Codename CURE Guide

Codename CURE Total Map Guide for Codename CURE

Codename CURE Total Map Guide


This is the English version of Codename CURE 地图指南. I started to play CURE in 2015. It was quite popular then. Now 6 years later, many total guides are outdated. It seems that nobody tries to keep them current anymore.In an old guide, the author advises readers to look for a new one, but there’s nearly no total beginner’s guide for years – that’s why I decide to write this, the guide you’re looking at.This version varies with the original because I don’t translate this guide word by word.This guide is very long and now almost completed. More contents coming soon.I also write a beginner’s guide, you can read it.

••• Cover •••

••• Introduction •••

Note: partly translated from the original version.

I wrote Codename CURE 中文指南 before. However, the chapter “Map Guide” is too long, so I decided to make this part a guide itself, which is the guide you’re reading.

This guide is focused on bugs in every map, then walkthrough, and last tactics.

Bugs are every glitches in a map. Walkthrough is where to go, and Tactics are tips and teamwork for each map.

Usually, a player knows the path and how to win just in months. But some glitches, you’ll never know how to use, unless someone tells you – maybe you don’t even know their existence.

What I write down below don’t work everywhere, because a different server option may utterly change tactics of a map.

This guide will use fewer pictures – it seems that some pics will crash if there’re too many of them.

If you have advice on my guide, leave it in comment.

••• Overview •••

◆ Map Name

A map of Codename CURE is often named in this format:

[Game Mode]_[Map Name]

Almost all maps in Source games follow this rule, such as cbe_bunker, cbe_office, cbe_trainstation, or de_dust, and gm_flatgrass, gm_construct…etc

It should be noted that in Codename CURE , the prefix Game Mode is strictly limited to cbe(CURE Bomb Escape), csv (CURE Survival), cpvp (CURE Player vs Player) and ccs (CURE Custom Survival).

If a map doesn’t have its name in this format, this map won’t work.

See this for more details:

◆ Where are CURE maps from?

In fact, a certain number of maps are ported from other games, such as CSGO, CS1.6, CF, GMOD, HL 2……and maybe more.

Lots of them are in Workshop:

Deleted by the creator
Deleted by the creator


••• Update Notes •••

August 13th, 2020 (GMT+8)
  1. Corrected pipeline to air duct in chapter Assault. Thanks to The Henry Stickmin Collection, I’ve learned the right word.
  2. Fixed grammar errors.
  3. Added a link in Assault

This guide is not completed now, but it will.

Note: Only the last update will be written here.

••• Catalog: Note •••

If you want to look up a specific map, just press Ctrl+F. For example, if you’re looking for cbe_bunker, just type Bunker in the search bar.

Sometimes the entry name is a little different from the file name, and you can search for just 1-2 words.

For instance, the entry name of cbe_operation_unknown_blackmesa is Unknown Operation Black Mesa. If you just type Operation Unknown Blackmesa, there’ll be no result. You can just put Operation or Unknown in the search bar.

••• Catalog: Official Maps •••

File Name
Entry Name
City Block
City Block Legacy
Train Station
Basic Training

••• Catalog: Third-party Maps •••

File Name
Entry Name
Apocalyptic City
Black Mesa East
Diamond Shoals
Zombie Festa
Lost Temple
Metro Tunnels
Necrophobia Part 1
Noamz Tunnels
Unknown Operation Black Mesa
Red Queen
School Escape
28 Days Later
Infected Facility
Infected City CCS
Summer Surf
Train Station Plaza

—————Main Text—————-

••• Basic Training •••

This is the training course of Codename CURE.

There’s also a cbe version, which is called cbe_basictraining.

◆ Bugs

There’re 2 known bugs in this map:

  • When the map says to turn your flashlight on and the door is open, don’t go through the doorway alone.

    It’s very important. If a player just goes, with others left behind, this door will be shut by itself, and never open again. That’s to say, your teammates will be stuck in the room forever.

