Worms Clan Wars Guide

D_Wormkiller's Beginner Guide for Worms Clan Wars for Worms Clan Wars

D_Wormkiller’s Beginner Guide for Worms Clan Wars


This guide is the first of a series of 3 walkthroughts in which you’ll learn everything about Worms Clan Wars, from the first steps to the competitive side.This lesson is for pure beginners: you’ll learn the classes, the game mechanics, the kinds of battlegrounds and the official website with its interfaces

Prelude to the guide

Hello everyone. This is the first of 3 walkthroughts that will help you to enjoy Worms Clan Wars at his maximum, plus learning some skills/tricks that only by practice or by playing different matches you can manage to get.
This guide is for the beginners, to those who never played Worms or for the starters that played the 3d editions or simply just one – two titles.
What is Worms? It’s an action turn game in which you lead a bunch of worms with the objective of killing the enemy team(s) by using every kind of weapon you could imagine: from the standard bazookas and grenade to animal suicide weapons like sheeps, skunks and moles. Those worms can be equal to each other or being divided per classes.

This guide is divided into 4 big sections:

a) In the first part, you’ll learn which classes there are plus their pros and cons
b) In the second chapter, you’re going to be taught about the basic mechanics of the game
c) In the third part, we’ll explain the types of battlefield in which you can fight
d) In the final section, you’re going to find the official website of this game and the explanations related to that.

After the 4 main chapters, there is a resuming paragraph that will explain shortly and easily what it has been said about some aspects of the game that can’t be understood immediately.

Section 1: The classes

In Worms Clan Wars there are four different classes. Let’s analize them:


The scout is the fastest class among the worms. He can move quicklier than the others, jump longer and higher and, thanks to his speed, he doesn’t trigger mines. Moreover, at the beginning of its turn, the scout is activating a radar that reveals the content of every single crate nearby him for a radius equivalent to 1/5 of the map. The scout is great for mobility too: along with the scientist, he has got the highest amount of fuel for jet and aquapacks. To conclude with his strenghts, the scout is able to create tunnels with the blowtorch in which only him (and other scouts, of course) can proceed.
Talking about his cons, the scout is the weakest among the worms: he deals the lowest amount of damage with melee weapons, deal less damage than the others and, to conclude with it, he’s so light that he can be thrown really far if hit by something.


The second class is the soldier. He’s the average guy, no relevant strong points neither weak ones. He’s capable of denotating some types of grenades (cluster bombs, banana bombs and normal grenade, for example). To be clearer, pressing the button for shooting once again while a grenade is travelling, you can make it explode before the previewed time. Moreover, the soldier is able to do critical damages. That means you don’t need to be precise at 100% if you want to deal the highest amount of damage to a certain worm, thing that you can’t do with the other classes.
The only weak point that the soldier has is due to a bug: if you’re attached to a ninja rope and press the button to release it, you’ll trigger the remote detonation, ruining your run for safety.


Where there is a small guy, there’s always a big guy around here. The heavy is that big guy. The strongest among the worms, he deals an additional 10% damage with every single weapon against every class and, thanks to his weight, he can’t be thrown far away.
However, if the weight represents an anchor of safety from becoming a ping pong ball, to the other side the heavy is the slowest and jumps shorter and lower than the others. Adding more meat on the fire, he has got the lowest amount of fuel for jet and aquapacks, so he doesn’t fit for mobility.
To conclude, the heavy has got a singularity: at his death, he deals a huge quantity of damage and releases a big hole on the ground. This could represent an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time.


Last class, but not the least, the scientist represents the support by excellence (aka medic, seen that Team17 clearly took inspiration from Team Fortress 2).
His strenghts are incredible: at the beginning of his turn, the scientist releases a wave which heals 5 HP and removes the poison buff for a radius equivalent of 1/5 of the map. Plus, the scientist has a great acknowledge of the utilities: if you use a tool with him, the endurance and the force of that tool will be powered – up, thing that the other classes can’t do. Last point of strenght, as for the scout, is the huge quantity of fuel for jet and aquapacks, useful for retreats.
The only weak point is that he deals less damage than the other classes, but a little bit more than the scout.

