Cabaret Club Grand Prix’s Guidebook! 🌺
Originally posted by 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙎𝙝𝙞:Welcome to the comprehensive Cabaret Club Grand Prix Guide! This guide is meant to cover the majority of Four Shine’s adventure to become the number one club in the nation. Both Yuki and Koyuki needs you right now so without further ado… here’s a list of content for your convenience***
- “Do CTRL+F on keyboard to quick search the sections (Without quotes)” 💬
💎For Club Management, search: “1;1”
💎For Hostesses, search: “1;2”
💎For Scouting, search: “1;3”
💎For Cabaret Club Grand Prix, search: “1;4”
💎For Makeover, search: “1;5”
💎For Dating, search: “1;6”
💎For Substories, search: “1;7”
💎For Partners, search: “1;8”
💎For Achievement List, search: “1;9”
💎For Completion List, search “2;0”
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Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
Later in Chapter 4 (Can’t be missed) you will encounter Yuki who is looking for a new manager for club Four Shine. Kiryu saw a guy get scouted out for a larger sum of money which was going to be the next manager for Four Shine. Yuki mistakes Kiryu for being that guy and pulls him into the club. When Koyuki tells Yuki that it’s the wrong guy, they insist on having Kiryu help them run the place as they are in desperate need of help! Kiryu accepts and decides to help them out.
This is the menu once you get started. Here you can see which girls are on a break, if you have new items, if you have new girls, if there’s a championship available, who your most valuable hostess is, which league you are in and how many fans you have. Proceed to “Ranking Match”
Your first three hostesses are now ready for a Ranked Match by default! Don’t worry about a top S effort, this is just a taste test of what’s to come. So just give it your all and don’t mind the result! Just enter the game right away, nothing to lose.
This is where you are able to see each table and the hostess list to your left. These six tables will be the only tables you’ll ever have which means that you can easily move around between tables.
Select a hostess from the list to your left to place them at a table. You can see which hostess they prefer the most by looking at the guest’s “mood”. If the hostess is adequately matching the requirements that the customer is looking for then they will be happy. Hostesses that are opposite to what they want will put their mood down or keep it neutral. Don’t worry, you still have a chance to up their mood a bit by playing nicely with them! You can also judge how important the hostess qualities are by looking at their wealth. Poor customers will almost always be fine with any hostess that only matches the criteria just a little bit while richer customers will have higher demands.
After a shift you will see the results from the night and how it went. It tells you how many fans you’ve gathered and how much money you’ve made. There’s also the hostess fee that you must pay after each shift which is something to be careful about when doing championships as it might cause you to lose a battle. You can also see the cost of presents (Gifts) which is an option for both customers and hostesses if you would like to increase their mood during a shift or get more fans. The Special Bonus is for the Oil Baron when he spawns (Later in Cabaret).
After each shift you will level up your used hostesses to increase their stats which will help you with tougher customers and allows your hostesses to last longer without a rest.
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
Congrats! You just did your first shift
( Table Orders
A table may order something from you after a short period of time. Be prepared at every cost and understand each of these order signs to earn a higher bonus for doing it quickly, slow orders won’t do any good. You earn money, your hostess recovers and the customer gets more satisfied!
“Refill ice”
“Swap ashtray”
“Ladies’ glass”
“Guest glass”
( Table Trouble!
If your customers aren’t happy with the hostess you’ve selected then you might get a “Trouble!” prompt which allows you to solve a problem by selecting that table. The problem may always differ so be ready for whatever the customer is doing against your hostess. You may solve the problem by memorizing each event by looking at the screenshots below!
“No noise pollution”
“No scouting”
“No harassment”
“No touching”
“No violence”
“No photos”
( Table Check
Once a session is over you will now be able to do something a little extra before the guest leaves. Think carefully about your resources. Don’t spend money on gifts if you’re in a championship, praise your hostess if your customer is satisfied to help her recover from the session. Gifts are more recommended for Ranking Matches as they will increase the amount of fans you’ll get, which in the end helps you climb the championship leagues!
Gives you more fans and will increase the customer’s mood 2 times
Gives your hostess a lot of HP, guest mood is un-changed
Will increase the customer’s mood 1 time
Gives your hostess slightly more HP, guest mood is un-changed
Extends customer’s time by 50%, only recommended on satisfied customers
Will increase the customer’s mood 1 time, you also gain a few more fans
Will increase un-satisfied customer’s mood
Gives you a lot more fans and will increase the customer’s mood 2 times
( Fever Time
The bar you can see to the top-left when you play? That’s your fever gauge. If it fills up to one 3rd of the bar you’ll be at level 1 fever time. As soon as you activate fever time you’ll earn money much faster because each session is going much faster as well. Fever time does not affect everyone but it surely affects those who are satisfied guests. There’s even the chance to completely convert an un-satisfied customer to satisfied with the help of fever time! I recommend using it when you’ve got as many busy tables as you can (Possible wait for one or two more) to make most use out of it!
