Chip’s Challenge 1 Guide

Chip's Challenge 1 Guide (WIP) for Chip's Challenge 1

Chip’s Challenge 1 Guide (WIP)


Levels, achievements, and modifications.


4/27/2019: Damn. 3 years and still not completed. Still working on it here and there…

This guide is a work-in-progress guide. This is uploaded to let you guys know that there is a guide in the making and to get feedback on the interface of the guide.

This guide will have the following:

-Monsters (complete. pictures in progress)
-Level Walkthroughs (66 levels done.)
-Achievements (8 achievements done)


Arrow keys to move. Can be changed in options.
ESC to restart level.


Music and Sounds:




It blocks you. Nothing much to say. It’s a wall.

Chip Socket

This obstacle is preventing you from completing the stage if it’s in the way of the exit. In order to go through, you must collect all the required chips in the level.


Like a trap door, but it is a trap wall. After stepping on this block and stepping out, it will become a wall. Depending on the level, it may require a restart.


Some areas can be blocked by fire. Monsters like it. Chip doesn’t. In order to get over the heat in the kitchen, you’ll need the fire shoes. Otherwise, stepping on it can fail the level.


The water can be your friend or enemy depending on the level. You can redirect monsters into the water where they will be permanently out of the way. You must have the flippers in order to go through the water. Going into the water without flippers will cause you to fail the level.


Stepping on ice will make you slide into the direction you’re going, unless it has corners that lead you to certain directions. They can lead you to your death or to the point where you have to start over. In order to freely walk on ice, you will have to have the cleats.

Hyper Field

Comes in four directions. When stepping on them, you will go into the direction it points. In some cases, you can force yourself in a certain direction when there are many hyper fields. In order to ignore the effects, you’ll need the magno shoes. Depending on the level, it may result in failing the level.


Blocks try to help you if you know how to use them. They can be used to build open cells to safely walk through. Once the block is in the water, you must step on it to make it a cell. Blocks can also keep buttons pressed. Just be careful about the walls in the area. You cannot push a block anymore if they are stuck in a corner. Sometimes blocks also have hidden surprises when you push them such as an item or something that can kill you. Depending on the level, it may require a restart if you use the blocks wrong…or killing you if you’re in the way its moving path.


The Chip



Magno Shoes
Fire Shoes



These monsters will follow a set path. Memorize the path and you can easily avoid them.


These guys are after you and will follow you as fast as they can to get you. Try using obstacles around you to slow them down.

Blue Tank

These things normally block your path. Luckily, they only move when the blue button is pressed…sometimes automatically. Time the movement and don’t touch!

Fire Ball

Fire balls only go through a set direction, which is up-right. If a direction is blocked, then it will go the opposite way such as down-left.


These little ones hug around corners and obstacles. Depending on what you grab or change, it’s path can change as well.


This machine hovers over water and goes left by default when it hits a dead end. Otherwise, it will go a different direction and follow a certain path like the spider.


These annoying buggers move in random directions in each area. Wait until they are far away from you to make a clean getaway!

Bouncing Ball

Chances are when coming across these, they are in your way in the worst way possible. They will only bounce left and right depending on the length of the straight area. Timing the movement is the best strategy in this case.

Level 1: LESSON 1

Time: 100
Chips: 11

Description: This is basically an introduction level to show you how things work. Collect all the possible keys and chips in this area. Once you collect all the chips, go through the chip socket.

Level 2: LESSON 2

Time: 100
Chips: 4

Description: This level introduces you on making land on water by using blocks. Simply push the block by walking into the direction you want it to go. Once it drops on the water, stand on the block and land is made. Start by pushing one of the blocks to the top or bottom, then push it into the water and stand on the block. Repeat the process with the last block.

You’ll come across some Spiders. These guys travel around obstacles. Stay a cell away from them and grab the rest of the chips. Go through the chip socket on the left to complete the level.

Level 3: LESSON 3

Time: 100
Chips: 4

Description: Another tutorial level. Grab the flippers below then go up to grab the cleats along with the first chip. After grabbing the cleats, get on the ice to grab the fire boots along with the second chip. Grab the magno boots on the right along with the third chip. Grab the last chip below and follow the trail to the chip socket.

Level 4: LESSON 4

Time: 150
Chips: 4

Description: As the hint says above, go grab the chips on the right by toggling the green button. Then, go get the one chip blocked by tanks by hitting the blue button to go through each path. Finally, move the blocks below EXCEPT for the middle one. There is a fire under it. After that, go through the chip socket in the north.

Level 5: LESSON 5

Time: 100
Chips: 0

Description: Start by pressing the green button to trap the ball. This will stop the fire blocks. Go back down and grab the red key. Go back up and go through the red door. Press the first brown button you come across and then the next one. Do not touch the open trap, bombs, or the hover. After the hover explodes the bomb that blocks the blue block, it is safe to go through.

Level 6: LESSON 6

Time: 100
Chips: 4

Description: This is a pretty quick level. This introduces that in few cases, there are extra chips that you don’t need to collect. Also, it introduces fake walls and invisible walls. Start by going through the fake walls on the left. Once you hit the invisible walls, try going through the fake walls on top. Then, go left and down through the fake walls and collect the 4 chips. It is impossible to collect the 4 chips on the right. However, you don’t need them. Retrace your steps back to go through the chip socket.

Level 7: LESSON 7

Time: 150
Chips: 3

Description: This level introduces teleports and the thief. Sometimes, some teleporters depend on which direction you go into. Start by taking the first tele, then head into the teleporter from the bottom to grab the flippers. Then, head into the teleporter from the top to head down again. Take the tele from the left in order to get to the fire shoes area, but DO NOT grab the shoes yet! Instead, swim across the water and go into the hyper field. From the starting area, head into the teleporter then enter the next one from the right. Grab the fire shoes, enter the tele from the left, then from the right (this takes you to the fire area) and go through the fire. Head into the first tele to head back to the area with the thief below you. Go through it, grab the last chip, and go through the chip socket.

