My own friendly guide which will help you to (maybe) have more fun from your future coh 2 matches.
Hey hey people,
Are you tired from using and fighting the same strats again and again?
Do you want to try out something new?
I’ll try to help you with that.
Altrough my whole coh 2 match history I (almost) never touched any meta, since I always loved to create my own, weird, and fun to use meme strategies. In this guide I’ll share some of them with you, and furthermore, I’m gonna give you several tips and tricks that I’m 90% sure you didn’t know.
Keep in mind that by therm MEME strategies, I don’t mean those over used, and bad “meme” strats such as simcity/ostruppen spam etc;
True MEME strategy should be:
– Fun to use
– Not annoying to play aganist
– Simple
– VIABLE (you want to win games with these, not instantly loose them)
– Original and uncommon
So, let’s just jump into it!
I’m pretty bad at english, and I’m too lazy to find all my typos, I also may add more strats in the future.
I hope that my lazy ass friends will fix my typos for me BlessRNG
SOV – “Welcome to the minefields motherf*cker” Tactics
- Difficulty: High
- Win potential: Very high
- Favored modes: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3
- My personal score: 9/10
One of my favorite meme strategies as a Soviets, so how does it work? Let me explain:
First of all let’s talk about the core unit of this strategy which are the glorious combat engineers:
Those happy dudes are stronger than you think, you’re literally paying 170 MP for a squad that deals as much damage as 4 man conscripts, but with much better received acc, furthermore, they can make wonders with this ability:
Idea of this strategy is quite simple, you want to place as much PMD mines it’s possible (they cost only 7 munitions!!!!!!) , and place as much tank traps you can.
No, we don’t need tank traps for blocking tanks, that’s not the real purpouse of the tank traps in coh 2, we want to give ourselves as much of green cover it’s possible, while negating at the same time green cover for our opponent by using 4 (or more) flamethrower engineers. PMD on other hand, are the most spammable mines in the whole game, don’t forget that you can place them EVERYWHERE if you’re going for quadra engineers strat. Trust me, opponent has to make at least 3 minesweepers in order to counter them.
Build Order:
The most universal and best working starting build order for this strat is something like this:
Combat Engineer < Combat Engineer < T1 < M3 Scout Car < Combat Engineer < Medics
After that you want to wait until you hit 2 CP’s, M3 is going to help you with this, we need it for some early game pressure, and for some kills for faster CP’s
At the 2 CP’s you should have from 600 MP to even 900 MP if you done everything right, after that you want to call in some of those neat team weapons this commander is offering to you, dshk’s are crucial, since your brave combat engineers are not going to beat up those fallshims by themself.
(Don’t forget that if you’re fighting aganist Ostheer and it’s already 4 minutes from the start, that means you want to get m42 AT gun ASAP, and go for the dhsk after that)
What I especially love about this strategy, is that whenever you’re fighting aganist someone who’s using nasty double Leig/mortar strat, you can always do something even nastier, which is of course double 120mm mortar
After you got your brave engineers with some support weapons, just start spamming mines and tank traps, it’s up to you what you want to do next, you can either spam su76’s, or maybe rush t4?
Just do anything that you like the most 🙂
- My opponent made triple leig, so I made triple 120mm mortar with this strat instead, it was 3v3 and my triple 120mm mortars got 115 kills with 11K dmg
SOV – “Hipster Strat” Tactics
- Difficulty: High
- Win potential: High
- Favored modes: 1v1, 2v2
- My personal score: 7,5/10
I like this strategy mostly because it’s uncommon, very original, and it forces your opponent to actually use his braincells instead of going for the same strat over and over again.
Furthermore, it allows you to assert your dominance over your opponent. Kappa
This strategy actually works now thanks to the slight OKW nerfs, and small partisan/maxim buffs.
It’s not as fun to use as a “WELCOME TO THE MINEFIELDS” strategy, but it’s still fun(ish) to use.
Yet again, the whole idea behind this is quite simple, you want to got for the early maxim spam, into early partisans. Those confident polish guys can successfully protect your maxims flanks, and they are also good at the scouting (for your maxims of course). What you DON’T want to do, is to make too much maxims/partisans than you really need because you’ll most likely bleed way too much MP.
