Insurgency Guide

Chicken Route Explained *ALL HAIL THE CHICKEN!* for Insurgency

Chicken Route Explained *ALL HAIL THE CHICKEN!*


This guide reveals the secrets of the all mighty chicken on the checkpoint tell mission. One can not simply play tell and ignore this shocking discovery you’re about to make.


When playing Tell checkpoint, what you wanna do is make sure the difficulty is set to ”Brutal” or elso it won’t work. You can call a vote if the diffeculty isn’t set properly yet. Then before you can go you need to assemble yourself a official speedruner set-up. This set up includes nothing more but the following:
MP5K with supressor, lassor, AP ammo and kobra sight.
AN-M14 (explosive)
Light armor

If and only IF you have these requirements you can proceed with the next step.

What you must know before you take the chicken route

Be aware that the chicken route is not just an ordinary route. Multiple people were killed by terrorists along the way, others have been lost deep inside the Tell ruins. Also note that once the chicken has been found he needs to be treated with great respect, if not it could be lethal.

Along the way you might get into a fight with a terrorist. The all mighty chicken hates terrorists. If you manage to defeat one and pick up his RPG, the chicken will be very thankfull to you.

The route

When you’re ready to fight your way to the chicken here is the guide that will lead you there:

From spawn take a left turn. Jump down and turn right through the alley.

Now speedrun to A as fast as you can and use your AN-M14 to burn the eggsupply.

When the eggsupply has been destroyed you can either exit the building on the right side and walk throught the alley or exit the building on the left side and go through the restaurant.

To get to B take the stairs next to the restaurant and make a jump to get on the plateau. Go through the window to enter the building.

When at B you need to do a so called ”vreugde pier”, you can do this by pressing ”z” on your keyboard. When you’re lucky there will be a ”counter attack”, this means nothing more then you doing yourself a vreugde pier for a minute longer.

If any geusts arrive at B please welcome them and have them do a ”vreugde pier” with you as well.

From B you need to run down the stairs and go left. walk along the bridge and through the alley on the right side of the building.

Go straight through the alley and up the stairs. Here you need to enter the chicken temple. Once inside the chicken temple one goes straigth ahead and then turns left.

Here you need to go upstairs and turn right.

Sqeeze through the first window on your left.

Now you’re walking outside. Just go straigth ahead till you get to a stairs. Go upstairs and walk through the door.

Turn left and walk straigth till you can see a stair leading to a basement. Enter this basement.

This is the secret chamber of the chicken. The chicken is not here, but don’t worry, we are almost there.

When you exit the chamber of the chicken go left and walk through the street.

After a few minutes you can see the chicken on your right side! Make sure to praise the chicken or else he will kill you.

Once at the chicken you need to use your RPG to show the chicken how much you hate terrorists. Aim you’re RPG straaight down and use it in front of the chicken. Congratulations you have now succesfully overcome the chicken route!

If you do not see the chicken you probably did something wrong along the way. Call a vote to restart the round and try again, if you’re sure you followed this guide preciesl, but still haven’t found the chicken, you can contact me and I will help you out.