Dark and Light Guide

Console Commands DnL for Dark and Light

Console Commands DnL


Console Commands for DnLPlease use in singleplayer !

Item ID’s part1

Small little list of Item ID’s/creature ID’s. list will prob. grow over time.
I have a creature id list that is not finished y! -> if annyone wants to help out please do share !

To activate the console command press the “+” key on your keyboard.
Adding items/armors/weapons.
Type in the console -> Cheat Giveitemnum (item ID) (quantity) 1 0
example ->” cheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 0 “

Item ID list
1 bedroll
2 small chest
3 medium chest
4 wall torch
5 bed
6 fireplace
7 wooden sign
8 private storage
9 larder box
10 dining table
11 wooden chair
12 cooking pot

13 stone axe
14 stone sword
15 stone pickaxe
16 stone spear
17 wooden bow
18 stone arrow
19 throwing knife
20 crossbow

22 small plot
23 med plot
24 large plot

25 compost bin
26 mortar
27 workbench
28 forge

29 sulfur powder
30 quartz sand
31 ground bone
32 lightstone sand
33 dark stone sand

34 iron axe
35 iron pickaxe
36 iron scythe
37 iron spear
38 stone hook arrow
39 iron hook arrow

41 wooden feeding trough
42 stone feeding trough
43 paper
44 magic parchment

45 iron dagger
46 iron sword
47 iron hammer
48 iron greatsword

50 tree bark shield
51 —
52 —

53 summoning pool

54 irrigation intake
55 pipe cross
56 pipe straight
57 pipe slant
58 pipe vertical
59 spout
60 water reservoir

61 sand table
62 house war flag
63 glass bottle
64 hanglider
65 parachute

66 boar saddle
67 bargesh saddle
68 vrock saddle
69 bahamut saddle
70 wyvern saddle
71 bear saddle
72 panther saddle
73 griffin saddle
74 infernus dragon saddle
76 grut stag saddle
77 longhorn saddle
78 horse saddle
79 deer saddle
80 arachnae saddle
81 stirge saddle
82 lavatiger saddle
83 nidhog saddle
84 voidray saddle
85 mastodon saddle
86 yeti saddle
87 kodo saddle
88 frost dragon saddle

98 house contract table
99 contract
100 soul of darkness
101 soul of light

103 small spell Tower
104 canopy

105 cooked meat
106 fine cooked meat
107 cured meat
108 fine cured meat

109 copper ingot
110 iron ingot
111 mithril ingot

112 ink
113 focus elixir
114 focus potion
115 centaur wine
116 summoning stone
117 house seal
118 goblin contract
119 cooked mushrooms
120 spiced meat
121 silica powder

122 cloth shirt
123 cloth pants
124 cloth cap
125 cloth gloves
126 cloth boots

127 leather breastplate
128 leather pants
129 leather helmet
130 leather gloves
131 leather boots

132 Druidic tunic
133 druidic pants
134 Druidic cap
135 Druidic gloves
136 Druidic boots

137 copper breastplate
138 copper pants
139 copper helmet
140 copper gloves
141 copper boots

142 fur breastplate
143 fur pants
144 fur cap
145 fur gloves
146 fur boots

147 mithril breastplate
148 mithril pants
149 mithril helm
150 mithril gloves
151 mithril boots

152 mithril robe light breastplate
153 mithril robe light leggings
154 mithril robe hat
155 mithril robe gloves
156 mithril robe shoes

157 breastplate of darkness
158 darkstone pants
159 darkstone helm
160 darkstone gloves
161 darkstone boots

162 robe of lightstone
163 pants of lightstone
164 hat of lightstone
165 gloves of lightstone
166 shoes of lightstone

167 brimstone tunic
168 brimstone pants
169 brimstone gloves
170 brimstone boots
171 brimstone hood

172 ice wind robe
173 ice wind pants
174 ice wind gloves
175 ice wind shoes
176 ice wind hood

177 iron breastplate
178 iron pants
179 iron gloves
180 iron boots
181 iron helm

182 rangers tunic
183 rangers pants
184 rangers gloves
185 rangers boots
186 rangers helm

187 magic essence
188 Fire essence
189 water essence
190 air essence
191 earth essence
192 light essence
193 dark essence
194 chaos essence
195 magic altar
196 spell Tower
197 spell generator
198 spell Tower ammo