In order to prevent MP loss you need to go for the meta early t70 (sadly)
Let’s talk about the AT partisans:
You WANT to make them before t70 arrives on the field, 1 of them should be enough. I highly suggest you to always have ~300 MP saved just in case you want to pop out some AT partisans from the building and finish off enemy vehicle/tank that’s on low health.
But only because you have AT partisans call-in hidden under your sleeve, that doesn’t mean that you don’t need any AT guns, that’s the golden rule of the coh 2: ALWAYS HAVE AT LEAST 1 AT GUN , they make the game much easier. (You didn’t make this t2 at the start of the game to ignore zis gun, did you?)
Build Order:
I suggest to try those 2, and choose the one that you will like more:
Combat Engineer < T2 < Maxim < Maxim < Maxim < Medics < Partisan(s) < T3 < T70
T2 < Maxim < Maxim < Maxim < Partisan(s) < T3 < T70
I think that 3 maxims can do their job fine, but if you’re confident you can also go for quadra maxims and as long as you don’t loose them it’s fine. I do not reccomend doing more than 3 normal partisans, and more than 2 AT partisans.
Keep in mind that you want to get T70 as fast as possbile, after you’ll make T70 just get Zis gun ASAP. Then just do whatever you want 🙂
If you will forget about placing traps and mines with partisans, I’ll find you, and I’ll punch you JK
- Difficulty: Easy
- Win potential: Medicore
- Favored modes: 4v4
- My personal score: 8/10
Yes, I know, this commander is not uncommon, but who said that we are going to use him like the most of other people? First of all we need to gather our brave soldiers yet again:
Now combine them with flamethrowers and this:
And you’ll get the recipe for GREAT FUN.
Idea behind this strategy? It’s very complicated, just make as much of the engineers you can, give them as much of a flamethrowers you can, blob them, activate “For Mother Russia” ability.
Because of how the flamethrower blobs work in this game, and because of the sprint, you can always rush-in enemy mg’s frontally (I still reccomend spliting your blob into two smaller blobs before doing so, just in case)
But still, you need to wait until the 6 CP’s before that, so what do you want to do in early game?
Keep in mind that it’s 4v4, so the rules of the 1v1/2v2 (and even 3v3) don’t work here. You need at least 8 engineers, but always start the game by doing either T1 (vs OKW) or T2 (aganist Oshteer), because you’ll need a single mortar/early m3 in the early game.
I also suggest going for the double su76’s, to support your brave engineers by fighting bunkers, barraging enemy MG’s, and of course damaging tanks. It’s 4v4 so your team (should) cover up most of your weaknesses, furthermore, they will most likely be happy that their churchills get repaired to 100% HP within 5 seconds
After that you’ll be suprised how much MP do you have, you should either start making resource caches, or build several B4’s.
Keep in mind that I’m not telling that by using this strategy you’ll win most of your games, I’m telling that it is possible to win games with a style , while having fun at the same time 🙂
SOV – Honorable Mentions
Honorable Mentions:
These are not a meme strategies, but I feel that I should mention them anyways:
Rest in peace old, pre commander-revamp, urban defense {*}
I used to be urban defense one-trick back when this commander didn’t have kv2 and shocktroops, but instead it had meme FHQ’s which used to be, well… OP
I used to spam them everywhere, on the whole map, in any mode, they could turn your conscripts into penals, and your penals into vet 3 penals. Right now, this commander is not as meme(ish) as it used to be, but if you feel confident about it, you can still try to cheese your game with them.
Cheese Plane:
You’ll probably ask me, where are the memes hidden in this commander?
Let me show you:
Don’t get me wrong, this plane is a absolutely #@$% at the anything else, but for *some* reason, it can deal up to 70% DMG to the OKW buildings (Keep in mind that it costs only 90 Munitions)
i don’t know, maybe you can try to use it in 2v2 with your friend in order to insta-delete OKW’s Schwerer-Panzer HQ from the map? That’s up to you.
