This guide is a fairly easy-to-follow guide to step you through downloading the third party program youll need and get Co-Op working. Im not the smartest person so I used 2-3 sylable words to try and keep it simple. If you bought this game then you likely remember the incredible co-op and satisfying combat. So I wish you luck reliving some memories.
How To:
Update: October 2018: A recent post stated that the Tunngle servers for this guide have been shut down. Please ensure Tunngle servers are active prior to allowing this guide to influence your purchase. Thank you.
Update: According to tank payk. There is another working co-op guide. Please see his comment below if interested. Thank you.
My brother and I just made this Co-Op work even though the gamespy is down. IT DOES WORK.
As JayGranayde pointed out in the other Co-Op guide, we used Tunngle.
(Have Hunted Installed before starting)
1. Download Tunngle. (Google it)
2. Search for Hunted on the provided browser based (Network name) access. www.tunngle.net
3. Click join
4. (Tunngle program) You should now be on the Hunted network.
5. Hit –play– next to the “Send”
6. The location of the game will vary. We had it in our steam accounts obviously. This was mine.
C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonHuntedBINARIESWIN32Hunted
7. That is the file you will use.
8. Close out Hunted if you have it running on Steam or anything.
9. Hit Play on Tunngle.
10. Hunted should start running.
11. We beat the prologue just to be safe. Not sure if thats required but we did it. (The prologue is done when you get to the town)
12. Main menu. Title screen
13. Adventure.
14. LAN.
15. Join/Create.
16. Player.
17. Figure out the lobby system.
18. Enjoy.
LogMeIn Hamachi did nothing for us.