A quick summary of the class abilities and their cooldowns
Class Abilities and Cooldowns
No abilities appear to have changed with the recent patch/DLC.
Below are the classes with their respective abilities, a quick summary of the ability effect, and the cooldown of the ability. This is intended to be a quick reference guide for players.
Apothecary with Narthecium (without Narthecium)
- 1. Heal (heal single target) – 60s (180s)
- 2. Auto Heal (heal self) – 55s (165s)
- 3. Mass Heal (heal team over 5s) – 72s (216s)
- 1. Frenzy (melee attack speed increase for 5s) – 80s
- 2. Deep Strike (teleport to target) – 110s
- 3. Energy Field (shield self for 5s) – 40s
Energy Field’s description says it lasts for 10 seconds, but it appears to only last for 5 seconds.
- 1. Call to Arms (revive team) – 110s
- 2. Litany of War (shield team for 10s) – 90s
- 3. Retribution (shield self and reflect damage for 5s) – 60s
Heavy Weapon Specialty
- 1. Fire Storm (range attack speed increase for 5s) – 120s
- 2. Proximity Mine (placed explosive) – 50s
- 3. Crusaders (no recoil, no jamming for 5s) – 90s
Librarian base (0% cooldown) – Force Sword (25% cooldown) – Force Axe (37.5% cooldown)
-Multiplayer has different cooldowns and cooldown reductions than Singleplayer-
- 1. Shockwave (AoE knockdown) – 16s – 12s – 10s
- 2. Chain Lightning (line-effect damage) – 14s – 11s – 9s
- 3. Spontaneous Combustion (single target damage) – 90s – 67s – 45s
Spontaneous Combustion with Force Axe appears to be bugged with a cooldown lower than it should have.
- 1. Reinforcement (revive single target) – 120s (180s at rank 1)
Tactical’s Reinforcement has a longer cooldown than the Interrogator-Chaplain’s Call to Arms despite only affecting a single target. - 2. Protector (shield single target for 5s) – 50s
Protector’s description says it lasts for 10 seconds, but it appears to only last for 5 seconds. - 3. Skull Bolter (attack drone ally for 120s) – 300s