  • The other glitch is, when a player goes through an open door, the door will be shut itself, even if others don’t go through it. So when you play on this map, keep an eye on doors.

◆ Walkthrough

Follow the sign, and be aware of the glitches I mentioned above.

Note: You must stay in safe zone before 00:10, or you won’t survive.

◆ Tactics

This map is easy and there’re not too many zombies, so no need to talk about tactics here.

••• 28 Days Later •••

This map is suitable for rest.

◆ Bugs

There’re many glitches:

Just jump on point 1 from the slope, and walk to point 2.

While walking on the wall, you can hold A to avoid falling.

You can jump into this container. Jump several times to find the edge, and then jump again – then you’ll fall but you’re close to the interior. Just hold W in front of the container, and you’ll get in.

There’re 3 metal sticks. As shown in the pic, jump from 1 to 2 and then 3, and you can jump on the roof.

2 ways to jump on the marked rock.

First, use a supply box. Put a box nearby and you can jump on the rock.

The second, bomb yourself. Face to the rock, put a bomb on your feet, and then run and jump. You’ll be bombed on the rock if lucky.

◆ Walkthrough

This map is defense – When time ends and there’s player alive, you win.

Known supply points in this map (Thanks for 巴尼·科尔霍恩):

◆ Tactics

In this map, zombies appear first in the building where players start.

Most players like defending on the top of the container, others choose to stay in the church. If you’re a beginner, these places are good for you.

Of course, you can use glitches. It’s safer and more convenient.

••• Abandoned Factory •••

I played this map in Korean servers before, though they’ve disappeared. I forgot the map name, but I recall now, because I recently joined a server that have this map.

This map is ported from GMOD:
I don’t know who ported this. I can’t find this map in workshop – no result after searching.

◆ Bugs

There’s a glitch.

If you go outside, you’ll see a building with just one lamp on it. Beside the lamp is a window blocked by 2 pieces of wood. Go to the second floor, find the window, and break the glass. Then in the 2 pieces of wood, you should break the top one, and jump on the other one. After jumping on it, you can get on the lamp.

If you want to get on the roof, you can put a supply box there (Support is required). You may fall down, but it doesn’t matter, because the supply box is just there. Do the same thing, jump on the supply box and then the roof.

You can also get to the top of the opposite building. Pointman or assault is required.

Ask a support to send you onto the roof in the way I said just before. And then, face to the top of opposite building, put a bomb on your feet then just run and jump. In this way you’ll bomb yourself to the destination.

This a very very hard trick, you’d better practice enough to grasp it.

◆ Walkthrough

Survive until 00:00.

◆ Tactics

Usually people’ll stay on the big blue metal box. It’s very safe, because zombies can’t get there.

••• Abandoned Subway •••

◆ Bugs


◆ Walkthrough

Plant the bomb and survive

◆ Tactics

You can block zombies’ way.

••• Apache •••

Well, maybe Apache is the name of the space ship – the whole map looks like a space ship.

◆ Bugs

Seems that there’s no bug in this map.

◆ Walkthrough
◆ Tactics

Ask teammates to protect you while opening gates. When you’re using a valve, there’re always zombies coming but you can’t move(If you do, the gate will be suddenly shut by itself).

••• Apartment •••

◆ Bugs

There’s a serious glitch.

In this map, there’s a one-way lift, which is the only way to the evacuation point.

As long as any person get in, its door will be closed automatically, even if other teammates are outside the lift. When the lift is closing, there’s no warning to players. As a result, many beginners aren’t aware of the door closing itself, and then stuck outside the lift forever.

But you can hinder the lift from closing. Stand on the door before completely closed, and it’ll be stuck. Your teammates can get in now. After all players entering the lift, leave from the top of the door and the lift continue to close.

◆ Walkthrough
◆ Tactics

Ask a teammate to that point (marked as red), and zombies will not spawn there. When time’s close to 00:00, this teammate should go back to evac point immediately.

