So once again I decided to make a guide for those of you who have trouble finding notes. Once you gather them all you get pretty interesting backstory and an even better ending assuming you get the A one. There’s a total of 14 notes scattered around the game. You can only find the 14th one if you found the previous 13 ones.Thanks a lot to everyone who suggested to give the notes their names, making it easier to know which one you were missing!
Your House
Note #1, “Dear Santa”: Your house as young Claire, beginning of the game.
Explanation: This one is hard to miss, and it’s the first item you can pick up in the game, the mini-tutorial even tells you to pick it up.
Note #2, “Lost”: Hospital, General Entrance. 1st Area.
Explanation: It’s left on a bench that’s pretty hard to miss but still possible if you rush a lot.
Note #3, “Farm”: Hospital, Pediatrics, Room 105. 2nd Area.
Explanation: This one is a little bit easier to miss, especially if you don’t look in every room.
Note #4, “Coffee”: Hospital, Patient Care, Forgotten Room. 3rd Area.
Explanation: This area is like a maze, unless you check your map often and check every corner, there’s high chances that you’ll miss it.
Note #5, “Alone”: Hospital, Distorted Zone. Final area.
Explanation: This one is easy to miss too if you don’t explore every room in the last hallway.
Note #6, “Freezer”: School front, Main office. 1st floor.
Explanation: You can miss this note if you don’t explore the silent school fully at the beginning of this chapter.
Note #7, “Anti-social”: History wing, Bunkered closet, 2nd floor.
Explanation: You have to go through there to continue the main story, hard to miss.
Note #8, “Guilty”: Auditorium, 2nd floor.
Explanation: It’s possible to miss it if you rush. I think I missed it once in one of my playthroughs.
Note #9, “Memories”: Chemistry Lab, final area.
Explanation: Easy to miss if you don’t explore everywhere.
Note #10, “Little Boy”: Gym Area, North Exterior, final area.
Explanation: Hard to miss since the note is in your way to progress. Sorry for the blur, too much spooks.
Note #11: Apartments 1st floor, Gym.
Explanation: Can be easily missed if you don’t explore everywhere. Yeah I was getting chased while taking my screenshots, sue me.
Note #12: Apartments basement, Crawlspace.
Explanation: It’s in your way to progress, can’t really miss it.
Note #13: Apartments 2nd floor, Ledge.
Explanation: It’s right next to the save station, it’s possible to miss but unlikely.
Note #14: Apartments 2nd floor, save station #2.
Explanation: Like I said, you can only find this one if you found the previous 13 ones. It reveals who has been writting those letters, it’s also the same person who gives you the flowers on the full ending.