DOOM Eternal Guide

Console Commands for DOOM Eternal for DOOM Eternal

Console Commands for DOOM Eternal


How to use the console in DOOM Eternal and a big list of commands compiled by me.

Unlocking the console

The console is unlocked by default,but most of the commands are restricted.The easiest way to unrestrict them is by using the Cheat Engine Console Unlocker for DOOM Eternal made by SunBeam.Available to download at [link] . All credit goes to SunBeam.
Edit:The Original Cheat Table is broken currently,you have to download the fix.Go to page 28 of the same thread I linked and the fix is a couple posts down.

To use this all you have to do is open up Cheat Engine while the game is running,click the PC icon in the top left corner,select the DOOM Eternal Process and tick the check boxes.

Then when you are in game,to actually open the console,press the ‘ ~ ‘ key.

Now you are in business.


Some of the commands are settings related and are client side only.However,I would highly advise you do not use any gameplay related commands in a public Battlemode match.This guide is intended for singleplayer campaign use only.I do not take any responsibility if you somehow go and noclip in a public game and get yourself banned.And no,you cannot get banned for hacking the campaign,it’s literally impossible.


The next sections are dedicated to listing all the commands I found useful.Most them are for gameplay purposes,to either make the game easier or harder.The other portion are secret options that aren’t in the setting menu.Either way,I had fun making this list,and will continue to have fun using these commands,I hope you do too.

For reading the list:

Most of the commands are listed as such:
command = “default value”
e.g. g_fov = “100”
Type g_fov 140 in the console to set your fov to 140.
Some of the commands are toggleable.
You only have to type noclip to toggle it on or off.

If you don’t understand what command does,you can check the console for an explanation,half of the commands have one.Type the command you want to use without any value and the console will give you a short description.

The console can also autofill the remainder of the command you’re looking for.Type a part of it and press tab.


bind <key> <command>
bindSecondary <key> <command>
– used to bind commands to a keyboard button
To bind numpad keys use this:
1) kp_end
2) kp_downarrow
3) kp_pgdn
4) kp_leftarrow
5) kp_5
6) kp_rightarrow
7) kp_home
8) kp_uparrow
9) kp_pgup
0) kp_ins
.) kp_del
-) kp_minus
+) kp_plus
*) kp_star
/) kp_slash
enter) kp_enter
eg. bind kp_ins g_fov 140

unbind – remove a bind from a button
unbindAll – unbind every command attached to a button,does not unbind keys used for moving and shooting

god – godmode
g_permaGodMode = “0” – godmode persists through levels

noclip – fly around and go through walls
pm_noclipspeed = “50” – faster or slower noclip fly speed

timescale = “1” – manipulate game speed

freeze – freeze everything
g_freezeTime = “0” – freeze everything for a given time in sec
g_stopTime = “0” – stop time for a given time in sec


quit – quit the game


give – can give you anything and everything

give all – give yourself everything – all the weapons mastered,all the runes,all the equipment,everything
give extra_life – give yourself extra lives
give health – full health
give health 100 – give yourself a certain amount of health
give armor – full armor
give armor 100 – give yourself a certain amount of armor
give ammo – full ammo
give ammo/sharedammopool/shells
give ammo/sharedammopool/fuel
give ammo/sharedammopool/bullets
give ammo/sharedammopool/cells
give ammo/sharedammopool/bfg
give ammo/sharedammopool/crucible
– give yourself a certain type of ammo
give ammo/sharedammopool/<type of ammo> 100 – give yourself a certain amount of ammo

give weapons/player/fists
give weapons/player/doomblade
give weapons/player/shotgun
give weapons/player/chainsaw
give weapons/player/heavy_cannon
give weapons/player/equipment_flame_belch
give weapons/player/plasma_rifle
give weapons/player/rocket_launcher
give weapons/player/double_barrel
give weapons/player/gauss_rifle
give weapons/player/chaingun
give weapons/player/bfg
give weapons/player/crucible
give weapons/player/unmaykr
– give yourself a weapon

