Don’t Starve Guide

Complete Don't Starve guide for Don't Starve

Complete Don’t Starve guide


A guide to Don’t Starve


Welcome to a complete guide to Don’t Starve please ignore the spelling mistake’s, dislexia is a pain.
Il be Using The Reign of Giants DLC when talking about Don’t Starve
For Character il Use Wilson as you begin with him il talk indept about others later.

The Bare Bone Basics

once you spawn and maxwell greets you with those words you will hear more than once.

it’s time to get started
gather twigs grass flint: those are basic recource’s wich you will need to make a science machine to continue making new things.

To make a science machine we are going to need
1 gold
4 logs
4 stone
to get those things we need a pickaxe

you can make a pickaxe under the tools tab
after that make a axe under the same tab

once you have 1 gold, 4 logs, 4 stone make a science machine under the science tab
now we can really get started


now we have a science machine it’s time to make a alchemy engine.
Wich is under the science tab and require’s
4 boards
2 electric doodad
2 cut stone

this means refining with the refining tab

once you gatherd the things needed to refine
you still need a electric doodad
wich is under the science tab

now you can make a alchemy engine

Science tab

Now that we have a alchemy engine the whole science tab is open for us

First make a backpack so you can carry more

now that you can carry more what does the science tab hold?

it holds the 2 most inportant structure’s when it come’s to surviving spring and summer
The lightning rod and ice flingomatic

it also holds the thermal meusurer and rainometer

it also holds the divinging rod wich will come in hand later

Food Production

Food is alway’s in short suply so how do you make it?
you farm it
but for that we need BEEFALO!

we need it’s manure to be exact so just look for beefalo and pick the poop up
under the farm tab there is a inproved farmplot make that over the simple farm

it looks like this

birds drop seeds so plant one in there and check on it a few day’s later to see what you got


il keep this short and simple
look in each tab for a specific structure or tool we will get to season where i will talk more about seasonal tools

Health, hunger Sanity?

health and hunger are simple stats
health goes down when taking damage and can be replenished with healing items and food
and hunger goes up with food

Sanity is a special stat

this is what happens when you go insane
nightmare creature’s apear and will tear you a new one
so how do you combat it?

sanity restoring items and food
for now we will pick flowers and make a garland

sanity will kill you if not carefull so always check on it

Raw, cooked, crockpot best

Crockpot it’s you’re best cooking friend

but how do you use it? and what can it make
i will go over the best recipy here

1 meat 3 ice and you got meatballs

it’s simple and easy to make and you will eat a lot of these

End of Basics

now come’s the big game

Light up

Light is you’re best friend and darkness You’re worst enemy
Meet Charlie
i don’t have any proof of her existence because she is the night

the light tab has many items to keep her away
Fire pit: for heat and light
endothermic fire pit: for cold and light
miners hat: for light on the head
moggle’s: for light on the head like a mole

keep the night light on at all time’s during the night


as winter is the first season to arive after autumm you got to be winter ready
else you freeze
Temperature is a hidden stat that you normaly can’t see without the use of mods like combined status

to combat freezing make a winter hat, beefalo hat, thermal stone, or cat cap.
these will combat freezing

once you are actually freezing the screen will show off a freezing border

this means you got to hurry you’re self to a fire pit to heat up

overheating is the exact opisite of freezing and will show a hot warm border

to combat this either use a ice cube or luxery fan
the ice cube is under the clothes tab and the luxery fan the survival tab

Parry this you casual

i’m a bit cheating here as il just show of a video on how to kite made by me
it may be for DST but works in Single player to

Kiting is all about baiting a attack out and then going in for a few strikes
all i can say pracitce that


seasonal giants good thing i do have video proof of these myths existence

these will show up once per season and sometime’s more than one

Relax, Freeze, Frogs, Hell.