199 sorcerers staff
200 Druidic staff
201 celestial staff
202 battlemage staff

203 draining spell
204 rune of restoration
205 rune of warmth
206 rune of light
207 rune of radiance
208 fireball 1
209 fireball 2
210 fireball 3
211 frostbolt 1
212 frostbolt 2
213 frostbolt 3
214 lightning bolt 1
215 lightning bolt 2
216 lightning bolt 3
217 polymorph
219 run of haste
221 arctic illusion
222 rune of deathstalker form
223 rune of wyvern form
224 wall of fire
225 wall of ice
226 wall of lightning
227 firestorm 1
228 firestorm 2
229 hailstorm 1
230 hailstorm 2
231 telekinesis
232 dark vision
233 rune of guidance
234 resurrection altar
235 planar gate
236 rune of recall
237 flame missile
238 rune of soul binding
239 rune of great soul binding
240 acidic extract

263 small fertilizer
264 med fertilizer
265 large fertilizer
266 herbivore feed
267 carnivore feed
268 mystical feed
269 magic shards
270 grass
271 straw
272 field flowers
273 blueberries
274 field mushroom
275 wood
276 charcoal
277 twine
278 apples
279 stone
280 sulfur ore
281 copper ore
282 iron ore
283 mithril ore
284 lightstone
285 darkstone
286 bones
287 raw meat
288 fine raw meat
289 rotten meat
290 ice chunk
291 fur
292 hide
293 fire element core
294 water element core
295 earth element core
296 air elemental core
297 light elemental core
298 dark elemental core
299 gold coin

300 fire blossom
301 fireblossom seed
302 snow loti
303 snow lotus seed
304 terra flower
305 terra flower seed
306 thundergrass
307 thundergrass seed
308 lightblossom
309 lightblossom seed
310 darkweed
311 darkweed seed
312 nightcap mushroom
313 death cap mushroom
314 vigor mushroom
315 white cap mushroom
316 fungal spores
317 wheat
318 wheat seed
319 cooking herb
320 luck clover
321 shrub seedling

327 shabby foundation
328 shabby door frame
329 shabby ceiling
330 shabby wall
331 shabby door
332 triangle shabby wall L
333 triangle shabby wall R
334 slanted shabby roof
335 shabby dormer

336 simple foundation
337 simple wall
338 simple ceiling
339 triangle simple wall L
340 triangle simple wall R
341 slanted simple roof
342 simple door frame
343 simple door
344 simple window frame
345 simple steps
346 simple skylight
347 simple skylight hatch
348 simple wall spikes
349 simple barrier door
350 simple barrier door frame
351 simple barrier
352 simple railing
353 giant simple beast gate frame
354 giant simple beast gate
355 large simple beast gate frame
356 large simple beast gate
357 simple window
358 simple column
359 simple ladder
360 simple rectangle foundation

361 firm foundation
362 firm wall
363 firm ceiling
364 triangle firm wall left
365 triangle firm wall right
366 slanted firm roof
367 firm door frame
368 firm column
369 tiled firm roof
370 firm skylight frame
371 firm skylight hatch
372 archers firm door
373 archers firm wall
374 firm window frame
375 firm window
376 firm ladder
377 firm door
378 firm steps
379 curved firm ladder
380 giant firm beast gate frame
381 giant firm beast gate
382 large firm beast gate frame
383 large firm beast gate
384 firm rectangle foundation

385 rugged ceiling
386 rugged skylight
387 rugged skylight frame
388 rugged door
389 rugged door frame
390 rugged foundation
391 archers rugged door
392 rugged ladder
393 rugged column
394 archers rugged wall
395 rugged steps
396 slanted rugged roof
397 triangle rugged wall L
398 triangle rugged wall R
399 rugged wall
400 rugged window frame
401 rugged window
402 rugged wall spike
403 rugged barrier door
404 rugged barrier door frame
405 rugged barrier
406 rugged rail
407 rugged rectangle foundation

408 framework ceiling
409 door
410 door frame
411 foundation
412 column
413 stairs
414 slanted roof
415 gable L
416 gable R
417 wall
418 rectangle foundation

422 castle of hope ceiling
423 skylight
424 skylight frame
425 door
426 door frame
427 —
428 foundation
429 great gate frame w/ foundation
430 great gate
431 great gate frame w/o foundation
432 giant gate frame w/
433 giant gate
434 giant gate frame w/o
435 buttress
436 column
437 steeple
438 wall
439 —
440 window frame
441 engraved wall

442 castle of defense arched ceiling
443 arched buttress
444 arched wall
445 ceiling
446 skylight
447 skylight frame
448 door
449 door frame
450 human flag
451 foundation
452 great gate frame w/
453 great gate
454 —

Item ID’s part 2

455 giant gate frame w/
456 giant gate
457 —
458 buttress
459 column
460 steeple
461 wall
462 archers wall
463 window frame

