Hunter’s Arena: Legends Guide

Combat Mechanics/Tag Match Guide - by Gregy :P for Hunter's Arena: Legends

Combat Mechanics/Tag Match Guide – by Gregy :P


OUT OF DATE – there is new update coming with many changes (3rd of August) and I’ll be updating everything as soon as I’m ready. Still worth reading, not everything will be changed ^^Welcome!This guide will explain everything in terms of Combat Mechanics and Tag Match mode.I’m a hardcore Tag Match (1v1) EU player with peak rank of 1729 points in Legend (4 August 2020) and i go deep into testing game mechanics.I will be adding a lot more stuff in the future updates, however right now i’ll have to limit myself in terms of content due to guide event ending tomorrow. I was planning to make this kind of guide anyway, so as soon as i have some free time – i’ll keep adding new things.I don’t like to keep knowledge only to myself, i believe that game can be more fun and competitive if more people know/ understand every possible mechanic/ tactic, so i’ll share with you everything i know.Right now this guide will be focused on general mechanics, but in the future i’ll be adding character specific information and other improvements as well (for example some videos to make it easier to understand).Hope this helps!My steam ID (for the purposes of Guide Event): 76561198282200541

Tag Match – Starting the game / General rules

Tag Match is a 1v1 mode, where you can test your combat abilities against another players. It’s pure skill-based mode which requires prediction-based thinking. Combat of Hunter’s Arena: Legends is based on RPS mechanics (aka. Rock-Paper-Scissors) – meaning that there is counter for everything, and whether you win or not, depends not only on your game knowledge, but once you have it – you still have to observe your opponent and try to understand his way of thinking, so you can predict what he’s going to do.
There is no single pattern of inputs that you can learn and practice till perfection which would work every time. What will be effective in certain situation – depends only on what your opponent decides to do in that specific fraction of a second and whether you predict and respond accordingly.

Once you start a Tag Match and the game finds you an opponent, you’ll be in character selection screen. Tag Match allows you to choose 2 different characters between which you can switch while fighting, and depending on which character you choose first – that character will be the one you start with.
^This is important, because once you switch to another character, you won’t be able to switch again for the next 45 seconds, so there is strategic part to it as well. Some characters are good for offense, and another for defense, etc. So depending on your play style, you can gain some benefit already from proper selection order.

Currently there are 12 characters available, 3 of which are long-range (tho Yoongeon is more like half long-range, half melee), 1 mid-range, 8 melee.

One Match consists of up to 3 rounds (2 rounds won = win), and each round lasts 100 seconds – so be careful not to give opponent too much of HP advantage, or they will play very defensively and it will be hard for you to comeback.
The person who kills both of opponent’s characters wins the round, or in case of time limit – the person with more HP added from both characters is the winner.

The map is a small squared Arena with fences on the edges. These fences can be destroyed if you’re hitting opponent next to them – this works only with certain attacks (which have knock-back). You can not destroy the fence without opponent standing next to it – however you can also destroy the fence by knocking down opponent onto it.
The benefit of destroying the fence is that, once it’s gone – you can ring out opponent if you knock him back in proper direction – this can be super powerful, which is why at the same time you want to be careful with own positioning. Staying in corners – not a good idea.

Characters / Training Grounds / Shops&Collections

In the main lobby, you can open Shops&Collections tab to preview available characters, their skins, emotes and abilities. You can also buy emotes/skins from there by using in-game currency or real money. The skills have short videos and descriptions explaining what they can do.

Another tab in main lobby called Combat Training contains Tutorial, Training Grounds and Game Guide.

In Training Grounds you can test how things work in practice before doing it in real fight.
You can choose bot to be idle, or to attack you (there are 3 modes – Easy/Medium/Hard). You can turn on/off: cooldowns/stamina consumption, change your or bot’s character and if you don’t want to go out to check skills description, if you click letter [K] it will open skills window that explains each ability for currently chosen character.

Game Guide explains in general the basic mechanics that are available for you as a player.