Level 8: LESSON 8

Time: 100
Chips: 1

Description: Gravel is like your little safety zone against monsters. When digging through dirt in some situations, it can either be a death sentence or a savior. Start by going around the dirt until you can outrun the teeth. Once you outrun it, head into the center to grab that one chip. Head immediately to the chip socket on the right side and go through.


Time: 400
Chips: 9
Hint: None

Description: Now it’s time to apply what you learned so far. Start by getting the yellow key at the bottom while avoiding the fire ball. Then, go through the yellow door along getting the chip. On the hyper field, force yourself to go up and right until you break through a fake wall. Push the blocks individually to make a bridge on the water to get a red key. Grab the red key and go through the red door. For the ice area, go right, then down, left, up, left, down, right, up, left, down, then right to grab the chip. Go right again, then down, left, up, then left, and finally up.

In the next area, avoid the fire ball and head straight up to grab the blue key. Head back down to the green button to toggle the walls. Go through the blue door to grab the yellow key. Head back down again to toggle the walls. Go through the yellow door to grab the green key. Go back down to toggle the walls again and go through the green door to grab the red key. Finally, go down one last time to toggle the walls and go through the red door. Pay attention to where the fire ball is since it is on the ice trail on which you have to go through.

Head past the spiders to go below. Use the blocks to get rid of the bombs below. Be careful not to push any block in a corner! Once you clear the blocks, get the top chip that was blocked. In the bomb areas, grab the available chips and push the block up to grab a hidden chip. Head out of the bomb area and go through the open trail on the left. Follow the path and break the fake wall to get the chip. Head back to the spiders. Follow the gravel path until you are on the immediate side of the chip. Wait until there are no spiders in the top, left, right, and bottom cells. Quickly grab the chip and head back into the gravel. Repeat this for the other chip. After that, head to the top right to go through the chip socket.

In the final area, push the block on the brown button. The fire ball will move around the walls. Go through the closed trap once it is safe to complete the level.


Time: 80
Chips: 0
Hint: None

Description: This is more of a maze level, but with a short time limit. Don’t be too slow or the spider will catch up to you and you lose the level. Start by heading to the top right path. Then make a turn and go below that path. Follow the path and go down until you can only turn right. Go right and go above the fire until you see a clear path heading down. Go down that path. Turn right and follow the path up. Turn right at the fire dead end then go down. Take the first left turn then go up on the next path. Go left, up, and the exit is to your right.

Level 11: TRINITY

Time: 300
Chips: 3
Hint: None

Description: A pretty easy level. Start by going through the right hyper field then head up. Follow the path to head left and continue until you come across a hover that is surrounding a blue key. Once the hover is on the other side, step over and grab the key and leave the area.

Follow the hyper fields to get back to the starting point. From the starting point, go through the left hyper field and head immediately down. Follow the path to go left, then up, then go through the right hyper field. Head to the top and go through the hyper field above you. Follow the path that is left, then down, then up, and continue until you’re close to the fire ball that is surrounding a red key. Once the fire ball is far away, grab the red key and get out of the area.

Follow the two hyper fields that are going down, then go through the right hyper field (you should see some gravel). There is a spider that is surrounding a yellow key. Once it is safe, grab the yellow key and head out to the other side. Head up, then left through the hyper field, then straight up back to the starting point.

Open the doors and grab the flippers, cleats, and fire shoes. Use these items to follow the three different paths to get your three chips. On the ice path, head right to go through the chip socket and follow the path to the exit.

Level 12: HUNT

Time: 400
Chips: 652
Hint: None

Description: Chips galore! But beware of the two teeth on this map that are located in the center near the chip sockets to the exit. On this level, you do not have to collect all the chips. The best way to do this is to start from the outer area and work your way inside until you have enough to complete the level. Just remember, you can outrun the teeth!


Time: None
Chips: 0

Description: Just keep heading down. ‘Nuff said. You’re welcome.


Time: 250
Chips: 4
Hint: None

Description: The goal of this level is to move blocks into the teleporter to build bridges toward the 4 chips. Start by grabbing the first red key and go through the teleporter. Open any red door, except the right one, and grab the red key within the area. Repeat for the rest of the red doors, but save the right one for last as it does not have a red key inside.

Push any block within the teleporter and enter from any direction except where you pushed the block. Push the block in the next area within the water. Do this one at a time. Be careful and pay attention to where the blocks need to go! If you make one mistake, you will have to restart since you need all blocks to complete the stage. After you grab all the chips, head to the start area and go through the chip socket to exit.


Time: 250
Chips: 12
Hint: None

Description: DO NOT MOVE THE BLOCK! Now that is out of the way, start by grabbing the two keys and open the doors on the top left, bottom left, top right, and bottom right. Push the individual blocks towards the individual bombs. Grab the colored keys after. After you finished those areas, you will now have the magno shoes, cleats, fire boots, and flippers.

Go through the appropriate doors available. Each area (water, fire, hyper, and ice) will have three chips and one key. After you complete the four areas, go through the chip socket. After opening the area, now you can move the block onto the brown button and go through the last door to exit.


Time: None
Chips: 0

Description: That hint block just totally trolled you there. This place is a maze but has square areas. Here is the order to go: right, down, down, down, right, up, right, up, up, right, up, up, left, up, left, left, left, left, left, down, left, down, down, down, down, right, down, down, right, right, right, right, right, up, right, then finally down.

Level 17: NICE DAY

Time: 100
Chips: 46
Hint: None

Description: A beautiful day wouldn’t you say? Thought so. Anyways, start by immediately going to the left until you come across chips. Then, follow the trail of chips as you collect them. Head up until you come across the green walls, then left. Collect the two groups of six chips. Once you collect the last one, head immediately to the top left and go through the chip sockets.


