Pillars of Eternity Guide

Complete Walkthrough Guide for Pillars of Eternity

Complete Walkthrough Guide


Hi friends,I’m creating this guide to act as an archive for anything you may need help with. Simply search for a quest or information, and it will be provided. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Pillars of Eternity 1: A Moment’s Respite

Welcome everyone, to a new series of Pillars of Eternity.

Games like this are what build the RPG empire to what we play today. If you’re a fan of Dungeons & Dragons, Baldur’s Gate, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Elder Scrolls 1 & 2, and many more, then you’ll love this game!

Starting of, there is a short character build, and I will be taking the role as a Godlike Priest. This aspect will be focused on more of a healing type than dps.

As the story begin, the main protagonist falls very sick stopping the caravan. The caravan master tells us there is a berry that grows locally. Ironically as sick as you are, you’re the one who has to do the task. After getting the berry, you go back to the camp to discover they’ve been completely annihilated except for one hostage. You fight off the locals, whom seems to think you’re there to loot the near-by ruins, until a godly storm appears. You and your group members escape, only to quest what just happened?!?!?

In the first area there is loot at the bottom right on some dead bodies, only one can be looted, containing a lockpick and some armor. To the West at a camp site, a beer can be picked up. Up North from the camp site, there is a wolf and the Springberry you need to move forward.

Return to the Caravan and the Odema will tell you that Sparfel has not return. Go Southwest and you’ll encounter him. Return to the caravan and eliminate the Glanfathans.

Pillars of Eternity 2: The Ruins of Cilant Lis

Greetings friends,

In this video we do The Ruins of Cilant Lis.

After escaping the biawac, you end up in the ruins of Cilant Lis. You need to escape and go to The Gilded Vale, because you’re still sick from before.

In these ruins, first take the Northwest path and get the supplies from the crate. There is a shortcut to the Southeast which can be opened with a hammer and chisel or using Calisca’s might. Be sure to loot the body containing an Engwithan Relief Gem.

If you want extra loot, take the middle path, from the beginning, and then towards the Northwest. In the room with Pillars, use a torch to light the brazier and the fire traps will be removed enough to clear a path.

Proceed Northwest and visit the large face with black ooze on it. Remove the ooze with your water skin and insert the Engwithan Relief Gem. A secret path will open containing some decent loot to gather.

Use either the path of fire traps, if taken only one character at a time can go, or the shortcut. If the shortcut path is taken, some enemies can be fought, gaining experience. Proceed to the main path and fight your way through the spiders. IN the new area, a sacrificial ritual will happen and the quest will be concluded.

Pillars of Eternity 3: The Gilded Vale

Hello friends,

In this episode we do The Gilded Vale.

After leaving the recent ritual, the main character still isn’t feeling well, so you must go to the nearest town to find help.

First, stop by Valewood as this path leads to The Gilded Vale. Going solo is not recommended, and most of the enemies here can be done solo, however it is very difficult and time consuming at your current level. Go South and find the individual outlaw, then go West and fight the young wolf. To the Southwest is a brick road. To the West of a small stream is some supplies you can loot. Go Southeast following the brick road and talk to Nonton. Proceed Southeast and then go to the GIlded Vale.

There will be much dialog before the quest ends. While the first moments in the Gilded Vale seems very grim, due to the numerous bodies hanging from a creepy tree. Apparently the lord of the region, Raedric, is trying to wipe out as many hollowbirths as possible and anything that fails to stop it; well generally, just about anything this guy deems unworthy.

Pillars of Eternity 4: Visions and Whispers Part 1

Hi friends,

In this episode we do Visions and Whispers, part 1 of a 2 part video.

While in The Gilded Vale, there are several side quest, part members, loot, and lore to discover. For the first time, you’ll notice some NPCs have a yellow highlight on their name. Specifically to these types, you can use your ability to view the person history. More will be learned about this as the main story progresses

By now you should have enough to purchase a team member. Go to the inn and you can hire one for 200 copper (Level 1). Just outside the inn is a confrontation between a man named Aloth, a wizard, and some town’s people. Deal with the town’s people and Aloth will join your party.

The side quests below can be gained by doing the following:

-Vengance from the Grave. Speak to Nonton in the house below the windmill.

-Against the Grain. Witness the confrontation Trumbel has at the windmill to the North of town.

-The Smith’s Equipment. Speak to Tuatanu and hell mention his supplies have not come in yet.

-Buried Secret’s. Speak to Wirtan in the crypts accessible beside the main tree in The Gilded Vale.

-A Mother’s Plea. Speak to Aufra, Calisca’s sister, in the Northwestern house. She is pregnant and wants to get out of The Gilded Vale.

Pillars of Eternity 5: Visions and Whispers Part 2

Hi friends,

In this episode we do part 2 of Visions and Whispers.

Before moving onto the main quest, we will first return to Valewood and kill the bear inside the Northeastern cave, as well as, the bandits holding the cook hostage. Along the way there are a few enemies the party can take out to get some experience and loot.

The following tasks will be detailed below for completion.

-Vengeance from the Grave. Kill the bear in the Northeastern cave of Valewood and speak to the spirit to learn the truth. Return to Nonton in The Gilded Vale to decide the fate of the couple for murdering the woman’s husband. If you let them go free, they will give you a minor ring of deflection

-Late for Dinner. Kill the bandits in Valewood. Speak to Tenfrith, and he’ll tell you to speak with him in The Gilded Vale’s inn. You will be rewarded a recipe for a Savory Pie and a discount in the inn.

After these small tasks are completed, go to the tree in the middle of The Gilded Vale. Speak to Caldara de Berranzi’s soul to learn more about your sickness and what’s been happening to you. She tells you that you are a watcher, a person able to see beyond reality and into souls. Since this recently happened to you, your body isn’t used to the spiritual power, thus causing the sickness.

After speaking to Caldara, you’ll learn Crucible of the Soul. This ability, being cast only once per rest, does Burn damage to all enemies within radius and restoring Endurance to you equal to the damage that was dealt.

Pillars of Eternity 6: Late for Dinner & Vengeance from the Grave

Welcome friends,

In this episode we get a new party member, Eder, who is a fighter, and turn in the quest from Late for Dinner and Vengeance from the Grave. Eder is found next to the tree in the Center of The Gilded Vale. He will join the party only after completing Visions and Whispers quest.

The following tasks will be detailed below for completion, and the below link is provided for combat details.

-Vengeance from the Grave. Kill the bear in the Northeastern cave of Valewood and speak to the spirit to learn the truth. Return to Nonton in The Gilded Vale to decide the fate of the couple for murdering the woman’s husband. If you let them go free, they will give you a minor ring of deflection

-Late for Dinner. Kill the bandits in Valewood. Speak to Tenfrith, and he’ll tell you to speak with him in The Gilded Vale’s inn. You will be rewarded a recipe for a Savory Pie and a discount in the inn.

Pillars of Eternity 7: Buried Secrets Part 1

Welcome friends,

In this episode we start the Buried Secrets Quest.

After speaking to Wirtan, work your way Southwest fighting the enemies. Use stealth and the light on the wall can be used to open the path. To the Southeast are more enemies and a spirit you can talk too.

Going North from here will lead to a room with bells. If you want to forget the rest, the solution to opening the lower level is RIGHT, MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. A note collected from a container from the room in the middle of the map gives a hint that the large bell must be rung second.

To the Northwest are more enemies and several places to collect loot.In the room with bookshelves is a locked container on a desk. Most likely you’ll need a lockpick.

On the Eastern side is a spirit you can talk to, but first there will be some spiders. Finally, on the far East, close to the start is a room with another spirit you can talk to and also two Will-O’-Wisp. At an early stage of the game, these may be slightly difficult.

Pillars of Eternity 8: Buried Secrets Part 2

Hi friends,

In this episode we continue on with the quest Buried Secrets.

There are many more enemies on this level compared to the first. Starting on the Southwest path, there are some locked containers you can loot from. Continue down and the bottom room will have more locked containers and some loots. Opening the sarcophagus will spawn an enemy. The room to the North, to what appears like a congregation room, will have a place to loot upon going into stealth behind the podium. The middle path leading to a room with a circular floor will just have enemies and a wheel to drain the water below. Go to the room below and kill the oozes and loot the body near the bath, containing a key to a door just North. If you go East there will be several enemies here. Clear them to loot 3 containers.

Next, unlock the door using the recently found key. Clear a few enemies along the path and proceed down the stairs to a small room on the East side. Speak to the spirit to learn the history of the incident. Look the crates to get a unique flail, Gaun’s Share.

After this scene is over, go o the last remaining door to the North. In here, prepare for somewhat of a boss battle. Clear the room and take the path leading back to level one. Return to Wirtan to turn in the quest. Apparently he was ordered by Lord Raedric to kill the priest here, but instead he chose to help them. Since the guards were searching the place, he hid them in the vault, waiting for the guards to leave and return later to release them, this never happened.

Side note: Gaun’s Share can be found at 13:17

Pillars of Eternity 9: Against the Grain

Hi friends,

In this video we do the quest Against the Grain.

The quest can be started by going to the windmill in the Northern section of The Gilded Vale. Witness the confrontation and the quest will automatically start.

There are several choices. Help Trumbel or Sweynur.

Helping Sweynur:

-Tell Trumbel to go easy on the farmers. Then talk to Sweynur in the inn.

Reward: 10 copper and Hilde will give you better prices at the Black Hound Inn.

-Kill Trumbel

No reward. Also Hilde will increase her prices at the Black Hound Inn.

Helping Trumbel:

-Kill Sweynur

Reward: 20 copper from Trumbel

-Convince Sweynur to work with other farmers.
Reward: 20 copper. Optional another 20 copper if you ask for more.

Pillars of Eternity 10: Esternwood

Hellow friends,

In this episode we do Esternwood.