or in other words
Autumm, Winter, Spring, Summer

autumm nothing special happens so relax

Winter is where freezing come’s from

spring means frogs and frain

Summer Heat, and wild fire’s

to combat these use seasonal gear and buildings


Lets begin with mob alingment

Pacive mobs are passive towards the player this list incleude’s

Neuterall mobs are those who when provoked will become hostile otherwise they chill
the list incleude’s
Volt goats

Hostile mobs are basicly everything else (not everything i surley forgot some mobs)
but notworthy one’s are.
*error footage not found*

Noteworthy Structure’s

birdcage: store’s a bird wich when fed meat makes a egg
meat rack: dry’s meats into jerky’s
Ice Box: preserves food longer
Chest: has 9 slots of storadge
Fire pits: give of warmth or chill and light
farm plot: grows seeds
crockpot: cooks crockpot meals

Other Survivors

Wilson: grows a magnificint beard wich keeps you’re heath longer on you

Willow: has a sweet lighter with a small light radius and can cook food on it
Lights fire’s when insane
but is inmune to fire

Wolfgang: Is strong when not hungry
has a faster hunger drain
has a higher sanity drain around monsters

Wendy: can summon abigial a passive mob with a AO attack
Deals less Damage
lower sanity drain in darkness

WX-78: grows stronger with more gears 15 gears max for 400 health 200 hunger 300 sanity
get’s damaged by rain and wetness
Can eat everything beside’s rot in terms of freshness

Wickerbottom: can’t sleep
only benefits from fresh food
Has some nice magical books for farming and traps

Woodie: spawns with a infinite axe called Lucy
Become’s a werebeaver during fullmoon and when the logmeter is at a sertan point
is Canadian

Wes: error wes found dead
he sucks and dies faster

Maxwell: can make shadow puppets
Starts with OP items (shadow armor and shadow sword and some nightmare feul)
regains sanity at all times
Knows Charlie

Wagstaff: has bad eyesight and needs glasses
can make some cool cheap things to teleport and chop wood with
has a old man tummy so takes damage from raw foods

Wigfrid: has her own equipment for fighting
Not a real Valkerie
gets more powerfull the more she kills

Webber: all neuterall mobs hate him
Spiders are now neuteral mobs
scares me
can eat monster meat

Walani: has a surfboard wich can surf tall waves
Dry’s faster

Warly: is a cook
has a chefpouch for food storidge (is a mobile ice box)
has custom kitchen ware (a free crockpot)
probely french and has a disney pixar level backstory

Wilbur: is a dumb monkey
can’t talk
Waste of unlocking

Woodlegs: has a nice hat
Has a boat with canon and sail
snuffs out treasure
hate’s land

Wilba: has the werepig curse
Gets free stuff from pigs
low sanity
needs to fix that big parking in her mouth

Wormwood: ”is redundent” -somebody
Can plant crops anywhere
plants like him (lureplants are friendy)
can’t heal using food

Wheeler: has her own tools for exploring
Has less inventory
Has a Ranged weapon
Can dodge attacks with a dodge move



so you found the Teleportato
well this thing once completed by combine the 4 strange objects let’s you make a new world and change character
you will keep you’re inventory and when swaping from wilson to webber beard progress

Abra Cadabra ALAKABLAM

Magic is the way we can revive ourself
and is home to the most broken and sanity removing items in the game

prestohatonatermachine: unlocks tier 1 magic items
Shadow manipulator: unlocks all magic items
Meat effigy: respawn on a sertan spot opon death
Life giving amulete: respawn on the spot when wearing it
Chill amulate: cools you down
nightmare amulate: make’s you insane
Telelocator Focus: in use with the telelocator staff teleport to this object once it got 3 purple gems
Fire Staff: burn things with range
ice staff: freeze things with range
Dark Sword: deals 68 damage and has 100 use’s
Night Armor: blocks 95% damage and has 750 health
Pan Flute: put animals to sleep
Belt of hunger: reduce food draining