When your opponent in a championship is calling Fever Time it can cause some of your guests to leave your club regardless of their mood to enter their club instead. There’s no can do about this so never stress when this happens. You may always do a comeback by doing a fever time in return.
The money you earn is drastically increased and it will play a unique cutscene of Kiryu sprayin’ & prayin’ with this bottle of champagne just before the Fever Time starts.
( Oil Baron
After having done your shift you will have the chance to encounter the oil baron. This is where you can win a great sum of money which can possibly save you at the last second in any of the Grand Prix Championships. He seems to appear much more frequently when you have Rich or Tycoon guests.
In order to win money from the Oil Baron you must button mash really fast and precisely, but not only that; your stats matter. If the Oil Baron requires your Talk to be good (All shift hostesses combined) then it must be good! Otherwise you have very low chance of ever making it through all the mashing. He demands different things each time so don’t try and focus too much on one stat, instead try to level up your hostesses so that all stats will be good enough!
( Life Skills
Life Skills are skills found in the abilities section after you open up the game’s in-game menu. In there you can take a look at the life skills which gives you abilities related to free roaming activities that Kiryu can take part in. There are two lifeskills with three levels to them that are directly related to the Cabaret Club Grand Prix gamemode. That’s why they’re useful to get! You can only get these life skills by spending EXPerience points, the correct EXPerience points that is. Complete activities, the main story, eat food, beat thugs, do the completion list… there’s plenty of ways to get EXP points!
Will increase the amount of EXP that your hostesses earn during shifts and dates.
Makes money requirements so much easier to fulfill.
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When you look at a hostess in the menu you’ll be able to see a lot of different things. You can see how much money they demand each shift, which mood they’re in, the amount of money (In total) that the hostess made off of the Cabaret business, a special trait(s), her stats for customers and how she looks like to customers.
( Platinum Hostesses Stats
( Gold Hostesses Stats
( Silver Hostesses Stats
( Bronze Hostesses Stats
{ Downloadable Content }
( Clan Creator Bundle [DLC]
At some point during the story mode you will make your way to Aoi bar. After purchasing a certain item at the drug store to progress the story you will be able to find a package inside Aoi which contains two hostesses that can join you.
Two Bronze hostesses will join club Four Shine. (These count towards Eye for Talent achievement)
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In order to scout for hostesses you must pay a sum of money upfront. This will put up an ad for anyone to see, but if they’ll turn up or not is always the question. There’s a chance you won’t get any hostesses at all, but the same goes for finding one. So there’s RNG involved here as there is nothing guaranteed. The good thing is that you can’t scout anymore once you have found every scoutable hostess in the game. So don’t worry about not knowing when it ends!
( Gold Hostesses [Scouting]
( Silver Hostesses [Scouting]
( Bronze Hostesses [Scouting]
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In order to compete you must meet certain criteria first by playing Ranking Matches. The more fans and money you earn from Ranking Matches the more likely you are to be allowed to compete. You may only compete with the right amount of money earned, so if you’re not making enough money just keep playing and playing. Hostesses will level up and you might get lucky with customer demands. Becoming partners with partner shops is good too in order to boost you up a little. Life skills will also greatly help you in your journey of completing this as soon as possible!
( Fresh League Championship
There are no special rules, but you do need to get past a million yen before you can even compete against the top hostess in Fresh League. I earned this much by having every partner shop, 8 hostesses, all cabaret life skills and top customer service! It takes a bit of time in Fresh League since you have to build from the ground up.
I made sure that I leveled them up before I went on with the championship. Also what I did is that I made sure I got atleast 8 hostesses (With a good mood) available by doing some scouting. It wasn’t expensive for me as I had earned money prior and if you have the Clan Creator Bundle DLC you’ll get a million yen already. But having 8 hostesses is a must if you would want to dominate since you have the ability to swap hostesses if one gets too worn-out.
It’s clear that I have the advantage here thanks to my partner shops and quick hostess level ups (Life skill). Kana shouldn’t pose any threat at all!
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
Winning the Fresh League unlocks new partner shops, makeover items, Kana as platinum hostess, the new league “Paradise League” and the kickstart of a grand adventure!
( Paradise League Championship
Here you needed to beat 1,800,000 yen before you could participate for the Paradise League Championship which isn’t too different from what we had to do in Fresh League.
Once again we find ourselves at the advantage in terms of fans! But now you have to be a little party crazy because Aika specializes in the party stat.