Those are the 4 kinds of worms you can find in Worms Clan Wars.

Section 2: Basic and Game Mechanics

In this part, you’ll learn how to move, jump, attack with different types of weapon and the game interface. There won’t be tons of images for this section for 2 reasons: firstly because it won’t take you a lot of time. Second, there is already a guide related to this in the options of the game, under the voice EXTRAS, and while you’re going to play the first 5 missions of the single player campaign.

However, if you don’t want to waste time, you can read this guide, which will help you to go into the battlefield really quickly.


Left/Right Arrow: Move the worm to left/right
Up/Down Arrow: Move the aiming cursor upward or downward.
Left Shift: Press it once for doing a normal jump, twice rapidly if you want to do a backflip


Right Mouse Button: Open the weapon panel
Left Mouse Button: Choose a weapon
B: Buy an ammunition for a certain weapon highlighted by the mouse cursor (only if you have the right or higher amount of money).
F1 – F8: Function buttons*


Spacebar: It’s the button you need to use for attacking. Sometimes, for certain weapons, you need to keep pressed the button to decide the shooting power. It doesn’t change the amount of damage, just the speed of the missile/grenade, being less influences by the wind (if that’s the case). Other weapons, instead, need to being detonated by pressing the spacebar again.
Tab: It changes the direction of an airstrike and different aerial attacks. It also changes the effect of certain tools
1 – 5 (for grenades): It changes the defusal time of the grenades.
Enter (aka Return): It releases a weapon from a jetpack/aquapack/ninja rope/parachute. It works only for some weapons.


1) Active worm (the one that’s moving and attacking in this turn)
2) Class Icon (it shows you which class a worm is)
3) Health Points (if the HP drop to 0, the worm is dead)
4) Team Bars (every block represent a worm’s health)
5) Turn Time
6) Wind
7) Remaining time to sudden death (a special condition in which the water rises or the worms’ life will drop to 1)
8) Weather Time (it can be day, sunset and night)
9) Weapon Panel
10) Amount of money
11) Purchase window

To conclude, I remember to the readers that you can watch an interactive tutorial directly from the options > extras. Here you can see how to use every single weapon too.

* This will be explained in the Advance Guide for Worms Clan Wars.

Section 3: Types of battlefield

You can’t go on the battleground without knowing anything about it. It’s like driving a car not having achieved a driver license yet.
In Worms Clan Wars the field in which your worms are going to fight is important. Each ground of combat has its own strenghts and weaknesses; strategies and tactics you use in an open space can’t be applied in a cave.
This guide will help you in analizing every kind of battlefield you may encounter in multiplayer matches. For your luck, there are only 3 huge types of arenas (if you exclude some random elements). Here there are:


This kind of map is the most played around the multiplayer. Easy, without blind spots, the one – island map represents the heaven of the offensive players. The main strategy is to push, attack and kill, throwing the poor victims into the big blue (aka the sea) and not worring about a minimal defense. Rarely, you’ll manage to find small holes in the map that can grant a repair for supports.
The best tactic here is to play with classes dealing a good amount of damages, like soldiers and heavy, while you need to avoid to call supports in the fight (max. 1).
Playing in a defensive way, tunnelling and bunkering yourself is useless here: a jetpack or a teleport gun will reach you instantly, taking you directly to the Creator.


This battleground represent the mid way. Separated from the water or being united by a small bridge of terrain, sometimes with a floating island, the map with 2 – 3 islands is either good for offensive and defensive strategies. You can find small holes in which you can find a repair, blind spots and trapping hills, factors that would help you in bunkering and killing your enemies slowly and painfully.
There isn’t a specific strategy for this kind of ground, so a balanced team would work. It depends on the map itself: are the two islands separated? Pick one more heavy and give up a scout. Are there 3 islands? Pick one more scientist for recover.


