Retail version infos
* The retail DVD release was shipped with version 1.3. If you instal the 1.4 patch your inputs might not work uppon first start, to fix it just reset inputs settings to default one time.
* If you wish to uninstal the game you should first uninstal the 1.4 patch prior to uninstalling the game.
64bit patch and SilentPatch
I don’t use it as it creates massive bugs on the Pier level, and the added bump mapping is badly implemented, some textures are also uglier with it. Not to mention that the game will crash more often with the 64bit patch (which by the way is an unsupported patch). The AI choppers will get stuck on map geometry and crash the game, also some animations will sometimes stop playing.
SilentPatch fixes something that you don’t notice and possibly creates more bugs than it fixes so i don’t use it either.
Another reason not to use the 64bit patch is that NVIDIA driver won’t recognize the executable and you won’t be able to force settings on it.
Widescreen fix
Do not instal the SilentPatch! The widescreen fix doesn’t need it AT ALL. Here are the files : [link]
NB : FMVs are video files that have been re-encoded with 16:9 aspect ratio. Instal the SilentPatch after instaling the widescreen fix.
AI shooting through walls/tents fix
Official fix from :
Locked graphics cvars
* DEVMODE : To unlock some neat graphics cvars you will need to enable “devmode”. To do so create a shortcut of the 64bit executable and add this at the end of the target : -devmode
Your shortcut target should look like this : “C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonFarCryBin64FarCry.exe” -devmode
Devmode by default enables some cheat keybinds. I modified the file that is used by this mode to disable all the cheat/keyboard binds modifications features. Here is the file : [link]
* Systemcfgoverride.cfg : Now onto the locked variables and console commands : putting additional lines in the System.cfg file will not work. However, you can make Far Cry run additional commands by creating a new blank text file and renaming it to Systemcfgoverride.cfg, and placing it in your Far Cry directory. You can now edit Systemcfgoverride.cfg and insert new commands, they will be executed each time Far Cry runs without being overwritten :
e_water_ocean_sun_reflection = “1” (enables sun reflections on water surfaces).
e_obj_view_dist_ratio = “110” (increases the distance before the objects starts disapearing, do not exceed 110 or the game will show massive graphical glitches, also this console command is GPU intensive. Note that contrary to wrong infos on the web, setting this to 0 will simply make most 3D models like droped weapons to disapear, this console commands will also fix invisible shooting enemies by increasing the range at which you can see them).
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = “2” (increase the distance before the vegetations/trees 3D models are replaced with 2D sprites).
* Console command to enter at every map starts :
Some console commands can’t be auto executed via a file and will need to be entered at every level starts.
e_terrain_lod_ratio 0.5 (This increased the distance before terrain geometric details start to deteriorate).
Anisotropic filtering, SMAA/FXAA (anti aliasing), DSR
The game doesn’t have the option to turn the anisotropic filtering to it’s max, so you will have to force it through your driver (anisotropic 16x).
As for the anti aliasing option, the game uses FSAA (Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing) method. You can not force MSAA on this game engine. However FXAA (the least GPU intensive) will work and is recommended if you plan on playing in 4K.
DSR will work too but the game will be locked at 60 Hz. If you want a higher refresh rate you will need to change your desktop resolution to your DSR res before starting the game.
NB : FXAA will not blur the image at all if you use it with 4K DSR.
Zoom sensitivity
Noticed how incredibly slow is your zoomed mouse sensitivity? Well here is the fix : [link]
I modified the file so that the default x0.3 mouse zoom sensitivity multiplier is now set to 0.8. If you want to edit the file yourself here is how to do it :
1) go into the “scripts.pak” file inside FCData directory, rename it by “” and open the file.
2) Extract “scripts/default/HUD/zoomview.lua” (file is in read only state so change that).
3) search for the words “Input:SetMouseSensitivityScale( 0.3 * self.OldSensitivityScale );”. Change 0.3 to your desired mouse zoom sensitivity multiplier.
4) Insert the file “zoomview.lua” back into “”
5) Rename the file again to scripts.pak.
System.ini (HDR, motion blur, render mode)
* HDR : Few moths after it’s release the game received a patch which added the HDR feature. however the game is not designed around it and you will encounter some rather extrem over bright effects at times. I would advise against using it.
Here is a tweak to lower the over bright bleeding :
r_HDRBrightOffset = “6.000000”
r_HDRBrightThreshold = “6.000000”
r_HDRLevel = “0.600000”
r_HDRRendering = “2” (changes the HRD lens, range 0 to 11, 0 = disabled, 2 is the least GPU intensive)
* Disabling motion blur :
r_MotionBlur = “0”
* Render mode (also available in the in-game video option menu) :
Defines the type of post-processing rendering mode. If you wish to use HDR I recommend coupling it with render mode 1.
0: Default rendering (default)
1: Improved
2: Paradisiacal
3: Cold realism
4: Cartoon
5: Cinematic
First game start
Launch the Far Cry configuration tool on first launch.
Additionnal infos/tips
* Usefull console commands :
/r_displayInfo 1 will display your framerate along other infos.
/Sensitivity will allow you to quickly find a good mouse sensitivity (and precisely).
* Tips :
– Always hide in the bushes/trees whenever possible.
– Throwing rocks is super usefull after clearing an area to know if there is some enemies left. Also usefull to either attract them toward you or make them point in a direction.
– To shoot more accurately with your sniper rifle you can click on the “hold your breath” key bind. NB : It does not work with other weapons.
– Turn of the lights of your boat/cars to be less visible.
– Destroy the radios and or the small power generators to prevent enemies from calling reinforcments/activating alarms.
– The MP5 SMG will effectively prevent enemies from activating any alarms (very usefull in some maps where you travel inside buildings). It’s single fire mode is also very accurate.
– Vehicles have a secondary fire (rocket launcher) most of the time. Unless the rocket launcher is empty.
– You can destroy the front glass of the 4×4 to get better visibility.
– To continu zooming with OICW or G36 rifle you have to stop moving for a fraction of second every meter.
– Helicopters featuring a chaingunner will immediatly fly away once the chainguner is taken down, so hide in the bushes and snipe him.
– You can use the Googles to aim and switch to the RPG to shoot accurately (do not zoom with the RPG).
– CryVision is extremly usefull.
* About mouse smoothing and accel :
By default thoose options are set to off. You can check in the system.ini file theese varialbes :
i_mouse_accel = “0.0”
i_mouse_mirror = “0”
i_mouse_smooth = “0.0”
* Full list of console commands and variables :
Type this in the console dumpcommandsvars
It will create a file named “consolecommandsandvars” located in the Far Cry folder
* Weapons stats :
Note that the supressed SMG (silent MP5) won’t alert enemies and has an incredibly accurate single shot mode.
* Realism difficulty no death walkthrough :
High resolution textures mod
Here is an AI neural upscale mod for FarCry’s textures : [link]