Read this guide for theoretical basis:

••• Apocalyptic City •••

Some contents of this chapter are possibly different from what you’ve played, because this map has various versions. For example, there’s no need to wait in 4a version.

◆ Bugs

You can use a glitch to defeat the boss (Antlion on the left).

As shown in this pic, just put a supply chest in the doorway – it’ll break the boss’s path, and he won’t get you.

◆ Walkthrough

Not much to say here, though it always takes a long time to win.

Upon starting, just go ahead, then you’ll arrive at the first defense point.

There’re three defense points in this map, first of which is in a tunnel (just looks like…). When you get there, the gates of the tunnel will be closed by itself, and you’ve got to stay there. Then they’ll open again, and you can go.

The second one is a corridor, in which there’re 2 toilets and an elevator. You must defend there for several minutes, then the elevator opens, and you must get in to reach the next point. If teammates are left behind when the elevator is closed, don’t worry. Once the elevator reaches the next point, they’ll be sent(teleported) there.

The last one is on the roof. There’ll be a zombie wave first, and then the boss will show up. It’s very difficult to defeat the boss. I’ll tell you 3 ways to kill him in the next part (Tactics).

After the boss killed, the way to bomb point open. Once the bomb is planted, players should rush to the evac area (the helipad on the roof). Be careful, there’ll be a horde of zombie coming to you.

◆ Tactics

There’re 3 ways to defeat the boss.

  1. You can defeat the boss without any trick. Very hard, but it’s possible.
  2. You can put an ammo box in the doorway (as shown in a pic above). He won’t catch you, but when you recharge ammo, he will, so it’ll be better if there’re 2 supports in your team – one put a box to block the boss’s way, and the other put a box nearby to fill ammo.
  3. The last way is – use this:
    If you’ve subscribed to it, just come to the boss. Use it while walking around him.

••• Assault •••

Ported by 67

◆ Bugs

There’re a few bugs in this map.

Too many entities that only work in GoldSrc should be fixed, but they aren’t. That’s why you can see something weird there.

This is a special brush whose texture is some human faces (the pic on your right). This kind of entity is used as the axis of a door in Counter-Strike 1.6. If a door in that game doesn’t have an axis entity, it won’t work properly.

Usually, when you touch a door in CS 1.6, it’ll open simply. However, when you touch a door that has no axis entity, it’ll fly quickly far away and then get back.

This entity won’t work in Source Engine, so you can see it in Codename CURE.

Another thing is, there’s no ladder to the air duct, so I advise you to open the gate.

◆ Walkthrough

Well, I believe that almost everybody plays or just played Counter-Strike 1.6. It’s not worth saying the path again.

◆ Tactics

Hurry when you go back to evac point. The evac time is 1 minute, and the real time is just 47 sec.

••• Bhop •••

◆ Bugs

There is a serious glitch in this map…well I don’t know whether it should be regarded as a glitch because it’s made on purpose. The mapper said why he kept this glitch: He wants to make players feel despair.

This map allows you to respawn in secs, which seems to be a good thing, right? But it’s NOT. If you respawn when anyone is on the lava alive, you will be on the lava, too. And if you die and respawn again, you will be on the lava again…It’s an endless loop and you’re stuck in it forever.

So when you fall, kill yourself as quickly as possible. You can use the suicide command to do it. (open the console with ~ key and type kill and then press Enter)

It looks like every moving platform in this map is like a train. You can press E to control them while standing on them.

You can use this glitch most effectively in this place:

◆ Walkthrough

This is a ported map that is used for Bhop in CS:GO. There’s no need to say, though it’s hard to win. Just be careful of some traps.

◆ Tactics

Until now, I haven’t found anything like Bhop in Codename CURE. But this game exactly has some jumping tricks.