give perk/player/weapons/shotgun/pop_rocket
give perk/player/weapons/shotgun/pop_rocket_faster_recharge
give perk/player/weapons/shotgun/pop_rocket_larger_explosion
give perk/player/weapons/shotgun/pop_rocket_more_bombs
give perk/player/weapons/shotgun/secondary_full_auto
give perk/player/weapons/shotgun/secondary_full_auto_faster_recovery
give perk/player/weapons/shotgun/secondary_full_auto_faster_charge
give perk/player/weapons/shotgun/secondary_full_auto_increased_movement_speed
give perk/player/weapons/shotgun/secondary_full_auto_ammo_giveback
give perk/player/weapons/heavy_cannon/burst_detonate
give perk/player/weapons/heavy_cannon/burst_detonate_faster_recharge
give perk/player/weapons/heavy_cannon/burst_detonate_faster_charge
give perk/player/weapons/heavy_cannon/burst_detonate_primary_charge
give perk/player/weapons/heavy_cannon/burst_detonate_mastery
give perk/player/weapons/heavy_cannon/bolt_action
give perk/player/weapons/heavy_cannon/bolt_action_faster_movement
give perk/player/weapons/heavy_cannon/bolt_action_faster_reload
give perk/player/weapons/heavy_cannon/bolt_action_mastery_upgrades
give perk/player/weapons/plasma_rifle/secondary_aoe
give perk/player/weapons/plasma_rifle/secondary_aoe_no_primary_delay
give perk/player/weapons/plasma_rifle/secondary_aoe_faster_charge
give perk/player/weapons/plasma_rifle/secondary_aoe_aoe_mastery
give perk/player/weapons/plasma_rifle/secondary_microwave
give perk/player/weapons/plasma_rifle/secondary_microwave_faster_charge
give perk/player/weapons/plasma_rifle/secondary_microwave_max_range
give perk/player/weapons/plasma_rifle/secondary_microwave_mastery
give perk/player/weapons/rocket_launcher/detonate
give perk/player/weapons/rocket_launcher/detonate_proximity_flare
give perk/player/weapons/rocket_launcher/detonate_consussive
give perk/player/weapons/rocket_launcher/detonate_explosive_array_horisontal
give perk/player/weapons/rocket_launcher/lock_on
give perk/player/weapons/rocket_launcher/lockon_faster_recovery
give perk/player/weapons/rocket_launcher/lockon_decrease_lock_time
give perk/player/weapons/rocket_launcher/lockon_mastery
give perk/player/weapons/double_barrel/meat_hook
give perk/player/weapons/double_barrel/meat_hook_faster_reload
give perk/player/weapons/double_barrel/meat_hook_mastery
give perk/player/weapons/double_barrel/default_faster_reload
give perk/player/weapons/gauss_cannon/ballista
give perk/player/weapons/gauss_cannon/ballista_movement
give perk/player/weapons/gauss_cannon/ballista_larger_explosion
give perk/player/weapons/gauss_cannon/ballista_mastery
give perk/player/weapons/gauss_cannon/destroyer
give perk/player/weapons/gauss_cannon/destroyer_charge_levels_aoe
give perk/player/weapons/gauss_cannon/destroyer_faster_charge_and_recovery
give perk/player/weapons/gauss_cannon/destroyer_charge_levels
give perk/player/weapons/chaingun/energy_shell
give perk/player/weapons/chaingun/energy_shell_faster_recharge
give perk/player/weapons/chaingun/energy_shell_dash_smash
give perk/player/weapons/chaingun/energy_shell_mastery
give perk/player/weapons/chaingun/turret
give perk/player/weapons/chaingun/turret_faster_equip
give perk/player/weapons/chaingun/turret_faster_movement
give perk/player/weapons/chaingun/turret_mastery
give perk/player/weapons/bfg/firemode_charge
give perk/player/weapons/bfg/shape_sphere
give perk/player/weapons/bfg/element_arc
give perk/player/weapons/unmaykr/firemode_change
– give yourself a specific weapon mod and/or its upgrades

give equipmentlauncher/equipmentlauncherleft
give jumpboots/base
give abilities/environmentsuit
give abilities/grapplegloves
give equipment/frag_grenade
give throwable/player/frag_grenade
give equipment/flame_belch
give abilities/blood_punch
give ability_dash
give equipment/ice_bomb
give throwable/player/ice_bomb
– give yourself equipment

give weapon/player/hammer

removeinventoryitem – works with the same syntax as give,but instead removes an inventory item


campaign_giveAllWeaponsAndMods – gives you all the weapons with both of their mods unupgraded
campaign_giveUpgradedWeaponsAndMods – gives you all the weapons with both of their mods upgraded,but not mastered
giveAllMaxedOutWeapons – gives you all the weapons with both of its mods mastered