Basic Combat Mechanics – part 1

Universally Available Actions:

1. Weapon Attack (LMB):
Basic command without cool-down, each character has its own animations for these attacks – meaning they differ in amount of hits speed and range. You can use them to cancel Skill attacks if you don’t get staggered first. They have low damage and they don’t use stamina.

2. Guard (LMB-hold):
Basic command without cool-down, you can activate it by holding LMB, or repeatedly clicking LMB if you’re already being attacked by opponent with his LMB attacks.
Advantage to spamming LMB when attacked – your character will attack as soon as opponent makes an opening.
Advantage to holding LMB – in case opponent delays his ability after using LMB attacks in hope you’re spamming LMB, you will still hold block instead of starting attack animation which would make you vulnerable.
When you block attacks you lose your stamina – how much depends on the attack, but generally last attack from LMB string and Skills take more stamina than other if blocked.
It can block following attacks:
a) every type of LMB click attack (weapon attack, after sprint, after sway, spin attack, etc.)
b) Skills 1# – 5# (including Super Skill)
c) Escape Skill knock-back (LMB+RMB)

3. Guard Crash (when you get exhausted from stamina while holding Guard):
When you’re out of stamina and holding Block, you’ll get exhausted. In that situation you can not perform any action (except for Escape Skill and Super Skill 5#) and opponent can do anything he wants with you for a few seconds.

4. Martial Arts – MA (RMB):
Basic command attack without cool-down, it’s a slower attack that breaks opponent’s Guard. If you successfully use it on opponent once – opponent can re-apply block after. However if you follow first successful MA (RMB) attack with second successful MA attack – it will put opponent in Groggy or Airborne state (some characters lift, some make you groggy). Second MA attack will be activated only if it follows the first MA attack.

5. MA Counter (RMB when successfully predicted opponent’s Martial Art Attack):
Basic command attack without cool-down, it is a counter move to Martial Art (MA) Attack. It activates only if you predict opponent’s MA attack successfully and click RMB at the same time when he’s using MA attack.
If successful, it will put you in i-Frame state and make opponent vulnerable to any attack you use after for a brief moment (unless he’ll use Escape Skill or 5# Super Skill).
Best way to utilize successful MA Counter is to use ability which makes opponent airborne/groggy so you can continue with combo after, however if these abilities are on cool-down, then using one of your other skills is your best option to deal as much damage as possible.

6. Quickstep/ Sway/ Dodge – it’s all one and the same, all 3 names are used interchangeably (Space):
Basic command without cool-down, which uses stamina.
It has i-Frames – however only in the second half of animation
. It does not have i-Frames in the beginning, therefore it has to be used with prediction. If you will try to use it as reaction to an attack – it will most probably be too late and you’ll get hit. You can also use it to change positioning to side-step some attacks.

7. Roll/ Animation Cancel (Space – when used in attack animation):
Basic command without cool-down, which uses stamina.
If you click [Space] while in attack animation or immediately after (each attack has some end-lag) – it will cancel the animation and roll in desired direction. This command does not give you i-Frames and does not allow you to attack right after as with normal Sway, it is only used to change position and cancel attack animations – so be careful with it!

8. Lock On (Middle Mouse Button):
If you click Middle Mouse Button while opponent is in your FOV (field of view) it will mark him with a small white dot. This will cause your character to move slowly and be turned towards this opponent at all times (until you click MMB again to turn it off or switch characters with [F] – if in Tag Match). This will also cause most of the attacks to automatically aim towards his direction regardless of distance (some abilities, like Tau’s 1# Charge attack for example – won’t automatically aim even with Lock On).
If you play Battle Royale mode or FFA and you have multiple opponents in your FOV, you can switch Lock On between targets by using mouse scroll.

9. Sprint (Shift):
You can activate sprint with [Shift] if you’re not performing any action. On sprint you can run a lot faster to chase/ escape/ bait opponent’s attacks.
Sprinting spends your stamina, however it isn’t much, so you don’t have to worry too much about it, tho – still keep an eye on it!

