I’ve seen Level 17 and 21 OCDTs that fully deserve higher ranks for their commitment to doing the tasks of Foxhole. I would like the community to acknowledge their hard-work. With more front-line troops than logi/engineers, anyone that choose to voluntarily do those tasks should be viewed in better light and commended for their actions. All information about another player is my Personal OPINION.A work in progressby RJ, a solo logi/builder Lvl 21 Lt Col.
What is a commend?
Commendations can be earned through positive actions such as; enemy kills, friendly heals/revives, building structures, destroying enemy structures, and supplying buildings. (foxhole.gamepedia)
A player can hold up to 100 commends to give but a maximum of 3 given per person per day (as of 060120).
How do I commend someone?
Press F1, search for the name of the player you want to commend and hit the arrow up sign in the menu (of said player). Be advised that you only got a limited number of commendations available in a given period of time. you can check yours at the top right corner of the F1 menu screen. (Erenior | Mav’s Commendation – A guide for players).
As stated in another section, 100 commends limit max and 3 commends can be given per day per soldier.
What to do with commends?
Trade it with friends.
Or choose to commend someone who has contributed to the war. Be it supporting you or the team’s effort. Drop a few commends and pm/type in team chat recognizing their efforts might brighten up their day and you can make new acquaintances/friends.
My personal decision-making tldr of whether to commend someone is based on:
a. Leadership
b. Partisan/Anti-Partisan
c. Combat feats
d. Logi/Building
e. Combat support
In my opinion, partisan/anti-partisan can come under combat support but it has such a high importance that i feel it should be high up the list tldr list.
Additional details below in their sections
How do you earn commends to give?
Fastest way to slowest way to earn commends to give
1. Manning the factory by drawing public materials (Bmats, Emats, HEmats, Rmats) and making supplies with them. Preferably asking region chat first if anyone needs them.
2. Getting the raw resources of salvage, components and sulfur from their nodes (not mines).
Preferably something that you can work on constantly.
3. Building, depends if you have the materials. I am unsure if digging trenches constantly earns you commends to give.
4. In my personal experience, being on the front gives you the least commends to give.
Based on my experience, the Quartermaster should be giving out the most commends, not that they need reminders as they are usually veterans. Those that mine nodes usually have sufficient commends to give their drivers. Thus, anyone that has done some logi usually have commends to give/trade :winky_face:
My personal view on average levels and hours played for ranks
With the changes to UI, we can’t see the levels of other players now, which i feel is a bad decision in the context of my decision to commend someone based on the exp gaining actions they did.
Last I checked, I was 2/5 in my progression as Major, i reached Lt Col several days ago. Pretty sure I didn’t receive many commends or as much as I expected to promote. Still cool though (subtle definitely a flex).
Level 1 (<10hrs): None/Pte/Lcp
Level 2 (<10hrs): Pte/Lcp/Cpl
Level 4 (30hrs): Sgt
Level 6 (30hrs): Ssgt
Level 8 (60hrs): WO2
Level 11 (100hrs): WO1 – ^^^ And below deemed Kids until wars like War 48/78 when vets take breaks.
Level 14 (150hrs): Ocdt – Most tedious rank. Took me 3 Wars.
Deemed the Teenager rank (Knows enough but not enough)
Level 16 (1000hrs): 2Lt
Level 18 (1200hrs): Lt
Level 19 (2000hrs): Capt – Officially a salty vet.
Levels get progressively harder and harder to earn as more and more exp is needed. After Captain, its mostly vets that appreciate the commends but won’t care too much about it. Nvm, everyone loves commends. The relations you build while playing as a loyalist earns you much commends from others who know what you specialize in. The only exception to this rule, from my observation, seems to be Duri89, Lt Gen who does high value kills for both teams as he switches rather often.
Any soldier on the fast track are usually in clans/groups that commend each other or exceptional cases like Seikomasumoto (Fuel truck saint) and Major Cockface
KronusWinter, a logi demi-god (pre WLL) and TerranMarine, bayonet demi-god with awesome soundboard.
