Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Guide

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Unoffical Insults Guide for Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Unoffical Insults Guide


A guide on how to properly insult one’s sworn enemy.


This is a relatively short guide listing the many crude and possibly immature names you may call your fellow fustylugs.

Beginner Insults

Bespawler- meaning one who drools; someone who is braindead

Braggart- A boastful person

Churl- A fool; an idiot

Clout- One who does nothing but cause suffering

Craven- A coward

Cur- An inbred canine

Canker-blossom- An infectious ulcer

Clotpole- A rude, simple-minded fool

Coxcomb- A prideful person

Dew-beater- A clutz; one who is foolishly clumsy

Dorbel- Thick-headed; unintelligent

Foot-licker- A suck-up, a coward

Fopdoodle- A stupid and classless individual

Gnashgab- A relentless whiner; one who complains

Gobermouch- An old Irish insult; one who is nosy

Loiter-sack- One who is lazy; a slacker

Lout- An agitator

Lubberwort- A slow, simple-minded fool

Pansy- A wimp

Patsy- King Arthur’s servant

Smellfungus- A killjoy; a whiner

Smellfeast- A fat moocher

Snoutband- A loud-mouth

Stampcrab- A clumsy, big-footed fool

Swine- A pig

Triptaker- A childish whiner

Urchin- a disgusting beggar

Varlot- a worthless fool

Vassal- a slave

Wheyface- A coward

Intermediate Insults

Bedswerver- An adulterer; a defiler

Bobolyne- Tudor word for fool; simpleton

Chipotle – A rude simple-minded idiot hurling foolishness.
see Beginner Insults: Churl, Clotpole -Cleric of Nidaros Meadery

Cumberground- Useless; dead weight

Dalcop- Literally meaning “dull head”; thick-headed

Drate-poke- One who rambles in speech pointlessly; a delinquent

Fustylugs- A hag; an unpleasant female

Gillie-Wet-Foot- An old Scottish word for a swindler; a cheater

Hugger-mugger- One who is the embodiment of confusion

Joithead- A hothead, one who rushes into a situation without thinking, Leeroy Jenkins

Klazomaniac- Someone who seemingly can only communicate through shouting; a loudmouth

Muck-spout- Someone who curses like a sailor

Malt-worm- An alcoholic

Mammet- A lifeless person

Measle- A viral infection that causes sores

Miscreant- A law-breaker

Moldwarp- A stupid person

Puttock- A vulture, a buzzard

Pumpion- One who lacks personal hygiene

Quisby- A slacker

Spur-gall- An antagonistic person

Scut- A deer-ass, a deer’s tail

Skainsmate- An unsavory associate

Strumpet- A prost*tute (seems for some reason nobody liked them much)

Advanced Insults

Abydocomist- A liar

Codpiece- The piece of armor designed to protect the male genitalia (their actually quite comfortable)

Driggle-draggle- A disgusting woman

Dewberry- A fool

Flap-dragon- A big-mouth

Flax-wench- A prost*tute

Fustilarian- A time-waster, worthless

Giglet- A lusty woman

Gowpenful O’ Anything- Someone who is a collection of all absurdities

Gudgeon- A gullible individual

Haggard- A sickly individual

Leasing-monger- A liar; cheater

Loggerhead- A fool

Mumblecrust- A peasant; a filthy beggar

Raggabrash- An extremely revolting individual

Rakefire- An over-stayed guest; a moocher

Roiderbanks- A money-waster

Saddle-goose- A foolish time-waster

Scobberlotcher- A lazy good-for-nothing

Skelpie-limmer- A whiny little brat

Sorner- a moocher

Stymphalist- an unpleasant-smelling person

Tallowcatch- A womanizer

Wandought- One who is weak

Wiffle-waffle- An indecisive time-waster

Yaldson- literally meaning son of a prost*tute

Zoilist- An overly-critical nitpicker

Closing Statement

Use these comical chivalrous curses with pride and honor!