Console commands players can use.
How to open the console.
Press ` to enter the console.
Enter the same key to close the console.
Instantly Build Everything.
Typing “instabuild” or “u” into the console will automatically build all placed objects.
Changing Colonist Moods
Using the console you can effect some colonist states.
input: “all social 1.0” – This will make everyone’s social needs fully fulfilled.
input: “all social 0.0” – This will make everyone need social interactions.
Some other variables you can use are:
mood, irritation, and fatigue
Here’s some examples of how you can use these:
“all mood 1.0” – All the colonist’s moods will be high.
“all mood 0.5” – Everyone’s mood will become medium.
“all irritation 1.0” – Everyone becomes irritated, depending on their mood, they may become angry or be more sad.
“all fatigue 1.0” – This will max out fatigue and will kill everyone.
Using the “delete” command will completely delete your base.
Spawning Objects and Creatures
To spawn a creature:
“spawn [ID of Object]” or “s [ID of Object]”
Some of these objects may not yet be implemented properly and as such may crash the game. Make sure you save before trying any of these.