Kindergarten Guide

Cindy's Storyline for Kindergarten

Cindy’s Storyline


This is a little guide for Kindergarten. Many of the puzzles and characters’ storylines require strict timing and succession of events – and I recommend you try your hardest to figure out the puzzles on your own before consulting this guide. Obviously, it contains SPOILERS.

Before School

Withdraw over $3.00 from your piggy bank so Buggs will steal from you. You only need a minimum of 75c and a maximum of $2.00 to complete this storyline – I withdrew $3.10.


Buggs will try to steal your money – accept his threat and give him half.
Speak to Ms. Applegate and tell on Buggs. She will encourage you to start a fight with him then call for her help once he starts beating you up. Do as you’re told and Buggs will be expelled. (This is important, as he is an obstacle at the very end of the storyline.)
Speak to Cindy and agree to be her boyfriend. Be polite to her and agree to put gum in Lily’s hair during morning time.

Morning Time

Do as Cindy asked and put the gum in Lily’s hair
Cindy will then want to play house with you – but if you fought with Buggs, only after you have been to the bathroom and washed your face. Interact with the classroom door, get the bathroom pass, speak to the hall monitor and enter the bathroom. Interact with the sink to wash off the blood.
Return to the classroom and play house with Cindy. This game has multiple paths to follow, some which result in death, some require or reward items. In general, just be a subservient husband and say “yes dear” and never argue with Cindy, or else. If you admit to being drunk, you will have to pay $1.00 to continue – if you deny it, you will receive the breathalyzer item.


Get some food – this can either be food purchased from Monty, free slop from the Lunch Lady, a “biscut ball” from the Janitor or the friendship nugget that Nugget gives to you. Talk to Cindy and eat your food.
Cindy will then ask for some “vegan” food. You can either give her the 75c salad purchased from Monty or a $1.00 “biscut ball” purchased from the Janitor.
Go to the Janitor’s closet and pick up the bucket of blood. Do not try to pick up other items if the bell has rang, or else the Janitor will catch you. Keep an eye on your apples!


Show Cindy the bucket of blood and agree to dump it over Lily.

Show & Tell

Show Cindy’s flower to the class. (If you haven’t gotten rid of Buggs, he will beat you to death for being ‘whipped,’ and you won’t be able to complete Cindy’s storyline.)