Climbing the Right Wall. I decided to climb the right wall for 2 hours. Here are the results: The first 2-5 minutes. I first used a mod to give me a teleport wand. This is simply for ease of climbing and journeying across the surface. When I got to the wall I climbed it and got to the already known diamond structure. about an hour to 45 minutes in. This is the point where pointing at an object does not say what it is. It also seems the wall got thinner and cursed stone is gone. 1:45 In. I deemed the wall was acting in a sine wave. The said sine wave is converging with the other side of the wall, although very slowly. With 3 screenshots I can prove it is very thin and somewhat converging. After a bit though I could tell it was approaching a point through a limit. This means that the wall will go infinitely up. Final minutes The game crashed so hard it crashed steam. My OS also told me it wanted it to kill the task unusually, whatever that means. What we learned? The wall is infinite but gets thinner than normal. This wall is bland. This game likes crashing when high up. This game crashes so hard it crashes steam. Special Thanks. Spotify for giving me music to not grow bored.The game for letting me play.My fingers for not failing me.Grammarly for checking my spelling.You for reading this.The game for crashing.My headphones to listen to my music with.Shinedown for playing great music in my opinion.Magic the gathering for shuffling decks when bored.and finally you for reading this pointless guide. Actually though. You can update any map of this game you have to show the wall is infinite but gets thinner to a point. Perhaps a screen?
Pretty Pictures.
All of the images I actually thought to take during the journey.
The Second Climb.
I finished a second climb a few days ago. Now, I would like to share it!
I first downloaded a cheat mod to make things a little quicker. I then started to make the best jetpack wand I could. It seems there is a set max velocity in this game, Just like the speed of light. Bellow are more attempts at this until I made one with no particles.
After reaching the point with glitched lighting, I drilled through it with the black hole machine gun. Or Sphere of Annihilation chain gun, your pick.
After breaking through the wall, I fell. I fell a very long time to be exact. This wall is generated like a giant fork, wait no, spork. This spork has three spires; two EDR walls that will go up to the crash point, and one thick spire of cursed rock. A note on the cursed rock, it seems to damage you if you are in the zone it spawns in and if you are touching the glowing red rock. Afterward, I broke through both walls and fell to the right lake.
Special thanks to:
My brain – For letting me do this.
Breaking Benjamin – For making good music in my opinion.
Bob Ross – For having good quotes to keep me inspired.
Comment Section – You humans that keep me interested in doing boring things.
School – For letting me use English.
And Finally
Rick Astley – For never giving me up.
Oh hey I need to name these wands…
Spewboi – Green arrow barf jetpack.
Sphere of Annihilation Chain Gun – Black Hole Machine Gun
Floatyboi – Hover Wand with no particles.
Nerfgun – Compressed Air Railgun.