My few short tips how to beat the later part of nova prospekt (Chapter 9a: Entanglement) more easily. I realize this may not be most comfortable way, but it definitely helps.
Turrets are your best ally here
1. The key part is to take these two turrets with you, those can be found at the start of first “defend yourself part” also cannot be missed since taking them is required to start “the attack”.
2. Transporting them through levels to the next “horde wave” part may not be most exciting part, but again this will help.
3. The next “horde wave” section is definitely harder, it starts after you set up the turrets, that are given at this section. If you have managed to transport those two turrets (which at this point should be your buddies) here, you should have five turrets now.
You can hold the line with 5 turrets or take your time to build some kind of scaffolding (use boxes, barrles, supply crates) to make your way to that balcony. You don’t have to hurry, the part will not start if you don’t set up the new turrets.
You can also just grenade jump to that balcony (not the safe way).
Go to the dark hallway and crouch (or not) in the corner and just wait, just like that.
The thing here is to just wait, next waves are announced by Alyx wait here until you hear her calling Gordon.
There is possibility that after hearing announce “we must have hit a motherlode of soldiers” nothing will happen, just walk in silent to the barrier and let turrets kill the soliders and Alyx will come.
4. This is the most annoying part taking those five turrets with you, take them to the end of the level, those turrets are going to be a huge help at the final “horde wave”. Goodluck