Chinese Parents Guide

English Gameplay Guide(欢迎补完) for Chinese Parents

English Gameplay Guide(欢迎补完)


The English guide of the game Chinese Parents. This guide is to help foreign players to grasp the play of this game and understand the cultures and the memes behind the game.本指南也可用于制作组翻译游戏内容的参考。受本人水平限制,也恳请各位玩家对本指南中不完整的内容进行补全。



The Coconut Island Studio have just updated the progress of the English version of Chinese Parents and published two screenshots. According to the screenshots, I have changed the words below with official-used words:


Originally posted by Official Game Introduction:

Chinese Parents is a realism simulation game which depicts the growth of a Chinese child from born to grown-up as an adult, and provoke thinking of the relationship between children and their parents.

It might be the most sighing game you’ve played ever.

You, as a child born in an ordinary family in China, is experiencing a growing-up journey from born to grown-up as an adult –

How to respond to the decisions in your life?
Can you win the Mianzi when facing the occasionally-met bad boy?
Can you stand out in the gleeful talent shows?
How will you treat special opposites for you?

Last but not the least, in this era of rapid development, how many generations pass can make your goal to be achieved?

In the game, your growth is divided into 48 turns. Different from other round-based games, the turn in Chinese Parents is counting down from turn 47 to turn 00. In each turn, you may experience:

  • Brainmining 挖脑洞
  • Scheduling (Anpai) 日程安排
  • Learning and expectations 学习与期望
  • Pocket money and little store (since turn 36) 零花钱与小卖部
  • Communicate with heterosexual classmates (since turn 23) 与异性交往

And you may encounter the following events:

  • Mianzi PK 面子对决
  • Test scores 考试成绩
  • Composition fair 作文大赛
  • Squad leader election 竞选班干部
  • Chinese new-year 过年
  • Talent shows 选秀节目
  • Random event decision 随机事件抉择

In the end, you will step in the examination hall of Gaokao, the universities’ entrance test in China. You will face the end of the generation, which is divided into 3 parts:

  • Your score and the university that gives you offer
  • Your occupation
  • Your marriage

After that, you will have a baby and continue the grow-up experience on a new generation.

Click on 开始游戏 and choose the game you saved, or start a new game.


The main interface is divided into several parts:

Zone A

Click on the avatar to view your profile.
ATTENTION!! You must be aware of your “shadow in your heart”, when it reaches 100% you will collapse and lose the game!However, you can still start a new generation after that

Zone B

B1: Satisfy (父母满意度, orange): Unlocks in round 40. Your schedule will affect the value of satisfaction of your parents. The shop provides an item that raises the satisfy value.

B2: Pressure (我的压力, celadon): Unlocks in round 40. Your schedule will affect the value of pressure of yourself. The shop provides the items to release your pressure.

Notice You must control the satisfy staying high and pressure value staying low. If your satisfy value is too low, or pressure value is too high, a debuff will be trigged and raise the shadow in your heart. Too many entertainments drop your satisfy and too many studies raise your pressure, so please be work-life-balanced. Making the satisfy staying high and pressure value staying low can trig buffs to lower the shadow in your heart.

B3: Bulb (悟性): Unlocks in round 46. The property for studying skills. You can get bulbs from brainmining and some scheduling activities.

B4: Energy (行动力): Consumes when brainmining and doing social activities. Retrieves from some scheduling activities and entering a new round.

B5: Money (零花钱): Unlocks in round 36. You will receive some money from your parents every round. The value of money you can get depends on your parents’ occupation (the end of your last generation). You can also get money from the New Year event or do some working. The money is used for buying items in the shop or buy gifts to hetero friends.

B6: Toggle game settings.

Zone C

Zone C shows your basic stats. The stats are divided into 7 aspects:

  • Wisdom: Be clever. Increases by math and science skills.
  • Emotional: Be reasonable. Increases by Chinese and liberal skills.
  • Physique: Be strong. Increases by sports skills.
  • Memory: Increases by liberal and English skills.
  • Imagination: Increases by science and art skills.
  • Charm: Increases by special activities.
  • Mianzi: How your parents are proud of you. Increases by higher test score.

Talent value comes from specialty tree, your last generation’s occupation and spouse, and talent ore from brainmining.

Zone D

Click to “anpai” (arrange) your schedule and go to next round. See chapter ANPAI YOUR SCHEDULE.
Don’t forget brainmining!
距离高考还有XX回合=The remaining rounds.

Zone E

Logs that recording stat changes.

Zone F

Click 学习 in zone G2 to show available skills to be studied.

Studying skills consumes bulbs. Please note that the bulbs needed is not a fixed value; the higher corresponding stat value (See the color of text), the lower bulbs needed. Avoid destructive encouragement!