Time: 600
Chips: 0
Hint: None

Description: The goal of this level is to cross across to the castle. Make your way to the right and go up. Notice the two cells of water that is between you and the other side. This is where you will build your bridge to get to the other side.

Start by following the path to go to the bottom left. Push the blocks to start getting rid of the bombs. You will have plenty of blocks to work with but be careful not to use them carelessly! Remember, the only amount of blocks in the water you need to get across is 2!

Level 19: DIGGER

Time: 210
Chips: 146
Hint: None

Description: This is a pretty fun level. Collect all the chips along the trail except the ones that are across from the teeth. Save those for last. After collecting all the chips except the ones that were near the teeth, dig through the dirt to try and lure the teeth away from the chips.


Time: 400
Chips: 15
Hint: None

Description: For this level, you do not have to collect all the chips as there is no chip socket. First off, watch for the spider that comes below you at the beginning. If you wish, collect all the 8 chips in the area before going through the teleporter on the bottom right area. After that, time your moves to avoid the tanks and go through the green walls to grab the red key. Head back to the teleporter, but go through the red door. Go through the hyper field, go through the ice path to grab the fire shoes, and, if you wish, grab the four chips surrounded by the fire.

Go through the ice path again and through the hyper field. Follow the path and wait until the ball goes back to the left. Instantly follow the ball to the left until you see an open cell above you and move up. Follow the path to cross the hyper field and fire. You’ll be near a yellow door. Head left and go through the hyper field and grab the chip. From the right, stand on the third cell where the tanks are below you. Once the tanks stop, immediately go below them to grab a yellow key. Repeat the process (on the same cell) to head back up to where the chip was.

Stand on the leftmost cell. Once the ball above you moves to the right, immediately head straight up and go through the yellow door. Go through the exit to complete the level.

Level 21: ICEBERG

Time: 150
Chips: 9
Hint: None

Description: You are probably confused on where to start to put the blocks. To get the chips, place a block on the third cell from the right of the connecting ice. Keep pushing blocks along the way until you get on the land with the 9 chips. Head back to the starting point and push the blocks on the ice that is connecting to the land until you reach the land with the exit. Go through the chip socket to complete the level.


Time: 300
Chips: 8
Hint: None

Description: This is an annoying level. As the level name states, you have to force yourself to where you want to go on the hyper fields. Although the hyper fields have a path, you can actually get off the path to a different one. Move towards and force yourself to get the required chips and to the exit.

Level 23: BLOBNET

Time: 500
Chips: 88
Hint: None

Description: This is the level that makes almost all players ragequit and not come back to the game. For this level, I recommend using the classic sprites, but keep the scrolling animation option!

Before grabbing the chips, make sure that no blobs are around the chips. Once there are no blobs around a chip, grab them and head back into the gravel. Remember, it’s your safety zone.

In order to get into the next row of chips, you will have to cross over cells. Again, make sure no blobs are around as you cross.

With New Sprites: If you’re that hardcore or just want to play the game as it is, follow the same advice above. However, this is harder since the animation of the blob can confuse you. The best thing to do is to wait until the blob is two cells away from the chip. If after 10 seconds the blob is not two cells away, just make sure that the blob is not around the chip. Grab it quickly then head back into the gravel.

Level 24: OORTO GELD

Time: 550
Chips: 48
Hint: None

Description: Thought you would get a break from blobnet? Eh…yes and no. Notice the two hovers to the right that are moving. There are green buttons around. First, start at the left area. Put the first block on the bottom left of the green button. Then, push up the first block on the top all the way up against the wall. You can now go through the green walls after they’re open for half a second. However, each area has a hover, so be careful! You have plenty of time on this level. The time it takes to open and close depends on when the green button is pressed or if you pressed it yourself.

Level 25: BLINK

Time: 600
Chips: 28
Hint: None

Description: This is another maze level. For this one, I would keep going up-down through the teleporter until you can collect all chips without entering a new one or from a different direction. After collecting all the chips (7), keep going up and down through the teleporter until you are in the chip socket area. Go down and go through the next teleporter and keep going down-up until you collect all chips. After collecting those chips (9), go down-up on the teleporter until you come across one where you can enter to the left. Go through the teleporter right-left until you collect all chips. After you collect those chips (6), go right-left until you can enter the teleporter up. Keep going up-down until you come up and to your left is another teleporter. Go left-right to collect the last six chips. After collecting the last chip, go left-right until you exit in the left direction and can go down to the teleporter below you. Keep going down-up until you head away from the chip socket. Go down to the teleporter below and keep going down-up until you can go through the chip socket.


Time: 300
Chips: 170
Hint: None

Description: The only thing that should annoy you on this level is the ant, so deal with it first before you complete the level. Try collect all the chips until it is in a small area. Collect them one by one carefully until it corners itself into a cell. Head down below, but DO NOT collect the chip near the red button. That will be the last chip you will collect before completing the level. Follow the trail of chips from the bottom left to the bottom right and middle. When you get to the area with the bouncing balls. time it when it heads immediately away from you then collect the chips. After collecting all the chips except one, collect the last chip then head immediately through the chip socket (watch out for the stray bouncing ball!).


Time: 200
Chips: 6
Hint: None

Description: A pretty simple level. Start by pushing the blocks, starting from the ones on the left side, into the water that leads to the flippers. You will need all blocks. After grabbing the flippers, go onto the hyper field and force yourself on the left to press the blue button once. Continue through the hyper field until you’re back on the left side. Go grab the fire shoes on the right side. After grabbing the fire shoes, go on the hyper field and force yourself on the areas with chips. Get the last chip by going through one of the cell blocks, going into the water to grab the chip, then exit over the other cell block. Get back on the hyper field again to hit the blue button once. Head back to the chip socket and go through to exit.