10. Sprint Attack (LMB while Sprinting):
While in Sprint, you can perform any action as normally, however if you click LMB – it will perform a dash attack that can stagger opponent. It is treated as additional attack, so if you continue after with further LMB clicks – it won’t replace any of Weapon Attacks.
The Sprint Dash LMB Attack can not interrupt abilities, so even if you hit someone first while he’s using some ability – it won’t cancel it!

11. Sway Attack (LMB after Sway):
Similar story as with Sprint Attack. It performs additional attack which does not count as normal Weapon Attack and it can not interrupt abilities!
If you use Sway backwards – it won’t activate the Sway Attack and you’ll have longer animation end-lag before you can do some attack. The only exception is Jun – his passive gives him 2 Sways (the second one uses more stamina), and if he will use the first Sway backwards – it can be followed with LMB Sway attack (it will also dash forward in this situation).

12. Universal Ground Attacks (when you attack grounded opponent):
a) LMB – fast attack, which knocks back opponent
b) RMB – slow attack, which has Super Armor and lifts opponent if he’s idle

13. Ground Defensive Actions (when you’re grounded):
a) Space – you get up by swaying away with i-Frames, the longer you wait before you click it – the longer it will take to activate
b) LMB – you get up immediately in place while performing Spin Attack with Super Armor which can hit and stagger opponent
c) LMB+hold – you get up and perform ^Spin Attack and as long as you keep holding LMB your character will have block activated (when doing so – it does not activate block animation, it looks like you’re just standing, however if someone hits you with block-able attack, you will block it… you can also walk/ sprint while in this state)

14. Escape Skill (LMB+RMB):
This is so called “panic-button”. You can use it in any situation except when caught with 5# Super Skill. You can choose direction towards which your character will dash, it will also knock back opponent if he’s close (unless he’s holding Guard).
It has 150 seconds cooldown (so in Tag Match you can use it only once per round – it resets each round), it also has i-Frames during its animation.
You will want to use it only when you’re in real danger (when you’re about to receive tons of damage/ get ringed out), don’t spend it wastefully!

…continuation in part 2, cuz i’ve reached character limit for single section… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Basic Combat Mechanics – part 2


15. Super Skill 5#:
Super Skill works the same way on every character (they just have different animations). You can use it after the bar around the skill fills up to full. You can fill it up by performing attacks or by receiving damage. It fills up faster from receiving damage, as it is meant as a comeback ability. In Tag Match if you don’t use it and the round ends, the bar progress is moved into next round, so you can use it in the next one. Therefore if you know that you can’t win that particular round – it’s better to save it for the next one.
You can use it immediately when you’re idle, or even when you’re being hit! You can’t use it after using attacks or Sway (after those you have to wait around 1-2 seconds), you also can’t use it when you’re grounded/ airborne/ groggy.
Super Skill can be blocked or dodged with i-Frames. If you succeed to use it – opponent can’t escape it. However if you fail and opponent blocks it, or generally does not get caught with it – you’ll have end-lag animation which puts you in vulnerable state.
Best situation to use it – is in defense (when opponent is attacking you) due to the fact that its damage isn’t really any bigger than normal skills, its advantage is that it can be used when you’re being hit or exhausted. So for example:
a) when opponent uses some ability on you (in this situation you can only fail if he cancels it with roll and escapes the hit-box with positioning)
b) when opponent uses first MA (RMB) attack (in this situation you can only fail if he clicks [F] to switch characters – only in Tag Match)
c) when opponent successfully counters your MA attack and puts you in vulnerable state (no way to escape it as far as i know)
d) when you get exhausted and you want to prevent potentially getting airborne or grounded (at which point you can’t use it anymore)
This skill has 600 seconds cool-down, however in Tag Match it resets cooldown every round.
If used just before the timer ends (in Tag Match) the round will be extended until the animation of Super Skill Ends.