See my beginner’s guide for more details:
Main Text → Game Tricks: Jump

••• Black Mesa East •••

I don’t know how does the mapper think about this map, but you can’t upload a map that is obviously broken. Even players get in the helicopter successfully, they still fail. That doesn’t make any sense. No bug-fixed version by now.

Well, it’s been 4 years…and the mapper hasn’t fixed this map at all.

◆ Bugs

The biggest problem is: It’s impossible to win, technically. Even you get in the helicopter, you still die. It’s because this map is BROKEN.

To fix it, just move the hurt trigger out of the evac room (the room you usually see at the end of a map), and the whole map will go normal.

But the mapper has never fixed this glitch. I don’t know what’s going on with this guy, but one thing is true: This guy never cares about this map anymore. (The last update is still on June 9th, 2017)

Another glitch is: If you jump when you’re in the elevator, which is just going down, you’ll be probably squeezed out (you’ll usually find yourself on the top of the elevator), but you can’t get in again. So try not to jump when the elevator is going down.

◆ Walkthrough

I will tell you the whole path of this map.

First, go through the gate, and you’ll find 2 buttons (shown in the pic below)
As you can see, there’re Button 1 and Button 2. If you want to open Gate 2, push Button 2, NOT Button 1. You’d better push only once. If you push the button once more, the button won’t work.

Then go ahead, and you’ll see an elevator. Get in it, and plant the bomb, then keep going down (You’ll see the lab at this time.) and finally go outside. Outside the lab is a helipad with a helicopter. Stay near the helicopter for a while and you…won’t win.

As I said before, you can’t win on this map because it’s broken. When you unfortunately meet this map online, just vote map (press X) to change for another map.

◆ Tactics


••• Bunker •••

Among all CURE maps, official maps are more better. They’re visually beautiful, compared with some of third-party maps.

◆ Bugs

When you’re on the elevator, watch out for zombies jumping down. If a zombie jumps on your head, you’re dead. Likewise, if you jump on a zombie, he’ll die, but these zombies won’t be scores ( won’t be displayed in “Kill” when you hold TAB ).

◆ Walkthrough
◆ Tactics

Watch out for zombies jumping down.

••• Casa •••

◆ Bugs

There’s a glitch you can use…I don’t know whether it is or not, maybe the mapper make this on purpose, but you can exactly avoid death in this way.

Find the hole that is blocked by wood, get in, then just stand on the light. It requires another player to plant the bomb because you’re on the light. During the room is blocked, you just stay on it. There’re several explosions following, so try not to fall down. When time is 1:00, jump on the ground and escape, and you win.

◆ Walkthrough

Open the gate, find the ladder and climb on it. In the old version, the ladder is too short, you must climb with something like supply chest.

When you plant the bomb, the room blocks the exit (don’t worry, it will open several minutes later). You must try to survive.

When time is 1:00, a door will open and you must escape. Go upstairs, and you’ll see a floating white van. Get on the van and push the red button, your van’ll send you to the evac zone – it’s just the start point. After arriving, you can jump down (there’s a pool on the ground). If there’s somebody outside, you can open the gate and let this guy in.

◆ Tactics

If you or your team just try to shoot zombies after bomb planted, you’re dead. I guess there’s a possibility of 95% that your team are all dead, based on my 6-year game experience.

To win on this map, you must do something. There’re 2 different ways to survive. First, try to block all open doors with stuff nearby (such as boxes or blue shelves ). Second, ask someone to stay on the light.

••• Castle •••

Ported by unknown

The original:

◆ Bugs

Left: There’s a more easy path. Jump down, jump on the tree, then go to the ground and go through the big doorway at last. It’s quicker than you walking on the walls.

Right: There’s a quicker but difficult path. After bomb planted, go to the circled points, and bomb yourself to the stairs. Note: Your health must be more than 100. It’s possible in some servers (POU servers mostly).

◆ Walkthrough

Just get into the castle, and plant the bomb. The bomb point is nearly on the top. After that, you should run away. Go to the grave(It is outside the whole castle) and just stay there, then you win.