Runes_MaxAllRunes – gives you all the runes

g_infiniteAmmo = “0” – infinite ammo
g_ammoDropScale = “-1” – scale the amount of ammo you get from a chainsaw kill
g_ammoPickupScale = “-1” – scale the amount of ammo you get from manual pickup
g_AmmoScalar = “1.0” – scale the amount of ammo you can carry

g_doom5Melee_enable = “1” – changes how melee works,disables bloodpunch
g_doom5Melee_forceMeleeLevel = “0” – use with the above command to make melee more powerful,with level 3 being a 1 or 2 hit kill fodder

chainsaw_gloryKillsCostNoAmmo = “0” – infinite chainsaw
chainsaw_requiresHandsIdleTest = “0” – requires hands to be idle to swing the chainsaw (slows it down a bit)
pm_minDelayBetweenAutoChainsawMiss = “0” – how much delay between swings of the chainsaw when you miss

g_flameBelchRechargesEquipment = “1” – gives you the effect of equipment fiend for the flamebelch

g_bloodPunchDropsGKLoot = “1” – bloodpunch drops glory kill amount of health
p_infiniteBloodPunch = “0” – infinite bloodpunch charges

g_disableBFG = “0” – disables and removes the BFG

crucible_CanUseInfiniteAmmoCheat = “1” – infinite crucible when g_infiniteAmmo is on
judgementMeter_Enable = “1” – enable crucible
judgementMeter_EnableRegen = “0” – enable crucible pip regeneration
judgementMeter_Infinite = “0” – infinite crucible charges
judgementMeter_Set = “-1” – set the number of charges of the crucible

g_damageScaleAItoDP = “0”
g_damageScaleAItoSlayer = “1”
g_damageScaleAllToAI = “1.0”
g_damageScaleAllToSlayer = “1”
g_damageScaleDPtoAI = “2.5”
g_damageScaleDPtoDP = “1”
g_damageScaleDPtoSlayer = “1.0”
g_damageScaleSlayertoDP = “1.0”
g_damageScaleSlayertoSlayer = “0.1”
– scale the damage from X to Y,AI = Demons,DP = Demon Player,Slayer = Slayer,All = All

g_goreDamageMultiplier = “1.0” – make some body parts of the demons more vulnerable or resistant to damage (works on hands,legs,heads etc.)
g_goreForceGibs = “0” – always show gibs on kill
g_reflectDamage = “0” – damage dealt to you by demons is reflected back on them

g_noFiringSpread = “0” – no spread when firing weapons
g_weaponkick = “1” – enable or disable weapon kick (affects recoil and ballista jumping)
g_weaponKickBackRatio = “0.75” – increase or decrease kickback
g_weaponKickBackRatio_doomGravity = “0.75”
g_weaponSpreadScale = “1.0” – manipulate weapon spread – inconsistent

g_demoHealth = “0” – your health will go down,but never drop to zero

g_extraLives_AlwaysRestoreHealthOnPickup = “0” – extra lives restore health and armor
g_giveExtraLives = “0” – give yourself more extra lives
g_infiniteExtraLives = “0” – infinite extra lives

loot_debug_dropEverything = “0” – all the demons always drop both ammo and health in moderate amounts,no need for glory kills and chainsaw ever again
loot_enable = “1” – enable or disable any kind of loot
loot_noAmmoDrops = “0” – demons cannot drop ammo
loot_noDropChance = “0” – demons always drop the same amount of loot

weapon_allowWeaponSwitchWheel = “1” – enable or disable the weapon wheel
weapon_autoFullCharge = “0” – weapons instantly charge to max power (doesn’t work on the ballista very well)
weapon_changeCurrentToReserve = “1” – by default,the last weapon you switched from goes in reserve and then can be switched to by pressing the switch to reserve weapon key (default is ‘ q ‘),changing this can make a weapon always stay in reserve
weapon_Crucible_allowSwitchOnEmpty = “0” – allow switching to an empty crucible
weapon_fireConsumesRemainingAmmo = “0” – allows you to shoot weapons that cost more than the ammo you have – e.g. fire the super shotgun even with 1 shell left
weapon_ignoreChargeTimeout = “0” – ignore weapon charge cooldowns
weapon_OpenWeaponWheelDelay = “180” – how fast to open the weapon wheel