Click 期望 in G2 to show the expectations of your parents.

Sometimes your parents have expectations for you. You need to let the stat value reach the goal or study specific skills to achieve the expectations. Achieving expectations may award you stat bonus.

Zone G1

Sometimes random events may occur. You will need to handle these events.
Notice You must clear the events before you can “anpai” your schedule.

Zone G2

Functional buttons.

社交: Unlocks in round 23. Communicate with hetero buddies!
商店: Unlocks in round 36. Buy items to release pressure, unlock new ents and study routes of new skills!
事务: Hover to see submenu.

  • 索取: Unlocks in round 41. Ask your parents for new ents!
  • 打工: Unlocks in round 36. Shortage of money? Use energy on working to get some!
  • 挑战: Unlocks in round 35. Show how you are talented to your parents’ rivals! This is similar to Mianzi PK but more difficult, and get more bonus by winning the challenge.

学习: Show available skills to be studied in Zone F.
期望: Show the expectations of your parents in Zone F.

Zone H

Click on the character to toggle brainmining or exercise window.


Brainmining (挖脑洞,英文是我自创的单词, the English word is created by myself) is one of the basic plays of this game. Click on the character to toggle the brainmining window.
Mine floor: the basic value of normal ores are 2 points. Per one floor deeper, the value of normal ores increases by 3%. The mine go 1 floor deeper in every round; you can also go 1 floor deeper immediately by digging “Downstairs ore”.
Buff/debuff: Unlock in round 23. Your mood affects brainmining. Red=buff; Blue=debuff.

Click on the ore to get it and make the ores around it visible.

Normal ore: 10 Energy. Get points of specific (color-related) stat value. The points you can get depend on the floor where you are.

Talent ore: Unlock in round 45. 15 Energy. Get 1 point of specific (color-related) talent stat value.

Magnet ore: Unlock in round 40. 20 Energy. Get all the visible ores that is same color with it.

Bulb ore: Unlock in round 47. 10 Energy. Get 25 bulbs.

Downstairs ore: Unlock in round 47. Go downstairs (new mine floor) immediately and regain 50 energy. Does not appear on the mine floors that is multiple of 4.

Random ore: Unlock in round 43. 10 Energy. Randomly get any aspect of stat value, talent value or 25 bulbs.

Explosive ore: Unlock in round 43. 15 Energy. Get all the ores around.

Energy ore: Unlock in round 41. Randomly regain some energy.

Insight ore: Unlock in round 37. 18 Energy. Make all the ores on this floor visible.


After you use up your energy on brainmining, you will need to arrange, or “ANPAI” (a meme hidden here) your schedule and go to next round.

Click the green 安排 button.

When you finished your schedule, click (6/6)下一回合 to go to the next round.
The game will walk through your schedule and add 3 random daily events into your schedule. You can see them by turning pages. Some memes are also hidden in the pictures.

After that, the game progress will also be saved.

By ANPAIing schedule, you have a certain probability to get the trait (特长) of the skill. The traits can be used in Mianzi PK (面子对决) and talent show (选秀). The traits you got will also save to your trait library and gaining talent properties to your descendants.

Click 特长 to view all the traits you have collected.


In round 32, 24, 12, 04 and 00, brainmining is replaced by doing exercise. Click on the character to open the exercise.

The way to finish the exercise is shown in the picture below.


Tap or click 商店 to go to the store.

You can buy items to release your pressure, raise satisfy, get new activity methods or unlock new study routes.

You can also try your luck here. By paying 40 money, you can get a lottery ticket with 4 numbers, then come back in next round and check the prize numbers. Lottery will unlock a few rounds later after round 36.


During the game, you will encounter various events which often happen in your growth.

Mianzi PK 面子对决 (Occurs in turns 42, 36, 29, 16)

Chinese parents often social with their colleagues, friends, and neighborhoods. They will show off their position, wealth, children, etc. If their “competitiveness” is higher, they will feel proud. That is what we are saying “Mianzi” in the Chinese world.

In this game, your mom will face to some people in her social circle. Her “weapon” is your traits. Choose your traits and combat! Guide on the play is shown on pics below.

Test scores 考试成绩 (Occurs in turns 41, 38, 35, 31, 27, 20, 11, 02)

You will receive test scores during the game. The test is to inspect the skills on the 5 major subjects: Chinese literature, mathematics, English as a foreign language, science department and liberal arts.
The more skills you gained, the score is higher. The score of final test Gaokao is also determined by the skills on the subjects above.

You will also receive a mark that generalizes all the test scores: 优=A, 良=B, 及格=C, 不及格=D. It also affects your Mianzi. Getting an A will raise your mianzi, while getting a C or D will lower your mianzi.