Anyways, I think we’re done with the soviets, let’s jump into Ostheer memes:
OST – “T-800 T3RM1NAT0R” Doctrine
- Difficulty: Medicore/High
- Win potential: High
- Favored modes: 2v2, 3v3, 4v4
- My personal score: 8,5/10
Yes, it is an Ostruppen commander, but who said that this commander has to be only about the ostruppen? In this particular strategy, we care only about these 2 things:
Now I’m going to explain why i called this strategy “T-800 T3RM1NAT0R”:
Maybe you know that “Inspiring Aura” ability from the Field Officer gives 15% (25% when vet 3) accuarcy bonus to the nearby infantry, but I don’t think you know that this bonus STACKS with the other Field Officers.
Get a friend, go for the commanders with Field Officers, move them together, get a single Pgren or two, activate the ability at the same time, and you’ll get ~ 32% increased accuarcy on them, and with the pgren accuarcy bulletin it increases to the ~36% increased accuarcy (1 x 1,15 x 1,15 x 1,03)
It may not look impressive, but trust me, it IS IMPRESSIVE. Vet 3 Pgrens have 36,7% more accuarcy than the normal Vet 0 Pgrens. You see what I mean? – Yes, you can make your vet 0 pgrens deal as much damage as vet 3 pgrens. Keep in mind that with the vet 3 Field Officers bonus is stronger.
And what about the vet 3 pgrens with the bulletins supported by the double vet 3 Field Officer aura?
Honestly, it scares me so much that I don’t even want to think about this.
And what about the trenches?
They are OP:
Trenches are free, they’re blocking tank/vehicle movement, they’re giving you a garrison bonus, they’re quick to build, and as long as you have a flamethrowers around your opponent can’t use them aganist you. There is absolutely no reason why you SHOULDN’T build them.
So how do you want to play by using this strategy? Well, to be fair ANY commander with the Field Officer can work, but only this commander has the trenches and the officer at the same time (It also has Ostruppen!!!)
To be fair you can play with this strategy however you want (as long you’re using pgrens with double officer of course)
Just remember about spamming as much trenches as you can :]
OST – “You can’t see me, but I can see you” Doctrine
- Difficulty: Very High
- Win potential: Very High
- Favored modes: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4
- My personal score: 9/10
Our lord and saviour Cpt Sprice is the precursor of this strategy, he used it in matches aganist top 20 players many times, and he went victiorious from most of them.
So what’s this about?
You want to camouflage as many units you can, and make your opponent rip his hair from his head while he’s figuring out where your mg’s, stormtroopers, and AT pgrens are located.
Just like the Cpt Sprice you want to go for the triple mg42 start, into AT pgrens, into stormtroopers. Then, of course, you want to buy the camouflage for all of them (expect for the stormtroopers ofc)
Everytime your unit gets spotted, move it somewhere else, it is very important (and obvious)
If your opponent constantly walks with this infantry onto your mg’s, constantly drives his tanks and vehicles onto your AT pgrens, and is constantly getting harrased by your stormtroopers, then that means you’re doing everything right.
Another thing you want to know is that stormtroopers from this commander are the best sniper-counter in the whole game. They have a camouflage of the british commandos, sprint ability thanks to the doctrine, “Tactical Advance” ability with their mp40’s… Snipers will most likely die from the heart attack after they will see them.
And of course, the cherry on the top: Glorious Close the pocket ability (Do I even have to explain this ability?)
UKF – “Lend Meme Assault Regiment”
- Difficulty: Easy
- Win potential: High
- Favored modes: Any
- My personal score: 7/10
I feel like all DLC factions have less memes than Ostheer/Soviets, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t have any.
Stuve is the precursor of this strategy, and well… for some reason it just works. The whole strategy is simple:
> Make an early mortar (mostly for the smokes)
> Make 5 tommies, upgrade 4 of them with the thompsons, and the last one with the medkits
> Call-in M5 and upgrade it with the AA package
> Make AEC
> Bully your opponent with this light vehicle combo
> Dominate your opponent with your assault tommy blob
> After that just start spamming the biggest meme tank in the game A.K.A M10 Wolverine ®
Why m10 you would say? Well, it’s a “tank destroyer” which is better at killing infantry than brumbar:
Remember to T-Pose everytime to squish enemy squad with your m10
UKF – Honorable mentions
I think that I should clarify other interesting things britbongs have to offer, but aren’t restricted to the single commander at the same time. Let me show you:
5000 IQ commandos:
Why are they 5000 IQ? Because they took some weapons from the rack, (Nope, these are not brens) they are 5000 IQ because they took double PIAT’s
Why is that?
