VEGAS Movie Studio 14 Platinum Steam Edition Guide

build alpha channel into Any  24 bit Source media for VEGAS Movie Studio 14 Platinum Steam Edition

build alpha channel into Any 24 bit Source media


August 15 , 2017shows how to add an alpha channel toAny 24 bit source media , on the Time Line ,that can then be rendered as 32 bit .pngor32 bit .avi uncompressed VFW codec .when the exported 32 bit media is imported into Vegas ,the alpha channel will be found .View Properties of the 32 bit media and set to Pre-multiplied , or Straight .

images with discription

Movie Studio 14 Platinum
Movie Studio 13 Platinum
Vegas Edit Pro
Vegas Pro
here is the original image , made in Microsoft Paint ,…mspaint , as 24 bit color
the alhpa channel of this 24 bit image, as presented by Vegas , is ALL White
vegas shows the source image Properties , is a 24 bit image.
the alpha channel of this 24 bit image, as presented by Vegas , is ALL White
next ,
shows Video FX Effect “Channel Blend” , which “Stuffs” the alpha channel .
the original RGB channels remain the same .
the RGB channels have been Stuffed into the Alpha channel .
next ,
shows the imported image, has properties of 32 bit with Alpha channel
note “Pre-Multiplied” is being used .
this 32 bit image was made from MS14P using the Viewer Window , Best–>Full
and clicking Save As to make 32 bit .png image .
( using a Render Template , a “.avi 32 with alpha channel” video could have been made )
next ,
the Luminace channel of the 32 bit image
next ,
the Red channel of the 32 bit image
the Green channel of the 32 bit image
next ,
the Blue channel of the 32 bit image
next ,
the Alpha channel of the 32 bit image
the above shows that it is easy to add an alpha channel to ANY 24 bit source media .

before renderingexporting as 32 bit , inspect to see that the Alpha channel has been built ,
by placing a FX “Mask Generator” , on the Right Side of FX “Channel Blend” .
then scroll Mask Generator combo box to : Alpha .
if the screen shows All White , then the alpha channel has NOT been built yet .
set up Channel Blend as shown above , to build the Alpha channel .