Welcome to the custom speech file testing initive. Want to make custom speech files or confused with other guides. Or do you not feel like going through all the trouble of making a speech file and looking at others. Or prehaps you didn’t copy the file and edited it raw and need to fix it. well you came to the right place. Please look through Table of Complements to see it
[link]Need to know how to Make Custom speech files? You found the section you should read!
1. look in said folder
Copy the speach folder with preferred language in the same folder
Rename application
Use suggested word editor
Enjoy your potential master peice
To test/use
1. Play
2. go to settings
3. look for a “Custom speach”
4. enter file name
Tips For Making
Tips for making the file
- DO NOT ERASE ANY #=, [when], Lines=, or the warning
- To change amount of lines, take Lines= and put number at THE END, NO LISTED PART IN BEGGINING
- To edit lines, for example 9=We cool bro’ , Just edit end, 9=This was a triumph
- LINES WITH SWEARS OR ARE LIKE 7=sfrjineijrrjejnrfnrfwuiehnfiuwhfrweiuhfuribfewriufhwueifruwfhiwehfuiefierwfiu (WAY to long) WILL NOT BE READ!!! Edit with caution
Gaining the Premade
Welcome To this part! Want to do less work and have new lines? We will Edit and share. Now heres instruction
1. Copy the lineset
2. Copy the file
3. Rename
4. Delete all the text
Were to download
Just put parts of it in comments