POSTAL Redux Guide

Complete Achievement Guide for POSTAL Redux

Complete Achievement Guide


This short and simple Guide will give you some tips to get every achievement in POSTAL Redux.

Before we start

Using cheats in this game will tag you as a cheater and will make achievements unavailable.
Go back to the main menu to deactivate cheats and making achievements available again.

If you have any suggestions and tipps for POSTAL Redux achievements let me know so I can add them to the guide.
Also, pointing out grammar and spelling mistakes will be appreciated.

Fording the River Styx

Just play the Original or the Excess Postage campaign on any difficulty. You will get the achievement as soon as you reach the half of it.

The Final Descent

Finish the Original or Excess Postage campaign on any difficulty.

Knee Deep in the Dead

To get this achievement you have to complete the Original or Excess Postage campaign on any difficulty and killing everybody, Hostiles and Bystanders.

As soon as you killed everybody in a level a red text saying: ”Extermination” underneath the ”Hostiles Killed” counter will appear. This red text has to be there everytime before you exit the level. It will disappear when more NPCs spawn.
Also, if you did not had ”Extermination” on the previous level then you won’t get it in the next one.

Misunderstood savior

Trying to get this achievement can be very frustrating. You have to beat the Original or the Excess Postage campaign on any difficulty but you are not allowed to kill innocent and unarmed people, only Hostiles.

As soon as the exit of a level is open and no Bystanders are killed a yellow text saying: ,,No innocent casualties!” will appear. It will disappear if a Bystander is killed afterwards.
Similar to ”Extermenation” you won’t get it in the next level if you did not had it in the previous level.
I recommend you to play the Original campaign on easy because this one is shorter and you have to deal with less Hostiles.

-Do not forget to save your game after every level, If you fail you can reload the file and try again.
-If a Bystander is killed by a Hostile it should not count as a kill for you, however do not count on it. Also: Explosions and fire from barrels can kill Bystanders as well, it will be counted as a kill from you.
-Only move slowly forward and be careful at what you are shooting at and what weapon you use.
-As soon as they hear shooting the Bystanders will run around the map like headless chickens, they will also run into your bullets and missiles. That’s why you have to be very careful with shooting.
-If a bystander is lying on the floor and bleeding out it won’t be counted as a kill until he dies. However do not risk it to reach the exit right before he dies. It’s more safe to restart. (You can still try it.)
-Better leave the level as soon as the exit is open, it is not worth losing your progress by trying to kill all Hostiles and then accidently killing a Bystander.

Quick to the Slaughter

Beat the Original campaign on any difficulty with a total play time of 30 minutes or less.

30 minutes may sound like a short amount of time but is not hard to get this achievement.
If you want to know how much time you have left you can go to OPTIONS > GAME and activate ”SHOW TIMER”.
What you have to do to get this achievement is pretty obvious. Kill the needed amount of Hostiles and go to the exit as fast as possible. But do not just rush through it, take a few minutes to collect ammunition you may need it to get faster through the Air Force Base.

Total Destruction

For this achievement you have to play every level in the new Rampage mode. It doesn’t matter what score or ranking you have. For this achievement it is only needed to play all of them at least once.

Descent into Madness

Ok, getting this one is a bit tricky but if you follow my instructions you should get it easily.

1. Start a new game on campaign mode. (Any campaign and any difficulty.)
2. Kill somebody. (Anybody, except yourself.)

If you did it right you should get it.

No Time to Bleed

For this achievement you have to reach the exit of a level with less than 10 health.
You will get this achievement eventually by playing on a harder difficulty or playing Co-op mode.

You can also try to hurt yourself by letting yourself getting shot by a Hostile or putting yourself on fire but you have to be lucky if it has to stop by 10 health or less.

Left the Building

Pretty simple, all you have to do is killing yourself. (In the game of course!)
Just press the suicide button (‘K’ on default).

To the Very End

Just watch the entire credits after completing a campaign or after playing the last Rampage level.

Share The Pain

To get this one you have to touch an NPC while burning. You can still controll the Dude when you are on fire, he runs in the direction where you are aiming at.
If a NPC is near you while you are burning don’t feel shy to come closer and give him/her a nice, friendly handshake.

A Better Mousetrap

You maybe need a few trys untill you get it. You have to kill 3 or more people with one single Landmine.

Try to get it by laying Mines infront of NPC spawnplaces. There are some good spots at the Complex and the Base.
Simply lay Mines infront of those Spawns and you will get it sooner or later.
You can also try to lay down a Mine and then to lure hostiles into it. (Your own Mines won’t explode if you walk over it.)

Rocket Power

A little bit luck is needed here. This one is similiar to ”A Better Mousetrap” but this time you have to kill 4 people or more with a single Rocket Launcher missile.
You could simply try to shoot a Rocket into a big crowd, e.g. EZ Markt would be a good place.
Or you can try to shoot Rockets at NPC spawns.