Level 28: PING PONG

Time: 300
Chips: 22
Hint: None

Description: Very tricky and very annoying. Start by going on the hyper field and keep heading down until you hit your first chip. Quickly get out of the way of the bouncing ball. The goal is to make a bridge across the water using blocks to get to the other chips on both sides. Yes, there are two sides you have to do this with. Pay attention to where the bouncing balls are and be careful. Once you grab all chips, head back to the top to the exit.


Time: 400
Chips: 5
Hint: None

Description: Not as difficult as it looks but annoying. Build a bridge on the first area across anywhere EXCEPT the top row. For the next one, build a bridge across in any area. For the third one, build a bridge with the three blocks on the top row towards the chip socket. Before stepping down to the block area, watch out for the ant. Start following the ant behind and push the bottom block to the left. Head immediately into the lower right corner until the ant falls into the water. Build a bridge in the middle where there are two cells with water in between them. Watch out for the next ant in the area. To get rid of it, push the middle block down once the ant is below it, then push the left block down to get it into the water. Make a bridge to go to the left area and get on the ice while you watch your step on the cells. The ice will lead you to get some flippers. Grab the flippers and head back to the area where the other chips are by going through the water and ice path. Do not directly get back on the ice path. Grab the chips and head back to the chip socket. Swim to the left until you reach the exit.

Level 30: MISHMESH

Time: 600
Chips: 36
Hint: None

Description: A fun and easy maze level. Just be sure to go through as many fake walls as possible to track your progress in this level. Although you have enough time, save the chips near the chip socket for last so you can easily navigate to complete the level.

Level 31: KNOT

Time: 30
Chips: 118
Hint: None

Description: This is more of a time trial level. You have to collect ALL the chips on the map within 30 seconds. There is no room for error or a single pause on this level. Here is the quickest way to collect them. The directions are until you either hit a hyper field or in the center of fire: up, right, down, left, down, right, up, right, down, down, left, up, right, right, up, left, up, right, down.


Time: 600
Chips: 3
Hint: None

Description: A long, but pretty easy level. This is a trial and error maze level. The only way to collect the chips is to collect the required shoes for them, which is the flippers, fire shoes, and magno shoes.

Level 33: ON THE ROCKS

Time: None
Chips: 9
Hints: None

Description: On this level, you can take a breather from rushing, as there is no time limit. However, don’t waste your time trying to cover all of the water. Focus on making bridges first to the first two chips in the south, and head back up to make the land bigger. Be careful not to push the block on the red button if you’re in the way!

Level 34: CYPHER

Time: 350
Chips: 14
Hint: None

Description: A fairly easy and straightforward level. Just follow the trail to collect the chips and get to the chip socket. After collecting the last chip, just watch out for the spider at the top.

Level 35: LEMMINGS

Time: 600
Chips: 10
Hint: None

Description: The majority of this level is playing the waiting game. As the title states, the fire balls are just like lemmings. Start by going down below and go near the blocks. Push one of the blocks to the side of the two fire balls on the right. Then, grab another block and push the block on the left side above the left wall. Push the block on the right one cell to the right. Slowly, the fire balls will be heading into the water. You can walk around outside of the fireball area to get a good idea of how many there is left. If the fire balls on the left are still there and all the ones on the right are gone, push the left block towards them to the wall that is above the chip socket. They should slowly head into the water. Remember, the fire ball movements are right up. If no right up exists, then it will go left down respectively.

After most of the fire balls are cleared, collect the chips. Before touching the chip socket, pay attention to the last fire ball beyond it!

Level 36: LADDER

Time: 350
Chips: 28
Hint: None

Description: A pretty easy level but a bit time consuming. Start by going into the top path to collect the blue key, head down to the middle path and press on the brown buttons and then get off of them. This will move the blue tanks to the left side and close the traps so you can walk over them. Repeat until all blue tanks are on the left. Once you get up to the tank with the chip across the brown button, quickly grab the chip and head down. Go to the left area and using the green button, go through the path to push the blocks onto the brown buttons. Repeat until all the traps are closed to collect the two chips on the top and bottom area.

Head back to the starting point and collect the chips in the top area from top to bottom. Head to the bottom area to collect the remaining chips in the middle and grab the blue key. Head back up to the starting point and go through the cell block to grab the red key and to go through the blue door. Head back to the area where you got the blue key to go through the red door and through the chip socket.


Time: 800
Chips: 56
Hint: None

Description: Another time consuming level. There are plenty of blocks on this level to use, but you’ll only have room to mess up on 2 of the blocks. If you mess up on more than two or get more than two stuck, then you will have to start over. The goal is to push one block in the water that is across from the chips. Be sure to not push any blocks to the side of any other block, and try not to get a block stuck in a corner. You have plenty of time on this level, so there should be no need to rush.

Level 38: SAMPLER

Time: 500
Chips: 1
Hint: None

Description: This is an annoying level. Start by grabbing the green key and going through the teleporter until you come across a room with a green door. Go through the green door to grab the magno shoes. After that, go through the teleporter until you see a blob. Go across the hyper field to grab the chip. Go through the teleporter until you see a spider and a chip socket. Once the spider is on the other side, quickly go through the chip socket to grab the red key. Go through the teleporter until you come across a fire ball. Go through the red door to grab the blue key. Go through the teleporter again until you come across an ant. Go through the blue door once the ant is on the other side and grab the fire shoes.

Head through the teleporter until you come across a blue tank. Go over the fire to grab the flippers. Go through the teleporter again until you come across a teeth monster. swim over the water to hit the green button. Do this quickly or the teeth can corner you. Go through the teleporter to get into the hover area. Grab the yellow key once the hover is far enough from you. Finally, head to the area with the bouncing ball and go through the yellow door to exit the level.

Level 39: GLUT

Time: 20
Chips: 29
Hint: None

Description: A trick level. Just walk in between the two teeth areas down and go through the chip sockets. ‘Nuff said.


