Stationeers Guide

Color Coding for Stationeers

Color Coding


An attempt to standardize community color coding


Whether you are clean organized and determined, or messy all over the place and in a rush, at some point you may want to color code some important parts of your systems. It will save you some headache and could save your life (in-game that is).

You can make Spray Paint canisters at the Tool Manufacturer
You can Spray a stack of an item to make your paint go further.


Using the available spray paint colors, and chemistry model standards and some mixed gasses standards, and the canister colors[]. and the efforts of This Disscussion

Abreviation-Label: Color (reason)

Unspecified: Yellow (default)

H2-Hydrogen-Volatiles: Red (canister color)
H2O-Water: Blue (canister color, our perception of watering being blue)
C02-Carbon Dioxide: Black (chemistry model color)
N2-Nitrogen: Green (canister color, chemistry model color)
O2-Oxygen: White (canister color)
X-Pollutants: Grey (canister color)
N20-Nitrous Oxide: Brown (only remaining spraypaint color)

High Temperature/High pressure: Purple (so danger is visible)
H2/O2-Fuel: Orange (canister color)
N2/O2/CO2-Breathable Air: Khaki-Beige (only remaining neutral spraypaint color)
O2/CO2-Hydroponic Air: Pink (color of some flowers, and green is taken)

Personal Preference

Obviously its your game, your world, your systems, you can have your own colors. These are just the “closest” available colors to the given canisters and chemistry.


It has been suggested several times, that a standardization of wiring colors should be created. Some reference “real life” standards, which all vary in every aspect, some manufactures dont even share wire color in the same product model. The trouble with wire colors is that stationeers cables are networks, each segment contains either high voltage or low voltage or “both”(because lower draw machines can use a maxed out heavy cable without damage), Positive, Negative, Ground, and who knows how many data wires(at least 2 for low tech omnidirectional transfer).

The game also encourages mixing the functions of cables

  • Every Logic chip needs both data and power
  • Splitting networks via Transformers/APCs can be costly
  • Excessive logic mirroring can use extra space chips and screwdriver-ing
  • Cost of cable often means 1 shared cable is better than 2-4 parallel
  • Space for extra lanes can be severely limited
  • Cable Networks can only join, not pass through each other

The best standardization I can come up with is,

Color an entire network segment (meaning 1 contiguous web of cable) any color other than stock red, if its important or helpful to keep separated from other networks.

For example: use default Red into an Airlock APC and Blue out, to keep me from accidentally merging with another network causing an arc furnace to drain my airlock backup power.