16. Character Switch – Tag Match (F):
In Tag Match you get to use 2 characters. This allows you to switch between them in the middle of fight. Once you Switch your characters, you will have to wait 45 seconds before you’re able to use it again. When you’re switching – you have i-Frames.
Once you switch to another character, all its abilities are available (regardless of cool-downs on your previous character), except for 4# skill – this one has 5 seconds cool-down after switch. Stamina and HP are separate for each character. You can switch immediately when idle, or after basic command attacks to continue your combo string.
If you don’t move and don’t do any action after switching for few seconds – you will receive 16 seconds buff (or something around that :P) that increases your damage. It has 3 stages (the longer you wait the higher state you’ll get:
-1st stage gives you +5% damage boost
-2nd stage gives you +15% damage boost
-3rd stage gives you +25% damage boost
The “reasons why” for switching character:
a) you’re low on stamina and you don’t feel like you’ll have a chance to regenerate safely
b) to extend airborne combo for extra damage
c) to extend combo on blocking opponent in purpose to exhaust him more out of his stamina
d) to dodge certain attack (mostly useful if you expect opponent to use his Super Skill or some dangerous attack)

17. Charge Crash (character specific abilities):
Some characters have charge abilities with super armor (like Tau’s 1# or Mir’s 1# for example). If you and your opponent both use it at the same time and you hit each other while still in super armor – none of you will receive damage and you’ll both get knockdown.

18. Ring out – only in Tag Match (when you knock back opponent through the hole in the fence):
Ring out = dead – you drop off the ledge. So yea, try to avoid that xD. The attacks that can ring you out are as follows:
a) last LMB attack in Weapon Attack string
b) some of the skills (those which have knockback)
c) Super Skill 5# (this one can be used and knock you down even when you stand up with spin attack when trying to defend yourself, which is imbalanced in my opinion – so hopefully they will change it in the future, because there is no counter to that)
d) Escape Skill (LMB+RMB) (this one can also be used when you stand up with Spin Attack and will knock you back, and technically it’s not even an attack – the main issue is that both Escape Skill and Super Skill can be activated if you get hit and bypass Super Armor, so you can’t really prevent it when you stand up with Spin Attack, and if instead you try to use Sway to get up when next to wall – opponent can easily make you airborne/ groggy and follow into next combo, because there will be predictable opening and not enough distance to escape it)
e) Any attack if you’re airborne and if it pushes you outside the ledge even just a little bit
f) Ground Attacks

19. Fall Hit – only in Battle Royale (when you knock someone off the ledge):
Since in battle Royale there is ground everywhere, you can’t be ringed out – however you can still fall and receive damage depending on the distance between you and floor ^^.

20. Drop Attack – only in Battle Royale (LMB when falling on opponent from the top):
If you jump/ drop from elevation on another player, if you click LMB – you will perform Drop Attack that deals decent damage and also lifts opponent in the air.

21. Shortening start-up animation for skills 1# – 4# with Sway/ Weapon Attacks (Space or LMB + Ability):
All Skills 1# – 4# have some start up animations (some are shorter, some longer). If you use them after doing Sway or one of LMB attacks (Sprint+LMB and Sway+LMB also counts), except for last LMB attack in Weapon Attack String – it will remove some part of that ability start-up animation and you’ll be able to attack faster with it.

22. Using Movement [WASD] keys for reducing end-lag animation:
As with most other Action Combat games, many attacks/ abilities have end-lag animation (meaning you can’t transition right away to another input). Some part of that end-lag you can shorten by holding movement keys. This exists in purpose to give you a little bit of leeway so you can decide depending on situation what is more beneficial for you (if certain attack has for example super armor and you may want to wait out full animation to extend it).
It works the same here in HA:L (Hunter’s Arena: Legends), however this end-lag cancellation is very modest in this game.