Time: 200
Chips: 0
Hint: None

Description: Annoying level ahead. Do not freely go through the hyper fields. You will have to go against them, as in move yourself away into certain areas. Start by going through the middle hyperfield heading up and try to go through the bandit to grab the fire shoes. Go across the ice leading to land to get back to the starting area. Head through the middle hyperfield again but this time let it freely lead you to grab the flippers. Go across the ice that has two fires in front of you. DO NOT GO THROUGH THE ONE THAT WAS ACROSS FROM THE FLIPPERS! Head into the water to grab the magno shoes that is across from the bandit. You can skip going for the cleats if you wish. Go through the ice, fire, and hyperfield to exit the level.

Level 41: I.C. YOU

Time: 250
Chips: 60

Description: The hint just gave you the answer to this maze puzzle. How nice. First, grab the chips you can in the spider area, then go through the teleporter. From the same teleporter, go right and push the block up. Go up in the other area to grab the chips. On the same teleporter, go down and push the block to the left. Go down to grab the chips. Go through the teleporter from the bottom. Push the block to the right. Go across the ice to grab the chips. Enter the teleporter heading to the left. Push the block down then head left to follow the path to grab the chips.

Back at the teleporter where the hint block is, enter it from the right. Push the block down then go left to collect the chips. Enter the teleporter again from the bottom. Push the block to the right. Go left through the teleporter. Push the block down and grab the chips in the area. Go up through the teleporter and push the block to the right. Follow the path up to grab the last chips. Go through the teleporter and go through the chip socket.


Time: 300
Chips: 27
Hint: None

Description: This is a trial and error level. At the first chip you come across, stay in the top left corner so the ant can pass. At the second chip when you grab it, stay where you are until the fire ball passes through. At the third chip when you grab it, stay where you are until the spider passes through. This may take a little longer than the other two. At the fourth chip when you grab it, stay where you are again for the hover to go through. At the fifth chip, stay in the top left corner until the ant passes through. After that, it is safe to go through the maze freely to grab the chips.

Level 43: LOCK BLOCK

Time: 200
Chips: 0
Hint: None

Description: An aggravating trial and error level. Start by going right. Wait for the bouncing ball to head up and go into the cell on the side. Once the bouncing ball is far below, go into the cell with the red key. Make your way back down and back to the starting point. Go left and push the block off, then hurry and push the right-most block into the water to grab the fire shoes and blue key. Open the red door so you can have access to the blocks. Push the blocks inside the water to get on the other side. Go through the cell block trail to grab the next red key and use the hyper field to exit. Open the red door nearby to get access to the blocks. Push the top-right block down once, then push the one on the left into the water. Push each block up one at a time into the water.

Time your movement in the hyper field with the bouncing ball to pass through it. Go through it once the ball is on the left side. Grab the red key and go through the cell block to get back to the previous red door you passed. Push the blocks into the water to get into the other side. Go through the fire to grab the red key, then open the blue door to get access to the blocks. Push the top-right block down, then the top-left one to the right. Push the one down below into the water, then push the last two, one at a time, into the water. Finally, open the red door to the last set of blocks to push into the water in order to go through the exit.


Time: 300
Chips: 32
Hint: None

Description: This may take a few tries. On this level, you cannot waste any time. You have to be fast, but careful at the same time. On each of the two sides, there are 16 chips that are divided to 8 on the top and bottom. You will have to use the available green and blue buttons to open the walls and move the tanks respectively. Start on doing the west side first, then save the east for last. If you collected all the chips but have 10 seconds to spare, you can still make it to the chip socket.


Time: 300
Chips: 0
Hint: None

Description: Yeah I can’t blame you if you mute. Anyways, start by heading to the spiders and press the red button to spawn a block. Push the block onto the green button to completely block the spiders from moving and spawning. After that, use the blocks to create a path to grab the Fire Shoes and Magno Shoes. Head towards the next area to the right. Build a path that leads to the blue botton on the left. Press the blue button at least once.

After that, head back to the starting area and go east. Go north to the bouncing balls area. Use the blocks to create some land on the top left of the block area. After that, push one block towards the bouncing balls to block them. BE CAREFUL not to block the path on your way out! Head back down where the fire was and go east to grab a block to push into the fire room. Move the block to the right until you see a red button. Push the block onto the red button. Be careful of the fireballs to make sure they don’t go onto you!

If the exit is blocked, just hit the green button once and go back to where the Bandit is. If there are no swarmers, then it’s safe to go through. If not, backtrack and see if you missed an area. Go through the Bandit and go right to grab a block to push into the water to head into the checkpoint.


Time: 250
Chips: 14
Hint: None

Description: Don’t worry. You won’t have to interact with the monsters on your left. Start by grabbing the red key, but do not open the red door yet. Instead, go down straight on your far left into the ice path. Grab the green key and fire shoes. From there, head left into the ice path to grab the flippers, blue key, and one chip. Head up to the ice path on the left side to grab another red key. Head back and go into the ice path that leads you to open the red door. Head up again to go in the fire, and up again to grab the yellow key and a chip. Go to each ice path on the right to grab two chips. Retrace your steps to head back to the beginning of the level with the four doors.

Go down in the far right of the ice path to land in some water. Open the blue door to grab a blue key, a chip, and the magno shoes. Go through the yellow door and grab all the chips you see and a yellow key. DO NOT press any green buttons! Retrace your steps back to the entrance one last time. Go through the doors, grab the last chip, and go through the chip socket to enter the teleporter. The path on the far left will lead you to the exit.

Level 47: PIER SEVEN

Time: 300
Chips: 4
Hint: None

Description: As the title states, you have 7 block scattered on this level, and you will have to make a “pier” to get to the chips across the water. Head south until you come across the chip socket. Go left and go above the ice area. Go up one cell where there is water to your immediate right. You will use the 7 blocks to build a bridge over the water towards that empty cell that is in the water.