This was the line-up I had when I won the Paradise League Championship. Everyone had to be in a good mood, otherwise it could’ve been a bit too risky!
We clearly won that one without a doubt! Now we unlock new makeover items, Aika as platinum hostess, new partner shops and the Executive League championship!
( Executive League Championship
Once we get to the Executive League’s Championship we must only use 6 hostesses which means that you must pick the most valuable hostesses at the time. Level them up and try to prioritize a happy mood to prevent any slow downs when you try to compete
Now it’s over 3,200,000 yen to compete this time instead, which is a great jump up in price in comparison to the previous Leagues.
Now we’re no longer at a huge advantage and can finally run into some risks & challenges. As always I do wish the best, it’s an exciting match to be almost tied with fans! Shoko is a skilled girl
Not only did they not make enough money but they spent a lot of it on gifts. Poor Shoko getting too pressured by Kanzaki to compete out of nowhere! Now we unlocked Shoko as platinum hostess, Millionaire League is now up next, new makover items and new partner shops.
( Millionaire League Championship
When you fight in the Millionaire League you can no longer get any help from Koyuki as she has gone missing this League. Don’t worry as you are stocked up on plenty of hostesses by now and hopefully they’re all at a good level, too!
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
This time you needed to surpass 5,000,000 yen in order to qualify for the Millionaire Championship. With these incomes you should expect some rough matches coming up if you’re going in without leveling up that much like I did.
You can’t progress to the Millionaire League Championship until you’ve progressed through the main storyline of the game first. The chapter you need to be in is Chapter 6, so let’s get there right away!
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
As you can see I’m bringing Kaoru with me from Chapter 6, she stays outside but this implies that you can immediately take a taxi to Sotenbori when you’re able to move freely in Chapter 6. Don’t worry about it, you’ll be free to roam really quickly in Chapter 6 because it’s as soon as the opening cutscenes end. Any taxi will do!
This was an exciting experiment as I had about 2500 fans less than Yua but I could still see some possibility in it if I tried! But when I’m in such a disadvantage I better keep my service on-point at all times.
This is the line-up I used to battle Yua
This is so amazing!! I barely had a win there, the Oil Baron arrived in perfect timing to give me all the money I needed to do this on my first attempt with so many odds against me. Even if you have a lack of fans, believe in yourself! Now you’ve unlocked Yua as platinum hostess,
( Facing Sunshine
Now that you’ve taken over the champion throne in the millionaire league there’s still more to do! Koyuki has returned and Yuki transformed herself into Yuki the Hostess! Not only that, but Goro Majima has returned to the cabaret life to aid us as our host commentator. Nothing can stop us now, the whole crew is here.
We may have a lot less fans than you Kirara, but this ends now. We won’t give up and you’re certainly not going to stop the stubborn mules over at Four Shine, never!
This was the line-up I used when I fought Club Sunshine
There was nothing they could have done to stop us! We may have gotten an Oil Baron but we were still ahead of them, great work Four Shine!! Now we’ve unlocked Kirara as Platinum hostess, Yuki as platinum hostess, Koyuki has returned, we unlocked Goro Majima as the new Ranking Match host, completed every story mission in Cabaret Club Grand Prix and finally put an end to the rivalry… for now…
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
The End…?
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When you enter the makeover section from the menu you can customize your Platinum hostesses to change their style stats. The style stats are Sexy, Elegant, Cute, Funny. The customization items you put on your hostess will affect one of these styles in some way, certain items won’t affect the styles but the majority of the items do. Each customization item must be purchased seperately between each Platinum hostess, they can’t share items. If you combine certain items you will be able to obtain an S rank on three of the styles for your hostess which will greatly improve customer service during gameplay.
( SSS Makeovers
Tiara, Stars, Elegant, Pink, Flower Ring, Designer Watch, Pearl Bracelet
Pearls, Triple Necklace, Simple Bracelet
Pearl, Glitter, Leather Bracelet
Circles, Triple Necklace, Simple Bracelet
Corsage, Gaudy Rings, Brilliant, Glitter, Gorgeous Watch, Flower Bracelet
Crosses, Elegant, Glitter
( Hairstyles & Looks
Customize your hostess’ eyebrows
Customize your hostess’ eyelashes
Customize your hostess’ eyeliner
Colorize some of your hostess’ facial features
( Dresses
( Hair Accessories & Glasses
( Earrings & Necklaces
( Nails & Rings
( Watches & Bracelets
( Perfumes
Makes it harder for the hostess to lose HP
Customers in bad moods or a hostess in trouble situation no longer affects their HP
0 0 30 0 35
You need to get a Platinum hostess to level 10 for date 1, level 20 for date 2, level 30 for date 3 and finally level 30+ for the substory. Once you have met the requirement you should see this icon (Screenshot) above their head to indicate that you can date them. If it won’t pop up then simply refresh the club or start another shift.