23. Stamina Regeneration:
Stamina is important resource, because without it you can’t Block (and if you do – you’ll get exhausted, which is bad :D). You also need it to use Sway/ Roll/ Sprint. Therefore proper managing it – is important. One way to do it is to know when does it regenerate and how much:
a) when you stand in place and don’t do anything (fastest way to regenerate)
b) when you walk/ or hold block without being attacked (slower way to regenerate)
c) when you sprint you spend your stamina, however if you stop in a spot for a moment – it will start regenerating it as if you’d do it without Sprint, so you don’t have to turn off Sprint if you want to stop for a moment in purpose to regenerate some stamina
d) once you get exhausted (when you have no stamina and opponent breaks your Guard), well… then you’re probably gonna eat some damage xD, but you’ll also regenerate half of your stamina bar. This however is bugged and sometimes isn’t gonna work properly (some people even know how to abuse it on purpose unfortunately :/ – hopefully gets a fix soon ^^)

…continuation in part 3, cuz i’ve reached character limit for single section, again… (┬┬﹏┬┬)
(part 3 will be shorter, i promise… for now :3)

Basic Combat Mechanics – part 3

General rules of interaction:

1. i-Frame (invulnerable state, can not get staggered, can not receive damage – character turns purple)
2. Super Armor (animation can not be interrupted by other normal attacks/ skills 1# – 4#, you can still receive damage – character turns red)
3. Block (blocks every attack except for MA-RMB, you can not use any attack while in this state except for 5# Super Skill and MA Counter – if predicted)
4. Exhaustion (you can not do anything for few seconds – happens when you have no stamina and your Guard is broken)
5. Skill Hit 1# – 4# abilities (if you get hit by first hit of an ability – you can not activate block to counter the rest which follows, you can only use Escape Skill or Super Skill 5#)
6. Super Skill state 5# ability (invulnerable state – can not be interrupted or escaped from if used successfully)
7. If you get hit while performing an attack – you receive more damage
8. Grounded state – after knockdown (Some abilities can hit you, some can not – depends on the design, you can not be lifted when grounded except for RMB-Ground Attack, but you can easily react to it with LMB Spin Attack)
9. Airborne state – when someone lifts you and does air combo (the only thing you can do is to use Escape Skill – LMB+RMB)
10. Groggy state – similar to Airborne state, you can’t do anything and you slowly fall on the ground (if not attacked), however if opponent attacks you with something else than ability (meaning LMB/ RMB attacks) – you will be released and can reapply block again
11. Being hit with ability when grounded – some characters have skills which can be performed on a ground like Tau/Samjang 2# (same rule as with Skill Hit – only Escape Skill works)
12. MA Counter State – If you use Martial Art (MA) Attack on opponent and he’ll predict and counter it with his RMB, you’ll become vulnerable for a brief moment to one attack after – however it can be any attack, so if you get lifted/ groggy you will lose a lot of HP from the combo that follows. The only thing you can do in this state is using Escape Skill or Super Skill 5#.

Tips and Tricks!

1. Some characters have immediate Super Armor on 4# skill (like Jun or Mir for example). Sometimes you can bait opponent by doing full LMB string (including the last hit which has long animation end-lag) and make them think that they can hit you (that’s why the last LMB attack with longer end-lag is the key for this) – and then you use that 4# skill with immediate super armor and hit them (if they didn’t Sway away).

2. Allowing some of LMB attacks to hit you is sometimes useful to save stamina, especially if opponent goes for [LMB string + Skill] tactic to exhaust you while you’re blocking. This will allow you to withstand longer before you get exhausted. Yes, you’ll receive a little bit of damage, but it’s better than getting exhausted and combo’ed for 50%+ of your character’s HP.

3. You can reset LMB string if you use certain skills after LMB string (without using the final LMB attack). Some examples:
a) Ara’s 2# skill (if used next to wall, otherwise will knock-back opponent too far from you)
b) Aiden’s 2# skill (if used next to wall, otherwise will knock-back opponent too far from you)
c) Dara’s 2# skill on lightning element

4. So this mechanic i already mentioned in Basic Combat Mechanics, but in case someone skipped it, i decided to mention it here as well, cuz it’s not as easy to figure out on your own.
When you’re grounded, if you click LMB and hold it – you get up and perform Spin Attack and as long as you keep holding LMB your character will have block activated (when doing so – it does not activate block animation, it looks like you’re just standing, however if someone hits you with block-able attack, you will block it… you can also walk/ sprint while in this state).