Time: 300
Chips: 6
Hint: None

Description: This is an annoying level. First, grab the one chip at the starting area. DO NOT GRAB THE CLEATS! Go through the middle bandit square and grab the cleats. After that, go down and follow the hyper field into the ice area. DO NOT GRAB THE FLIPPERS! Instead, go through the ice to grab that one chip. Watch out for the three bouncing balls. Go into the middle bandit square and grab the flippers. After that, force your way up and left to go into the water area.

Grab the two chips in the area and go right and grab the fire shoes. Force your way up and right to go into the fire area. Go right to grab that one chip and magno shoes. Head down before the fireballs come back and grab the one chip. Go back to the start and grab the cleats. Enter the warp pad from below to go grab the flippers. Head up again into the hyper field but avoid the bandits. Go left and wait for the two hovers to pass. Go through the chip socket to end the level.

Level 49: PROBLEMS

Time: 200
Chips: 23
Hint: None

Description: Don’t we all have them. Anyways, you’ll have to collect all the red keys without any delay. Start by heading down and work your way to the left collecting all the keys you see. Then, start heading up to collect the two keys then head to the right to collect the rest. At the chips, don’t worry about collecting them all at once before the balls open up. Collect them carefully and take your time to see where the balls are about to be blocked. Be sure to start collecting the chips from the right to the left. After that, head to the left side and cross your way to the gravel area. Once the ant is heading into the hyperfield, head straight to the checkpoint.

Level 50: DIGDIRT

Time: 350
Chips: 16
Hint: None

Description: Another tricky level with trial and error. The best advice I can give is go right then work your way down to the wall, then left, then up, then right until you collect all possible chips. Head down to the middle then work your way to the left. If a monster ends up heading towards you, just try to avoid it by going through as much dirt as you can while heading back to where you’re at. Take advantage of trapping them in small dirt tunnels if you can!

Level 51: I SLIDE

Time: 750
Chips: 13
Hint: None

Description: A maze covered entirely in ice. Here are the locations of the chips from the main area you start.

top left:
up(1), up(2), right, down(main)

bottom left:
left(3),down(4),down, left(main)

bottom center:
down(5), up(6), left, left(main)

bottom right:
right(7), down(8), down(9), up, right, up(main)

bottom right:
down(10), left(11), up, up(main)

top right:
right(12), down(13), left(main)

top center:
up, up(exit)


Time: 400
Chips: 2
Hint: None

Description: Not as hard as it looks. Start by going through the bottom hyper field (not in the spider path) then head up to the top hyper field. Instead, force yourself the opposite way until a path is clear on your side from the fire balls. For the left side, simply go through the trap walls and grab the chip. Push the block in the water to cross over back to the beginning. For the right side, do not go through the trap walls yet. Instead, go above the hyper field and go in the center above it, but do not go farther than that. Do that until the fire balls are below you from where you came. After that, go through the trap walls to grab the last chip and head through the chip socket to exit.


Time: 500
Chips: 0

Description: I had so much trouble with this stage that I had to end up looking up the solution. Basically, IGNORE THE HINT! You don’t have to go through the trouble to move them to trigger the door. Instead, head to the green switch area by following the path down. You will need two blocks for this. At the green button area that is surrounded by ice, move one block up across the left-most ice path for it to head into the water. After that, move the second block through the hyper field, go through the hyper field to move the block into the water. Step on the switch once again and make your way back down and through the path back to the exit.

(Credit goes to Chip’s Challenge Wiki on YouTube

Level 54: GRAIL

Time: 350
Chips: 68
Hint: None

Description: Do not worry too much about the hyper fields. First things first, go through the teleporter, but force yourself down so you can get out of the hyper field. Do not grab the chips yet. Instead, head right and grab the fire shoes. In the area you will see a green key and two blocks. Grab the key then try to move the first block into the hyper field pointing to the left. Get into that hyper field so you can push it in the water.

Head back to that same area and do the same thing, except push the next block down into the water so you can have access to the red button. Keep pressing the red button until you get blocks near you to push into the water to grab the flippers and red key. Head down to grab the yellow key.

Head back into the chip area and carefully grab the chips while avoiding the alien swarm. Head through the teleporter from the bottom and force yourself to the left to go through one of the doors. Go through the chip socket to exit the level.


Time: 100
Chips: 30
Hint: None

Description: This is another level where you have to be both careful and quick. First off, push the block to the right of you into the bomb to grab the chip. Head up to the moving tanks and time the movements to grab the blue key and fire shoes. This can be tricky and hard since you’re one cell away from death. After grabbing the fire shoes, head back down and go to the bottom right. ONLY PUSH THE BLOCK AT THE BOTTOM to grab the chip! Two of the blocks have a bandit under them.

Head to the left through the fire and push the block in the fire to get a chip. Head into the large chip area and grab all the chips. If you have 10 left to collect, you’re on the right track. Go through the blue door and grab the three chips nearby. Don’t worry about the fourth one and the fifth one that is surrounded by a wall. Head up into the gravel and grab the chips across, but watch out for the bouncing balls. Push the two topmost blocks to the left, then the second-to-last bottom one to the left to grab a chip, and move the block above you up to grab the last chip required. Head across the bouncing balls to the chip socket to exit the level.


Time: 250
Chips: 8
Hint: None

Description: This is another trial and error that you must take notes on. Luckily, I did them for you. First off, focus on the bottom left area, but watch out for the bouncing balls. Go through the hyperfield heading downwards. After you hit the switch, head down. NOTE that there is a possible death since there is a bouncing ball right on the path you get off to. This is why you should do this area first. If you aren’t dead when you get off, go through the next empty cell to your right onto the ice path. It will direct you to a teleporter to grab a chip. Head up to go back to the previous area.

Head up once the ball goes up and stand on the next cell to the right. Go into the gravel and you’ll be safe from the ball. Cross over the ice to get the first chip you see, then from there, head down. Once the bouncing ball heads to the right, go cross over to the next cell that is on the bottom. Head down and you should head through a teleporter go get a chip. Head down again to get back to the next area.

