I have updated this quick reference guide to include all the current expansion packs. Once again all the information is pulled directly from http://planetzoopedia.com/. Along the left side is a list of all animals in Planet Zoo and along the top are only the animals that have compatibility with other animals.Start by selecting the animal from the left column, then move right until you intersect with an animal from the top row. If the box is green and contains an C , then the animals are compatible. If the box is green and orange with an CE , then the animals are compatible and the top row animal enriches the left column animal.Again this is thrown together quickly and probably doesn’t look that great, but the basic information is there for a quick reference. I do have plans on updating this chart to be more user friendly and have a different layout,but for now here is the chart.Please send constructive comments and ideas for improvement. My skills on Excel are limited but I can get things done. Hope this helps the community!
Compatibility Guide
Click Here for Guide[drive.google.com]