If you like to play strategically, giving the highest priority to the defense, this map is good for you. The cave doesn’t allow airstrikes. It can be divided in floor, vertically (known also as Wide Cave) or horizontally (known as 3 – bar Cave), an important aspect if you need to plan your attacks. Getting the top is the best strategy for this kind of maps, while being stucked in the bottom is a dead end during sudden deaths.
Playing an offensive, rushly, Rambo style is the worst thing you can do here. Supports would work a lot, doing their maximum expecially during sieges.
The best team for these maps are composed of a couple of supports and a 1 – 2 offensive worms. You know…a team of all scientists isn’t going anywhere.

At last, remember that there are random factors that can alterate these 3 macrogrounds. So you need to check the map while you can in order to plan the best strategy. But we’re going to talk about this in the following guides.

Section 4: The Worms Clan Wars Official Website

It is important for you to know about your progress in game and your statistics. So this last part of the beginner guide is dedicated to the official website of Worms Clan Wars.

I leave you the pleasure of exploring the website. Here you’ll find the link and the description of the main functions:

Worms Clan Wars Official Website[www.wormsclanwars.com]


Once you click on the link, you need to login on Steam in order to get the access of all the features. Once you’ve done that, you’re going to be shown this screen:

Along with your general statistics in singleplayer and multiplayer, you have 3 options in the top of the screen:

1) Global: this regards options involving all the players (such as news and leaderboards)
2) Player: this tracks all your individual progress, both in single and multiplayer
3) Clan: this tracks the progress of your clan, your actual division and league.

If you don’t own a clan or aren’t part of one, you can skip the last mini – chapter of this section. Now I’ll show you the available sub-options.


4) Home: this will bring you to general statistics regarding the amount of matches played, the styles chosen, the favourite mapgrounds and so on.
5) Leaderboards: this will show you the rankings in clan, deathmatch and forts
6) News and event: if you want to know what a patch included or if there are official tournaments, here’s the place
7) Trends: this will help you in knowing which weapons and classes are the most and least used.


8) Overview: This will show you a general picture of your progresses.
9) Single Player Summary: Here you’ll get more details about your single player progress
10) Multiplayer Stats: If you want to see how good you are in multiplayer matches, here’s the place
11) Clan Game Stats: If you are part of a clan or you’re leading it, here you’ll find all the information regarding your individual contribute.


12) Overview: A general picture of the clan in which you are
13) Awards: The prizes your clan got during his missions
14) Members: Self explicative.

I hope this guide helped you in moving your first steps into the Worms world. Don’t forget to check the Advance and Master guide for Worms Clan Wars to learn more and more.

Conclusive Section: Resumèe for dummies

I bet not everyone is going to read every single piece of this guide or found it easy to understand. So, in order to be clearer as possible, I decided to do an extra section that will resume really briefly the hardest part of this guide (section 1 and 3).




– Faster
– Jumps longer and higher
– Reveals the content of every crate nearby him
– Highest amount of fuel for jet/aquapacks
– Creates tunnels that only scouts can enter in
– Doesn’t activate mines


– Deal the lowest amount of damage
– Can be thrown really far if hit



– He can activate a grenade before the defusal time by pressing spacebar
– Deals the maximum damage even if slightly unprecise


– The remote detonation works even if you’re on a ninja rope, risking to kill yourself



– Deals 10% more damage than the other classes
– Can’t be thrown far


– Slower
– Jumps shorter and lower
– Makes a huge hole if he dies
– Lowest amount of fuel for jet/aquapack



– Heals 5Hp and poison the worms nearby him at the beginning of his turn
– Utilities used by him are improved and better
– Highest amount of fuel for jet/aquapack


– Deal the lowest amount of damage


1-Island Map:

– Good for offensive strategies
– No blind spots and generally no holes for cover
– Not ideal for defensive tactics at all
– A team of offensive classes with 1 support maximum is suggested

2/3-Islands Map:

– Good for both offensive and defensive games
– Some blind spots, some holes for bunkering
– The islands may be connected or not, with presence of floating pieces of terrain
– A balanced team is suggested

Cave Maze Map:

– Good for defensive tactics
– Offensive strategies aren’t recommended at all
– The caves can be wide (if separated vertically) or 3 – bar (if there are separated horizontal floors)
– A team with a good number of supports is welcome

All the arenas can have random elements that may involve a change of plans and strategies.