◆ Tactics


••• Channel •••

◆ Bugs

There’s a glitch. As you can see (the cover, I mean), you don’t need to break this wood piece in the second corridor. Just jump on it, and the wing tunnel won’t be turned on. The wing tunnel will be turned on if you break the wood piece.

The other glitch is at the end of this map. You will see an elevator at last, and the map tells you must break cables to get in the evac zone. No need to break them, just jump on the top of the elevator and you can go to the evac zone. It’ a little hard but not so hard.

◆ Walkthrough
◆ Tactics

Watch out for headcrabs.

••• City Block •••

◆ Bugs

Just a tip: you can move faster through the cover (the image above this sentence) by bombing yourself.

◆ Walkthrough
◆ Tactics

When bomb planted, you can ask 2 players to stay in the corridors, each one for each player.

Your team will meet less zombie in this way, because your team sight covers more. When and where zombies appear is up to your horizon.

••• City Block Legacy •••

The early version of cbe_cityblock.

◆ Bugs

You can bomb yourself to jump further.

There’s a suitable bomb point. Jump on the railing and walk to point 2(as shown on the left). Aim at the wood wall (on the right), and just bomb yourself. If skilled, you’ll be bombed on the wall all at once. There’s no need to open the blue door any more in this way.

There’re also 2 good points for you. The directions are marked as red.

◆ Walkthrough

I think there’s nothing to say. It’s an official map after all. Players can find their way very easily, whether they’re noobs or not.

◆ Tactics


••• Conduit •••

◆ Bugs

The monster with long legs is nightmare of many beginners. Here are 3 ways to survive.

1. When you see the 3 platforms, jump on the left one, which moves slowly.

2&3. You can jump on the right corridor.
or the left

◆ Walkthrough

I just show you the path, to make sure not to get lost.

◆ Tactics


••• Def •••


◆ Bugs

You can bomb yourself to the rail, and so no need to wait for the train.

There’s something wrong with the helicopter. Don’t stand on the helipad when it’s coming, or the helicopter will be stuck.

◆ Walkthrough

First, open the button on the right. Then, get in the train and wait for minutes. And the train leaves, then get in the helicopter.

◆ Tactics


••• Diamond Shoals •••

◆ Bugs

You can jump on the wall in this way, then you can jump on the roof.

You can also jump on the opposite roof. Put a bomb on your feet, then run and jump, and you’ll make it.

If you want to go back from the bridge, you can bomb yourself, too.

This is the situation where you make it:

◆ Walkthrough

Go ahead, and turn left, and you’ll see a bar. Pick 3 gas tanks and then go back. Press the red button and the barrier will explode.

Then you will see a car bomb running. Be careful. I’ll find a green car and 2 gas tanks. Pick up the tanks and push the car (just stand behind). And the wood barrier will be broken. Then push the red button and the cars will be pushed away.

At last, you’ll see a small room on the right. In here is a light. Pick it up and put it to the lighthouse. When all done, just wait for the boat coming and jump on it, and you’ll win.

◆ Tactics

When someone is pushing the green car, protect this guy, because there will be a horde of zombie.

••• Industrial •••

◆ Bugs

Put your supply chest here, and you can jump on the wall and then the roof. The fire will hurt you, but don’t worry, it doesn’t matter.

Red: If you’re a Pointman or Assault, you can bomb yourself to jump on those red containers.

Blue: If you’re a Support, you should jump on the white car first, (note that there’s an invisible wall on the car, which is marked on this pic), and you can jump on blue containers.

◆ Walkthrough

Try to survive.

◆ Tactics


••• Lost Temple •••

◆ Bugs


◆ Walkthrough

Go ahead, then open the gate. Watch out for bushes in your way. They’ll hurt you if you step on them. After going into the tunnel, plant the bomb, and open the gate.