meatHook_chainScale = “2.0” – increase or decrease the size of the meathook (but not its length)

killPickups – delete all rendered pickups


pm_backSpeedRatio = “0.90” – how fast is moving backwards relative to forwards
pm_minPlayerVel = “0.01f” – minimum player velocity – inconsistent
pm_runspeed = “9.525”
pm_sprintspeed = “9.525” – manipulate player runspeed

g_RestoreJumpAfterGloryKillOfHoveringTarget = “1” – enable or disable restoration of double jump after a glory kill
pm_allowInfiniteDoubleJumps = “0” – allow infinite double jumps
pm_doubleJumpCooldown = “0.0” – set a cooldown for the double jump
pm_jumpChangeDirectionScalar = “0.0”
pm_jumpheight = “1.3716” – manipulate jump height
pm_waterJumpScale = “1.75” – how high can you jump out of water

dash_autoAttachWallClimb = “1” – enable or disable auto-attaching
envSuit_dashIgnoreMeter = “0” – infinite dashes if set to 1
envSuit_dashRetriggerTime = “500” – modify delay between dashes

wallclimb_MoveAnimSpeedScale = “1.5” – set wallclimb speed

envSuit_disableHazardMeter = “0” – disable damage from radiation
radMeter_DecreasesByDamage = “1” – manipulate whether the radiation suit gets affected radiation

monkeybar_afterJumpTimeout = “200”
monkeybar_animationFlags = “1”
monkeybar_jumpOverrideVelocity = “19.05”
monkeybar_maxAnimOffsetFromBarCenter = “1.5”
monkeybar_maxDetectionOffsetFromBarCenter = “4.0”
monkeybar_pitchModifier = “55.0f”
monkeybar_swingAnimationHeight = “0”
monkeybar_swingAnimationScale = “2.0f”
monkeybar_useVelocityToDetermineBarDirection = “1”
– modify various aspects of the monkey bar

g_gravity = “20.307301” – modify game’s gravity

pm_allowFatalFallDamage = “0” – enable death from fall damage
pm_disableFallDamage = “1” – enable or disable fall damage


ai_accuracy = “-1” – modify demons’ accuracy
ai_animation_rateScale = “1.0” – modify the speed of every demon animation (timescale only for demons)
ai_attack_ignoreTimers = “0” – demons’ attacks ignore various internal timers,making them faster
ai_autokill_z_enable = “1” – autokill demons that fall below a certain height

ai_invulnerable = “0” – demons cannot be killed
ai_noDeath = “0” – demons’ health never goes to zero

ai_allowStaggerPain = “1” – enable or disable staggering of demons – incosistent
ai_enableAttacks = “1” – enable or disable demons being able to attack
ai_movement_enable = “1” – enable or disable demons moving
ai_senses_enable = “1” – set to 0 and demons will notice you a bit later than usual
ai_sync_allowKillPlayer = “1” – set to 0 to and demons’ AI bugs out when you’re low hp and they can’t kill you

ai_damageScale = “1.0” – scale the damage demons deal to you
ai_enable = “1” – set to 0 to make all the demons just roam around

ai_despawn – despawn all rendered demons
ai_forceIdle – demons stay idle,unable to attack
ai_Hide – hide all rendered demons
ai_Show – show all the hidden demons
healAI – heal all rendered demons
– kill all demons,with slight differences

ai_lostSoulNoCharge = “0” – Lost Souls cannot charge towards you
ai_summon_enable = “1” – enable or disable demon summoning by the Archville
boss_ios_meteorSpeed = “60” – speed of the meteors sent by the Icon of Sin

ai_maxCorpses = “16” – maximum corpses that can stay on the ground
ai_useDeathAnims = “1” – set to 0 and demons will instantly dissapear

encounterScript_forceEmpowered = “0” – set to 1 to make every heavy demon you encounter empowered

