This is a step-by-step guide on how to create a custom motion controller layout for Trover Saves the Universe using any SteamVR supported input device with the SteamVR Input system.
SteamVR Input
Trover Saves the Universe uses SteamVR Input from Valve Software which allows users to rebind game actions to any input device supported by SteamVR. More information on SteamVR Input can be found at: [link]
DISCLAIMER: Rebinding is unofficial and unsupported by the Squanch Games development team. The game may not fully reflect custom changes in-game, use at your own risk.
Getting Started with Rebinding
Start by launching SteamVR and in the settings navigate to Devices > Configure Controller
The Controller Binding app will launch and display applications you can create bindings for.
Select Trover Saves the Universe
This will bring you to a screen with the Current Binding and Current Controller.
Hit the controller type to select which one you’d like to make a custom layout for.
Then either select “Edit” on the current binding or “Create New Binding”. This will bring you to a controller layout with actions you can customize on each button.
Rebinding Buttons
Hover over the button you want to edit and click the Plus icon to add a mapping block, select how you want the button to be used for input type.
NOTE: You can have multiple blocks for each button if you want to map several different actions — one case where we do this is to have Attack and the UI navigation Confirm be on the same button.
Then click the Pen icon to begin editing the block.
Select the “Mode” for how you want the input to be triggered.
Select an input segment (in this case one of the D-Pad quadrants) and assign the action you want to map to it.
You can click the Gear icon to edit additional values like overlap percentage, deadzone percentage, and so on.
Click the Checkmark icon when you’re done editing that button.
Repeat this for every button or action you want assigned.
Main Game Actions
Hovering your mouse cursor over Main Game Actions will show any unmapped game actions. You may use any mix of button mapping whether it be having the same action to multiple buttons or a single button performing several different actions.
The following table describes what each action does:
Save Personal Binding
One you’re done editing your control layout, you can either Save Personal Binding for yourself or Publish to Workshop to share with others in the community.
To confirm you’re using your custom binding, navigate back to the Trover Saves the Universe main page in the Controller Binding app. You should see your custom config listed under Current Binding
Change To Another Layout
If you want to revert back to the official recommended controller layout or change to another layout, click the “View” button on the corresponding config and then hit “Select this Binding”.
If you have local changes you’ve been working on, confirm whether you want to “Discard” or “Save” them on the confirmation box that pops up.