This guide will show you how to create custom skills for your game only.
Setting custom parameters
1. Create a skill that increases attack power when activated. First, select “Custom” and then “Skill Effects”.
2. In the “Skill Effects” dialog, set the name that identifies this custom skill with Plugin. The name is arbitrary, but in this guide it is set to “myskill”.
3. Set the value that increases attack power with “Custom Parameters” button.
4. In the custom parameter dialog, be sure to describe {}. “rate: 150” means that the increasing rate is 1.5 times. If you want to double, change it to 200.
5. Set the created skill to unit or class.
Create Plugin
1. Skill setting is completed. Next we will create a plugin and activate the skill. Copy the following program code.
2. Create a text file and paste the above code. Place the file in the Plugin folder. The file name can be determined freely.
Let’s run the map test
1. Make sure that the custom skill activates correctly. The damage displayed is 10.
2. The skill was activated by Plugin.
3. Damage has become 1.5 times.