ai_highlightOnEncounterFinish = “0”
ai_highlightOnEncounterFinish_colorInStr = “( 0.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f )”
ai_highlightOnEncounterFinish_debug = “0”
ai_highlightOnEncounterFinish_maxAICount = “3”
ai_highlightOnEncounterFinish_thresholdAliveTimeInSec = “5.0”
ai_highlightOnEncounterFinish_thresholdLastSeenTimeInSec = “7.5”
ai_highlightOnEncounterFinish_thresholdWaitTimeInSec = “2.5”
– this set of commands manipulates a cut feature that makes the last demon of an encounter have a glowing outline,making him a lot easier to find – a bit incosistent,sometimes infinitely spawning fodder counts as a last enemy and doesn’t glow

aiCanOnlyBeGloryKilled – demons are staggered instantly and and don’t die from anything,but from a glory kill – currently I do not know how to fully reverse the effects of this command,typing aiCanOnlyBeGloryKilled 0 doesn’t fully disable it,so if you’re gonna try it,you’ll have to verify your game files or potentially reinstall the game to reverse its effects


applyColorProfile – apply hud color profile (there are some hidden variants)

fasttravel_disable = “0” – enable or disable fast travel

forceEnableAllTextChatChannels = “0” – turn on the chat in singleplayer

g_disableHealthFlash = “0” – your body flashes in bright blue when you pick up any kind of health,setting this to 1 disables the flash

g_enableGameTimeScaling = “1” – enable or disable time scaling

g_EnableGore = “1” – enable or disable most kinds of gore

g_enablePistol = “0” – enable the hidden pistol – doesn’t work as of Update 2,hope it works in the future

g_fov = “100” – set your field of view value (can go up to 150/180)

g_gameDifficulty = “3” – set the difficulty

g_gameStartGiveExtraLives_Easy = “3”
g_gameStartGiveExtraLives_Hard = “3”
g_gameStartGiveExtraLives_Medium = “3”
g_gameStartGiveExtraLives_Nightmare = “3”
– set how many lives to start an extra live playthrough with

g_invulnerabilityOnRespawnDurationSeconds = “1.0f” – set the time of invulnerability upon respawn in seconds

g_reticleMode = “0” – change your reticle

g_sentinelArmor_Enabled = “1”
g_sentinelArmor_OnlyOnBosses = “1”
g_sentinelArmor_RequiredDeaths = “2”
g_sentinelArmor_Reset = “0”
– sentinel armor settings

g_setting_aim_assist = “1”
g_setting_blood_punch_info = “1”
g_setting_boss_health = “1”
g_setting_combatScoring = “1”
g_setting_compass = “1”
g_setting_dash_info = “1”
g_setting_equipment_info = “1”
g_setting_gk_highlight = “1”
g_setting_hands_bob = “1”
g_setting_health_info = “1”
g_setting_hud_auto_dismiss_tutorials = “0”
g_setting_hud_extra_lives = “1”
g_setting_hud_hint = “1”
g_setting_hud_mission_challenges = “1”
g_setting_hud_powerup = “1”
g_setting_hud_show = “1”
g_setting_hudNotifications = “1”
g_setting_interact_prompt = “1”
g_setting_keycard = “1”
g_setting_killcam = “0”
g_setting_motion_aim = “0”
g_setting_notification_ammo_pickup = “1”
g_setting_notification_health_pickup = “1”
g_setting_notification_level_up = “1”
g_setting_notification_major = “1”
g_setting_notification_menu = “1”
g_setting_notification_minor = “1”
g_setting_objectiveMarkers = “1”
g_setting_photomode = “0”
g_setting_rune_info = “1”
g_setting_sentinel_armor = “1”
g_setting_speaker = “1”
g_setting_subtitles = “1”
g_setting_tutorials = “1”
g_setting_weapon_info = “1”
– mostly general settings

g_showHud = “1” – show or hide the entire hud

g_showActiveEntities = “0” – print active entities in the console – inconsistent

g_useGaussianAimSpread = “1” – change the way bullets spread
g_usePlayerDemoHUD = “0”

g_weaponDoomClassicPose = “0” – enable or disable classic weapon pose

hands_alwaysPlayIntroBringup “0” – always play the inspect animation when you pull out a weapon
hands_forceFire = “0”
hands_fovScale = “0” – edit field of view for the hands and weapons

hands_offsetPitch = “0”
hands_offsetRoll = “0”
hands_offsetX = “0”
hands_offsetY = “0”
hands_offsetYaw = “0”
hands_offsetZ = “0”
hands_show = “1”
– edit where your weapon is on the screen

