Fly Punch Boom: First Impact! Guide

Custom character workshop guide for Fly Punch Boom! for Fly Punch Boom: First Impact!

Custom character workshop guide for Fly Punch Boom!


How to make custom characters and add them to the workshop. Fly Punch Boom!

How to make characters and add them to the workshop

It’s easy, all the work goes into making the images.

  • 1. Use the Dummy character as template: go to Fly Punch Boom First Impact!’s install folder, then Fly Punch Boom First Impact!_Data/StreamingAssets/Characters and copy the Dummy folder (don’t delete/change the original).
  • 2. Rename the folder in the format: *character name* by *author name*. This will be the character’s in-game name and the title of the item in the workshop. The author name is needed to avoid conflicts with different versions of the same character, and it won’t be shown in game.
  • 3. Edit the images with your character. The “Spritesheet” folder contains 63 1024×1024 square images. You can see what each image does in their name and in this sample image: Try to keep the same positions for images where the character hits the enemy or gets hitted. Each character should have all images in “Spritesheet”, a head for decapitations, a portait for the health bar and a skeleton for fatalities. Keep the size & format of the images for Dummy. Here’s a handy Photoshop project by Raghtshade[].
  • 4. Edit “config.txt” with your character’s info. You can choose skill and special by using original character number.
    SKILLS: 0 = Speed; 1 = Smash; 2 = Avoid; 3 = Bones; 4 = Bombs; 5 = Spindash; 6 = Mash; 7 = Teleport; 8 = Attract; 9 = World.
    SPECIALS: 1 = Spirit Bomb; 2 = Boom Plume; 3 = Butt Bomb; 5 = Mega Roll; 7 = Arms Rain; 8 = Black Hole; 9 = Buddha Flick. 0, 4 and 6 are not allowed as specials.
    Change the “healthColor” with a hex color value to change the color of the health bar and circle around the character. The “description” text will be the description of the item in the workshop. “arcadeWinQuote” is the quote that appears when you beat arcade mode, keep it very short. You can use “/n” to add a line break in the quote (use it once at most).

  • 5. Load up the game and test your character. All character folders in StreamingAssets will be loaded in the game and shown in the selection screen after the ones you subscribed to in the workshop (they won’t show if you’re already subbed to an item with the same name).
  • 6. If everything looks good, batch compress the images in “Spritesheet” with something like PNGoo[], then go to the main menu and press “Upload”. After a bit you will get a message of “Success” or “Fail”. If it fails check the cause in the fail message, fix the problem and try again. If you’re uploading a character with the same name of another one you own in the workshop and which is set to public, it will be updated instead of making a new item. All items are set to public on upload. The workshop takes a bit to refresh after upload, so don’t worry if you don’t see it straight away.

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