Starting from the West, go North and there are several skeletons to defeat. To the Southeast are some wichts. Lastly, in the middle Northern section are some spear spiders. Go East from the spiders and speak to Kolsc, who will want you to take care of Lord Raedrics due to his murderous tyranny.

Immediately after dialog, this will begin Lord of a Barren Land quest.

Pillar’s of Eternity 11: The Smith’s Shipment

Welcome friends,

In this episode we do The Smith’s Shipment.

The quest can be picked up from Tuatanu in The Gilded Vale. After getting the quest, go the the Black Meadow. While in the Black Meadow, go near the center of the map and to the left, simply follow the road and you’ll see a camp. The bandits will immediately attack. Eliminate them and loot the crate. Return to Tuatanu in The Gilded Vale to complete the quest.

Reward: 100 copper and a unique shield Larder Door. It has 16 deflection, -8 accuracy, and capable of doing Bash 2.

If you care to explore the Black Meadow, Fulvano’s Boots (+1 constitution) can be found at the middle-bottom section.

Pillar’s of Eternity 12: Magran’s Fork

Greetings friends,

In this episode we do Magran’s Fork.

If you come in from the Northeast, there will be a house at the top on the right side of the map. Later on, if you side with Lord Raedric, remember this house and come back here after meeting with him. In the meantime, there is some loot you can collect, including some camping supplies.

Proceed West until you see Durance, requesting to join your party. To the Northwest of him is a pack of wolves. Go directly West and speak to Foelmar, and a wolf will appear. Defeat the wolf and speak with Foelmar again and he’ll give you 3 potions of minor endurance.

Near the middle South of the map is a troll and a lootable body. Kill the troll and loot the body to get Fulvano’s Amulet (+5 reflex and bonus to healing).

The only other thing worth mentioning is to the middle East of the map, Ludrana and her team who will attack. Her grimoire has some decent spells to learn for low level wizards.

Pillars of Eternity 13: Lord of a Barren Land Part 1

Hi friends,

In this episode we do Lord of a Barren Land Part 1.

To pickup the quest, speak with Kolsc in Esternwood. He’ll want you to eliminate Lord Raedric. One of his friends, Nedmar, can also assist who’s inside the stronghold. Next, go to Raedric’s Hold.

The best route to take is that in the sewers, with is to the bottom right of the stronghold. If you have enough might, your character can bend the bars, if not, use a prybar to do so. If you want to the the quicker route, take the left route at the entrance and go North. Climb the vines to the top.

As for the path in the sewers, there are several looting places and many enemies. It is recommended to stay in stealth to notice any traps nearby. As a rule of thumb, keep a lookout for the shield-type objects on the walls. These always have traps in front of them. Disarming any trap will awards experience depending on the difficult level of the trap. Most objects with magical loot will be random.

When you’re ready to proceed, go to the jail area near the cent of the map and free Giacco, a friend of Kolsc, who was imprisoned by Osrya. Osrya is an animancer working for Raedric to help remove Waidwen’s Legacy. Set him free if you like, then go speak to Osyra just Northwest in her room past the laboratory. You can choose to kill her, help her by killing Nedmar, or do nothing at all and just take out Raedric. Whichever your decision, be sure to pickup the cat in her room and you’ll get a pet.

Whenever ready, the exit to the sewers is the the Northwest.

Pillars of Eternity 14: Lord of a Barren Land Part 2

Hey friends,

In this episode we do Lord of a Barren Land part 2.

The main purpose of this video is to provide the exploration, combat, and looting to many levels of Raedric’s Hold – except the sewers and level 4.

Continuing from the sewers, the ground floor, the courtyard, and other areas contain many enemies and containers with loot. To continue on with the quest, you’ll need to go to the 2nd level. Again several enemies here as well as containers with loot. Speak with Nedmar and he’ll give you some of the story between Kolsc and Raderic. He also gives you the ability to rest for free.

You may kill Nedmar and return to Osrya, otherwise, unlock the door Nedmar gave you to accessing Raedric’s main chamber..

Pillars of Eternity 15: Lord of a Barren Land Part 3

Hi friends,

In this video we go up against Raedric, of if you chose, Kolsc.

The rewards of choosing Kolsc side will give an extremely high positive reputation with the Gilded Vale. Choosing to side with Raedric will give major positive reputation with Defiance Bay.

Either decision will give you Raedric’s sword, Justice.

After the quest, you may return to Osyra, who will continue to do her research. Nothing more will happen until you kill Nedmar, which is entirely optional.

Pillars of Eternity 16: The Old Watcher Part 1

Welcome friends,

In this episode we do The Old Watcher.

This quest is part of the main story. Start off e going to the Black Meadow and go East, then then Caed Nua will appear on the world map.

At the entrance is a character, Kana, who will join, if you like, in search of a book he needs deep within Caed Nua. After this, go inside the courtyard and battle the spirits of many types. Some souls will appear where you can learn fragments to what happened to the place. Proceed inside the keep and speak to the statue. The Steward will tell you about herself, Caed Nua, the endless levels, and Maerwald, the person you seek.

Whenever reach proceed down to the lower lever at the Northeast of the keep’s map. Before going in, a mother’s soul will appear. She is talking to her child, who will someday be a warrior. Go down and fight the spiders.

Due to lots of dialog on this quest, it will be continued on the next episode.

Pillars of Eternity 17: The Old Watcher Part 2

Greetings friends,

In this episode we finish The Old Watcher.

This episode is specifically provided to provide all the lore and all the interesting things said relative to this quest.

Pillars of Eternity 18: Endless Paths of Old Nua level 1

Hello friends,

In this episode we do Endless Paths of Old Nua level 1.

This can be immediately started before or after the Old Watcher quest. However, to reach level 2,simply go back and speak to the Steward in the Keep of Caed Nua.

Once ready, proceed to the level. There are numerous enemies and places to loot in these levels. Notable items are a Ring of Minor Protection found just past the magical barrier at the Southeast section of the map. To the Northwest is a Spider Queen who drops Oidhreacht, a two-handed sword (20% of damage restores endurance. There’s also a Tiny Spider per found in one of the cocoons where the queen is.

Pillars of Eternity 19: Endless Paths of Old Nua level 2

Hey friends,

In this episode we do Endless Paths of Old Nua level 2.

Coming from level one, we will now fight some more challenging enemies throughout the level. Some places to loot are the Southwest, Northeast, and dead center of the map, just above the pit.

The Southwest section has a tent which can be looted, it is trapped however. Inside is a broken blade. This also starts the task The Blade of the Endless Paths. The center room, above the pit, has a high level trap, with a unique armor on the dead body -Hand and Key (effective against charmed, confused, and dominated). About this room, near the eggs, is a pet Tiny White Wurm.

To reach the next level, you can use the stairs at the upper Eastern section of the map, or drop directly down to level but using the pit hole.

Pillars of Eternity 20: A Mother’s Plea

Hi friends,

In this episode we do A Mother’s Plea quest.

This quest can be picked up from Aufra in the Northeastern house of The Gilded Vale.

She needs help and has asked you to go to Anslog’s Compass.

When you get to Anslog’s Compass, take out the xaurip priest to the right, and then take the left path to the south and speak to Ranga. Essentially, she’ll ask you to kill the Xaurip priest, so do this before of after speaking to her.

Afterwords, she’ll agree to help contract a potion for Aufra, but will need spores from a cave just North of her. Go inside the cave and kill the sporelings and the dank spore. Be sure to get the cave fungus on the wall. It’s somewhat of a rare crafting item at this stage of the game.

Return to Ranga and she’ll make the potion, however tell you that it will just make the baby more healthy, not 100% preventing a hollowborn child.

Return to Aufra and give her the potion. It’s your choice to tell her the truth or not.

Your reward is a Cloak of Minor Protection, 10 copper, about 2500 experience, and moderate positive reputation with The Gilded Vale.

Pillars of Eternity 21: Madhmr Bridge

Hi friends,

In this episode we do Madhmr Bridge.

Several enemies can be found throughout the area, including a troll along the North path close to the rocks.

Although the bridge is out going to Defiance Bay, there is one quest you can pickup. Speak to Peregund near the road at the Southeast for task Ferry Flotsam.

Go down just below her and deal with the looters, and then speak with Hanwen. The decision is yours for their fate. If you do not let them take Peregund’s belongings, the Hermit’s hat (+1 might) can be looted from the bodies.

Return to Peregund and you’ll be rewarded with 1080 experience.

Pillars of Eternity 22: Woodend Plains (Unique Axe Found)

Hi friends,

In this episode we do Woodend Plains.

Woodend Plains can be easy or difficult depending your strategy against Pŵgra. These buggers have some annoying spells to deal with, so once you encounter them, make sure it’s your first target.

Aside from that, Sagani will be near the middle of the map at the cross roads. She needs help looking for a reincarnation of her tribes former leader. Thus will start the quest The Long Hunt.

Notable loot is a Hearth harvest, an unique axe with +25% Burn Damage and 3 D R bypass.

Other loot is as follows:
2 Orlan’s Cradle
Admeth’s Wyrt
2 St Gyran’s Horn
2 Springberry
2 Berath’s Bell
Burned Lady

Pillars of Eternity 23: Copperlane

Hello friends,

In this episode we do Copperland from Defiance bay.

Defiance Bay is a very large city broken down into 5 sections. In Copperlane, this is mainly a market.

Due to lots of dialogue, I’m going to simplify this for your convenience on which quest/tasks are picked up.

-His Old Self
*Speak to Kaenra in the Goose and Fox

-A Two Story Job
*Go to the house in the North of Copperlane and some Thieves will attack. Read the letter found on one of the bodies.

-Rogue Knight
*Speak to Osric in the Admeth’s Den.