hud_bfgReticleTimeout = “10.0” – edit how long the bfg reticle stays on screen

hud_drawperspective = “1” – your hud scales with your field of view

loadscreen_showTooltips = “1” – set to 0 for a clean loading screen

notification_levelUp = “0”
notificationEnabled_fastTravel = “1”
notificationEnabled_playerCheckpoint = “1”
– notification settings

pm_normalViewHeight = “1.65735” – set how high are your eyes

r_antialiasing = “1”
r_gamma = “1.2”
r_hdrBloom = “1”
r_motionblur = “1”
– general graphic settings

r_colorBlindBrightness = “0.5”
r_colorBlindContrast = “0.33”
r_colorBlindCorrectionStrength = “1”
r_colorBlindIntensity = “0.7”
r_colorBlindMode = “0”
– advanced colorblind filtering,makes for some surreal filters if you aren’t colorblind

ui_settings_game_lockDifficulty = “0” – lock or unlock difficulty changing
ui_settings_game_showPhotoMode = “1” – show or hide photomode option on hud
ui_settings_show_unfinished_settings = “0” – show secret unfinished settings
ui_settings_video_fovMax = “120” – maximum field of view
ui_settings_video_fovMin = “90” – minimum field of view

view_forceDrawDMGArrows = “1” – enable or disable damage arrows


m_menu_sensitivity = “1.0” – manipulate mouse sensitivity in menu
m_sensitivity = “3” – manipulate mouse sensitivity
m_show_messages = “1”
m_smoothing = “0” – enable or disable mouse smoothing

mainMenu_bypassSaveOnMissionSelectLoad = “0” – skip the saving upon starting a mission from Mission Select
mainMenu_campaignSaveRefreshWaitTime = “250” – edit the amount of time for the refresh of your campaign savefiles
mainMenu_unlockAllMasterLevels = “0” – unlock all master levels,including hidden ones – doesn’t work as of update 2,here’s hoping it works again someday
mainMenu_unlockAllMissionSelectMaps = “0” – unlock all missions in mission select

menu_creditsScrollRate = “300.0f” – how fast do the credits roll out
menu_creditsSpacing = “-4.0f” – how far apart are the credits

menu_dontpause = “0” – set to 1 and you won’t be able to pause the game

menu_seasons_boosters_fakeClaimXP = “0” – perform a fake animation for claiming booster xp

menu_seasons_claimBoostersXP_skipCollectionListAnimation = “0”
menu_seasons_claimBoostersXP_skipLevelListAnimation = “0”
– skip booster xp animations

menu_seasons_skipInitialRefresh = “0” – skip the refresh when going to the seasons menu
menu_showPlayerBadge = “1” – show or hide player badge on main menu

menu_useMiniPlayerBadge = “0” – show the mini player badge instead of the regular one (the mini player badge is the one that shows in the pause menu in Battlemode)

pauseMenu_showExitToDesktop = “1”
pauseMenu_showLoadCheckpoint = “1”
pauseMenu_showMilestones = “1”
– show or hide elements of the pause menu

playerBadge_fakeFavorite = “0”
playerBadge_fakeNumBoosters = “-1”
playerBadge_fakePlatformIdentity = “0”
playerBadge_fakeSkillFrameBattleArenaCompTier = “-1”
playerBadge_fakeSkillFrameMode = “-1”
playerBadge_fakeSkillFrameRank = “-1”
playerBadge_fakeTitleText ” ”
playerBadge_fakeUserName ” ”
– manipulate aspects of your player badge

playerMetrics_allowAchievementsDuringPvp = “1” – enable or disable achievements during Battlemode


automap_fogofwar_player_reveal_enabled = “1”
automap_minPanSpeedModifier = “100.0”
automap_object_bobAmount = “0.5f”
automap_object_bobRate = “8.0f”
automap_zoomSpeedController = “500.0”
automap_zoomSpeedMouseDrag = “1.0”
automap_zoomSpeedMouseScroll = “30.0”
– manipulate elements of the automap

com_skipIntroVideo = “0” – skip the intro video upon game start and the videos before mission start (disables main menu background changing,locking you with the hell on earth background until disabled)
com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens = “0” – loading screens instantly load you into the level,no need for confirmation button press