From the same cell that leads to the teleporter, head to the last cell on top to your right to cross over to get a chip. After that, head to the cell before you and go on the ice path to grab the other chips. Head back to the starting area. Cross over the ice on the top right to grab the last chip then head back to land.

Once you have all the chips, go through the middle chip socket to your left to grab the cleats. Make your way to the exit you saw earlier.


Time: 400
Chips: 35
Hint: None

Description: This level is literally a “walk in the park.” Just find your way through the mazes and collect the chips. The only thing you need to worry about is watching your step and not step into the trapped monsters.


Time: 600
Chips: 9
Hint: None

Description: This is a very annoying level. This is due to the bouncing balls being in your immediate path in most areas. Start by going through the hyperfield to your left and follow into the teleporter. Once you head downward from the teleporter, force yourself to the right until one of the fake walls open. Be careful of the bouncing ball to your right!

Once it is safe to cross, start travelling below the flippers and turn up. Watch out for the next bouncing ball going across. Head above the bouncing ball until you come across the starting area. Start feeling for the invisible walls. After each wall you hit, head above the bouncing ball. There should be a clear path that leads you to getting the flippers, being the third cell from the left of the fake walls. Grab the chip. There is a path opened to the right of the chip to swim across.

From here on out, be careful and take your time. You have plenty of time for this level. Keep bumping into the fake walls to your right until you can go through one into the hyper field that leads you back to the starting area.

Go back through the same hyperfield. Once you’re above the first set of fake walls, go through them until one opens up. Watch out for the bouncing ball that will be right below you! You can force yourself to the left while waiting for the ball to move. Head to the right cell of the one below you to be safe from the first bouncing ball. Once the bouncing ball to your right goes downward, follow it straight down and turn left once you get to a large area. Do not go into the bottom row yet! Once the bouncing ball on the bottom is to the right of you, get on the path and head all the way to the left then go up. Get in the water to grab the chips from the side. Head up until you come across the first bouncing ball in that area. Once it moves to the right, head up and go through the cell to get back on the hyperfield.

In the hyperfield area going downward, force yourself to the left until you can go through. There are no bouncing balls in this area so you can relax a bit. Walk into the paths until you can grab the chips. Head back into the hyperfield area. Once you come across a bandit above you from heading into the starting area, force your way up until a path opens through and go through the ice path. On the hyperfield heading downward, force your way to the left until a path opens up. In this area, you only have to worry about one bouncing ball going up and down. DO NOT GO THROUGH THE BANDIT! Head to the top and go across and get on the side of the bouncing ball with the fake walls. When it’s safe, go through until you can go through a path to grab the last chips.

Head back to the starting area and get on the first hyperfield until you come back to the area with the chip socket.


Time: 400
Chips: 8
Hint: None

Description: Although there is plenty of time for this level, you will have to rush this one. Start by heading down in the ice path. After you get off, head up and go over the switch in the ice path. You will grab a red key. Head down then left immediately. Go through the trap wall and grab each chip to your left and work your way down. For the last chip, wait until you see a hover heading away from you before you grab it. Follow the trail to grab the boots and hit the brown switch. This will release the teeth monster so keep moving. Go through the second-to-last path at the end on the top. There will be alien swarms moving. If there are none around the trail to get to the teleporter, go through the fake wall and make a run for it. You will complete the level.


Time: 294
Chips: 12
Hint: None

Description: A maze with a trial and error. Important notes: DO NOT go through the trap wall and DO NOT go through the first yellow door! Start by going on the left side by collecting all the chips you can. Then head on the right to collect the other chips. When you’re going down and see an open green wall, go through that wall. On the right, collect all the chips you can and get the blue key. Go to the other side, outside of the invisible walls, to grab all possible chips and the flippers (you do not need the flippers to complete the level, but they are for another achievement). Once you see a trail open going into the hyperfield, get on it and force yourself to the right to grab what you can. Head back to the starting area by going back into the hyperfield.

Repeat the steps to head back to the invisible walls area and go through the second yellow door, the one with the blob inside. Be careful of the blob and continue heading right to go through the blue door to grab the chips. Head back and head left of the exit and go through the fake walls that house the spiders. Once the spiders are from a safe distance, get in and follow the trail. After the spiders leave the room, grab the last chip that is on the bottom-left of the fire area. Head back and fight your way through the hyperfields to complete the level.

Level 61: RINK

Time: None
Chips: 16
Hint: None

This is a difficult maze level. While you have plenty of time, doing this by yourself takes an eternity. Luckily, I did the work for you. Just move in the following directions to get these chips and head to the exit:

First three chips: up, right, up, down(1), down, left, down, left, right, right(2), up, up, right, up, up, right(3)

Chips 4, 5, and 6: right, up, right(4), right, up, down(5), right, down, down(6),

Chip 7: up, up, right, up, right, left, down, down, right, right, left, down, left(7),

Chip 8: right, up, right, right, left, up, up, left, up, left, left, up, down, left, down, down, left, left, left, down, right, right, down, right, down, down(8),

Chip 9: down, right, right, down, up, right(9),

Chip 10: left, down, down, left, left, up, left, up, left, left, down, left, down, down, right, down, right, right, right, right, up(10),

Chip 11: down, left, left, left, up, up, left, left, down(11),

Chip 12: up, right, right, right, right, up, up, left, up(12),

Chip 13: down, right, down, down, left, left, down, down, right, down, up, up(13)

Chip 14: down, right, right, right, up, up, left, up, left, up, left, up, left, left(14)

Chip 15: right, right, up, up, left, left, down, left, down, down, left, down (15)

Chip 16: up, left, up, up, right, up, right, right, up, down, down, right, down, right, down, right, down, down, left, left, left, down, down, left, left, down, left, left, right, down(16)

Exit: down, left, down, right, down, right, up, up, right, right, up, up, left, go through chip socket.