-The Parable of Wael
*Speak to Grimda in the Hall of Revealed Mysteries

Also, near the actors stage is a hidden item that can be activated while in stealth. The item is a Oaken Scarab Figurine (summons 3 wood beetles once per rest). A Bartender’s Ring is found in the kitchen area of the Goose and Fox (+20% Spirit and Vessel Damage and +5 Will).

Pillars of Eternity 24: His Old Self

You can pickup this quest from Kaenra from the Goose and Fox. She asks you to give her former lover his ring back because he has become violent.

First, go to Purnisc’s House and speak to him. Don’t mind the addict. They’re too high to care. Anyhow, give him the ring and question him about upstairs and he’ll attack.

Next, go upstairs and defeat some more goons. Pickup a key on one of the bodies, then open the door to the east. Inside you find the real Purnisc. You have the option to help him get Kaenra back. If you don’t the quest ends here.

Return to Kaenra if chosen to help in the Goose and Fox. Tell her what happened and you’ll complete the quest. Helping them get back together will award you with Unwavering Resolve (+2 intellect and +1 resolve), and also 3600 experience.

You can pickup this quest from Kaenra from the Goose and Fox. She asks you to give her former lover his ring back because he has become violent.

First, go to Purnisc’s House and speak to him. Don’t mind the addict. They’re too high to care. Anyhow, give him the ring and question him about upstairs and he’ll attack.

Next, go upstairs and defeat some more goons. Pickup a key on one of the bodies, then open the door to the east. Inside you find the real Purnisc. You have the option to help him get Kaenra back. If you don’t the quest ends here.

Return to Kaenra if chosen to help in the Goose and Fox. Tell her what happened and you’ll complete the quest. Helping them get back together will award you with Unwavering Resolve (+2 intellect and +1 resolve), and also 3600 experience.

Pillars of Eternity 25: Catacombs

Greetings friends,

In this episode we do Catacombs.

The Catacombs can be access through the door on the Southwest of Copperlane in Defiance Bay.

There are many enemies in here, including oozes who like to focus on our ranged characters first.

When you enter, you’ll see a dead person. Reach out to their soul to learn this person was on the way to a Woedica meeting.

On the far left is a path which has many taps on both sides. In the back is Helig of Thein. Speak to Dalton in Copperlane first to get the quest A Voice from the Past. Dalton can be found on the West side of Copperlane, near the bridge close to the Amphitheater.

On the East side is Eorn, who is on the run from the Crucible Knights. If you give him 300 copper to leave Defiance Bay, you’ll complete the quest Unwanted. Doing so will reward you with the Rabbit Fur Gloves (+10% Crit Damage Multiplier) and 1200 experience.

Notable items to get are the Bracers of Enduring (+2 Constitution and +1 to Resolve) in the first tomb room on the left. The lootable object is trapped.

Pillars of Eternity 26: Never Far from the Queen

Hey friends,

In this episode we do the Never Far from the Queen quest.

Coming form the Catacombs, you’ll be stopped by a vision from recent past and finally see what the masked man’s face looks like.

Proceed on and you’ll be stopped by two guards. Go past them however you choose. Then take go to the North room. Speak to the initiate to get the Woedica mask and learn the answers to the secret questions coming up which are:

1. My name belongs to the gods
2. I seek the company of shadows
3.To see that the craft of kith
4. You shall know it by the confession of my tongue

Return to the first room and take the South path. Aloth will have an episode where he wigs out. Proceed to the next room, however it is best to put on the Woedica mask and enter alone.

After the meeting is over, you’ll get 3 task, rather quest as the are logged in the journal.

-Through Death’s Gate
-Undying Heritage
-The Man Who Waits

Before leaving loot the object near the Northwest door to get Torc of Defiance (+10 defense against charmed, confusion, dominated, and +10 to concentration) – only wearable by ranger class. To open the door, there is a switch on the pillar in front of it.

Pillars of Eternity 27: First Fires

Hi friends,

In this episode we do First Fires within Defiance Bay.

Here we will pickup the following quest/tasks.

-Built to Last
*Speak to Commander Clyver in Crucible Keep
-Cinders of Faith
*Speak to Fyrga in Ducal Palace

-Missing Sentries
*Speak to Wyla in Crucible Keep

Pillars of Eternity 28: Missing Sentries and Safe Haven

Welcome friends,

In this episode, we do the Missing Sentries and Safe Haven tasks in Heritage Hills.

Missing Sentries can be picked up from Wyla in Crucible Keep. Due to an unknown incident, everyone appears to be dead and attacking, as well as eating, everyone living person.

Most of the enemies in the area will be vessels, so your priest can do lots of damage here. These enemies can be found in many locations. The Southwest leads to a tower for quest Undying Heritage. The purple hidden lootable area has a Potion of Spirit Shield.

Most notably, go to the Northeast mausoleum. You can skip everything and see the progression at 21:24

In here you’ll learn a a former leader of the Crucible Knights are attacking others, and not knowing they are dead. Defeat Leyra to complete the task. Return to Wyla and you’ll be rewarded with major positive reputation with the Knights of Crucible and moderate positive with Defiance Bay, 1,000 copper, and 1400 experience points..

Safe Haven begin on 6:07 and ends on 13:37.

Some former nobles have turned feral undead and are looking to attack their young daughter who is still alive. Kill the family and loot a desk in the back room for a note from the groundskeeper. The not mentions a key to the families mausoleum is in the kitchen. Further inspection in this room reveals the girl escaped. Go the kitchen click the magnifying glass to get the key. Go to the mausoleum and speak to Saeda. Tell her to get out of there as the path is clear. Completing this task will give you 1,200 experience points.

Side note: Loot the sarcophagus to get a Iridescent Scarab Figurine, which summons 1 Adra Scarab per rest.

Pillars of Eternity 29: Two-Sided

Hey friends,

In this episode we do the quest Two-Sided.

Although this is a simply quest in order to help Aloth with his recent outburst before entered the Leaden Key meeting, most of this is dialog.

Simply go to the basement level of the Sanitarium and speak with Bellasege.

Pillars of Eternity 30: The Man Who Waits (2 Uniques Found)

Hello friends,

In this episode, we do The Man Who Waits quest.

To pick up the quest, speak to the statue in the main room of the Sanitarium, Ethelmoer. Say you have a reason to believe the Leaden Key may have some activities here.

Go down to the basement level and speak to the guards who will not let you pass. Return to Ethelmoer and you’ll be given access to process through the guarded door. Go speak to Azo in the Southeast room. In this same room there is 1 unique item in each locked chest, both can be retrieved without stealing. One is Ravenwing (+4 accuracy and +25% damage when attacking the same target with an ally) and Blaidh Golan (-50% stun and knockdown duration, also +20 defense while stunned and proned).

After speaking to Azo abotu the dangerous quarters and request access. He’ll give you a key so you can proceed on.

Go the the dangerous quarters and reach out to Gram’s soul to learn of another patient at the very end. Go the Uscgrim and reach out to his soul. You’ll learn the Leaden Key implanted a soul into this patient to learn act as a spy on the Sanitarium’s efforts to treat Waidwen’s Legacy. Hostiles will appear. Eliminate them and speak to Azo. It’s your choice to decide his fate. Return to Ethelmoer and report your investigation.

You’ll be rewarded 4800 experience points for completing this quest.

Pillars of Eternity 31: Brackenbury

Welcome friends,

In this episode we do Brackenbury within Defiance Bay.

Here we will pickup the following quests/tasks:

-The Hermit of Hadret House
*A Dunryd Row Messenger will approach you. For me, this was given after completing the main quest – The Man Who Waits.

-Far From Home
*Speak to Thristwn, in The Charred Barrel

Most quest here will be done individually. Please refer to the specific video.

Pillars of Eternity 32: A Two Story Job

Greetings friends,

In this video we do we do A Two Story Job quest.

This quest can be picked up from reading a letter after defending yourself against some theive in a Northeastern house within Copperlane.

Once the quest starts, go speak to Abrecan Doemenel. Hell be somewhat angry that you come to report getting the letter from the thieves, as he needed them to steal the Heart of White March from a rival lord.

Next, go to the Reymont Manor just next door, but do not go inside. instead, go to the left side of the manor and you’ll see a window which can be clicked (hold tab on your keyboard if you cannot see it). For best measure, use a grappling hook to go up in the upper level. In the next room, which will be clear, send one person in steal very slowly, not to attract any unwanted attention, while another, also in stealth, views the hallway. The person assigned to go out needs to take a left and activate the candlelight on the left side to open the secret door. Go inside and get quest item. Do note, if you trip the trap on the other chest, be sure to return to stealth mode.

Sneak back the way you came and return to Abrecan. Give him the stone and you’ll be rewarded 3744 experience point. Furthermore, if you would like to side with the Doemenel faction, you may speak to the lord of the manor.

Pillars of Eternity 33: Far From Home

Hey friends,

In this episode we do the quest Far From Home.

This quest can be picked up from Thristwn in The Charred Barrel within Brackenbury.

First, go to The Salty Mast in Ondra’s Gift and speak to Maea about Serel, a high profile prostitute. Offer 1,000 copper for Serel’s services. Next go speak with Serel.

The easy option is to simply offer 6,000 copper for the medallion and be on your merry way. Return to Thristwn. You have the option to give the medallion back, or keep it while speaking to Thristwn. The medallion itself, Stolen Engwithan Medallion, give’s the wearer +2 to might. Keeping it will lose moderate reputation with Twin Elms. However, if give the medallion back and ask for nothing, you’ll just get experience and moderate positive reputation with Twin Elms. Giving the medallion back and asking for more will grant 2,000 copper, Cloak of Many Feathers (+1 dexterity and +2 athletics) and slight positive reputation with Twin Elms.

Completing the quest in any manner will give 1,080 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 34: Ondra’s Gift

Hey friends,

In this episode we do Ondra’s Gift, within Defiance Bay.