Instruments Disorder

Very easy. At the level ”PARADE” take a Molotov Cocktail and throw it into the Marching Band.
You can also use the Flamethrower or the Napalm Launcher.

Extinction Event

Kill all the Ostriches in the Farm level.

Games Are Bad!

In the level ”GETTHO” kill all of the protestors. They wear orange shirts and are walking infront of the RWS building.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

For this achievement you have to make a kill with every weapon in the game.
This means you have to kill with the Machine Gun, Shotgun, Scattergun, Rocket Launcher (2 different kind of Rockets), Napalm Launcher, Flamethrower, Revolver, Grenade, Molotov, Timebomb, Mine and Bouncing Betty at least once each. This makes 13 different weapon kills in total.
Just try out every weapon and soon you will get the achievement.

The Unlucky Chosen Ones

When an NPC is lying on the floor, crying for help, you have the opportunity to execute them. (‘X’ by default.)
Perform 13 executions to get this achievement.

A Brush With Death

When a Rocketeer or a Rocket Turret is shooting at you, you can whether dodge the Rocket or you can duck under it. (‘F’ by default.)
Duck under 10 Rockets and you will be awarded with another achievement.

Combustible Circular Crates

All around in different levels are blue explosive barrels. Shoot at them and they will blow up.
If you blow up 50 barrels you will get this achievement. However be patient, it may take some time.

Smells Like Victory

For this one you have to make 30 kills with the Napalm Launcher.
Aiming with this weapon is not easy, it’s missiles will bounce of if they hit a wall. So, be careful and better use it in open areas and try hitting as much people as possible with one shot. It also take some time until you get 30 kills.

Modern Day Noah

”Execute two of every hostile type.” The easiest way to get this achievement is to perform executions on hostiles everytime you can.

There are eight hostile types you need for this achievement:

-Police Brown
-Police Blue
-Construction Worker

The Mad Four

Play every level in Co-op mode. You don’t even have to play with other people, you can also get it by playing Co-op mode alone or with Clown bots. However it is easier and more fun with other players.

Against Impossible Odds

For this achievement you have to play the Excess Postage campaign on Nightmare difficulty.
This may sound pretty hard but nothing is impossible.

Here are some tipps:
-You have a Machine Gun with endless ammo and a very long range, use this as your advantage.
In this difficulty you will have to deal with a lot of Military and SWAT Soldiers. Use the long range of your Machine Gun to hurt them from a distance and to make them getting closer. Then use your Shotgun to blast them away. Save your Rockets for big crowds and Turrets.
-Do not run into the battle like a screaming viking. Only move slowly forward or else an entire army will run at you at once.
-Throw Molotovs on NPC spawndoors or lay down Mines. So they won’t trouble you when they come out.
-In later levels you will meet some green fast walking Clowns with Rocket Launchers. You can only kill them with fire. So be prepared with something to make them burn.

Flawless Execution

This is the ultimate Challenge and one of the hardest achievements in this game. For this one you have to perfect every Rampage mode level by getting a ‘A+’ ranking. ‘A+’ means it has to be perfect, you have to reach a score as high as possible.

The Killstreak is the most important thing for getting a high score. The most levels require you to hold your streak over the entirety of the level. You always have 5 seconds between each kill before your streak ends.
However on some bigger levels like the Train station it is not possible to hold one streak over the entirety of the level. If thats the case try to make the most out of it by making 2 or 3 streaks as long as possible.
If you get put on fire while have a streak run into the next person to put him/her on fire and to extend your killstreak.

At the end of a level the game will evaluate your performance and creativity. This means making kills with different weapons will guarantee you creativity points at the end.
Switch your weapons after every third kill, do not just switch between two weapons.
Also, try getting a grenate kill right at the beginning, grenate kills are hard to get when your streak is running.
Very important: putting people on fire will give you extra points. Throw your Molotov into 3 or more people and then gun them down to get double points for each burning person.

time remaining
After killing a certain amount of people the exit will open. If you had a long killstreak and there are only a few people left and you don’t know where they are then you should consider to leave the level to make sure you get extra points for having time left.
Killing everyone on a level will end it automaticly.

Performing executions will also get you extra points like putting people on fire and extend your killstreak. If you are near some items, an NPC lying on the floor and the next people a bit away consider to use the execution to extend your streak after collection items and to reach the next kill without losing your streak. But be quick, you only have 5 seconds between each kill before your streak ends.
Anyways perform executions everytime you can for more points.

Don’t give up
Even if you follow every tipp it is not guaranteed that you will get ‘A+’. Some levels will take several trys.
But noones is born as a POSTAL god. Just keep trying. You will get better and improve your skills until you finaly get one of the most satisfying results screens ever: