A list of all those tricky anomalies and how to correctly report them! Organized by room for easy reference and includes photos so you know exactly where to look. I would like this to be a community project, so please list any anomalies you find and I will add them to the list (I know i’m missing at least three!). Enjoy!
Basics and Spoiler Alert
Are you missing anomalies and it’s driving you nuts? Well here’s a simple list to help you out because, honestly, some of the anomalies are super subtle and I don’t think anyone has posted a guide like this for the game yet.
This guide is a work in progress. I know I am missing some anomalies, so please, help a girl out and post any thing YOU have found (because it’s driving me bonkers not being able to figure out those last few). I will add update the list as time goes on. But first, Captain Obvious has an announcement to make:
I truly believe you should give the game a few honest goes before you read further. A large amount of this game’s appeal comes from discovering these things yourself, so use your own discretion. This guide is aimed at those who have already played quite a few times and need just a little help finding that last handful of anomalies.
Now that that’s out of the way, I’d also like to cover a few hypotheses I have about game mechanics.
- Each night is 6 hours long- from midnight to 6.
- There are 26-28 anomalies per night (this # varies a bit)
- You cannot have more than 4 anomalies active at one time or else you lose
- anomalies seem to spawn 4x an hour, 15 minutes in, 30 minutes in, 45 minutes in, and at the top of each hour.
- There is a small grace period in the first hour. I believe no anomalies spawn until 0:15
- The anomaly spawn rate seems to increase the last hour or two.
I have not been able to verify any of this, it’s purely from my own experience. Please comment if you have differing experiences and i’ll adjust as necessary.
So now without further ado- the list!
(More photos and anomalies to come!)
how to report
camera stops showing room
camera malfunction
painting changes from kissing people
upper left screen
painting anomaly
painting changes from waves
upper right screen
painting anomaly
plants shakes/jumps
middle left screen
object movement
(photo does not show movement well)
one of the blue footstools disappears
middle screen at end of bed
object disappearance
human arm floating midair
upper left screen, on ceiling
extra object (yes, that’s right)
Living Room
(More photos and anomalies to come!)
how to report
camera stops showing room
camera malfunction
two old dudes having graphic sexy time
middle right of screen on the couch (you really can’t miss it)
(WARNING photo is explicit)
Speaker moves to right side of shelf
middle left of screen on shelf
object movement
transparant female face
middle top of screen
metal vase disappears
middle of screen on top of fireplace
object disappearance
floating chess pieces
middle of screen on table
object movement
chair shrinks
lower middle of screen, chair closest to viewer
object shrinkage
(More photos and anomalies to come!)
how to report
camera stops showing room
camera malfunction
Ketchup grows bigger
middle left of screen, on small circular table
object growth
chair disappears
middle left of screen, chair furthest from viewer
object disappearance
microwave moves next to oven
middle right screen, on back counter next to oven
object movement
fridge door opens
lower right screen
door opening
person coming out of black hole
middle screen, under painting
painting changes from sunset landscape
upper middle screen
paining anomaly
sliver of hallway/garage door can be seen open *LOCATION IS HALLWAY* (very difficult to see, basically just the missing yellow doorknob above the microwave))
middle right screen
door opening
(More photos and anomalies to come!)
how to report
camera stops showing room
camera malfunction
flower vase disappears
middle screen under window
object disappearance
animal mask on floor
middle screen
extra object
transparant face w/ teeth appears on wall
middle right screen, on wall
shampoo bottles levitate
middle left screen
object movement
blue towel shrinks
lower left, next to bathtub
object shrinkage
creepy AF naked laughing child in room, screen zooms in *SPECIAL! MUST REPORT ASAP*
middle screen
(thanks, I hate it))
naked guy outside window *REPORT LOCATION IS OUTSIDE/YARD, NOT THE TOILET!*make sure to keep watching him until the anomaly is cleared, or else he will move
middle left screen, outside window
(more photos and anomalies to be added)
how to report
camera stops showing room
camera malfunction
chair w/ red cushion in middle disappears
middle screen
object disappearance
chair w/ red cushion on right grows bigger
middle right screen
object growth
white lawn chair turns toward viewer
upper left screen
object movement
shipping box appears under living room window
upper right, on lawn under window
extra object
corpse in business suit on patio
left middle screen
naked lady sitting on cement seating area
lower right screen
lady crawling on wooden ceiling
upper left
naked guy outside window *SPECIAL* will move to different location if you don’t watch him until anomaly is cleared
multiple; seen outside a window
(More photos and anomalies to come!)
how to report
camera stops showing room
camera malfunction
rolling garage door opens
upper right screen
door opening
extra tire appears in corner
upper right screen
extra object
filing cabinet disappears
middle right screen
object disappearance
black and white object on shelf shrinks (super hard to see, no idea what the object is)
middle screen, right shelving unit, second shelf from top
object shrinkage
shadow changes on car hood from door opening *LOCATION IS HALLWAY* (can also be seen from Hallway, and barely from Kitchen)
lower middle screen
door opening
shelving unit falls onto car (can be heard from other rooms)
left middle screen, left of car
object movement
(more photos and anomalies to come!)
how to report
camera stops showing room
camera malfunction
fragile box shrinks
middle right screen, on top of other box, to right of desk
object shrinkage
cabinet door and drawers open
lower right screen
door opening
shoe appears on top on filing cabinet
middle left screen
extra object
ceiling fan falls on ground
(can be heard from other rooms)
middle screen
object movement
naked lady on ceiling
upper left screen
the text obscures her a bit
flower vase disappears
middle screen, to right of girl’s photo
object disappearance
middle right screen, outside window
Dining Room
(More photos and anomalies to come!)
how to report
camera stops showing room
camera malfunction
dish of meat(?) appears on table
middle right screen, right side of table
extra object
painting changes from colorful fruit
middle right screen on wall
painting anomaly
dish of apples disappears
middle screen, middle of table
object disappearance
chair of far left grows bigger
lower left screen
object growth
chair on far right moves away from table
lower right screen
object movement
(More photos and anomalies to come!)
how to report
camera stops showing room
camera malfunction
shoe disappears (very hard to see)
middle right screen
object disappearance
hanging corpse
middle screen
painting changes from lighthouse
middle left screen, above mirror
painting anomaly
door to garage opens (can also be seen and reported from garage and Kitchen)
upper left screen
door opening
corpse on ground
middle on floor
Help Expand this Guide
By no means is this a complete list, but I am currently working on adding more.
It would be super helpful of you to post in the comments if you know of an anomaly that’s not on this list. Include the room, a description of the anomaly, and screen location (bonus points if you have a screen shot!)
Constructive critique is also welcome.
Thanks for reading and happy observing!