The following quests/tasks can be picked up here.

-Supply and Demand
*Speak to Maea in The Salty Mast

-At All Costs
*Speak to Mestre Verzano in Vailian Trading Company

-Brave Derrin
*Reach out to Derrin’s soul in the water just Southeast of the Salty Mast. The tide will be in during the night, not permitting travel. To complete the task, speak to Odda’s House. Tell her about her son’s fate in whichever way you choose. YOur reward will be a Fine Dagger and 1200 experience points

-Clandestine Cargo
*Speak to Imatl on the docks, near the center right of the map.

-All Hands of Deck
*Speak to Marceno on the docks to the Southwest side of the map.

Sidenote: In other to get in the secret room upstairs on the 2nd floor of the Salty Mast, speak to the Older Drunkard beside the stairs on the first floor of the Salty Mast to get Club of Refined and Prestigious Gentlemen Membership Ring. There is a vendor inside the room that sells some great items.

Pillars of Eternity 35: All Hands on Deck

Welcome friends,

In this video we do the task All Hands on Deck.

The task can be picked up from Marceno on the docks West in Ondra’s Gift.

To complete the task, simply travel to the Southeast section of the map, and Wald “Three Fingers” will initiate dialog and attack. Eliminate them and get the chest he was trying to open. You can either A, return the chest to Marceno, or B, open the chest now.

If you chose:

Option A, then you’ll be rewarded 1,080 experience points. Marceno will also offer to give you his wages. If you refuse, he’ll give you Drinking Horn of Moderation and moderate positive Defiance Bay Reputation. Taking the money and the amulet will reduce the reputation to minor positive. Or, simply take the money and do not get the item will provide moderate positive Defiance Bay

Option B, the item inside is Fortanero’s Rapier (x 1.15 damage
+4 accuracy). You can give the chest back to Marceno and lie, resulting the same options to chose from as in option A. Admitting you took the contents and will not give it back will reduce minor reputation with Defiance Bay .

Pillars of Eternity 36: The Wailing Banshee

Greetings friends,

In this episode we do the quest The Wailing Banshee.

TO pickup this quest, simply speak to Niah in Ondra’s Gift. She’ll give you the key to open the door at the lighthouse in the Southeast section of Ondra’sGift.

The first level will have no enemies until you go towards level 2. In addition, if you open and take the loot from the chest on the first floor, enemies will also appear.

On level two, clear the enemies here and take the Lighthouse Tower Key from the table on the far right side.

Lilith, the banshee, will be on the top floor. Eliminate her and the other enemies that spawn.

If you want a unique armor piece, unlock the chest and you’ll get Jack of Wide Waters (+4 damage reduction and +2 survival).

Return to Niah to complete the quest and the reward is 1,000 copper and 6,300 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 37: Supply and Demand

Hello friends,

In this video we do the quest Supply and Demand.

This quest can be picked up from Maea in The Salty Mast.

First, go North of The Salty Mast and some thugs will attack near a statue. Afterwards, go the the ramshackle house in Ondra’s Gift. Speak to Aefre and deal with the issue at your own decision.

Return to Maea to complete the quest. You’ll be rewarded 3,600 experience points, 600 copper, minor positive reputation with Defiance Bay, and a discount for all prices.

Pillars of Eternity 38: Clandestine Cargo

In this video we do the quest Clandestine Cargo.

This quest can be picked up by speaking to Imatl in Ondra’s Gift. Imatl needs you to pickup 3 pieces of an Engwithan scepter found in the body of water – South section of Ondra’s Gift. To enter the water, it must be day light.

Specific location of the pieces are:

-Scepter Shaft: Due south of Imatl near a destroyed building foundation
-Scepter Base: East from the Scepter Shaft, and Southwest from The Salty Mast
-Scepter Head: Southeast from the scepter base, near the sunken ship.

Return to Imatl and either give the specter to him or keep it. If you keep it, Imatl suggest Nans in the Sanitarium can provide additional help.

If going to Nans, it can be repaired for 1,800 copper or 13 resolve dialog check which will reduce the charge to 1,500 copper. There’s also the option to sell the pieces to Nans. If you sell the scepter, Nans will give you 700 copper.

The Engwithan Scepter itself has Fine enchanting and +20% attack speed.

Completing the quest either way will give you 1,248 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 39: Hard Feelings

Hello friends,

In this video, we do the task Hard Feelings.

This task can be picked up from Bricanta Doemenel within House Doemenel from Brackenbury.

Bricanta was recently dumped by her boyfriend, and she, being a Doemenel, does not take it too lightly. In her response, she wants the group to go beat him up.

Kolfecg, can be found in Kolfecg’s House within Ondra’s Gift. The decision is yours on how to deal with Kolfecg.

Specifically for this video, we lie to Bricanta. Your reward will be 600 copper, 1,080 experience points, and moderate positive reputation with House Doemenel.

Pillars of Eternity 40: At All Costs

Welcome friends,

In this video we do the quest At All Costs.

This quest can be picked up from Mestre Verzano in the Vailian Trading Company within Ondra’s Gift.

Verzano requests you deliver a package to Gareth at the Goose and Fox.

Go to the tavern in Copperlane and meet Gareth. His reaction is a bit paranoid and can question him if it was legal. Turns out, it was a side deal going behind the Doemenel’s back. After exiting dialog, guess who shows up? The Doemenels! You may deal with them as you please as they escort Gareth off to some unknown location. Their next target is Verzano.

Return to Verzano. After much dialog, you may chose to save him or now.

The reward for completing this quest is 1,000 copper and a unique pistol – Forgiveness (+20% attack speed).

Side note 1: If you fight Danna you will get Extraordinary Negative reputation with House Doemenel

Side note 2: Pallegina will be outside the main entrance of the Vailian Trading Company. You may recruit her in your party is desired.

Pillars of Eternity 41: Rogue Knight

In this episode we do the quest Rogue Knight.

This quest can be picked up from Osric with Ademth’s Den from Copperlane.

He need you to get his family heirloom back from Penhelm.

First, go to Penhelm can ask him about the breastplate. He’ll tell you he conficated it from Osric since he was kicked out. Since this will not work, you’ll need to get Penhelm’s affidavit from a shelf in a nearby room. In order to validate t authenticity, a cipher will be needed.

Go to The Hadret House in Brackenbury and speak to Kurren. Turns out, the affidavit is a forgery. When you exit the Hadret House, Penhelm will approach you. You may give the affidavit to him or keep it. Keeping it will cause Penhelm and his group to attack.

If choosing to keep the affidavit, eliminate the group and get Osric’s Family Breastplate. Return to Osric and give him the heirloom.

For completed the quest in this method will give you moderate positive reputation with The Dozens, minor positive reputation with Defiance Bay, 2,000 copper, and 3,744 experience points.

In addition, you may also get additional quest from The Dozens Wenan and purchase items from Admeth’s Den store..

Pillars of Eternity 42: The Final Act

Hi friends,

In this episode we do the quest The Final Act.

This quest can be picked up from Kurren in the Sanitarium within Brackenbury.

First speak to Elega in Brackenbury. Then go to Oly in The Salty Marsh within Ondra’s Gift. Finally, speak to Lora in the merchant area of Copperlane.

After, go talk to Lumdala. She’ll refuse to cooperate despite 3 people can testify against her. However, her associate, Kadal, offers to help.

Kadal wants you to meet him at Lumdala’s house, which is Northeast of Copperlane. Kadal will open up the truth about Lumdala when you meet him there. You may deal with him as your see fit.

Unlock the door going down to the basement. You’ll be able to see the past of a soul that lingers. Lumdala will appear with her troupe. Deal with her as you will. She can provide one of her clients, Lord Gaderman who is in Brackenbury.

Confront Gaderman then return to Kurren.

Your reward for completing this quest is 3,000 copper (4,000 copper if you can pass a resolve check of 14), moderate positive reputation with Defiance Bay, and 4,374 experience points.

Side note: If you kill Lumdala, you can loot a Ring of Protection.

Pillars of Eternity 43: Built to Last

Hello friends,

In this episode we do the quest Built to Last.

This quest can be picked up from Commander Clyver in Crucible Keep within First Fires of Defiance Bay.

First, speak to Dunstan in Crucible Keep. He’ll instruct you to go to Scrivener’s Dormitory in Copperlane. Once there, you’ll discover the person you need help from is not there. Check the drawer in the North room for Vianna’s Diary. She has moved to another location so her research will not be disturbed.

Afterwards, go to Ondra’s Gift and then the Abandoned House in the top center of the map. Wile inside, open the door to the left and Dodwyna’s group will be there. Deal with them as you chose.

Vianna will give you the research. Be sure to loot the bodies if you chose to eliminate Dodwyna and her group. Here there will be a unique armor, Aru-Brekr (+1 move speed and +10 deflection against ranged attacks).

Return to Dunstan to complete the quest. Your reward will be 3,744 quest experience, moderate reputation bonus with the Crucible Knights, and may now purchase items from Dunstan.

Pillars of Eternity 44: The Theorems of Pandgram

Welcome friends,

In this video we do the quest The Theorems of Pandgram.

This quest can be picked up from Nedyn just outside the Sanitarium within Brackenbury.

Next, go the The Hall of Revealed Mysteries. You may either speak to Grima to get access to the rear room, which can also be allowed after completing the task The Parable of Wael. If unable to get this though Grimda’s dialog, you may inform her that Nedyn is needs Theorems of Pandgram and will immediately ban Nedyn. Another option is to kill Grimda and take the key.

Alternatively, you may lockpick the door and use stealth to sneak in.

After getting the Theorems of Pandgram. Return to Nedyn and you’ll be rewarded 500 copper, 4,374 experience, and you may ask for more by which she’ll give you the Ring of Eternal Funding (+5 copper per stronghold turn).

Side note: Not completing the quest in Nedyn’s favor will miss out on the opportunity to get the Ring of Eternal Funding.

Pillars of Eternity 45: Undying Heritage

Greetings friends,

In this video we do the quest Undying Hertiage.

This is part of the main story can is automatically started once you complete Never Far from the Queen.

Whenever ready to start, head over to the Southwestern part of Heritage Hills to a large tower. Once inside, clear out the vessel-type enemies. Throughout level 1 and level 2 will be hints about what happened to the place.

On level 2, there is a hidden lootable object, North book case, that can be obtained if you have enough mechanics. To the Southeast will be a Ring of Arcane (+1 intellect and 1 use Arcane Dampener per rest).

Go to the top level and Aldhelm will be there. He has not turned feral yet, and is trying to stop the Engwithan machine. Inspect the pillar beside Aldhelm and you’ll learn there are some runes inscribed on it.

Next, go to Incantha at the Northwest of the map. She will be very prideful arrogant about her knowledge with runes. Get the information from her as best you can. Once you do, return to the pillar.

You may either destroy the pillar or turn it off. Turning the machine off will grant major positive reputation with Defiance Bay. Destroying the machine will grant extraordinary positive wit Defiance Bay. Both will give 4,992 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 46: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 3

Hey Friends,

In this episode we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 3.

While on level 3, go to North room on the right side and speak to Thulgar. He needs help with, and starts the task Desperate Measures. Alternatively, you can kill Thulgar, however this will do nothing for the task.

There will be many ogres and ogre druids. Be careful wit the druids, they can be nasty to deal with. Whenever ready, fight Zolla in the center of the map and get Zolla’s Torc. Return to Thulgar, give him the torc and you’ll e rewarded 3,600 experience points.

Another point of interest on this map is the secret room at the op North section of the map. In order to gain access, you’ll need to first kill a big black ooze on level for and get a sabre named Resolution (+20% of Grazes converted to Hits). Place the sabre in the statue and the room will open. Inside you can loot a unique quarterstaff, Llawran’s Stick (Speed: x1.2 Attack Speed).

Pillars of Eternity 47: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 4

Hi friends,

In this video we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 4.

This level will have lots of oozes, so be sure o defend or withdraw your back line. Other than that and the trolls, there isn’t much to this level. The Great Black Ooze near the head will have the unique sabre, Resolution (+20% of Grazes converted to Hits), needed to access the secret room on level 3.

Be sure to get the Bloodstone Overseer Seal from the locked/trapped chest at the bottom right room on the map. This will start the task Seals of the Endless Paths. This will be needed to open a door on level 6.

Pillars of Eternity 48: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 5

Hello friends,

In this video we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 5.

This level is filled with xaurip enemies, including priest. If a priest is spotted, take them out as quickly as possible.

In the middle of a map, be sure to go into stealth and click the hidden button to access the secret room. Inside you’ll find the Ornate Sword Hilt.

The to Northwest side of the map is a boss battle where you’ll fight a drake and numerous xaurips. The strategy is actually very easy. First, keep all your part in the room to the right of the blood pool. Use your tank to go speak with the drake. Once combat has started, make your tank go back to the room with your part and stand at the door to create a blockade. Using ranged, take out each enemy.

After the drake and other enemies are dead, there is another hidden lootable object. Go in stealth and loot the object to find a belth – Drywoodan Charm Belt (+20% movement speed). Also loot the dead body to find a unique shield – Ilfan Byrngar’s Solace (+10 defense while stunned prone).

Pillars of Eternity 49: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 6

Welcome friends,

In this video we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 6.

On level 6, there are many skeletons and vessel-type enemies here.

Notable items to loot are the Sapphire Overseer Seal, to the Southeast room in a chest. In the same room is some unique armor – Hirbels Protective Skin (10% crits converted to hits). The Peridot Overseer Seal is in the West room within a chest.

After getting the Sapphire, Peridot, and Bloodstone Overseer Seals, proceed to the large door with 3 holes at the top. In order to open the door, place the seals in the following holes.

Bloodstone – Sword
Peridot – Hammer
Sapphire – Sapphire

Doing so will open the door and complete the quest Seals of the Endless Paths. Your reward will be 6,300 quest experience and minor positive reputation with Drywood Village.

Pillars of Eternity 50: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 7

Greetings friends,

In this episode we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 7.

This level has lots of blights. Any item that can add extra damage to primordial is suggested.

First, go to the green room and get Wind Prism from the chest. Next, go to room below the red room to pickup the Rain Prism and the Old Copper Key. With the Wind Prism, go to the yellow room next and place the item on the pedestal. With the Old Copper Key, unlock the East room to get the Earth Prism. In the same room is a unique wand – Elawen Ein (+25$ freeze damage and -5 accuracy on hit for 5 seconds). Go North from here and place the Wind Prism on the pedestal. The small room above the yellow room has the Fire Prism. After getting it, place it on the pedestal in the red room. Lastly, place the Earth Prism on the pedestal in the green room.

As each room is completed, this will remove greater blights from the Northern room, allowing the path to level 8 much easier.

Last but not least, if you have Kana in your party, you may complete the quest Time and Tide as Garbannos will appear. Eliminate him. Completing this quest will give you 4,374 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 51: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 8

Hey friends,

In this episode we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 8.

This level will have lots of vessel-type enemies. Priest can do lots of damage here. However, there will be fampry’s, which like to affect the control of your allies. Always focus these enemies first!

Starting off, go to the East then go North and cross the bridge over the hand. Speak to Fampyr and he’ll want you to take out the other fampyrs on the level. Backtrack over the bridge and go North.

Next, proceed South eliminating many enemies along the way. In the Southwest room there is a trapped/locked chest. Inside is a unique crossbow – Good Friend (+4 accuracy and +25% damage when attacking the same enemy as an ally, and grants 3 Holy Power per rest).

After eliminating all enemies, return to the Fampyr sitting on the titan’s hand. Prepare for combat as suggested in the video for less frustration.

Loot the famypr and you’ll get Argwes Adra (grants 1 second chance per encounter and +2 lore).

The path to level 9 lies to the Southwest.

In case you need to return to the surface, there a shortcut to the Northern most room.

Side note: If you are unable to talk to the fampyr, complete the quest Undying Heritage to learn the Engwithan language.

Pillars of Eternity 52: Cinders of Faith

Hello friends,

In this episode we do the quest Cinders of Faith.

This quest can be picked up from Fyrga in Ducal Palace within First Fires of Defiance Bay.

First thing you need to do is prepare for a boss battle. Get camping materials, food, beer, and anything to increase stats. Next, travel to Searing Falls and enter the cave at the Northwest section of the map.

Clear the enemies until you are near the large open area on the map. For easy combat, you may follow my strategy in the video. After eliminating Cail the Silent, get the Burning Stone.

Return to Fyrga and be careful which options you chose. Choosing the wrong dialog can affect your reputation with Defiance Bay.

Your reward for completing this quest are 6,750 experience points, extraordinary positive reputation with Defiance Bay, and also a unique flail – Unforgiven (30% grazes converted to hits, +20% attack speed, and +25% fire damage).

Side note: The hidden loot is random inside the cave.

Pillars of Eternity 53: Pearlwood Bluff

Hey friends,

In this video we do Pearlwood Bluff.

This main purpose of this video is to get a quest update for Sagani – The Long Hunt. Simply go to the Southeast section of the map and click on the soul essence.

Additionally, you may scale down to the bottom the cliff, easy if you have a grappling hook, and venture into the cave. Inside there are a few enemies. Eliminate them and loot body to get the Ring of Selonan (+2 level 1 and 3 wizard spells).

Pillars of Eternity 54: Stormwall Gorge

Hi friends,

In this video we do Stormwall Gorge, the part before the gorge is drained.

The purpose of this video is for exploration purposes only. However, you can gain a new party member by speaking to Hiravias, an Orlan druid, near the center of the map.

The water will drain at the bottom after completing the last main quest of Defiance Bay.

Pillars of Eternity 55: Dyrford Village

Greetings friends,

In this video we do Dyrford Village.

The main purpose of this video is to pickup several quest and tasks.

The below are the breakdown on quests and tasks that can be picked up.

-Through Death’s Gate. Is updated by speaking to Harbinger Beodmar in the Berath Temple near the entrance of Dryford Village

-Blood Legacy. Speak to the guard just past the first the bridge on the West side of the map.

-A Farmer’s Plight. Speak to Rumbald, near the South center of the map.

-Dream and Memory. Speak to The Grieving Mother in the Southeast section of the map.

-Cat and Mouse. This can be assigned by Medreth near the entrance of Dryford Village.

-Nest Egg. Speak to Hendyna near the center of Dryford Village.

Specifically for Cat and Mouse, this is completed in the video due to its shortness. Speak to Nyfre in the top level of Dracogen Inn. Assist or kill her. If assisting, return to Medreth. You may lie or kill the group.

If you help Nyfre, she’ll give you 125 copper. Completing the task will reward you 3,240 experience points and 1,000 copper.

Pillars of Eternity 56: Nest Egg

Welcome friends,

In this video we do the task Nest Egg.

This task can be picked up from Hendyna – near the center of Dryford Village.

When ready, go to Dyrford Crossing. Take the path leading up towards the Northeast. Sevis and his party will be i your way, also looking to cash in on the egg. Deal with his group as you will. I recommend eliminating the entire group because you can get a good helmet from one of the members – Stag Helm (+2 athletics and +1 dexterity).

The egg will be visible to the left of the part. It’s best to use a grappling hook to lower it down.

After getting the egg, return to Hendyna. Your reward for completing this task is 600 copper, moderate positive reputation with Dyrford Village, and 1,200 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 57: A Farmer’s Plight

Hey friends,

In this video we do the quest A Farmer’s Plight.