Don’t step in the yellow zone or you’ll fall into the water.

You’ll see a weird small hill. Be cautious, it’s impossible to get out if you fall down. I’ll show you the path:

If powerful, you can just jump down from #3.

Then just go ahead, you’ll arrive at escape zone one way or another.

Don’t stay in the yellow zone. There’ll be a big drill coming down through the zone. If someone stays there, warn this guy.

◆ Tactics

The escaping may be the most annoying part in this map, because there’re always hordes of zombie when the door is open. At that moment, you can put a turret or a supply chest to hinder zombies’ attack (zombies will attack turrets and supply chests first), which means a Support or a Technician is important for this map.

••• Maze •••

◆ Bugs

You can jump on the wall.

As you can see, put a supply chest here (You can pick your chest up while jumping, but it needs practice), jump on the button (the grey box), and then the block on the wall (it’s very small but you can stand on it), and last you will jump on the wall.

If others have planted the bomb, you can just go back to the escape zone.

◆ Walkthrough

The overview of cbe_maze.

◆ Tactics

When your team are in the escape zone, ask someone to the grey zone so that zombies won’t come from that room. When time is close to 00:10, bring him back.

••• MCGB •••

◆ Bugs

You can jump on the wall to shoot the boss. When the laser is close to you, just go to the other side.

◆ Walkthrough

Kill the boss.
The average time is 4 to 5 min.

◆ Tactics


••• Millstream •••

◆ Bugs

You can jump on the invisible wall from the green zone, and then the railing. After that, you can hop to that rusty machine. You can avoid going through the corridor this way.

◆ Walkthrough

Be careful of the mines that are covered by box. There’s no way to go through that corridor with your health intact (not broken), so somebody must sacrifice for it. If you go through the corridors successfully, you’ll see the supplies on the ground.

Call the elevator, and it will lead you down. Then you just go all the way forward, except one thing: Be careful of barnacles[] and combine soldiers[].

There’s only one combine soldier in this map, throwing bombs to a door. That’s to say, you must kill him to plant the bomb because you need to open the door. After planting the bomb, just go back to the start point.

◆ Tactics


••• Metro Tunnels •••

This map is the most difficult map in CURE, which is accepted by the public.

◆ Bugs

You can jump on some boxes, shelves, and forklifts. There’re so many of them so no need to tell you here.

◆ Walkthrough

Just follow the notes. When you go forward, some texts will appear in the left corner of your screen.

◆ Tactics

I’ll tell you many tactics about this map, the hardest one after all.

Support and Technician are BOTH necessary for your team unless you’re in a POU server. With thousands of zombies all the way, your only way to survive is to stay on boxes, waiting for the proper moment. Support’s able to heal hurt players. Technician’s turret can kill zombies without losing ammo.

Teamwork is essential in this map. When your teammate is seriously hurt, put a supply chest on a box nearby. This guy will jump on it and heal himself/herself, without concern for zombies.

5 or 6 players are suitable for this map. It’s difficult but possible to win if just 1-3 players. I know a guy, who completed this map absolutely alone in the Chinese server last year (in 2019). He’s played this game for 3 years.

••• Necrophilia Part 1 •••

◆ Bugs

In fact, you can leap over the wall. Find a bush nearby and jump on the roof from the top, and you’ll make it. Maybe you need a supply chest.

But I’m not going into the details, because this trick is useless. To get outside can’t make you find a more easy path, but only make you stuck there.

◆ Walkthrough

It takes much more space to describe the path. Thank goodness, the path of this map is fixed, compared with cbe_office.

As you can see, what you’re faced with is a long corridor. On the left is a room and you shouldn’t get in, or you’ll be locked. You need to get in the room marked as red.

In this room, you’ll find 2 wood bookshelves. Break the right one and you’ll see a small air duct, which is your only way. Coming out of the air duct, you’ll see a wood corridor. Just go ahead.