Because they are 5000 IQ of course, they went behind enemy lines, and after they saw any rocket artillery they one-shotted it, and then instantly retreated back to base.
Machine gun fireflies
I have absolutely no idea why nobody is using command vehicle AEC nowadays. It’s giving an aura for you tanks that is increasing their reload by 30% , and their penetration by 15%.
All you need is to do something like this:
These bad boys not only are penetrating with (nearly) every shot, but also thanks to the command AEC fireflies got rid off their biggest weakness which is their poor ROF. They’re becoming real machine guns after they hit vet 2, and thanks to the tulip rockets, they can even engage elefants frontally.
USF – “Meme Truck 2.0”
- Difficulty: Medium
- Win potential: High
- Favored modes: 2v2, 3v3, 4v4
- My personal score: 9/10
Great meme strategy which requires two people, first person goes for the USF commander with the m3 HT, and second player goes for the any ranger commander.
The whole strategy is about putting 2 zooka ranger squads into m3 HT with vet 2, which gives it “overdrive” ability.
[link]It’s quite old clip, which represents pretty well what this strat is about, now keep in mind that this clip is showing zooka rears in m3, rangers deal EVEN MORE damage with zookas and have higher pen. While using Meme Truck 2.0® you have a potential to kill a panther with 2 salvos (if all 5 zookas will hit and pen it twice)
It’s definetly worth trying out 🙂
Advanced tips and tricks
Here I’m gonna show some tips and trick you most likely didn’t know, most of them are provided by JibberJabberJobber which is the rainman of the coh 2 MVGame
Escaping from wire traps:
Whenever your pioneer gets trapped by their own wire, you can make a sandbag from inside to jump over and get out. With other factions you can make a sandbags from the outside next to the wire to let the trapped unit jump over.
Sniper and garrisons:
Sometimes you can save your sniper from a tight situations by putting him into garrison with multiple windows together with your squads. Enemy squads will target a random window until no models reappear there, so your sniper will most likely stay out of harm’s way while your squad models are tanking the damage.
Rapid double Panzerwerfer barrage
This trick is especially usefull with the T3RM1NAT0R strategy I mentioned above. If you will use field officer’s coordinated barrage ability simultaneously with the normal panzerwerfer barrage, the panzerwerfer’s turret will keep pointing up and only have to reaim, allowing for very quick succession of the 2 barrages. A good use of this is to us Coordinated barrage directly on the target and then immediately shift-ordering a normal barrage behind it to devestate retreating units.
Hiding arty smoke trails
The small single arty smoke trails from the british base arty and the Field officer’s “Coordinated Barrage” can be completely obfuscated by smoke or when used at the center of large buildings. This might trick your opponents into not knowing that a barrage will land. You can use Field officer’s free smoke barrage for this.
Faster retreat and sprint
Speed bonuses stack with the sprint and retreat. This means units will retreat and sprint even faster with abilities like Radio Silence or UKF’s Assault.
Recrewing teamweapons
This is not unknown trick, but I’ll mention it anyways. If you grab a team weapon, the crew will have the same base stats as the type of models for the squad that grabbed it. This means that your pathfinder mg42 will have much bigger sight range, and your shock troop mg34 will be able to kill enemy flanking units on the close range.
WP + HE nade
You can throw a HE nade right after a white phosphorous nade for a very nasty combo, the enemy will be slowed down and predamaged by WP, resulting in a high chance for a wipe (even on retreat)
Mark target vehicle and SMG’s
If you use a WC51 with Cavarly Rifleman inside and mark target 222/251 , you can deal huge amount of damage with just the SMG’s because it’s armor will be lowered.