This quest can be picked up from Rumbald in Dyrford Village.

When ready, go to the Southeast cave in Dyrford Crossing. Continue onto the far East of the cave and speak with the ogre Korgrak. Deal with him as you will by killing him or letting him know it’s to safe to stay.

Next, return Rumbald to complete the quest. Your reward will be 4,374 experience points, minor positive reputation with Dyrford Village, and also a unique blunderbuss – Lead Spitter (3 DR bypass)

Pillars of Eternity 58: Blood Legacy

Hi friends,

In this episode we do the quest Blood Legacy.

This quest can be picked up by speaking to a guard near the first bridge on the West side of Dyrford Village.

There are a few ways to proceed. One is getting a key from a skeleton from the West exit of the Cave in Dyrford Crossing. After getting the key, open up the secret entrance near the middle of the map.

However, to get the most of the story, speak to Hendyna after completing Nest Egg task. Dengler can also provide a similar lead depending on the choices with dialog chosen. Both leads will point towards the collapsed building in Dyrford Village, as well Trygil who is inside.

Deal with Trygil as you will. Next, go through the door and proceed into the Dyrford Ruins. There will be lots of loot, traps, and enemies here. Specifically what you need to move on is the Old Dungeon Key, found in the middle of the map, in a chest within one of the Eastern rooms. Once you have this keep, proceed towards the bloody bridge and unlock the door. A blood pool will speak to you. Afterwards, get the Crypt’s master Key in the room Northwest from the blood pool.

Take the path leading North and use the master key to the final room where Wymund is. You make chose to deal with the scenario as you will. Your choices are to let Wymund get his revenge, kill him, let Aelys live, even though she will surely die soon, or allow her to kill herself. The Grieving Mother can offer help by severing Aelys’ memory and start a fresh life.

If you kill Wymund, get the key to unlock the chest in the same room. Inside it will be a unique dagger – Aattuuk (+5 accuracy and 10% of Hits are converted to Crits). The Northern room will provide a shortcut going back to the entrance in Dyrford Village.

Lastly, return to the inn and speak to Lord Harond who is on the 2nd level. Your choice on his fate is up to you. For completing the quest by killing Harond will give moderate negative reputation to Defiance Bay and extraordinary positive reputation to Dyrford Village.

Letting Harond go will give you major positive reputation with Dyrford Village.

Either way, completing the quest will grant 6,300 experience points and 1,200 copper.

Pillars of Eternity 59: Something Secret

Hello friends,

This in video we do the task Something Secret.

Start by speaking to Gordy in the South of Copperlane.

Next, go to the merchant area, area section, and speak to Igrun and hell tell you he sold the March Steel Dagger. Afterwards, go to Two-Tone Weaxel on the 2nd level of The Goose and Fox. Retrieve the dagger and return to Gordy.

Give the dagger and Gordy will tell you where some secret stash is. It’s Oaken Scarab Figurine.

Your reward for completing the task is 1,080 experience points.

Side note: To get the Oaken Scarab Figurine, you do not need this task. it can be retrieve with enough mechanics while in sneak mode near the bottom right of the Theater are of Copperlane.

Pillars of Eternity 60: The Parable of Wael

Welcome friends,

In this video we do the task The Parable of Wael.

This task can be picked up from Grimda, found in the Hall of Revealed Mysteries within Copperlane.

After receiving the task, go to the Southeast section of Woodend Plains. There will be a group of thieves. Eliminate them to get the scroll. Among them will have a unique piece of armor – Sun-Touched Mail of Hyran Rath (grants Sunbeam 3 per rest and -50% disease/poison tick rate).

When you pickup the scroll, a voice will initiate dialog. The voice of Wael would like you to take the scroll to a dragon’s skull in the Black Meadow. You may do this or bring it back to Grimda.

Either way, return back to Grimda to turn in the quest. If you buried the scroll, you’ll need to explain this is what Wael wanted.

For completing this quest from either options, you’ll get minor positive reputation with Defiance Bay, 3,744 experience points, and Footpad’s Hood (+2 stealth and +1 perception).

Pillars of Eternity 61: Fragments of a Scattered Faith

Greetings friends,

In this video we do the quest Fragments of a Scattered Faith.

This is a character quest for Eder, and is very non-linear. In order to proceed, you must first take Eder to see Maerwald in the Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 1. Next, after getting a Hero status reputation with Defiance Bay. The alternatives are passing 17 in perception, then 5 lore or 17 resolve. When this is completed, go see the Record Keeper in Ducal Palace.

Next, go to the North section of Cliaban Rilag. Defeat the two men and get the Readceran Standard Piece. If you have a cipher in your group, this will make things easier, or else you need to bring the piece to one (Lady Webb or Kurren in Defiance Bay will suffice)..

After much dialog you will complete the quest and your reward will be 4,320 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 62: Through Death’s Gate Part 1

Hey friends,

In this episode we do the quest Through Death’s Gate.

This quest is picked up while meeting with the Leaden Key at the Woedica Temple in the First first of Defiance Bay.

When ready, travel to Dyrford Village and speak to the Harbinger in the Berath Temple. Hell instruct you to go visit Cliabanh Rilag.

There are two entrances. The one on the bottom right and the top right. On the bottom right, you’ll need to get past some Glanfathans. The top right, just jump across the stream. Both entrances lead to the same place.

On level one, aside form many enemies and varies loot, there is a unique shield in the middle room – Sura’s Supper Plate (retaliate when hit by melee attack).

Level two is towards the Southeast of the map. Be careful as there are many spores here that can cause mind status effects.

Pillars of Eternity 63: Through Death’s Gate Part 2

Hi friends,

In this episode we continue on with the quest Through Death’s Gate.

While on level 2, head to the North until you reach a room that has a statue with a fountain at its base. Get the Engwithan Key from the fountain. You may use the key to open any door in the center to move forward.

Proceed Northeast and take the stairs going back to level 1. Have your characters go near the machine and reach out to the soul that remains.

Your reward for completing the quest is 4,800 experience points.

Afterwards, there is a shortcut leading back to the beginning via North where the water stream is. When swimming through the tunnel, be sure to select option “Grab the edge of the tunnel”. Use the person with at least constitution of 16 and you’ll get a unique morning star – The Rose of Salthollow (+25% corrosion damage and 20% damage is restored as endurance).

Pillars of Eternity 64: Winds of Steel

Hello friends,

In this video we do the quest Winds of Steel.

This quest can be picked up from Commander Clyver in Crucible Keep after completing the quest Built to Last.

First, go to Anslog’s Compass, and then travel Southeast to the dock. Aranroed will appear. Give her the Copy of Vianna’s Research. Afterwards, Paderbald will appear. Eliminate his group and return to Crucible Keep. Defeat all froge knights and then speak to Commander Clyver.

Your reward for completing this quest is 3,744 experience points, Shame or Glory (+10 accuracy and +20% damage when below 50% endurance and +10 accuracy granted to ally when attacking the same target) , Crucible Knight Officer Armor, and an active skill – Second Skin (+2 armor damage reduction)

Pillars of Eternity 65: The Hermit of Hadret House

Welcome friends,

In this episode we do the quest The Hermit of Hadret House.

This quest is picked up after completing the quest The Man Who Waits. A Dunryd Row representative will deliver a message from Lady Webb requesting you speak to her.

After getting the quest, go to the Hadret House in Brackenbury and speak with Lady Webb on the 2nd floor. You’ll need to complete quests Undying Heritage and Through Death’s Gate in order to proceed. In addition, you must gain favor from one of the below to support you in Ducal Palace. This can be done by completing the quest which are given.

Crucible Knights – found in Crucible Keep of First Fires
The Dozens – found in Admeth’s Den of Copperlane
House Doemenel – found in Brackenbury

After compelting this, return to Lady Webb, then go to Ducal Palace. When the meeting is finished, return to Lady Webb and reach out to her soul.

Your reward for completing this quest is some experience points and a new ability – Dominion of the Sleeps (+2 might, constitution, dexterity, perception, intellect, and resolve for 29 seconds. 1 per rest).

Pillars of Eternity 66: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 9

Greetings friends,

In this episode we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 9.

Consider level 9 a gauntlet due to several enemies, traps, needed keeps, and mind controlling freaks – Vithracks.

Starting off, head Northeast into a room with lots of spike son the floor. DO NOT bring your entire party! Bring the character with the most health. Use this person to get a unique spear – Danula (+5 accuracy and +20% attack speed) from the skeleton if you want it. The Small Bronze Key will be need to get the Old Copper Key.

Return to the path leading to the middle of the map and use the Old Copper Key. There is a hidden object in the center room containing a Ring of Protection.

Proceed Southeast and beware the Vithracks. In the long hallway there is another hidden object. Click it to open a secret path. In here will be the Broken Blade, needed to construct The Blade of Endless Paths.

Pillars of Eternity 67: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 10

Hey friends,

In this video we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 10.

Upon entering level 10, you’ll be ambushed by several ghost type enemies, so be mindful not to go in with low health or abilities.

After the first area, go Southeast and get the Adra Key from the Web Sac. Return to the locked door near the entrance and prepare for battle. One of the Cean Gwla will have a unique rod – Rod of Pale Shades (-5 to all defenses on hit for 5 seconds and critical attacks can stun).

Level 11 will be to the East on the map.

Pillars of Eternity 68: Lle A Rhemen

In this episode we do Lle A Rhemen.

This area is found in Stonewall Gorge after completing all main quests in Defiance Bay, specifically The Hermit of Hadret House.

To get inside, there are 2 entrances. One is at the top near the old ruins and the other is at the bottom of the gorge. The bottom level has a few enemies and some items to loot.