You’ll visit a restaurant with the hostess to then have a chat that can range from Cabaret business to personal issues! You answer 4 questions before getting a result on how they enjoyed the date.
Once a date is finished the hostess you had a date with will level up a lot which is where the benefit comes into play from these dates in a customer service perspective since it will improve their stats!
( Koyuki Dating
“You’ve got to own it.”
“You must really like Yuki.”
“That’s up to you.”
“The meal’s on me today.”
“Doesn’t bother me.”
“I can fix that for you…”
“What matters is what’s inside.”
“Maybe I’m in love right now.”
“I’ll find the culprit.”
“I’ll protect you.”
“A collection of messages.”
“I feel the same way”
When you go to a Karaoke Bar after two dates with Koyuki you will have the ability to invite her over to the Karaoke Bar to sing some songs! The hostess will always sing the first song and Kiryu will be there to back it up when needed. Koyuki’s favourite song is x3 SHINE
( Kana’s “Welcoming Date”
“Let’s drink!”
“Oh, do tell.”
“Me too.”
“Give yourself some credit.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“Yeah, they’re dangerous.”
“You’re serious?”
( Kana Dating
“I dont lose at eating.”
“You must have worked hard.”
“Keep working hard.”
“You’ll never feel alone again.”
“I love solo karaoke.”
“A big eater, right?”
“How about playing it straight?”
“Why don’t you ask her?”
“You’ve really matured.”
“Manager of Four Shine.”
“I feel the same way.”
When you go to a Karaoke Bar after two dates with Kana you will have the ability to invite her over to the Karaoke Bar to sing some songs! The hostess will always sing the first song and Kiryu will be there to back it up when needed. Kana’s favourite song is ring
( Aika Dating
“Keep the drinks flowing!”
“In that case, keep drinking.”
“You should work where you’re happy.”
“It suits you well.”
“If you fall for me, you’ll only get burned.”
“That’s for you to decide.”
“You’ve got to be yourself.”
“I love the tanned look of kuro gyaru!”
“Apologize honestly.”
“I quit once before.”
“You can relieve it for me…”
“I’ll be your subordinate by then.”
When you go to a Karaoke Bar after two dates with Aika you will have the ability to invite her over to the Karaoke Bar to sing some songs! The hostess will always sing the first song and Kiryu will be there to back it up when needed. Aika’s favourite song is Like a Butterfly
( Shoko Dating
“I don’t get attached to places.”
“A bicycle.”
“You read manga?”
“I like gag manga.”
“Her gift.”
“Even straying is experience.”
“House renovation!”
“Leave the screentone to me.”
“My friend and I messed around.”
“A bar.”
“Why not enter a contest?”
When you go to a Karaoke Bar after two dates with Shoko you will have the ability to invite her over to the Karaoke Bar to sing some songs! The hostess will always sing the first song and Kiryu will be there to back it up when needed. Shoko’s favourite song is ring
( Yua Dating
“I’d love to.”
“You’re better suited to cabaret.”
“You could put on a concert.”
“I was.”
“The guy must really adore you.”
“Your prince is right in front of you.”
“That’s part of your appeal.”
“Make an Educated Guess”
“I’ll protect you.”
“Don’t abandon those fans.”
“Make me some good food.”
“Our attitude toward customers.”
When you go to a Karaoke Bar after two dates with Yua you will have the ability to invite her over to the Karaoke Bar to sing some songs! The hostess will always sing the first song and Kiryu will be there to back it up when needed. Yua’s favourite song is x3 SHINE
( Kirara Dating
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
“Try approaching them.”
“Make a Kirara Pun”
“Horse racing?”
“I always bet on the dark horse.”
“I’d gamble it on another horse.”
“Drink with them.”
“Invite Her to Karaoke”
“Why not write a book?”
“I would have encouraged you.”
“I’d like you to meet… me.”
“I think they admire you too.”
“You really looked up to Yuki”
When you go to a Karaoke Bar after two dates with Kirara you will have the ability to invite her over to the Karaoke Bar to sing some songs! The hostess will always sing the first song and Kiryu will be there to back it up when needed. Kirara’s favourite song is Like a Butterfly
( Yuki Dating
In order to unlock Yuki as a platinum hostess in the first place you must win the millionaire league
When you go to a Karaoke Bar after winning the millionaire league you will have the ability to invite her over to the Karaoke Bar to sing! The hostess will always sing the first song and Kiryu will be there to back it up when needed. Yuki’s favourite songs are ring and EURO de x3 SHINE
0 0 0 0 0
In order to start a hostess substory you must do all three dates (One for level 10, 20 and 30) then return to that hostess after doing another Cabaret shift. You are only required to be at or above level 30 to start a substory so max level is not required (40). The substory may only be available with the hostess you’ve dated three times, nobody else.