468 Manor framework ceiling
471 door
472 door frame
474 foundation
475 great gate frame w/
476 great gate
477 great gate frame w/o
478 giant gate frame w/
479 giant gate
480 giant gate frame w/o
481 buttress
482 column
483 steeple
484 wall

488 large chest
489 wood shield
490 iron trimmed shield
491 lion heart shield
492 dragonscale shield
493 mithril shield
494 darkstone shield
495 lightstone shield

496 woodland illusion
497 marshland illusion
498 highland illusion
499 arctic illusion
500 volcanic illusion

501 simple triangle foundation
502 simple triangle ceiling
503 firm triangle foundation
504 firm triangle ceiling
505 rugged triangle foundation
506 rugged triangle ceiling
507 virtual triangle foundation
508 virtual triangle ceiling

509 stone pipe intake
510 stone pipe cross
511 stone pipe straight
512 stone pipe slant
513 stone pipe vertical
514 stone pipe spigot

538 soul suppress stone
539 rune of cooling
540 cobweb crystal ball
541 rune of gravity 1
542 rune of gravity 2
543 rune of gravity 3
544 bursting arrow 1
545 bursting arrow 2
546 bursting arrow 3
547 bursting arrow 4
548 bursting arrow 5
549 freezing arrow 1
550 freezing arrow 2
551 freezing arrow 3
552 freezing arrow 4
553 freezing arrow 5
554 poison arrow 1
555 poison arrow 2
556 poison arrow 3
557 poison arrow 4
558 poison arrow 5
559 dark arrow 1
560 dark arrow 2
561 dark arrow 3
562 dark arrow 4
563 dark arrow 5
564 holy arrow 1
565 holy arrow 2
566 holy arrow 3
567 holy arrow 4
568 holy arrow 5
569 siege arrow 1
570 siege arrow 2
571 siege arrow 3
572 siege arrow 4
573 siege arrow 5

574 standing torch
575 brazier
576 berry jam
577 stone hammer
578 small soul suppress stone
579 resetting potion
580 ghost scythe

589 Frost blade
590 Force bow
591 Frost hammer
583 frost helm
664 frost Breastplate
663 frost Legs
662 frost gloves
661 frost boots

717 Lava Shoes
718 Lava Gloves
719 Lava Hat
720 Lava Legs
721 Lava Tunic

600 Tamed Hive
601 Royal Jelly
602 Honeyy
603 House Medical Flag
604 Dried Apple Pie
605 Wheat Flour
606 Vanilla Tea
607 Lotus Tea
608 Mushroom Soup
609 Bone Soup
610 Mandrake Soup
611 Bread
612 Fruit Pie
613 Assorte Sandwich/ Pizza
614 Crispy Steak
615 Spicy Bacon
616 Uncommon Grass
617 Rare Grass
618 Uncommon Wood
619 Rare Wood
620 Uncommon Flower
621 Rare Flower
622 Uncommon Field Mushroom
623 Rare Field Mushroom
624 Uncommon Meat
625 Rare Meat
626 Uncommon Hide
627 Rare Hide
628 Uncommon Stone
629 Rare Stone
630 Gem
631 Uncommon Gem
632 Rare Gem
633 Advanced Mortar & Pestle
634 — Not Assigned
635 Bytorg’s Prong
636 Bytorg’s Ivy Tendon
637 Soul Of Bytorg
638 Bytorg’s Tool Box Key
639 Frozen Crystal Ore
640 Albino Deer Saddle
641 Vicious Hyena Saddle
642 Savage Cyclops Saddle
643 Cyclops Ammo
644 Delicate Carnivore Feed
645 Delicate Herbivore Feed

646 Enchanted Metal Alloy
647 Refined Gold Alloy
648 Refined Metal Alloy
649 Refined Square Cast
650 Refined Obsidian Block
651 Guard Sabatons
652 Guard Guantlets
653 Guard Helm
654 Guard Greaves
655 Guard Breatplate
656 Estle Guard Shoes
657 Estle Guard Gloves
658 — Not Assigned
659 Estle Guard Pants
660 Estle Guard Cloth Armor
665 Forging Work Bench AKA Frozen Anvil
666 Bytorg Paw
667 Bytorg Tibia
668 Bytorg Spine
669 Bytorg Anklebone
670 Refining Forge

720 —– 860

TONS OF NEW ITEMS ADDED. i cant keep up.
Armor/weapons, creatures, NPC’s etc

Console Commands

God mode -> type “god” in the command line.
Adding xp -> type “cheat addexperience (quantity) 0 0”
Fly -> type “fly”
Walk after flying -> type “walk”
Killing all creatures -> type “DestroyAllEnemies”
Forcing taming a creature -> type “forcetame” while looking at a creature.
infinite stats -> type “cheat infinitestats “
AI toggled off -> type “cheat playeronly)
Free camera -> type “cheat enablespectator”
Stop Camera -> type “stopspectating”
Set color for creature -> type “settargetdinocolor (color region) (color)”

More to come.

