This is a guide that incorporates all currently known cheat codes and the process in enabling them.
Planet Coaster has hidden secret codes in the game that unlock special abilites. Some cheat codes may still be undiscovered, but this guide will showcase all known cheats and how to activate them. Enabling cheats is done by renaming guests or rides.
Source of all mods: [link]
Player Controlled Go-Karts
Rename the Go-Kart ride to “bollard”
A Go-Kart can be controlled using WASD and shift for the horn
The video showcasing this cheat:
Super Kart
You have to rename a guest to “andy chappell”
When that guest gets on the ride, the Go-Kart they drive will be much faster than normal.
The video showcasing this cheat:
Low Friction Rollercoaster
Rename a guest to “james taylor” to lower the friction of all coaster rides in the park.
This applies to all rollercoasters, not just the one the renamed guest is on. Log flume and river rapids are included.
The video showcasing this cheat:
Frictionless Coasters (perpetual motion!?)
Rename a guest to “andy fletcher” to completely nullify friction of all coaster rides in the park.
This applies to all rollercoasters, not just the one the renamed guest is on. Log flume and river rapids are included.
The video showcasing this cheat:
Controllable Guests
Rename a guest or a staff member to “tegidcam” to enable the controllable first person camera mode.
You have now been put into the shoes of the guest. Have fun viewing and exploring the park.
Use WASD to move around the guest.
Press T to activate auto look without using middle mouse button.
Use Shfit for slower and more precise movement.
Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom.
Press Esc to exit tegidcam.
Increased Crime Rate
Rename a guest to “david getley” to increase the crime rate in the park.
Once enabled, crime will be occuring much more often.
The video showcasing this cheat:
Security Guards Send People Flying
Rename a security guard to “lockettman” to enable the security guard mayhem cheat.
When the security guard chases a criminal, he will knock anyone out of the way and send them flying!
The video showcasing this cheat:
Everyone Vomits
Rename a shop to “mclinthe” to enable the vomit cheat.
This causes everyone in the park to suddenly and spontaneously vomit on the ground.
The video showcasing this cheat:
Thanks for reading my guide. Please don’t hesitate to point out any errors or give suggestions. All feedback is appreciated.
And if you know any cheats that aren’t on this guide, then please do share 🙂
Ride Breakdown Rate Increase
Rename a guest to “steve wilkins” to enable the breakdown increase cheat.
Upon activating, all rides will breakdown faster than normal.
The video showcasing this cheat:
Rides Never Breakdown
Rename a guest to “frontier” to enable the breakdown prevention cheat.
Upon activating, all rides will be invincible and never break down.
The video showcasing this cheat: