This guide will direct you to every single secret in Diakatana. Diakatana is quite a hard game, in relation to other retro FPS’s. Sometimes quite frustrating without the use of some of the secrets. So if you’re looking to beat the game on harder difficulties check out this guide to help you along. I worked pretty hard on this one, over 300 screenshots and I tried my best to describe where everything is. If you find any issues or problems, or have any comments feel free to share and I’ll do my best to update the guide.I highly suggest you check out this other awesome Diakatana guide to get you started:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=282094762Specifically the section about updating to version 1.3. This will enable higher resolultions and will fix some frustrations with the companions. Lastly, special thanks to Emanuel Carpaneda, his online youtube videos were instrumental in helping me find all the secrets and collate them into a guide.
E1M1 – Marsh
The first secret is a couple minutes in. After you spot your second Cambot you’ll see a waterfall off to your right, behind the waterfall is a ladder that you’re able to climb. Climb up, use the door up ahead and grab the first secret and a Goldensoul.
The second secret is in a cave right after the waterfall. Immediately after the Protopod you’ll see a small hole filled with poison liquid. Jump in the hole, swim to the bottom to get the second secret and an Attack Boost.
The third secret is behind yet another waterfall, after the cave that leads to the second secret opens up you’ll be in an area with a large pond and two waterfalls. The waterfall on the right has multiple levels and ladders hidden behind the water. Climb up the ladders, claim the third secret and some Chromatic Armor.
The fourth secret is a little ways away from the third and a little less obvious than the first three. Once you reach the security scanner, it’s basically a red light before the level opens up to the main complex, look behind you. There is a rock that sticks out, I’m looking at it in the second screenshot below. Use that rock and it will slide back, climb the ladder to claim the secret and grab the health kits, Plasteel Armor and save gem.
The fifth secret is after the bridge fight and involves some tricky jumping and trick jumping. After the bridge fight turn around facing the way you came and jump to the left ledge. I’m looking at the ledge in the first screenshot. Slide to the left, under the bridge and jump up under the bridge to claim the fifth secret and the Wraithorb.
Secret six is a tricky one and a bit hard to even trigger. Once you find the maintenance worker and clear out all the badguys “use” the ground around the wall opposite the door. If you’re having trouble finding where the trigger is look at the screenshots below. A secret maintenance hatch will open up. Climb down, claim the secret and grab the megashield and the power orb.
After using the computer, pulling the lever and exiting from the opposite side of the waterfall you will come to a fork in the road. The left side continues the level, the right (screenshot one), leads to the secret. Climb the ladder on the side of the building. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you see four protopods in front of you. After defeating the enemies, locate and jump over the rock slide. Head into the cave, trigger the level change, and you’ll find the seventh secret along with a goldensoul. Don’t drop down or else you’ll be way back at the start of the level!
The final secret is to the left of the aforementioned fork. Go left, but instead of entering the sewer system head to the end of the ravine and swim underwater. You’ll enter an underwater cave system which is quite long. Once you surface you’ll be greated by a Thunderskeet and lots of other enemies. Claim the secret by heading into the queen’s lair, gathering the goldensoul and feel free to explore. Make sure not to miss the C4 Vizatergo.
E1M2 – Sewer
After using the keypad to open the first large sewer door, head through the door and swim under the turbine. You’ll see a quarter opening, grab the Vitality upgrade but be careful, the turbine will start spinning so you need to wait for the opening to come back around.
After using the keyboard to open the second of the large sewer doors look to your left. You will see a metal grate with a crushing machine behind it. Use the C4 gun to blow open the grate, then use it again to destroy the machine. Crawl into the space behind and flip the lever. This will open a gate in the water below you. So jump down, crawl under the stairs and go into the new opening. Immedately behind you will be a ladder, climb up, claim the secret and the Goldensoul.
The third secret is quite simple. After going through the large sewer door you opened during secret two you will immediately see some computer terminals and a metal grate on the floor to your right. Shoot the grate, drop down, collect the secret and some C4 ammo.
Continue down the hallway from secret 3 and on your left you will find a side passage that has collapsed. Shoot the rubble, head inside claim the secret and a Goldensoul.
Secret 5 is quite a ways more into the level. After draining the water and using the valve to open the next large sewer door you will enter a cooridor with an immediate incline. At the top of the incline, under the water, is a hidden hatch. This is another hatch that is a bit trick to open. Once you get it open, climb in, claim the secret along with all the good goodies. Including the Shotcycler.
The next secret is within secret 5. Around the perimeter of the arena of this area are four buttons. If you shoot all four quickly a secret passage will open at the bottom of the well. Inside is the Dope Fish. The Dope Fish will almost always level you up. Down below is also a lot of Shotcycler ammo and a Mana Skull.
The final secret is a bit past the exit door. Head on down to the end of the cooridor and if you look up you’ll see a spinning fan behind thick metal bars. You can actually shoot the fan to destroy part of the bars. You can then climb the ladder up the top and collect the armor and secret.
E1M3 – Solitary
The first secret is super easy. After opening the first door you’ll immediately notice there is an opening under the small walkway ahead. Crawl underneath it to grab the secret and some Plasteel Armor.
The second secret is quite a ways further into the level. It’s right after the cellblock 2 control room with the locked red door and the swinging door to the left. Open the swinging door, head inside, and close the door. Behind it will be a destroyable wall. Shoot it, head inside, grab the Golden Soul and the secret.
The third secret is close to the second. After extending the bridge in the cell block head to it, but instead of going through the door jump to the items on the right. You’ll need to sprint jump to make it. Next look towards the bridge and you’ll notice a small ladder going up. Climb the ladder, acquire the secret and the save gem.
Not far from secret 3 you’ll enter another control room with a large Mishima sign. Shoot the sign to uncover the secret and a Golden Soul.
This one requires a bit of finese. Right before you enter Cell Block 3, you can drop down onto a pipe that’s sticking out. Take a look at the first screenshot, the pipe is on the bottom left corner. Follow the pipe outwards and drop into the caged area. Here you will acquire the sidewinder and the secret. You can also turn the valve to blow up the nearby grate and get some armour.
Right after the level change head down the stairs and look under them. There will be a machine ticking away. Destroy it, along with the wall behind it to uncover the secret and a Wraith Orb.
Right after secret six you’ll have to pass some lasers. Shoot the electronics with the red particle effects to destroy the lasers and open the hatch in front of them. Climb into the hatch and grab the secret.
Right after secret 7 you’ll find another Mishima sign. Destroy it to uncover the secret and a save gem.
Secret 9 is very close, after existing secret 8 look down the pit. Your goal is to fall down the center portion, refer to the screenshots to see what I mean. Once you fall down you need to jump off to the left. Once you’re in the secret room you can grab the ultimate gas hands.
After going through the cell block 4 door you’ll come across a small platform with a ladder. Under the platform is a healthkit, behind that healthkit is a small pressure plate. Step on the plate and a secret door will open above you. Head inside and grab the secret along with an attack buff.
The final secret requires you to use the shotcycler to perform a shotcycler jump. After opening the next door you’ll see some goodies behind some yellow bars. Go into the corner, look down, jump and shoot the shotcycler. You’ll slowly rise up in the air and clear the bars. Grab the goodies and the secret.
E1M4 – Crematorium
Once you enter the crematorium head to the left. You’ll see a sitting area with a table in the center. Destroy the top of the table, head inside and grab the first secret and a power buff.
Once outside you’ll want to head for behind the loading dock. It’s a pretty obvious secret with a hosportal behind.
Turn around from secret 2 and look to the left along the wall. You’ll see some barbed wire, shoot the first section and it will open up to reveal a ladder down into the water. Swim around to find some armour behind a pillar and the third secret.
The fourth secret requires some skill and health. You’ll need to do a pretty high rocket jump to get ontop of the loading dock. Take a look at the screenshot to see where you need to land. My suggestion is to line up with one of the parking lines. Take a running start, and when you’re about half way down the parking line jump and fire a rocket. Continue forward and you should land on the ledge. Maybe use a save gem before attempting cause it can take multiple tries. Once you’re on the ledge head to the left to get the ultimate gas hands and secret.
Once inside the loading dock look underneath the loading mechanics. You’ll see some armour behind a grate. Destroy the grate, grab the armour, grab the secret.
After riding the conveyer belt, crawling through the vent shafts, dodging the fan blades and opening the door for Superfly, backtrack a bit to the door he came out of. Shoot the grate behind the coffin and grab yourself the Shockwave and the secret.
After the level change and you’ve fought your way through the lobby of the Crematorium again you’ll find yourself in a glass enclosed walkway. You can shoot one of the window panels to drop down in the water, grab some armour and the seventh secret.
Once you drop down into the burn portion of the crematorium you’ll have to crawl around a bit to find this secret. There is some armour hidden in a dark corner under the burners. Take a look at the screenshot to find it exactly.
E1M5 – Processing
The first secret is easy to spot, but hard to figure out. In the first hallway you’ll see a grate indented into the floor. If you shoot the light nearby it the grate will open revealing the secret and some armour.
The second secret is after the level change and once you reach your first hosportal. To the left of the hosportal you can jump on the little edge that sticks out. Follow the ledge around and grab the secret and some armour.
After the hamburger making machine you’ll see a small stair case. The secret is under the staircase and you’ll snag yourself a Golden Soul too.
At the burger press you’ll find a hidden button behind the machine that spits out the meat. After you push it the stairs in front of the door to the exit of the room will come down. Shoot the grate that is revealed and travel through the vents. Claim the secret.
In the refridgeration section you’ll be able to climb up to the top shelf from the stairs to the exit. Just shimmy across the shelf to get the fifth secret.
The final secret is right after the storage room. After exiting the storage room you’ll be standing on a catwalk. Look to your right and drop down. The secret is in the far corner of the area below the catwalk.
E1M6 – Icelab
After using the valve to drop the liquid nitrogen look down and to the right. You’ll spot a small ledge that you can drop onto. Drop onto it, climb the ladder and claim the secret.
The second secret is right after the level change. After using the keypad to trigger the security bots look to the left, you’ll see a ladder handing off a ledge. You’ll need to run jump to grab it. Climb up for the second secret and the shockwave.
The location of the third secret is a bit hard to explain so just take a look at the first screenshot. You’ll see a slanted grate right before the large elevator. You can jump in between the grate and the wall. If you drop down onto the squarish platform you’ll trigger the third and final secret. There are lots of other goodies to grab while you’re down here too.
E1M7 – Vault
The first secret is right at the start of the level. After climbing the first staircase look to the left. You’ll have to run jump to slide up the wall. Once up, you can grab the secret.
After shooting the fuse to unlock the elevator head down. Let the elevator go back up and you’ll see a grate at the bottom of the elevator shaft. Destroy the grate, head into the vents and grab the secret.
The third secret requires a bit of running around. Once you make it to the server room you’ll want to head into the stairwell to make it to the second level. Remember this stairwell as you’ll be coming back to it. Navigate the upper walkway and find the keypad panel. Head back to the stairwell and you’ll see that a hatch opened underneath. Head inside and grab the secret.
When you’re navigating the crushers you’ll have to jump into a vent at the end of your jumping journey. Instead of jumping into the vent, jump ontop of it. Crawl across the top and grab the rockets and the secret.
E2M1 – Lemnos Isle
After the first level change you’ll come across an open room with some water and a statue. In this room look up towards the ceiling and you’ll see a small crack. Use the disc to destroy the crack and the secret will fall down.
In the next area, the outdoors courtyard with the fountain in the center. Destroy the four statues in each corner. Once you’ve destroyed all four statues the fountain in the center of the courtyard will open up revealing the secret.
After using the horn to summon Charon backtrack a bit to where you got the horn in the first place. You will notice a new door has opened up. Take this path and you’ll eventually be outside with two large statues. Press the button under each statue. Head back to the hallway branching from the horn and you’ll find a secret hatch has opened. Along with the venonmous grab the secret.
E2M2 – Catacombs
Further into the level you’ll come across a stream with a waterfall at the end. You can actually swim up this waterfall. Once ontop, destroy the rock formation and get the armour and the secret.
You’ll actually see the second secret right at the start of the actual catacombs. It’s a goldensun behind bars, but you’ll need to travel quite a ways into the level, to the other side of the bars to be able to open them. Once you’re on the otherside of the Goldensun travel a bit further down the same hallwayand you’ll see a drawing of a female warrior. Use the drawing and it will open up to reveal a gong. Use the gong and the bars will open up unlocking the secret.