Level 62: SLO MO

Time: 300
Chips: 0
Hint: None

Description: An annoying level. In order to complete this level, you will have to get to the checkpoint before the Teeth catch up to you. Take advantage of the trails of open cells around you to get there before them. The checkpoint is on the top right area.


Time: 500
Chips: 7
Hint: None

Description: As you examine the level, you wonder which row you should start with. Start with the first row of water at the bottom to get the chips. Use the red button above the water trail to spawn a block to push in the water. Be aware that the higher you go up, the more blocks that activate.

After collecting all but one chip, head into the hyperfield and head to the bottom right for a new area. Go over the red button, wait for the block to pass, then grab the chip. After the path above the chip is clear, go over and push the block away to go through, then head across the other ice path to go through the checkpoint.

Level 64: SPOOKS

Time: 600
Chips: 41
Hint: None

Description: This is a level where you have to be really careful. The goal is to go through the dirt in order to gather the chips without digging to a cell that is adjacent to Teeth, that means opening a cell to the immediate left, right, above, and below of Teeth. They cannot get you if the cell is diagonal from them. Luckily, you have enough time. However, be sure to keep up where you got the chips and you exhaust all the dirt areas to collect all chips. After that, race to the bottom left as much as you can without opening a trail for Teeth to get to you. You will have to dig through those Teeth areas in order to exit.


Time: 500
Chips: 51
Hint: None

Description: A huge maze level that can confuse you. Just be sure to push the blocks where they do not block your way of getting the chip or pushing another block, and you’ll be fine. To get to the checkpoint, just follow the edges/curves of the icepath to get there.

Level 66: VICTIM

Time: 300
Chips: 12
Hint: None
Description: “And that moment Chip knew…he *****ed up.” This level is literally a troll level that will probably take many tries. It depends on luck and timing, so I wish you the best. Anyways, start going down through the warp and head to the right for about two seconds then go up. Avoid the teeth and grab as many chips on the left as you can (max you can grab is 5 but I recommend just getting 4). After that, head to the top then right then down to outrun the Teeth. After that, head left for a few seconds then up, then avoid the Teeth. Grab the next set of 4 chips if you can. Outrun the Teeth for a good while and grab the fire shoes. Go through the warp. If you’re still safe, try to get to the left side of the room and enter the warp pad from its left side. Go ahead and take a breather, then grab the 4 final chips you need.

Get on the left side of the block. Push it to the right and right after, go down to hit the green button again to close the blocks. Use the green buttons to enter through the top (DO NOT GO ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP! IT’S A TRAP!) and go through the chip socket on the right side and go through the checkpoint.

Second Strategy:Another strategy is you go down to the teleport immediately and then go up. Collect the 2 chips in the room then press a green button to make the walls disappear. The teeth below should be blocked.

Collect all the chips in both sides (except the teeth ones). Push the brown block until it is between the gray blocks and blue blocks, then push it from outside.

(Thanks to Eevree for this strategy!)

Level 67: CHIPMINE

Time: 700
Chips: 28
Hint: None
Description: You can take a breather on this stage, as you have plenty of time, and it’s an easy maze to figure out. Just go against all the blue blocks to reveal paths to get the chips and go through the socket to exit.


Achievements are ordered in when they can be obtained.

Just In Time

Difficulty: Easy
Achievement Description: Completed a level with only 0.5 seconds to go
How to get: Pick any short but easy level. Once the time gets to 1, step into the exit. Don’t wait until the time hits 0 though, as you’ll lose the stage.

First Five

Difficulty: Very Easy
Achievement Description: Completed all the levels between 1 & 5
How to get: Simply complete levels 1 through 5. They are very easy.

Completed 1 to 20

Difficulty: Easy
Achievement Description: Completed all the levels between 1 & 20
How to get: Simply complete levels 1 through 20. This achievement is awarded once you complete level 20.


Difficulty: Easy
Achievement Description: Completed 20 levels on first try
How to get: Beat 20 levels on first try. If you messed up on a previous level, you can go back to that level and try again. It counts as part of the achievement when you complete the level without dying or pressing ESC.


Difficulty: Hard
Achievement Description: Completed Blobnet
How to get: Complete Level 23: BLOBNET. This is a tough stage. Since the original blobs cover two cells once moving, it is hard to tell where they will be going. When collecting the chips, be sure there are no surrounding blobs around the chips. For this stage, I recommend using the classic sprites or at least disable scrolling animation.

On The Rocks

Difficulty: Medium
Achievement Description: Completed On The Rocks
How to get: Complete Level 33: ON THE ROCKS. Luckily, this stage has no time limit, so you can take your time on completing it. However, one slip into the water can screw everything up and is a time waster, so be careful!

Completed 21 to 40

Difficulty: Hard
Achievement Description: Completed all the levels between 21 & 40
How to get: Complete levels 21 through 40. There are plenty of hard levels, such as BLOBNET, to consider this a tough one.

The Last Laugh

Difficulty: Medium
Achievement Description: Completed The Last Laugh
How to get: Complete Level 52: THE LAST LAUGH. Not as bad as the previous achievement levels, but requires a bit of time and thinking. Luckily the two chips are easy to get. Just be careful of the fire balls and the bouncing ball!

Completed 41 to 60

Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Achievement Description: Completed all the levels between 41 & 60
How to get: Complete levels 41 through 60. Not as challenging as the earlier set of levels since you probably gained experience from the previous ones.


Difficulty: Medium
Achievement Description: Completed Rink
How to get: Complete Level 61: RINK. You have an infinite amount of time to complete this level. However, this is a huge maze. Just be sure to take notes as you go!

Credits – For Level 53: TRAFFIC COP walkthrough.
Eevree – For easier strategy on Level 66: VICTIM.

Tip Jar