Cave Spelunking

The Caves are a Dangerous Area only for the bravest
So what lies Below?

il tell you
down under everything wants you dead
expect bunnymen

Ancient Science and Nightmare cycle’s

The ancient pseudoscience altar is where all the ancient science is done
and what is ancient Science?
Thelicite Medalion: shows when the nightmare cicle has arived
magilucenemis: gives of light
construction amulete: craft more and waste less recource’s
lazy forager: a magnet for items
star callers staff: summon a little warm star
deconstruction staff: break things into their basic components TOOLS INCLUEDED
Lazy explorer: OMIRAWU NO SHINDERU! NANI? ( you teleport)
Pick/Axe: both a pickaxe and a axe
thulecite suit: has 1800 health and blocks 90% damage
thulicite club: summons spike tenticals and deals 59,5 damage and has 150 use’s
houndios shooticus: tower defender with a ranged attack
thulicite crown: has the chance to summon a shield bubble blocking all damage has 1200 health and 90% damage reduction


Shipwrecked AHOY!


Naturical Tab

Since there now is water we need a boat wich is under the naturical tab
Open it and get supply’s for a boat

a raft works to for now
under this tab will also be a new hat and a new tool: SPYGLASS


you are a pirate so act like it
and use a spyglass to see into the distance

Marco? Polo! Marco? COCONADO!

Combat in Shipwrecked on the sea’s is different from on land
yes we now have cannons with limited uses to combat the waterfearing beasts of shipwrecked

It’s not Gambeling, It’s Suprise mechanics

So you found the slot machine
well like actuall slots i do not advise doing it
as in this case it could lead to death

YAAARGH it’s a trading octopus

The yargtopus is like the pig king
he takes trickets and gives goodie’s in return

Never unleash the quaken

After trawling with a trawl net in the deep ocean you might encounter the legendary
KRaken wwait no THE QUAKEN
a hybrid between squid and chicken

if you do summon him he looks like this

so prepare for a fight

Volcano and obsidian

The volcano is a large climbebal biome in the middle of the ocean
and it spews fire

so what do you do?
You preform a gorge and snackrefice things to stay save

Obsian tools are also here

Obsidian Mechete: Chops things but can create fire
Obsdian Axe: like a normal axe but firey
Obsidian Spear: playing with fire
Obsidian Armor: deal fire damage right back
Obsidian nade: Blow things up with fire
sail stick: no pain agaisnt the wind
volcano staff: summon hellfire
howling conch: summon wind

Wooden thing?

Works the same as the teleportato

the Hamlet

Welcome to the hamlet
Where pigs are capatalized pigs and EVERYTHING WANTS YOU DEAD!

Artifact hunting

the beil pan hammer removes totums from their pedestal
the trap remover removes traps
the gold pan: pans gold actually
the magnifying glass tells you if a peculior tree has treasure underneath

Home sweet Shanty

this is you’re house once you bought it from swinesburry hall or made it you’re self

this is the inside

in exchange for oincs this worlds money you can buy decorations and that for you’re new home!

Violating pig law

we need 1 thing for this: SWASHY HAT
and night

while wearing this aht and keeping distance from guards any crime will go unnoticed


you found the BFBs nest there is a stone egg wich will become ROBIN
a worse version of packims as he has not other forms
here is also a scepter for the queen
But how you you get here?
get eaten by the Big freaking bird himself

Fountain Of youth

be carefull inmortaltiy comes with a price and is surley protected

don’t say i didn’t warn you

Rock thing

teleportato of Hamlet


this is merly one of the pieces bring them all together for a bossfight wich grants the best reward there is
the living artifact
a suit of armor wich takes no dmg for a set amount of time then it’s gone


no further info on hell given besides find it’s clock


well thats everything
hope it was somewhat helpfull probely not
this was done in good fun
head on over to my youtube account for more garbidge
talk to dovahdeer99 idk
leave questions down below il awnser them
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remember: Don’t Starve