conDump – print all the commands in a file

dossier_automapIdentifyMissingItems = “0” – print all the missing collectibles in the console

eol_allowReturnToLevel = “0”
eol_alwaysPlayAnimations = “0”
eol_alwaysShowCredits = “0”
eol_challenges_delayBetweenChallenges = “400”
eol_challenges_initialDelay = “200”
eol_challenges_progressBarDuration = “800”
eol_challenges_progressBarShowDuration = “300”
eol_challenges_progressBarTweenEaseFunction = “easeOutSine”
eol_challenges_showChallengesDelay = “800”
eol_override_hideChallenges = “0”
eol_override_hideCombat = “0”
eol_override_hideItems = “0”2
eol_rewards_refreshInitialDelayMS = “5000”
eol_rewards_refreshRetryDelayMS = “3000”
eol_rewards_seasons_animTime_showAndAnimateXPCounter = “1850”
eol_rewards_seasons_animTime_showSeasons = “650”
eol_rewards_stats_animTime_initial = “200”
eol_rewards_stats_animTime_showAndAnimateXPCounter = “1750”
eol_rewards_stats_animTime_showPlayerBadgeIn = “200”
eol_rewards_stats_animTime_showPlayerBadgeOut = “325”
eol_rewards_xpCounterFrameStep = “2”
eol_rewards_xpCounterTweenDuration = “1000”
eol_transitionDelayTimeMS = “300”
– manipulate various aspects of the end of level screen

g_dumpActiveEntities = “0” – print all the active entities in the console
g_dumpSpawnedEntities = “0” – print all the spawned entities in the console

g_freeCam = “0” – go in freecam mode

g_ImNotAnonymous = “0” – fill your screen with a personal watermark

g_playerExecutionOnly = “0”

g_screenshots = “0” – take screenshots for X amount of frames

gamedate = “Mar 13 2020” – check the current date

giveOfflineAchievements = “1” – enable or disable offline achievements

history – show command history for current session

hud_skipCinematic_enabled = “1” – enable or disable skip cinematic function
hud_skipCinematic_hideDelay = “3000” – how long before hiding the skip cinematic notification

listBinds – print all your custom binds in the console
listCmds – print all the commands in the console
listCvars – pring all the cvars in the console
listInventory – print your inventory in the console (all your weapons,equipment,runes etc.)

path – show the path to your DOOM Eternal folder

photomode_freeCamLeashDistance = “10.0”
photomode_freeCamMovementType = “1”
photomode_freeCamMoveSpeed = “5.0”
photomode_freeCamSpawnDistance = “2.0”
– freecam and photomode options

pm_thirdPerson = “0”
pm_thirdPersonAngle = “0”
pm_thirdPersonHeight = “0”
pm_thirdPersonRange = “2.667”
– enable thirdperson and edit where the camera is

screenshot – take a screenshot

slowmocam_activateonkill = “0” – every kill will activate a slow motion replay of the kill

unlock_classicDoom = “0” – unlock both of the classic DOOM games in the doom fortress

Launch options

The Steam launch options are especially useful for using commands that mess with your graphics or weapon position.To set up your launch options simply go to DOOM Eternal’s Properties and in the General tab there will be a button ‘ Set Launch Options… ‘ where you simply type all the commands you want to be on,each with a ‘ + ‘ before it,as it’s shown below.The 2 commands I have currently are an absolute necessity in my opinion,allowing you to skip all intro videos for mission and for the game boot up and also make the loading screens automatically start the mission when at 100%.

+com_skipIntroVideo 1 +com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens 1

Additional Resources

Here is the original list that I used to make this guide.I haven’t tested all of the commands in it,just the ones that looked remotely interesting or useful.

cvars A-G[]
cvars G-Z[]

Below are part of the trash I combed through to get the commands in the guide.Broken – a list of commands that should work,but don’t.Mysterious – a list of commands I have no idea what they do, but they look promising,even hinting into a lot of hidden features.Battlemode – a list of commands for Battlemode that I haven’t tested fully because it’s hard to find people for such a job.Many of them hint to removed demons that were planned to be in Battlemode,or ones that will be in it.


Thank you for reading my guide,I hope you have fun or find a reason to replay the campaign with this list.Would appreciate a rate up.Also let me know if you found an interesting command that isn’t in the guide,so I can put it in.