How to set custom resolutions in Cold Fear.
1080p Fix
If you plan on running the game at 1920×1080 you can download the exe I have already edited
here.[www.dropbox.com] (Check Step 3 for installation instructions.)
If you want to use a different resolution, follow the guide below.
Download XVI32 HEX editor.[www.chmaas.handshake.de] (Any HEX editor will work.)
Download the Editable Executable.[www.dropbox.com]
Replace the original coldfear_retail.exe with the executable you just downloaded. The orginal coldfear_retail.exe will be located in the game’s directory in your steamapps folder.
Default Directory: “C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonCold Fear”
After you replace the executable, launch the game and go into Settings, select Screen Configuration, and make sure your resolution is set to 1024×768. Click Accept, go back to the main menu, and exit the game.
Now open your coldfear_retail.exe with XVI32 HEX editor. Click the Search drop down menu and select Replace… or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + R.
We are going to be replacing a Hex string, so make sure the Hex string option is selected and enter “00 04 00 00 BF 00 03” in the Find area. Next, enter “80 07 00 00 BF 38 04” (1920×1080) in the Replace with section and press the Replace all button. (Refer to the Resolution HEX Codes section of the guide for other resolutions.)
There should be three instances of “00 04 00 00 BF 00 03” replaced. Press OK, Save, and Exit. The next time you launch the game, it should be running in 1080p.
Resolution HEX Codes
1024×768: 00 04 00 00 BF 00 03
1152×864: 80 04 00 00 BF 60 03
1280×720: 00 05 00 00 BF D0 02
1280×800: 00 05 00 00 BF 20 03
1280×960: 00 05 00 00 BF C0 03
1280×1024: 00 05 00 00 BF 00 04
1360×768: 50 05 00 00 BF 00 03
1366×768: 56 05 00 00 BF 00 03
1440×900: A0 05 00 00 BF 84 03
1600×900: 40 06 00 00 BF 84 03
1600×1200: 40 06 00 00 BF B0 04
1680×1050: 90 06 00 00 BF 1A 04
1920×1080: 80 07 00 00 BF 38 04
1920×1200: 80 07 00 00 BF B0 04
2560×1440: 00 0A 00 00 BF A0 05
3840×2160: 00 0F 00 00 BF 70 08
If your game instantly crashes when launching it, you did something wrong. This will happen if you change the game’s resolution to something that isn’t supported by your monitor. To fix this, simply delete the res.bin file in your game directory. If you still have this problem, you may have edited the coldfear_retail.exe incorrectly. To fix this, delete it, and verify the game cache to re-download the orginal executable.