Full achievement guide in English
There are 6 achievements in this game. First achievement can’t be missed during playthough, and the others are Endings.
I apologize in advance for errors or misleads in this guide, I’m not that great in English.
Given as soon as you start the prologue.
Given if you didn’t get 4 events with Puro after the water level (or if you’re playing on Easy mode).
To make it easy, don’t thank him after you escape tail beast.
Given if you didn’t get 3 events with Puro at balcony level
To make it easy, don’t wait for Puro after white latex room
At the end of the game, when given an option choose “Leave”
At the end of the game, when given an option choose “Stay”
At the end of the game, when given an option press ‘Escape’ on your keyboard
I know that these achievements are pretty easy to achieve but I got stuck myself and didn’t know how to get one particular. I hope this guide will help someone ♥
And please do tell me if something here is missing.