You will come into this staircase if your route is correct. Things should be noticed that the stairs will be broken if you walk on them directly.

As a matter of fact, you should go upstairs along the metal edge. Be careful of barnacles, by the way.

This is a staircase that has 3 floors.The 1st floor is where you come in, and the 2nd floor is locked. Go to the 3rd floor to unlock it, and you will proceed. After coming out, you’ll see a room, in which is a generator and a locked gate – you need to activate the generator.

But you must find 3 gas cans first to power it up, or the it won’t work. I’ll show you where they are with some pics:

[pics will be added very soon…]

Back to the generator and activate it, the gate will open. Finally, you just go ahead and find a parking area, then clean the zombies and you’ll win.

◆ Tactics


••• NOAMZ Tunnels •••

◆ Bugs

I’m not sure if this map have any bug, but I exactly saw someone climb on the hills.

In start point, you’ll see a wood structure. I mean, you can jump on it.

◆ Walkthrough

Go straight ahead, and you’ll see a building. On the second floor, you’ll see a room in which is a big computer. Press use key to it so that the gate’ll be activated. Into the tunnel, you’ll see a room on your right hand, where you’ll find a button to open the next gate. After that, get out of the room and find the bomb point.

As soon as you plant the bomb, go back to the start point immediately and you will win.

◆ Tactics


••• Office •••

◆ Bugs

Some trees are on the ground. Usually you’re dead when jumping on them. However, you can do it alive in some servers.

In these servers, you can jump on those trees and just go to the bomb point. Support is recommended for this trick, because you need to heal yourself after jumping.

◆ Walkthrough

◆ Tactics

Don’t just stay somewhere forever, which is a casual mistake that most beginners have. If you just stay somewhere shooting zombies, there’ll be more. My suggestion is to just go ahead.

••• Power •••

◆ Bugs

You can jump on the cliff here.

I’ll put a Youtube video here.

◆ Walkthrough

Get in the facility, and find the bomb point. The path will vary per round. Sometimes the bomb point is in a hole ,sometimes in a room.

◆ Tactics

Just a small tip: You can push the red button at the beginning, so no need to waste time waiting for evac zone open in the end.

••• Skycraper •••

◆ Bugs

Some shortcuts

◆ Walkthrough

This map has 2 versions: Alpha and Beta

In Alpha, you should handle the elevator manually. Push the button with E to control the elevator. By pressing W it goes up, and by S it goes down. If you get to the evac zone, you can stop to control the elevator with E key again.

You aren’t able to do so in Beta version, because the elevator will go down automatically (it is uncontrollable in Beta version).

◆ Tactics


••• Train Station •••

◆ Bugs and Walkthrough

There’s a glitch. Nothing to say more, just watch this video.

I’ve practiced for weeks. It’s very hard but not that hard.

◆ Tactics


••• Zombie Festa •••

Some contents of this chapter are possibly different from what you’ve played, because this map has various versions.

◆ Bugs


◆ Walkthrough

At the beginning there’re some white lines on the ground, which will block zombies’ way. What players should do is just to stay on the grey zone and defend themselves. The map will play a song after a while.

When 3 minutes remaining, the song goes to this sentence:

hakanai netsu o oimotomete wa ima mo midareru kono yo ni

Romaji from 朧月 (Oborozuki)[]

At that moment, the boss appears, and you need to kill him. If he isn’t dead but you survive in the end, you win. If you kill the boss prior to 00:00, the white lines will vanish and more zombies will come. Try to survive and you’ll win.

◆ Tactics

Technician and Support is recommended for this map. The supply chest can block the boss’s way. You can also choose Assault or Pointman for more scores. Just run into the zombie hordes and put all grenades on the ground. It doesn’t matter whether you will be killed, because the respawn time is just several seconds.


••• Contributors •••

Thanks for these people

••• Disclaimer •••

The basic part of this guide has been completed. I will fill other parts very soon.

Thanks for your reading.