5. If you delay your second MA attack (after using first one), it will allow opponent to use his attack. If he clicks RMB in hope to counter your RMB attack, you’ll be the one countering him :D.
This^ however requires precise timing so you don’t click it too late or too early. It also requires good prediction, because if he clicks LMB then you’ll get staggered.
You want to use this tactic only against people who almost always try to counter your second MA. Generally safer option is to use some ability after first MA attack – so this is more like troll mechanic to confuse people, but it exists, so… here you go xD.

6. Using Lock On to auto-aim from further distance.
So like explained in Basic Combat Mechanics section, Lock On function (Middle Mouse Button) centers your camera on opponent (if you have him in your FOV) and auto-aims towards him regardless of distance (doesn’t work with some charge abilities).
You can use it for your advantage, by turning the Lock On just before using certain skill, and then turning it off right after you use it. This will provide you with much better aim on certain abilities like Mir’s 2# for example (because some of them have thin hit-boxes even tho their animation looks wide).
I recommend changing key bind for Lock On to another key (that is more click-friendly ^^).

7. Don’t be predictable – change patterns. Meaning, when you attack opponent and he’s blocking – don’t repeat the same thing every time. Don’t use MA on every approach, and when you do – don’t use MA after the same LMB attack every time.
The more randomness you put in – the less predictable you are.

8. Controlling Mir’s 4# is tricky – here is how:
Imagine this ability as you would use calipers.
If you turn left – he keeps doing circle to the left side.
If you turn right – he keeps doing circle to the right side
If you want to go straight – just don’t touch anything
If you want to adjust it a bit, just do short taps to the left or right (depending on desired direction)
If you hold forward while also holding left or right – Mir will do full circle and knock-down opponent in the front (front meaning the direction in which you first used it)
If you hold backwards key while also holding left or right – Mir will do half a circle and knock-down opponent in the opposite direction (opposite to the direction you started with)
Camera Movement doesn’t matter. You’re welcome xD.

9. When Jun is using his 3# skill to pull opponent to himself – he can use 1# or 2# skill right after (with shortened start-up animation – same as if it would be used after Sway or LMB command).

10. If you click Alt+F4 the game will close. LOL, enough of tips for now :D. Gotta save some for the future :P. Nah, but seriously, i’m just super tired cuz i was making this Guide whole day without any breaks. I’ll add more stuff in future updates ^^. Now go and trick your opponents :P!

Character specific mechanics (placeholder)

>>> Nothing to see here, just a placeholder :3 <<<

Ranking / Stats / Replays

Currently Ranking system is in BETA, so currently there is no ranking list where you could look up other players (this changes in tomorrow’s patch – 6 Aug 2020, so i’ll update it as soon as it’s out), however you can still see your own rank/stats in Profile menu.

There is separate ranking and stats associated for each game mode, and also you can replay your games in Replay tab. The replays are currently only available for Battle Royale mode.

Rankings are separated on (from lowest to highest):
Bronze I-IV < Silver I-IV < Gold I-IV < Platinum I-IV < Diamond I-IV < Legend

In Tag Match, whether you rank up or get de-ranked from one stage to another depends on all of your games in that specific rank – meaning all games are treated as promotion games.
In Battle Royale it’s more complicated, and it depends on your stats/ MMR as well.
I haven’t tested Free for All yet – so can’t tell about this one :c.

Once you reach Legend rank, you will gain/lose points based on your opponent’s rank/ MMR.
The weaker the player – the less points you gain for win, and the more points you lose for lost game.
The stronger the player – the more points you gain for win, and the less points you lose for lost game.

Await future updates! / Need help? – Contact me!

I’m planning to constantly update this guide, so remember to check it from time to time in search for new information ^^.

If you need more help, or if you’d like to play some games with me, you can contact me on Discord or Twitch stream (info below).
See you on the battlefield ^^!