After the second secret you’ll eventually come to a bridge that gets destroyed in a rock fall. Look to your left and climb up the slope to get ontop of the enterance from where you just came. Ontop is some armour and the third secret.
Immediately after the bridge you’ll trigger a level change, right after that level change look to your left and you’ll see another painting. Use the painting to open it up and reveal the hammer and the fourth secret.
Right after secret 4 you’ll be in a room with a small water basin and two doors opposite it. Step into the water and the two doors will open revealing the secret and some armour.
E2M3 – Athens
In the room where Mikiko complains about ankle deep water you’ll find a switch that opens the big stone with the drawing on it. Push the switch and the stone block will slide backwards revealing the secret room.
In the room behind the poisideon statue you’ll see a waterfall. Crawl under the waterfall to get to the secret room and some armour.
After dropping the four pillars head past them and take an immediate right, you’ll see some more pillars submerged underwater. Jump into the water and use the pillar with the writing on it. It will drop and reveal an underwater secret passage which leads to the trident and the third secret.
Next you’ll come across another courtyard with a really large fountain. You’ll need to run jump to get to the second tier of the fountain, then climb up the sides carefully. Once at the top you can drop into the fountain and claim the fourth secret.
E2M4 – Acropolis
The first secret is right at the start. To the right of the bridge is a small walkway down into the water. Climb down and drop into the water, in the corner there will be some armour and the first secret.
The second secret is in the room with the waterfall fountain, check out screenshot one. Along the side of the wall is a tomb like structure. You can destroy the corner of it to crawl inside and grab the second secret.
This is the dopefish secret for this episode. In the same room as secret 2 you’ll need to jump into the fountain and swim underwater. You’ll see a small opening that you can swim into, head into there and now you’ll need to hack away at the inside wall to make a new opening. Check out the second screenshot. Once you’ve done that head inside, kill the dopefish and enjoy you’re new level.
The fourth secret is also underwater in this fountain. From where you broke the wall underwater look to your left. You’ll notice you can swim a bit further out and up. Surface and you’ll find yourself at the fourth secret.
After the level change you’ll enter a room that’s depicted in screenshot 2. Notice one of the walls has a discolouration, you can destroy this wall to uncover the fifth secret.
After the spider room you’ll arrive into a staircase with a large statue behind some pillars. You can actually jump between the pillars to get the secret behind the statue.
After the level change you’ll find yourself a ladder to the left of the walkway. Head down the ladder and you’ll be at the bottom of the canyon. Next you’ll find a staircase that’ll lead you to the first floor section of the Acropolis. In here you can drop the boulder, but also find the seventh secret. It’s behind the water under the staircase.
When you are on the bottom of the canyon and you’re looking towards the Acropolis you’ll find the eight secret behind a pillar. Take a look at the first screenshot for the exact location, I had already picked up the item in the second screenshot.
Head back up the lader from the canyon and continue until you find the Acro buff. Through the doors you’ll find the Aegis “G” book and an area you can jump onto with the Acro buff. Jump up there and find the secret in the corner of this platform, strangely there are no items… never really figured out why this was a secret.
In the same area as the Aegis “I” book, you’ll find some secret armour in the dark recesses of the wall behind some pillars.
After completing the Aegis book and crossing over where you dropped the rock you’ll find yourself in a another spiral staircase. Head all the way down and you’ll know you’re in the right place when you see a health font. Crawl under the staircase to find the final secret of this level.
E2M5 – Lair of Medusa
When you’re underground in the area that looks like it has two swimming pools in it find the section with the rubble of rocks. You can shoot the rocks to expose a new passage that leads you to the first secret. Note, due to a bug, both entrances to this secret count as secrets. So really there are only two secrets for this level, but to get all three to register you go a little ways into the left entrance until it registers, then immediately go to the right one for Secret #2.
After the level change head up the nearby ladder and trigger yet another level change. Against the far wall of this new area you’ll see a crack, shoot it and it’ll open up to the second secret.