( Koyuki’s Substory
Meet with Koyuki in the Cabaret Club after your third date (And refreshing the Club) to start her substory to find her panty thief.
The actual thief will arrive eventually so you can just “Wait and see.” without consequences
Eventually you will discover the real thief here (After several others who looked suspicious). Kiryu will automatically walk up to him and start a fight with the panty thief.
This choice will only affect the next cutscene. I won’t spoil anything but it gets really strange regardless of what you pick
( Kana’s Substory
When you talk to Kana after the third date she will express her concern over friend of hers. Both of you go to the outside of Cabaret Grand to find the friend standing there being harassed by two girls and a guy.
After Kiryu steps in you will initiate another fight with just one guy (Despite it saying thugS).
After the fight, Kana will re-unite with her friend and asks her about going to the restaurant. The friend agrees but then Kiryu tells her that Kana usually takes huge orders so the friend then decided to leave her behind for another time… maybe.
( Aika’s Substory
After your third date with Aika, come hear her out and she will start the substory for you. This substory is about a hostess’s mother trying to take her out of the business. The hostess happens to be Aika’s friend and she wants her to stay in the business regardless of what the mother thinks. Aika sees talent in her friend.
A fight starts after we talked to the mother of Aika’s hostess friend. Some hosts started to harass the mother and Kiryu decided to step in to beat them up. Back at Four Shine, Aika and Kiryu brought the mother and the hostess friend along with them to have a fun night together to convince the mother that it’s a fun business.
( Shoko’s Substory
After your third date with Shoko you’re able to start her substory quest which revolves around creating a story about something really important. Something so important that the deadline is due to tomorrow! A true artist will shine in such a short amount of time.
Shoko asks Kiryu for advice and the adequate answer is Four Shine.
Shoko and Kiryu arrives at Four Shine only to discover a very interesting scene. A scene so interesting that it captures Shoko’s interest. She starts writing about it and awaits the judge’s response.
To end the substory you must return to club Four Shine to refresh the place. Shoko’s prize will be there and the girls will all crowd her out of excitement, she won!!
( Yua’s Substory
When you’ve dated Yua three times you can finally talk to her about her concern. It appears as if someone has been stalking her; trying to make things up.
To watch someone all day long is Kiryu explaining what a stalker is to Yua
You both go towards the Golf minigame building to find the stalker taking pictures of Yua, then threatening to publish the dinner recording that he had both recorded and tampered with during the start of the substory. A fight starts where it’s you VS the stalker. Kiryu took the phone away from the stalker after the fight to erase the pictures, but Yua insisted on doing it instead. But then as Kiryu walks away into the distance she admits to herself that she wants to keep them
( Kirara’s Substory
Dating Kirara three times then coming back to her will allow you to start her substory. This one is about Kirara and Kiryu suspecting that Yuki’s got a boyfriend, but a very suspicious boyfriend…
Kiryu and Kirara watch Yuki for a good while before someone walks up to her. They think the man looks too old to be her boyfriend but they follow them towards a restaurant
They both find out that the man was her dad all along and that she wasn’t planning a wedding to be with him, but she was helping her dad plan a wedding for his new wife who we later find out is a total scam!
( Yuki’s Substory
After completing every Grand Prix Championship in the game you will be able to talk to Yuki by walking into Four Shine again. She gives you a huge money bonus for your hard work then goes off, Kiryu then thinks he should give Yuki something as an appreciation gift. So he starts to ask everyone in the club about it.
Goro Majima suggests something like a gold statue as he believes it perfectly puts together what everybody suggested into one place. But when they show the others it’s not… really… what… they… had… expected…
( Headmistress’s Substories
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
You can find her in Kamurocho by Chapter 5. Talk to her to find out that she needs money donations for the Sunflower orphanage to help out the kids!
You need to pay 50,000 yen or above to progress her substory (Or 10,000 five times).
The headmistress speaks of a troubled child back at the orphanage that could be missing something precious to help him get more open with the other kids. The headmistress suggests that we give him a gift to make him more happy overall, to boost his friendly nature up a bit. I picked the first choice but the headmistress will give you the same end result even if it’s “wrong”.
After you are done with the conversation with the headmistress you can walk away from her a little bit so that a phone message from Haruka will trigger. Kiryu reads the message and Haruka suggests we give the kid the dog which he and Haruka had been taking care of about a year ago. Then Kiryu calls up Mogusa and asks if he’s been keeping track of their dog, yeah. He did!