The top level has a bit of a puzzle. First, take the Northeast path. Click the Stone Head and it will ask you a question. Answer it and remember the symbol. Proceed North and do the same thing for the next Stone Head. Next, go to the East room and enter the tunnel. Proceed to the end of the area until Nridek speaks. If you choose not to kill him, you will not be able to get the fully imbued unique weapon. Kill him if you like and loot the Soul Vessel. There also a hidden object to the Northesat of the room he’s in. Get Cladhaliath from the sarcophagus and return to the room before entering the tunnel.

In this room, use 1 party member to stand above a symbol in which you chose an answer to earlier. As soon as both symbols light up, dialog will initiate with a Stone Head. When the pedestal lights up, click the floor next to it to enchant Cladhaliath. The enchantments will be based off the choices made when answering the questions.

As a reference, see the below for what each question grants.

Stone head West side:

-1: +10 accuracy when attacking the same target as an ally
-2: 20% of Grazes are converted to hits
-3: 1.2x damage and +10 accuracy when below 50% endurance,
-4: 1.2x damage to stunned, prone or flanked targets

Stone head North side:
-1: 20% of damage is converted as endurance
-2: Item gets the “Exceptional” Quality enchantment
-3: +10 accuracy to allies attacking the same target as wielder
-4: Critical attacks can stun

Side note: If working for The Dozens, you can do this area while having the quest The Bronze Beneath the Lake.

Pillars of Eternity 69: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 11

Welcome friends,

In this video we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 11.

Beside the entrance is an exit point that returns you outside to the courtyard.

On level 11, e prepared to fight several enemies that can do mind altering status effects. Take the East path leads to a shortcut going down to level 12. The North path leads lots of enemies and a unique wand – Cgabob’s Hazel (+10 accuracy granted to an ally attacking the same target and also grants Jolting Touch on critical hit, 1 per encounter).

From here, go East and eliminate some more enemies. There will also be a unique rapier – Vierinas Leaves (+20% damage to proned, stunned, and flanked enemies).

Pillars of Eternity 70: Elmshore

Greetings friends,

In this episode we do Elmshore.

While here, go South a bit and reach an adra arch. Here you’ll get a quest update for Sagani’s The Long Hunt.

Going Southeast and crossing a bridge and you’ll see some interaction between Thaos and your former life.

Towards the Northeast, over the bridge and just below the first tree is a dying monk. Talk to him and he’ll ask you to deliver a scroll case to his companions. This will begin the task The Sealed Missive.

To the far North are several ogres and a cave. Inside the cave are some more ogres. Loot the chest to get a random magic item and Fenwalkers (+7 defense and -2 seconds to stuck, paralyzed, and hobbled).

Side note: The circle on the East side pertains to a quest Servant of Death

Pillars of Eternity 71: Hearthsong

Hey friends,

In this episode we do Hearthsong.

This will be dedicated to picking up quest and task, along with completing the task The Sealed Missive and Hard Bargain.

The following tasks are picked up:

-Hard Bargain. Speak to Rinatto in the center South section of the map.

The following quests are picked up:

-At the Mercy of the Tribes. Speak to Gwineth in the West section of The Celestial Sapling.

-The Champion of Berath. Speak to the Frightened Villager in the South section of The Celestial Sapling.

To complete The Sealed Missive, simply bring the documents to the High Monk in the North room of The Celestial Sapling. Your reward will be moderate positive reputation with Twin Elms and 4,374 experience points. Choosing to lie does not bring much benefit, other than some light armor.

To complete Hard Bargain, go speak with Alarhi in one of the Northern houses. This person will explain the situation as Rinatto has not detailed. If you pursue with Alarhi’s favor, return to Rinatto. Return to Alarhi after Rinatto has been silenced and your reward will be 1,200 copper, moderate positive reputation with Twin Elms and 1,458 experience points. Alternatively, if you side with Rinatto, you’ll have to fight Alarhi and her group. Another option is to lie to Rinatto. Using either a diplomatic response or Might 18, Rinatto will leave town (this option will grant a major positive reputation with Twin Elm.

Side note 1: You can get a quest update for Assassin at Large by speaking with the guards leading to the other cities with Twin Elms, following speaking with Anamenfath Bethwl in Passage of the Six.

Side note 2: If Rinatto dies, you can get an exceptional blunderbuss

Pillars of Eternity 72: The Champion of Berath

Hi friends,

In this episode, we do the The Champion of Berath.

This quest can only be picked up after first completing the quest Lord of a Barren Land. When you arrive at Hearthsong, speak with the Frightened Villager in The Celestial Sapling.

After which, return to Raedric’s Hold and go to the very top level of the stronghold.

You’ll have to fight Raedric again, as Berath has granted him another chance, only this time he will have fampyrs assisting him.

This battle is recommended to do much later on in the game, however I’ve created a system where it can be easily done early on.

After defeating Raedric, you’ll be rewarded extraordinary positve reputation with the Gilded Vale, 32,994 experience points, and also loot Raedric’s body to get a unique heavy armor – He Carries many Scars (+50% damage reduction while under 25% health and +1 endurance ever 3 seconds of game time).

Pillars of Eternity 73: Oldsong

Hello friends,

In this video we do Oldsong.

The purpose here is to pickup quest and tasks.

The following quests can be picked up:

-The Nest Above the Clouds. Speak to Onwen on the East side of the map.

-The Old Queen and the new King. Speak to Destwn in Galawain’s Maw.

-Prison of Ice. Speak to Larha in Galawain’s Maw.

The following tasks can be picked up:

-Songs of the Wild. Speak to Delem just before reaching the dock on the West side.

Pillars of Eternity 74: The Old Queen and the New King

Welcome friends,

In this episode we do The Old Queen and the New King.

This quest can be picked up by speaking to Speak to Destwn in Galawain’s Maw.

First, after speaking to Destwn, use the key to open the North door. Work your way Southeast fighting enemies and looking out for many traps. At the end, speak to Irensi, and shell explain why Sul and Oernos hasn’t fought. You may support Sul or Oernos.

In this case, we’ll be supporting Sul. Return to the entrance and Oernos will appear. Speak to Einden and continue to support Sul. Eliminate the group and return to Destwn.

Your reward for completing this quest is 4,374 experience points and a unique sword, Cat’s Claw (3 damage reduction bypass).

Side note: You can kill both Sul and Oernos

Pillars of Eternity 75: Prison of Ice

Greetings friends,

In this episode we do the quest Prison of Ice.

This quest can be picked up from speaking to Larha in Galawain’s Maw.

To do the peaceful completion, you will need at least 13 stealth, or any of the following.

-2 rational
-Shieldbearer of St. Elega
-Kind Wayfarers
-Pale Elf

Not meeting 13 stealth or any of the above means you have to take the hostile route.

When ready, make your way to Noonfrost North within Oldsong. Here, to make things easy, it’s best to bring someone with a lot of stealth. If needed, use scrolls, items, etc. to raise this stat. This is not need, so you may go the hostile route.

Once inside, go Northeast to a room with a white statue and unlock the door within it. Also, get the Blue Crystal Key from a chest in the same room. After unlocking the door, use your stealth character to go into the room Northeast. Be careful not to alert the guards patrolling. Get the Silver Key from the table and now go Northwest, again do not alert the guards.

Use the Silver Key to unlock the door and speak to Alwah. Tell her the path is not clear yet. Now, return to the beginning and go West. More guards will be patrolling. Use the Blue Crystal Key to unlock the door near the Southern center of the map. While in steal, make your way North and speak to Glasvahl. Deal with him as you choose. If you meet all peaceful requirements mentioned earlier, then you can now walk freely.

Return to Alwah and tell her she can go home. Backtrack to Larha and your reward from completing the quest is 6,300 experience points, major positive reputation with The Fangs, moderate positive reputation with Twin Elms, Scales of the Raven (+2 stealth and perception), and a new talent Blooded Hunter (+1 to pierce/slash DR and stealth).

Side note: There is a unique quarterstaff in the West room – Wend-Walker (+25% freeze damage, +1 enemy engaged, +1.8 weapon reach).

Pillars of Eternity 76: At the Mercy of the Tribes

Hey friends,

In this episode we do the quest At the Mercy of the Tribes.

This quest can be picked up from Cwineth in The Celestial Sapling Inn within Hearthsong.

When ready, make your way to the Southeast side of Northweald. Cwineth will approach you and let you know the confrontation is going on just around the corner. Go East and speak to Bright Blood. You may choose to eliminate them now, or deal with the other group.

The peaceful solution would be to choose to deal with the other group. In order to do so, you’ll need a rank 3 positive reputation with Twin Elms or 17 resolve. Go North and speak to Esmar. Bring him to Bright Blood and you will take him prisoner.

Return to Cwineth and you may choose from the following rewards:

– 9000 copper
– A talent, Dungeon Delver (+10% to critical damage multiplier)
-A unique arquebus, Long-Feller (+12 accuracy and 10% grazes converted to hits)

If you eliminate the Fangs, you’ll get the same option of rewards.

Eliminating Esmar and his group, you can choose from the following rewards:

– 9000 copper
– A talent, Wild Running (+10 defense while stuck, hobbled, or when disengaging)
-A unique hunting bow, Prey Maker (+12 accuracy +1 perception)

Either side will grant 6,750 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 77: Northweald

Hey friends,

In this episode we explore Northweald.

On the exception of At the Mercy of the Tribes, the purpose of this episode is to explore the area. However, The Long Hunt will be related as this is a progressive quest for Sagani.

The Long Hunt is picked by speaking to Sagain in Woodend Plains. You must then travel to the below locations in this order.

-Pearlwood Bluff go to the edge of the cliffs.
-Elmshore go to the adra arch.
-Northweald go to the wounded stag.

If you kill the group, you’ll lose moderate reputation with The Fangs. You reward from competing the quest is 10,800 experience points.

Moving on, near the Northeast, you can get a quest update for The Nest Above the Clouds if you go past the stairs.

Just past the fang group at the very north is a cave. Inside are some enemies and some random magical items from the skeleton.