Creatures ID list.

I don’t have all the creature ID’s as of yet.
(if you want to help you can do so by adding a comment)

To spawn a creature/enemy you will have to type in the console
-> Summon (Creature ID)
Wraith -> Ghost_Character_bp_c
Gryphon -> Gryphon_Character_bp_c
Cyclops -> Cyclops_Character_bp_c
Wyvern -> Wyvern_Character_bp_c
Horse -> Horse_Character_bp_c
Fire Imp -> Balrog_Character_bp_c
Goblin -> Goblin_Character_bp_c
Unicorn -> Unicorn_Character_bp_c
Pegasus -> Pegasus_Character_bp_c
Wolf -> Wolf_CHaracter_bp_c
Fallen -> Skeleton_Character_bp_c
Stirge -> Hydrellia_Character_bp_c
Elephant -> Elephant_Character_bp_c
Panther-> leopard_Character_bp_c
Fire Tiger -> Firetiger_Character_bp_c
Boa -> Boa_Character_bp_c
Kodo -> Kebo_character_bp_c
Nightshade -> Moth_character_bp_c
Sacred Griffin -> griffin_character_bp_c
Windrider -> leonopteryx_Character_bp_c
Fairy -> Elf_character_bp_c
Sheep -> Sheep_Character_bp_c
nidhog -> banshee_Character_bp_c
Treant -> Treant_Character_bp_c
Bear -> bear_Character_bp_c
Deer -> Deer_character_bp_c
Longhorn -> Longhorn_character_bp_c
Elite Unicorn -> eliteunicorn_character_bp_c
Yeti -> Yeti_character_bp_c
Epic Nidhog -> elitebanshee_character_bp_c
Fire Lord -> Bigfire_character_bp_c
Collossus or (crystal giant beast) -> mushanbeast_character_bp_c
Goblin no sack -> goblin2_character_bp_c
Bramblehopper -> rabit_character_bp_c
Grut -> cattle_character_bp_c
Boar -> BoarNew_character_bp_c
Fire Dragon -> FireDragon_character_bp_c
Centaur Vanguard -> CentaurShieldman_character_bp_c
Centaur Spearmen -> Centaur_character_bp_c
Elite Gryphon -> EliteGryphon_character_bp_c
Dark Fire Element -> FireElement_Dark_character_bp_c
Fire Elemental -> FireElement_Character_bp_c
Dark Wraith -> Ghost_dark_character_bp_c
Ice Imp -> IceElement_character_bp_c
light elemental -> lightelemental_character_bp_c
Wind elemental -> Windelement_character_bp_c
Spider -> Spider1_character_bp_c
Skorpida -> Spider2_character_bp_c
Ice Elemental -> FrostDevil_character_bp_c
Dark Fallen -> Skeleton_dark_character_bp_c
Piranha -> piranha_character_bp_c (spawn in water)
Alligar -> Alligar_character_bp_c (spawn in water)
Bargesh -> Hyena_character_bp_c
Earth Elemental -> StoneElement_character_bp_c
Dark Earth Elemental -> StoneElement_dark_character_bp_c
Vrock -> twohead_character_bp_c
Water Elemental -> WaterElement_character_bp_c
***Bahamut -> Firecara_character_bp_c****** this one seems to be broken.
Ice Dragon -> IceDragon_Character_BP_C
Albino Deer. -> cheat summon albino_deer_character_bp_c
Savage Cyclops. -> cheat summon savage_cyclops_character_bp_c
Vicious Hyena. -> unknown ATM

Creatures with meshes/textures but not yet working ingame (so far that i’m aware)

Fairy Dragon —> can be spawned ingame, but still crashes.
swamp monster
Dark and Light dragon
Golden sheep
Elemental Tower NPC

There are THREE transit dragons in the world, one at the elf castle, human castle and dwarf castle. they are on top of towers and can be triggered. (i have followed one flying around the island, landing again on the tower.)


Private server configuration to use console.

First find the server admin password.
When found, type in the console -> EnableCheats (admin password)
Then type -> SetCheatPlayer true

After all this you should be able to use the codes.

Copy commands to websites

I have seen there are websites copying and pasting my command lines.
The least these websites can do are to actually put a LINK in there discriptions to this guide.

Thank you for understanding.