Go to Theatre Square to find Mogusa with the little dog he promised to bring. He’s been taking good care of our dog and is more than willing to support Sunflower by giving us the dog back. Once you’ve brought the dog with you, simply go back to the headmistress’s location and give her the dog so that she can bring it to Sunflower. This is where part 1 ends.
The headmistress is needing more donations but this time it’s because she’s needing to pay some con artist for repairing a roof back at the orphanage. She asks for your help once again!
This time you have to donate 250,000 yen total, which means that you have to keep paying her until it makes 250,000 yen or above. After a short conversation, return to the same place after walking away for a bit (So the substory refreshes) to find out that she’s been scammed.
Kiryu gives the scammer a call and they decide to meet at the Champion District. Once there you will meet the con artist who scammed the headmistress, with him a yakuza member. Talking wasn’t an option so you initiate a fight with the Yakuza member who was protecting the scammer. After beating him, the scammer will say his sorry and promises to fix the roof. After a short wait you will get a text message from Haruka telling you that the roof was fixed and they sent you a letter. Return to the headmistress’s location to end the substory.
She will ask you for help one last time. Now she’s looking to give the kids a playground over at the Sunflower orphanage.
Kiryu calls the con artist again to see if he could help them out by building a playground at Sunflower. But when you’re trying to make the exchange… things don’t go as planned.
Once you go back to the Champion District you will find the con artist beat down to the ground by member of the yakuza. Defeat him to earn the gratitude from the con artist. After the conversation you will get a text from Haruka that the playground was built! Return to the headmistress to finish her last substory.
Now take the taxi to Sotenbori and get back to Four Shine. To the left of the staircase leading to Four Shine you will find the headmistress waiting. Talk to her and you’ll then be able to recruit her as a hostess for your club. She’s a Gold hostess!
( Miki’s Substory
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
In Chapter 10, take a taxi to Sotenbori and go to Cabaret Grand (North-West) to find someone playing a guitar, being harassed because according to the man talking to him, he can’t sing.
Kiryu intervines and starts a fight with the “thug” harassing the guitarist. After the fight, the guitarist will express his gratitude towards you and talks about how important music is to his life.
Still Chapter 10 in Sotenbori, go towards the middle area of Shofukucho St. and you’ll find a woman in a red jacket getting harassed by two men. Kiryu will intervene once again to stop this from getting any worse.
After the fight the woman will tell Kiryu that she’s basically good at singing but not good with playing instruments or writing lyrics. Kiryu tells her about the man Takuo Yoshioka, the guitarist. When they meet she starts singing to show him her voice. They both become the perfect complement!
After the substory is finished, simply go back to club Four Shine and standing outside is Miki in her red jacket! Talk to her and she’ll join the club to express her gratitude for helping her out.
( Yuriko’s Substory
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
Take a taxi to Sotenbori in Chapter 10 and head to the South-West part of Sotenbori to find a woman holding a knife aimed at a guy in a purple suit. She’s looking for a friend but has no idea who took her. She does however have a few suspects and gives you three photos of them.
Find Yagi close to Ebisu Pawn shop. Kiryu will ask him about the girl but he starts a fight instead. After the fight, Yagi tells Kiryu about the next guy Kajiwara who might know where she is.
Head to the golf center to find Kajiwara armed with a golf club, prepared for a fight after refusing to tell him about the girl. After the fight he tells Kiryu about the final guy Kojima.
Inside the building next to Wild Jackson you’ll find a set of stairs which you can take a walk up from. On the second floor you’ll find Kojima and his goons inside the office. After a fight with the three of them he will tell you where the girl is. She’s at Gandhara!
We found her! (Not to confuse her name with Red Jacket Miki) All you have to do is go to Gandhara and talk to the receptionist who will take you to Booth 5. There you will encounter a guy who’s been guarding Miki but he’s not sure why, he pays you the money he was given and Kiryu will take Miki to safety. He then goes back to Yuriko and tells her about everything.
If you now go back to club Four Shine you’ll find Yuriko in her checkered shirt standing outside. Talk to her and she will do her best to help you out in your business as a thanks for helping her!
( Etsuko’s Substory
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
In Chapter 11 in Sotenbori you can find the obatarian in the south Shofukucho street area. As soon as you get there she will bump into you and tell you that you were trying to act pervy towards her, but that’s not the case! Kiryu apologizes but realizes that there’s something wrong.
After talking to the obatarian, a few shop clerks walk up to the two of you claiming that the obatarian was caught shoplifting. With the conversation we realize that the obatarian is right for standing up against the accusations she’s getting from the shop clerks, and Kiryu supports her. But all the sudden a thug helping the shop clerks come into the picture to ask what’s going on. The shop clerks claim false things to make the thug attack the obatarian but Kiryu stops it at the right time. After fighting the thug and getting the proper ‘thank you’ from the obatarian, the substory ends!
