Cinderella Phenomenon: Evermore Guide

Cinderella Phenomenon Evermore: All endings & achievements for Cinderella Phenomenon: Evermore

Cinderella Phenomenon Evermore: All endings & achievements


How to get all character endings and achievements.


I loved Cinderella Phenomenon, so I just had to play Evermore right after it came out ♡ and I’ve been noting down the answers that net you a best ending as I play so might as well make use of it 🙂 First time writing a guide so I hope someone will find this useful!

There are 12 achievements: 10 for getting Best and Good endings for each character, one for getting the Best end with the right choice indicator turned off, and one for choosing all options/getting all endings (see last section).



Chapter 1

Best end
Good end
Use the sword
Use magic
The Chameleon
The Lily
Refuse his help
Take his hand

Chapter 2

Best end
Good end
Attempt to create a rose
Cast an ice spell
Join him at the piano
Patiently wait for the song to end
Suggest he go to Klaude for help
Offer to help Lance

Chapter 3

Best end
Good end
Allow him to tag along
Insist he stay at the palace
Remain silent
Assist Lance/Praise Chevalier
Remain silent

Chapter 4

Best end
Good end
Remain silent
Assist him
Tease him
Sympathize with him

Chapter 5

Best end
Good end
Stop for the cupcake
Continue walking
Scold Lance
Dismiss the apology
Kindness/I don’t remember

Chapter 6
no choices

Unlocks Best end achievement “Good Karma” & Good end achievement “Drama Llama” (love the names~). There’s 7 CGs in total, one of them in Good end.



Chapter 1

Best end
Good end
Do not write back
Write back
No/Of course I’m mad
The forest

Chapter 2

Best end
Good end
Stay silent
Ask Rod about Emelaigne’s behavior
You are right
That does not matter
He is doing well
He is under more stress

Chapter 3

Best end
Good end
Interrupt the fight
Ask Ophelia
Ask Emelaigne

Chapter 4

Best end
Good end
Something simple
Something elegant
Make a plush toy/What do you recommend?
Buy him something
Convince her to tell him
Respect her decision

Chapter 5

Best end
Good end
I am the lucky one
You are right
He is hardworking
He is caring/He is a good dnacer
What do you want to do?
Stay with me tonight

Chapter 6
no choices

Unlocks Best end achievement “Night venture” & Good end achievement “Fated vow”. There’s 7 CGs in total, one of them in Good end.



Chapter 1

Best end
Good end
Let him sleep
Wake him
Leave them be
Confront them
Break up the conversation
Tease Sinna

Chapter 2

Best end
Good end
Look for the others
Answer the boy
Adress Chevalier
Thank him

Chapter 3

Best end
Good end
Agree with him
Argue with him
Make him a scarf
Buy him a scarf
Hold off
Press him for an answer

Chapter 4

Best end
Good end
Ask Ophelia about her past
Ask for advice
Use the flowers
Use ice
Bring up Chevalier’s lessons in anatomy
Bring up Chevalier’s lessons in flirting

Chapter 5

Best end
Good end
Encourage Chevalier to speak
Voice Chevalier’s point of view
Let Chevalier answer
Answer Sinna’s question
Join the dance
Look for Chevalier

Unlocks Best end achievement “Fairytale ending” & Good end achievement “Sweet surprise”. There’s 7 CGs in total, one of them in Good end.



Chapter 1

Best end
Good end
Wait for me
Don’t wait for me
Walk around town
Stay and watch
Tell me a story
Sing me a song

Chapter 2

Best end
Good end
Comfort him
I have no preference

Chapter 3

Best end
Good end
You have no right to judge him
That is none of your business
Reason with him

Chapter 4

Best end
Good end
I will show them I am not my father
I will show them not better than Mother
Give the chocolate to the children
Give the chocolate to the princes
A deflector
A shield

(for deflector/shield it looks like neither answer is the ‘right’ choice? but deflector is the ‘correct’ choice so I went with that)

Chapter 5

Best end
Good end
You can make a difference now
There was nothing you could have done
I do not believe that is true
Candied applies

Chapter 6
no choices

Unlocks achievements Best ending “Forevermore” & Good ending “Story time”. There’s 7 CGs in total, one of them in Good end.



Chapter 1

Best end
Good end
Congratulate him
Apologize to him
Buy him a croissant
Buy him some tea
Speak up

Chapter 2

Best end
Good end
Accompany Fritz to the manor
Return to the palace
Offer him the cup of tea
Thank him for the tea
Teach me how to defend myself
Teach me how to hide

Chapter 3

Best end
Good end
Continue running/Face him head on
Dismiss Fritz’s worries
Ask him about the future
I loved him
I only ever loved you

Chapter 4

Best end
Good end
Sentence them to thirty years
Halve the sentence
Play along
Scold him

Chapter 5

Best end
Good end
I’d like to dance with you again (CG)
I’d like to search for my family
Intercept the knight
Call for help
Talk about the future
Talk about the past

Chapter 6
no choice

Unlocks achievements Best end “White haven” & Good end “Umbra”. There’s 7 CGs in total, one of them in Good end and one only shows up if you pick ‘I’d like to dance with you again’ in chapter 5.

Premonition & Avid Reader

The Best and Good endings give 10 achievements. The two left are:

Premonition – to get this one go to Settings, disable the Right choice indicator, start a new game and get the Best end (for any character).

Avid reader – see the results of all choices. A little ambiguous, it popped up at the same time as the one for my last ending so it looked like it was for getting all 10 endings, but there was a percentage/word counter thingy attached to the achievement before I got it so I think I actually got it by clicking all the options & reading all the dialogue, which I’ve been doing as I played.

And that’s it! Thanks for reading, I hope it helped 🙂 I just wish I knew how to make the tables have the same width throughout bc it looks like something chomped on them XD