Generally, soldiers around/above the rank of Brig have been around forever and are recognized on sight for their leadership or crazy effort put into the war.
Having a microphone to communicate is pretty much a requirement as a combat leader. As a logi, not as much.
Certain leaders have proven themselves over the many wars as seen in devstream 77.
Seed, colonial Field Marshal with the highest rank possible currently in Foxhole. The grittiest of vets that solo builds Storm Cannons and singlehandedly turns tides of war (Collie propaganda for ive never met the warden FM).
Reserved for warden FM
Rustardgaming as described by collie loyalists does everything. My fondest memory is Pre-T3 townhalls at the start of war, destruction of T1 town halls in Reaching Trail, deep in warden territory, boosting the morale of collie soldiers. As well as the random HQ spawn in Reaching Trail that collies use to harass the wardens with.
Aldelur is one of the more vocal warden leaders. As of war 70s, he formed the regiment V for warden vets. A great combat leader who leads ops and randoms well who i remember as a partisan vet.
Simplicity is THE Defender of the West to me. Westgate, a logi hub, is kept running with the efforts of Simplicity who lives in Westgate. Even in wars where Westgate is deep in enemy territory, he setup a FOB and did partisan work due to his familiarity of the region.
Spyr0 works with the chinese clans and bridge the communication barrier. My memory of him however is the tech parts that his group feeds to boosts tech progress when the tech ratio is high. Sure 700 was a mistake that costs collies that war but its a high-risk Gambit that I agreed with.
Zackreaver one of the more active 82dk engineers who has made a fortress of Callahan’s passage even in the wars with the lowest Warden morale.
These people deserve their high ranks and commends thrown their way because of their actions and leadership. I usually play outside of the usual Warden prime hours and as such do not recognize other names.
For the general population, those without exceptional leadership qualities should learn to follow first before leading. Without the knowledge and direction for a successful attack/raid/etc, no one will follow you after the failure. It might be fun, but higher success rates ensures more are willing to follow.
Personally, there’s a good number of quality leaders in the Foxhole community. Keep a look out for them. Lower ranking leaders might have lesser game knowledge but they can be quality leaders nevertheless.
Tasks that might earn you commends as a partisan:
1. Destroy large stockpiles with photo proof and/or typing in world chat.
2. Kill trucks that are supplying an active front.
3. Steal equipment and bringing them back to friendlies.
Partisan/Anti-partisans are usually done successfully by high ranks as they understand the importance and that the flow of combat can be stopped at its most essential and vulnerable section due to fine partisanship. Lower ranks require herding to assist in hunting down partisans as they are often tunneling on a particular objective and do not see the bigger picture. I, myself am guilty as I am even as combat proficient compared to a SGT as told by another high rank. Logi/backline players require protection and they will happily supply the front with supplies for that SWEET commends of a frontline fob/bb.
Similarly, killing logi/backline demolition work is oftentimes overlooked by the others as they are unnoticed unless they choose to build watchtowers which spies will exploit. Getting into a well-fortified bunker base with smokes and wrenches or satchels when they unlocked will cause sufficient damage to be noticed.
Combat Feats
Feats that might earn you commends:
1. Target the right enemy with weapons that threaten a high value target, eg: enemy soldier with RPG close to a tank. Bodyblocking the RPG shot if you fail.
2. Multiple kills with pistol, steal their equipment and killing more.
3. Several bayonet kills
Tasks that might earn you commends as a logi:
1. Successfully sneaking supplies to towns that are surrounded/blockade offroad
2. Delivering to the right frontline fob/bb
3. Building Watchtowers for Logi
4. Taking care of mines/Refuelling fuel trucks for mines
5. Driving for QMs
6. Getting resources
KronusWinter is the definition of collie logi for 2019 as Winter Legion Logi (WLL) makes equipment for the team instead of a clan or any one group. Snugglepuffs has stepped up and formed a branch that does logi in a different region. WLL brings together logi boys that like being in groups. I believe the premier collie logi clan is T3C currently. I haven’t been doing much warden logi to know their logi clans.
