Cuphead Guide

Cuphead Weapon Guide for Cuphead

Cuphead Weapon Guide


A great Cuphead guide to know what weapon you should use for every boss to knockout them easily. At least these are the best combinations for me.Another Guide To Help Parrying : ClickAnother Guide To Help Getting S-Rank on Every Bosses : Click


Peashooter : Casual weapon.
~ Super Meter : Shoots a high damage cosmic blast.
Spread : A perfect choice for short range damage.
~ Super Meter : Shoots spikes to every eight angel your character has.
Chaser : No aim required to shoot. Lower damage.
~ Super Meter : Creates a shield to your character that can be destroyed and hits the boss or enemies.
Roundabout : Your bullets turn back after a short range. Bullets which turn have a higher damage.
~ Super Meter : Shoots a square which turns back after a short range. If you shoot it successfully, it would make a great damage to your boss.
Lobber : Medium range weapon but high damage.
~ Super Meter : Shoots a ball that has high damage.
Charge : Might be the hardest weapon to use in the game. Hold the shoot button to make a big damage to boss. It could be so hard to shoot bosses which are moving.
~ Super Meter : Makes an explosion.


Plane Shooter : Same with the Peashooter.
~ Super Meter : Shoots a rocket which bites the boss. High damage.
Plane Bombs : Slowly shoots bombs but with a higher damage.
~ Super Meter : Shoots magnets to boss automatically.

Inkwell Isle 1

1 – The Root Pack : Peashooter + Spread
~ Use Peashooter to deal damage to bosses. Use Spread to shoot carrots.
2 – Goopy Le Grande : Peashooter + Spread
~ Use Peashooter when the boss is jumping. Use Spread when he stops and when he’s a grave.
3- Ribby and Croaks : Peashooter + Chaser
~ Use Peashooter to deal damage to bosses. Use Chaser to shoot fire-flies.
4 – Hilda Berg : Plane Shooter + Plane Bombs
~ Use Plane Shooter when the boss is in her form with two women, archer and half-moon. Use Plane Bombs to shoot her when she’s in her normal and bull form.
5 – Cagney Carnation : Peashooter + Spread
~ Use Peashooter when the boss is in his monster (final) form. Use Spread when he’s in his flower form.

Inkwell Isle 2

1 – Baroness Von Bon Bon : Roundabout + Lobber
~ Use Roundabout for moving bosses and herself. Use Lobber for cupcake.
2- Djimmi The Great : Plane Shooter + Plane Bombs
~ Use Plane Shooter for every form of his except the tomb one. Use Plane Bombs for the tomb form of the boss.
3- Beppi The Clown : Roundabout (or Chaser) + Lobber
~ Use Roundabout for his every form. You also can use Chaser if you’re not good with shooting. After you defeat the donkey form, go to the middle, look above and spam. This way, when he comes he will get a lot of damage at first.
4- Wally Warbles : Plane Shooter + Plane Bombs
~ Use Plane Shooter for his crazy form and his child. Use Plane Bombs for his first and last form.
5- Grim Matchstick : Roundabout + Lobber
~ Use Roundabout for his first form. Use Lobber for his second and last form.

Inkwell Isle 3

1 – Rumor Honeybottoms : Chaser (or Lobber) + Spread (or Roundabout)
~ Use Chaser for every form of the boss. Just use Spread for her form which she’s spitting rockets. If you are good with aiming, use Roundabout and shoot backwards for the cop bee at first and when he comes, use Lobber to shoot. Then use Lobber for the rest forms of the boss.
2 – Captain Brineybeard : Roundabout + Charge
~ Use Charge or Roundabout for the boss. Use Roundabout for his specials. Also parry as much as possible.
3 – Dr. Kahl’s Robot : Plane Shooter + Plane Bombs
~ Use Plane Shooter for his first and last form. Use Plane Bombs for his second form.
4 – Cala Maria : Plane Shooter + Plane Bombs
~ Use Plane Shooter for her second and last form. Use Plane Bombs for her first form.
5 – Werner Werman : Roundabout + Spread
~ Use Roundabout for the rat form. Use Spread for the cat form.
6 – Sally Stageplay : Roundabout + Chaser
~ Use Roundabout for her first, second and third form. Use Chaser for her last form.
7 – Phantom Express : Chaser + Spread
~ Use Chaser for the Phantom and Train. Use Spread for the Skeleton and Creatures.

Inkwell Hell

1 – King Dice : Chaser + Roundabout + Plane Shooter + Plane Bombs

Use Chaser for
• Tipsy Troop (Drinks)
• Pip and Dot (Dominos)
Use Roundabout for
• King Dice
• Chips Bettigan (Chips)
• Mr. Wheezy (Cigarette)
• Hopus Pocus (Rabbit)
• Pirouletta (Ballerine)
• Mangosteen (8-ball)
Use Plane Shooter for
• Phear Lap (Horse Skeleton)
Use Plane Bombs for
• Mr. Chimes (Monkey)

Another combination for King Dice and his bosses:
Weapons : Charge + Random Weapon
~ If you can shoot bosses with Charge perfectly, you can use it for all the bosses and King Dice. It is kinda hard to aim at King Dice while jumping and parrying the cards so at least do a perfect and high damage with one or two shot while jumping and parrying.

2 – The Devil : Roundabout + Spread
~ Use Roundabout for purple little devils. Use Spread for his other forms.

NOTE : I prefer Roundabout and Lobber for every boss but these combinations would be better for you.

Last Words

First, all those are just my ideas.

I hope my guide helps. Tell me if I have any mistakes and it would be great to write a comment to give advice. Have fun!