Now return to Four Shine to find Etsuko standing outside, talk to her to recruit her!
( Yuka’s Substory
Achievement Unlocked! 🏆
In Chapter 13 take a taxi to Kamurocho with Haruka. Find two women in dresses who will tell you about this “cabaret killer” who attacks number one hostesses. From here you investigate.
Kiryu arrives just in time to find the cabaret killer trying to stab Yuka! He saves her life but the cabaret killer gets away! After expressing her gratitude, you will talk to her friend at the next area.
Yuka’s friend Nao will give you one suspect over at club Stardust, one of the hosts. Once you get to stardust (Automatic) you will find out that there’s nothing going on there. So Kiryu and Haruka seek out the last location of interest outside the drugstore’s parking lot.
When arriving to the drugstore’s parking lot you will find a man talk to Yuka, but she tells us that he’s no threat. After that she gets a call on her phone and walks over to the next area. We follow her (Automatic) to the substory ending to Nao, where Haruka knows who the cabaret killer is based on the *sniff sniff* smell she tracked all the time!
When you’re back at Four Shine you’ll find Yuka standing outside, talk to her and recruit her!
0 0 0 15 15
Partner shops are shops that you can partner with by giving the owners a certain amount of money. From partner shops you will earn fans directly to help you benefit on your path to the championship finale! Don’t worry about the prices as every building is really cheap in comparison to how much you actually earn from the Cabaret Club. You can get partnership with any available shop at any time. Just know that certain shops are limited to the league you’re in, unlock more shops by completing a league championship. Shops are only in Sotenbori, not Kamurocho. If the screenshots aren’t helpful enough, there are icons that pop up with two glasses on it as soon as you get close to a partner shop.
( Fresh League
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥7,000
Fans Gained: 45
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥6,500
Fans Gained: 40
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥10,000
Fans Gained: 50
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥4,500
Fans Gained: 25
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥30,000
Fans Gained: 90
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥2,000
Fans Gained: 20
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥10,000
Fans Gained: 30
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥20,000
Fans Gained: 70
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥13,000
Fans Gained: 55
League: Fresh League
Partnership Fee: ¥5,800
Fans Gained: 48
( Paradise League
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥19,000
Fans Gained: 55
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥25,000
Fans Gained: 100
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥32,000
Fans Gained: 75
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥20,000
Fans Gained: 50
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥32,000
Fans Gained: 85
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥79,000
Fans Gained: 250
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥18,000
Fans Gained: 65
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥40,000
Fans Gained: 90
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥84,000
Fans Gained: 230
League: Paradise League
Partnership Fee: ¥60,000
Fans Gained: 200
( Executive League
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥26,000
Fans Gained: 50
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥19,000
Fans Gained: 60
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥34,000
Fans Gained: 70
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥120,000
Fans Gained: 300
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥75,000
Fans Gained: 190
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥68,000
Fans Gained: 90
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥74,000
Fans Gained: 100
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥28,000
Fans Gained: 70
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥90,000
Fans Gained: 220
League: Executive League
Partnership Fee: ¥45,000
Fans Gained: 80
( Millionaire League
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥90,000
Fans Gained: 80
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥85,000
Fans Gained: 85
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥130,000
Fans Gained: 90
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥49,000
Fans Gained: 65
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥250,000
Fans Gained: 220
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥120,000
Fans Gained: 100
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥75,000
Fans Gained: 55
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥59,000
Fans Gained: 40
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥110,000
Fans Gained: 110
League: Millionaire League
Partnership Fee: ¥200,000
Fans Gained: 190
0 0 60 0 110
This section is here to help you know exactly which Steam achievements that are related directly to the gamemode and others that are somewhat related, those that can be done if you aim for some sort of completion with the Cabaret Club Grand Prix mode. The achievements are in order of how I got them to make it easier for you to know when you would get them… more naturally.