However from my observation, solo logi like myself form a significant percentage as well. Solos contribute as and when they need to but lack recognition as they do not have people that recognize their effort to commend them. Selfless individuals like the level 17 and 21 Ocdts that I mentioned above, who work independently with self-directed goals. They do enjoy the game but what else keeps them here? I would like it to be friends and/or acquaintances they make in Foxhole.
Feature added in Trench update: Press F while using a hammer to switch to Upgrade mode. Upgrade mode shows who built the defense.
Tasks that might earn you commends:
1. Heavily fortifying a town efficiently with space for troops and logi.
2. Setting up a frontier base/FOB with the right defenses.
3. Frontline building (Foxholes, Trenches, sandbags, boxes, etc) right behind the combat boys.
4. Drive Bmats for builders.
Spamming defenses and trenches that is inefficient is not the way. Plan out a defense and get other builders on the same plan.
Combat Support
With the Trench update, Hospitals, Field Hospitals and Critically wounded soldiers are added. A medic’s primary job is to conserve Soldier Supplies (Spawn tickets).
How to earn commends as a medic:
1. Revive someone performing an important task (eg: Howie spotter)
2. Revive someone under heavy fire while remaining alive.
3. Ferrying critically wounded back to hospitals and getting SS.
Combat Scavenger
How to earn commends as a combat scavenger:
Well you don’t. People might even kill you for stealing their equipment.
Loot priority imo: Shells (Tank, howies, mortars, RPGs), Heavy Arms (RPG, Various MGs), Nades (Sticky, HE, Gas, Nades), Ammo (Stacks of 100max), Utility (Nade launcher, Binos, Filters, Wrench), Small Arms.
How to earn commends as a spotter:
1. Team up with someone on a Howitzer and kill enemies.
2. Callout enemy positions using a grenade launcher/bino/sniper
End and Suggestions for a new Rank system.
I am just a dumb colonial Level 21 Major that spends most of my time doing logi. I am still trying to fit into a leadership role in wars with high amounts of new players (eg: War 45). I am fighting and partisaning more often as a warden but revert back to doing logi/building as a collie.
Hours played =/= proficiency. I would love a rank system that lets us assign ourselves to certain roles and ranks. With mandatory military service in my country, I served as a Sgt but would like to be lower in rank as my burst of leadership is not expected of someone of that rank. A system that allows for self-assigned and/or voted roles imo should be part of the game. The levels can remain as an indication of hours played but ranks perhaps can be changed to fit the time investment for a particular war or enjoyment of that particular role. Being a squad lead assigns you the rank of SGT while being a proficient soldier assigns you a max rank of CPL with medals assigned for completing say 30 tank killed. Officers are then truly voted in or chosen by the community for being great leaders and personalities that lead the team to victory. Anyone can volunteer to be a faction leader but others can choose to demote them as well.
Or whenever I type what I update.
290621: This is a collie-bias guide. I intend to change that. Added people of note for wardens section after leaving it empty for pretty long.
120521: 2593hrs, Lvl 21 Lt Col.
010521: Added observation that loyalists earn more commends compared to neutrals.
210121: Updated current rank of Lvl 21 Maj and Partisan/Anti-partisan section and others. Being neutral/fighting for the outnumbered faction is fun in its own way.
200120: Updated Personal Levels to Rank list.
270120: Decided to join Wardens until I get a feel for Warden Leadership. Lemons movement and the great defense of Maiden’s Veil of War 47 made me decide to shift allegiance as a Warden merc.
120320: Updated how logi usually earn more commends from my experience. Its hard being an unknown Capt in the wardens. People expect something outta you based on your rank.