Composition fair 作文大赛 (Occurs in turns 28, 18, 09)

Chinese students may participate in the composition fair during their study.

Originally posted by My Experience:

I remembered when I was in high school, the national composition fair is called “Chun Lei Cup”. When I was thinking about the subject, my deskmate mentioned an allusion related to that subject, then I copied everything about the allusion from Wikipedia on the paper XD

You will experience the composition fair in the game. However, it doesn’t mean you need to write something. What need you do is to choose the proper theme and technique for your essay, and catch the inspiration during writing.

Squad leader election 竞选班干部 (Occurs in turns 26, 17, 07)

Classroom of Cards! You will join the squad leader election as a candidate. During the election, the candidates attack their rivals and raise their own image. Guide on the play is shown on pics below.
However, no matter what happened during the election, the result will always hide them and is shown as “正”-count (a 正 character means 5 points). Winning the squad leader will award you 440 bulbs (in turn 26), 620 bulbs (in turn 17) or 820 bulbs (in turn 07).

Chinese new-year 过年 (Occurs in rounds 24, 08)

Chinese new year is a very happy festival for children and teenagers in China since they will receive lucky money from their eldership. The lucky money is called “红包” because the lucky money is often packaged in a red envelope. To be polite, Chinese children and teenagers cannot accept directly or over-evade the lucky money.

In this event, you will face the aunt/uncle giving lucky money to you. You need to evade just right by moving the cursor to the happy zone. If success, the lucky money will save into your pocket.

Talent shows 选秀节目 (Occurs in turns 37, 28, 22, 14, 06)

You will participate in the talent show TALENTS IN CHINA. The show will define one subject and you will need to choose one of your traits for competition.
Then, the host will announce each candidate and publish the awards. The awards are the Best Potential and Annual Final Award. If you win, your name and traits will show on screen, and you will get bulbs and mianzi after the show.

Random event decision 随机事件抉择

Sometimes you will need to face the decisions about study life. Choose from three options.

Your ideal 你的理想 (Occurs in turns 25 and 07)

(This event has no exclusive icon yet)
There is a voice in my heart that echoes: What will you be in the future?
Note The options provided are based on the study route you have achieved, and your choice in turn 07 will determine your occupation in the ending! i.e. If you want to unlock any one occupation ending, you must learn the first skill of study route that corresponding to the occupation you want before turn 07, then choose the option you want.

Other general events 其他一般性事件

The general events are some plot dialogues. By learning skills and keep a good relationship with hetero partners, some dialogues with buddies will occur. For example, when you are pursuing girls in the game, the plot of that girl will be pushed on by raising girls’ favorability. The plot will be shown in the form of dialogues in general events.


After your admission to middle school, you will be able to pay attention to hetero classmates. However, early loves are not often encouraged in China. The general views among Chinese people are that falling in love has negative effects on teenagers’ studies, so parents and teachers are often staying highly alert on students’ love behaviors and try to strangle their early love in the cradle when the early love is detected in middle school or high school. On the other hand, students falling in love also rack their brains on anti-scavenging and pretend to be nothing happens on them. They hide their communications and don’t be intimate on campus or any public areas. Nevertheless, early loves often come to nothing to them; but for the 80s and 90s in China, early loves are their important memories in their student times.

In the boys’ play of this game, you will be able to communicate with 7 different girls (3 of them comes in later) and develop their relationship. The girls will pay attention to you only when your stats meet their requirement, so the first thing to do is be better. The relationship is valued by favourability up to 100 and can be changed by your social behavior.

Tap or click on 社交 to see your classmates and do further actions.

Originally posted by My Note:

To confirm Li Ruofang’s requirements, I intentionally dropped my memory from above 1500 to under 1500 by fully ANPAIing science department studies XD

Originally posted by 李若放 Li Ruofang:

Sorry buddy, I still have something to do~

Tap or click on a girl’s avatar to communicate with her. If you are “qualified”, the girl will reply to you and you have 3 options to choose. Your choice will affect the girl’s favorability –

  • The girl feels interesting and increase the favorability, or
  • The girl feels boring and decrease the favorability, or
  • Nothing happens.

Each action will cost you 20 energy. If you do too many times, your mom will ban you from talking with girls in this turn!
What’s more, each girl has a unique plot route. By raising girls’ favorability, the plot of that girl will be pushed on. The plot will be shown in the form of dialogues in general events.
Unfortunately, even though you have full favorability, your relationship with girls will over and disappear from your life after graduation. But fortunately, you may have an opportunity to match with the girl that had the highest favourability in school life.
You can do nothing after you make the choice in the matching procedure. You fall in love and finally propose to her. So what it finally will be?