( Grand Prix Achievements
- Joined Club Four Shine. 🏆
This triggers after completing your first shift as the Four Shine manager
- Won first league championship in the Cabaret Club Grand Prix. 🏆
This triggers after getting a Win in the Fresh League Championship
- Completed the Four Shine storyline. 🏆
Triggers after the cutscene that plays when you got the very last Platinum hostess
- Lent an ear to all the platinum hostesses. 🏆
Go on a Date with every Platinum hostess (Once) by talking to them at Lvl. 10 or higher
- Registered 30 hostesses. 🏆
This requires you to have every scouted hostess, platinum hostess and substory hostess
(You can skip two of them if you have the Clan Creator Bundle hostesses)
( Other Achievements
- Completed Chapter 3. 🏆
After Chapter 3 you will reach Chapter 4 which is where the Cabaret minigame starts later on
- Possessed over 10,000,000 yen. 🏆
Should be earned as you progress through the Cabaret championships
- Completed Chapter 4. 🏆
You need to be in Chapter 5 to do The Headmistress’s substory
- Completed Chapter 5. 🏆
When you’re at the millionare league you can’t progress Cabaret until Chapter 6
- Completed 10 items on the Completion List. 🏆
Should come naturally as you progress the Cabaret minigame
- Completed 30 items on the Completion List. 🏆
Should come naturally if you do almost every Cabaret item there is
- Completed Chapter 9 🏆
You need to be in Chapter 10 to do Miki and Yuriko’s substory
- Completed Chapter 10 🏆
You need to be in Chapter 11 to do Etsuko’s substory
- Completed Chapter 12 🏆
You need to be in Chapter 13 to do Yuka’s substory
0 0 60 60 240
Go into your game menu and select Completion List, then go over to the Cabaret Club Grand Prix section to discover all the completion requirements for the mode. They’re all fairly easy to get and you won’t have to spend countless hours on them, just play, enjoy, and win! One other handy thing is that you can actually see what you’re missing by looking at the completion list. It tells you which hostesses you don’t have for example. Completing a Completion List item will grant you the EXP rewards that are displayed to the right. Cabaret Club Grand Prix typically rewards Star EXP.
( Cabaret Club Grand Prix CP
⭐️ Have 10 or more hostesses
⭐️ Have 15 or more hostesses
⭐️ Have 20 or more hostesses
0 0 0 0 30
- Can be done without any substories. Scouting and earning Platinum hostesses is enough.
The total amount of hostesses that exists is 30 if you include substory hostesses. There are 5 substory hostesses. To view my full list of hostesses go to the Hostess section, Grand Prix section or the Scouting section.
⭐️ Scout hostesses 3 times
⭐️ Scout hostesses 5 times
⭐️ Scout hostesses 10 times
0 0 15 0 20
- Enter Scouting from the Cabaret menu and pay a sum of money to search for a hostess
⭐️ Eat with a platinum hostess 3 times
⭐️ Eat with a platinum hostess 5 times
⭐️ Eat with a platinum hostess 10 times
0 0 15 0 15
- Go on a date with any Platinum Hostess, this is only available every 10th hostess level except 40 and it’s only allowed 3 times per Platinum hostess
⭐️ Partner with 10 stores
⭐️ Partner with 20 stores
⭐️ Partner with 30 stores
0 0 0 15 15
- Partner up with stores in Sotenbori that are marked with a symbol of two glasses (When you approach them). Fresh League has 10 partners and each League offers 10 more partners.
⭐️ Buy 1 dress
⭐️ Buy 5 dresses
⭐️ Buy 10 dresses
0 0 0 15 15
- Enter makeover mode after looking at the today’s shift section from the cabaret menu.
Purchase any dresses you find, more dresses will unlock as you progress through leagues.
⭐️ Buy 1 hairstyle
⭐️ Buy 5 hairstyles
⭐️ Buy 10 hairstyles
0 0 0 0 30
- Enter makeover mode after looking at the today’s shift section from the cabaret menu.
Purchase any hairstyles you find, more hairstyles will unlock as you progress through leagues.
⭐️ Buy 1 accessory
⭐️ Buy 5 accessories
⭐️ Buy 10 accessories
⭐️ Buy 20 accessories
0 0 0 0 45
- Enter makeover mode after looking at the today’s shift section from the cabaret menu.
Purchase any accessories you find, more accessories will unlock as you progress through leagues.
⭐️ Reach level 10 with a hostess
⭐️ Reach level 20 with a hostess
⭐️ Reach level 30 with a hostess
0 0 15 0 20
- Easily done with Hostess with the Mostess life skill, completing dates and doing shifts
⭐️ Earn 10,000,000 yen
⭐️ Earn 50,000,000 yen
⭐️ Earn 100,000,000 yen
0 0 15 15 0
- This will come naturally as you progress through the Leagues, then playing some more Ranking Matches to earn your sums. I recommend doing it after the higher leagues as the richer customers arrive by then
⭐️ Get 100 customers
⭐️ Get 200 customers
⭐️ Get 300 customers
0 0 0 15 15
- Your customers are the people who enter your club. Just keep replaying!
⭐️ Clear all story missions
0 0 0 0 15
- Story missions in this case does not include substories, only the Championship missions
👑 Complete the Cabaret Club Grand Prix Completion List
0 0 0 0 20
- 100% all the above