Lastly, near the top and bottom are quest updates for Hunter, Brother. This will be completed in a separate episode for your convenience.

Pillars of Eternity 78: Elm’s Reach

Hi friends,

In this episode we do Elm’s Reach.

The purpose of this video is for exploration only. In addition, the quest Assassin At Large will be completed. To complete this quest, simply cross the bridge towards the Northeast and go through the dialog. For completing this quest, you get 5,382 experience points

Some quests can be picked up here, but this will be detailed in another episode due to an immediate update.

Side note: In Blood Sands, there is a hidden room that will give some random magical items, which can be beneficial to your party. You may refer to 9:17

Pillars of Eternity 79: The Nest Above the Clouds

Hello friends,

In this episode we do the quest The Nest Above the Clouds.

To pick this quest up, speak to Casfath in Oldsong.

To get to the dragon, travel to Northweald, and either use a hammer and chisel, or pass a 16 strength to move the rocks out of the way.

When speaking to the dragon, you may choose kill it or let it remain. Killing it will grant 2808 experience to the bestiary entry, and you can loot 2 Sky Dragon Eyes.

If you do not want to kill the dragon, you can still loot the bone piles with at least 9 stealth. In of the piles is a unique war hammer, Godansthunyr (Attacks Stun on Critical hits and +1 Might)

To kill or not, return to Teir Evron and speak to Hylea. Your reward or completing this quest is 6,750 experience points and a new talent, Hyleas Boon (+1 to perception and lore).

Side note: You can also complete this quest by speaking back with Casfath instead of Hylea

Pillars of Eternity 80: Sacrificial Bloodlines

Greetings friends,

In this episode we do the quest Sacrificial Bloodlines.

This quest can be picked up by speaking to Simoc in The Hall of Warriors.

Simoc wants you to kidnap and sacrifice a child named Elva. In this episode, we will NOT BE DOING THAT!

Instead, tell him you’ll accept the quest. As you try to leave, you’ll be approached by his son, Lliras. If you accept to poison Simoc, go to Bledha in the Golden Grove.

Return to Simoc and give him the poison. If you fail to pass a perception check of 19 or resolve check of 20, then you’ll be forced to fight the entire group.

Defeat the group and get a unique shield from Simoc, Thy Clef (10% of critical hits are converted to hits).

Speak with Lliras to complete the quest and you’ll be rewarded 6,300 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 81: Hunter, Brother

Hey friends,

In this video we do the quest Hunter, Brother.

This quest can be picked up by speaking to Ridai in Passage of the Six within Hearthsong.

Next, go to Northweald and reach out to the dead stelgaer’s soul, then go to the bottom of the waterfall Fîorm and investigate the body.

Return to Ridai. Afterwards speak to Anamenfath Bethwl. You may tell the truth or not.

Your reward for completing the quest is 6,300 experience point.

If you told the truth you will get a major reputation increase with Twin Elms and a unique sword, Sheathed in Autumn (+1 enemy engage and +25% freeze damage).

If you lied, then you will get a moderate reputation increase with Twin Elms and a unique hunting bow, Lenas Êr (3 damage reduction bypass and – 5 to all defenses for 5 sec on hit)

Pillars of Eternity 82: Burial Isle

Hi friends,

In this video we do Burial Isle.

The purpose of this video is for exploration.

You can loot a unique sword at 2:47 – Last Blade of the White Forge (+20% attack speed). There’s also a magical item at 4:57.

Near the top, be careful when fight the Cean Gwla.

Pillars of Eternity 83: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 12

Hello friends,

In this episode we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 12.

Start by going Southeast if you want to eliminate some enemies for experience points. Next go Northwest and then work you way into some friendly arachnid NPCs. Speak to Tcharek to pickup quest The Master’s Tools.

Next, go Southeast from the middle section and then take the Southern path. Watch out for traps along the way. Loot the Mad Vithrack and get the Polished Pommel Stone. The East path leads to level 13.

To complete the quest The Blade of the Endless Paths, return to Dunstan in Crucible Keep to forge the sword. You’ll get a unique estoc, Blade of the Endless Paths (+20% attack speed and + 10 accuracy to an ally attacking the same target) and 6,300 experience points.

Pillars of Eternity 84: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 13

Welcome friends,

In this episode we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 13. The Master’s Tools quest is also completed here.

First, go to the room just North from the level 13’s entrance to get the Engwithan Machine Part. Next, go Northeast and get the Adra Shell. The last piece, Gleaming Adra Fragment is in the middle-right room with a spirit. You may now return to Tcharek on level 12 to complete the quest. Upon return to level 12, Kestorik will demand the adra pieces. Deal with this group you may. Speak Tcharek and you’ll be rewarded 2,000 copper, 6,552 experience points, and a unique dagger – Drawn in Spring (+5 accuracy and 25% damage inflicted over time). Additionally, you can now buy items from Krivi.

Return to level 13 and go to the center where the big door is. You cannot open the door yet, so go to the Northeast area and speak to a spirit. Ask if you’re still loyal and then about getting past the door. Backtrack to the door, and choose option 4.

Defeat the enemies inside and loot the unique battle axe, Edge of Reason (20% damage restored as endurance and +50% critical damage multiplayer).

Side note: In order to access the hidden room, you must have absorbed Maerwald’s knowledge back on quest The Old Watcher. Inside the room can you loot a unique sabre, The Flames of Fair Rhîan (+25% Burn Damage and cast Fireball)

Alternatively, you can press the center piece in the round room to gain access however The Flames of Fair Rhîan will not be there. It is strictly for those who absorbed Maerwald’s knowledge.

Pillars of Eternity 85: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 14

Greetings friends,

In this episode we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 14.

This is strictly combat relative for the boss here.

After defeating the boss, loot it and you’ll get the Shroud of Mourning (+3 to damage reduction, and also +3 to damage reduction to corrosive and freeze damage).

Pillars of Eternity 86: The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 15

Hey friends,

In this episode we do The Endless Paths of Od Nua Level 15.

Quest, The Master Below will be completed in for the peaceful manner. The hostile manner is provided in the below link.


Trend down the stairs fighting off enemies and then the select-able stairs at the bottom. Move Northeast, and an Adra Dragon will speak. Go through the dialog and offer to help. The dragon will give you The Dragon’s Amulet.

Next, go the level 1 and put the amulet in the hand at the Northwest section of the map.

Go to the Black Meadow and speak to Falanroed. Trick her to put on the amulet and the fight her.

The dragon will now have control, and no all options asking for something lead to the same thing. Your reward for completing the quest is 29,592 experience points. Additional quest are now opened up since you’re the official lord of the keep. Also, you can now loot the treasures in level 15.

The unique items are:

Unique pistol, The Dissapointer (Terrible condition, -8 accuracy and 33% damage, 0 enchantments)

Unique scepter, Puitente med Principi (20% of grazes converted to hits and critical hits cause prone)

Unique crossbow, Wendgar (+20% attack speed and 10% of hits converted to critical hits)

Unique light armor, Vengiatta Rugia (grants retaliation and +10% damage to flanked enemies)

Unique shield, Little Savior (+50 defense while stunned and/or proned, +5 defense to allies within 3 meters)

Pillars of Eternity 87: A Call to Court

Hi friends,

In this video we do the quest A Call to Court.

This quest can be picked up after completing The Master Below and is immediately added.

Return to the Great Hall in Caed Nua and speak to the Palace Messenger. Agree to meet with Chancellor Warrin.

Next, go to Ducal Palace with the First Fires of Defiance Bay. Speak to Warrin and you can choose how to conclude the quest.

Your reward for completing this quest is 3,000 experience points and a very unique scepter, Gyrd Haewanes Stenes (soul bound weapon, see details below).

Gyrd Haewanes Stenes soul bound progression:

Level 1 (core) Restricted to wizard, priest, and druid classes.

-Accurate 4: +15 Accuracy, +15% Damage, +15% Raw Damage

Level 2 (Use the weapon to deal 200 raw damage to enemies)

-10% chance to cast Dominate on Hit or Critical Hit. Available to all restricted classes.

Level 3 (Use the weapon to deal 300 damage to dazed enemies or
Use the weapon to deal 1500 damage to enemies)

-Wizard: Grants Gréf’s Authority (1 per encounter)

-Priest: Grants Llengrath’s Displaced Image when hit by a Critical Hit (2 per encounter)

-Druid: 20% chance to cast Restore Spiritshift on Hit or Critical Hit (1 per encounter)

Level 4 (Cause the Dominated affliction with the weapon 15 times)

-Accurate 6: +21 Accuracy, +30% Damage, and +3 Resolve

Pillars of Eternity 88: Breith Eaman

Hello friends,

In this episode we do the quest Breith Eaman. After gaining favor with a god of choice, go to the top of Burial Isle. Jump down, keep in mind there is no turning back from here on. The quest Memories of the Ancients is started while the quest Court of Penitents is completed. You’ll earn 5,232 experience point.

After the cut scene, proceed Southeast defeating enemies along the way. A chest will have magical item and a unique morning star, Daybreak (+1 enemy engaged and 25% chance to cast Destroy Spirit on either hit or critical hit).

Next, go Northeast and follow the path until Iovara appears. After speaking to her, the main character will gain the ability Steps into the Wheel (1 per rest, 4 meter AOE effect to paralyze for 4.5 seconds and sickened for 12 seconds).

Proceed Southeast to the end of this level.

Side note: There are man traps here. Watch out!

Pillars of Eternity 89: Sun and Shadow

Welcome friends,

In this video we do Sun and Shadow.

The purpose of this video is main move forward unto the final level.

Pillars of Eternity 90: Memories of the Ancients

Hey friends,

In this episode we do the final quest, Memories of the Ancients.

Most of this is going to be dialog and some tips on the final battle.
