around. These servers feature shooting and spawning army vehicles, but in a more organized way and with certain restrictions (No Umbreons >:) ). There is even a group based around those servers: [link]
From time to time you will see a server named “Military Life” or “ML”. Those servers are hosted by the official representatives of that group. They always promise to be a lot of fun because the hosts always come up with activities to do.

Overall, the Military servers are a great place for those who want a sense of army.

#6 “Do Not Join” servers

Do not join

The End

This is the End of this guide, please leave any comments/questions/suggestions. I will try to answer them all.