E3M1 – Plague Village
The first secret is in the second house when superfly says “We’ll wait right here”. Outside the house are some barrels and you’ll find an acro buff which you will need. Head inside the house, climb up on the table, and jump to the ledge above you. You’ll be able to reach the second floor which has the secret and some armour.
The next secret is in the Dragon Inn. Once inside, find the fireplace, crawl inside and look up. You’ll be able to destroy the ceiling of the fireplace and some armour will drop ontop of you and unlock the second secret.
The third secret is also in the Dragon Inn. Enter the backroom with all the barrels and look under the stairs. You can destroy some barrels and crawl underneath. Grab the secret and a Golden Sun.
The final secret of the level is the dopefish. Once you open the final gate and you cross the crooked bridge turn around and look towards the water. You’ll be able to swim under the bridge in the area i’m looking in screenshot 2. Break the boards over the well and swim below to find the dopefish. Quickly grab the mana so you can defeat the dopefish and gain a level.
E3M2 – Passage
The first secret is right at the start. Once you exit the house turn around and look behind you. You can destroy the bottom corner of the house that’s up against the rock wall. Crawl underneath and claim the first secret.
Secret 2 is at the point when you reach the castle doors and you’re crossing the large broken bridge with the large waterfall to the right. You can jump into the waterfall and crawl inside to grab the second secret and the Balista.
With the Balista in hand you can now access the third secret. In the same area as the second secret look in the direction you came and look up. You’ll see a health pack on the roof of the enterance. Your goal is to Balista jump onto the roof, then Balista jump onto the peak. It’s a bit tricky, but very doable.
This secret is probably the hardest to pull off thus far. From secret 3 look across the way over the bridge and towards the castle. You’ll see where you need to go. To pull it off you’ll need to do another Balista jump, but this time a really long one. Start facing backwards towards the goal, walk to the edge of the peak of the roof. Sprint backwards looking down at about a 45 degree angle. Once you start to run down the roof, jump and shoot the Balista to make yourself fly across the gap. If done right you’ll land in the secret. Make sure you save before hand as you’ll likely need lots of attempts.
The final secret requires yet another Balista jump, but in a different area. Head back towards the waterwheel house. Your goal is to jump onto the roof in the general area where I’m looking in screenshot two. Run Balista jump, get onto the roof and cross over the peak. You’ll see the power buff and some ledges you can use to climb into the window. Jump in and get the fifth and final secret.
E3M3 – Dungeon
The first secret is right at the beginning when you enter your first open area. To the left is a pile of rocks, you can actually crouch under those rocks to grab the first secret.
The second secret is pretty tricky and requires quite a skilled jump. Once you reach the two dungeon cells that are hanging over the hole in the floor head into the first dungeon by flipping the switch. Break open the wall and you’ll be standing on the ledge overtop of a lava pit. It’s actually possible to run jump over this pit. What I normally do is run across the ledge and run jump into the rock wall on the side, then slide across the brush onto the opposite side. You could also do a strafe jump to go a bit further and take advantage of the rotational acceleration, like a sort of bunny hop.
Back at the start of secret 2, where the doors to the cells are, you’ll notice you can jump onto the archway holding up the ceiling down below. Jump onto it and claim the third secret.
The fourth secret is in the area with the four dungeon cells. In the one of the far right you’ll see an area you can climb down into, the secret is in there.
Secret 5 is after heading up the spiral staircase and reaching the top. You can walk around the perimeter of this room and reach a Golden Sun on the otherside.
In the area with the three cages there will be a wall with an inverted pentagram. Destroy the wall and reveal the sixth secret.
The seventh secret isn’t well hidden. In the next room you’ll see the top portion of the spiral staircase. Head back inside, but this time go down the stairs. You’ll grab the seventh secret with no issues.
After defeating Starvos and climbing up the spiral you’ll be able to grab some goodies along the perimeter of this area. You can continue around the perimeter and crouch under a hole in the wall to grab the eight secret.
The next secret is a bit tricky to find on your own. In the hallway with the crushing spikey pillars you’ll want to find bit with the first right turn. Against the wall, between the texture changes you can use the wall to open a secret hatch. Crawl in, and continue on to the ninth secret.
The last secret of the level is when you’re crossing the wooden bridge into the tower. Look to your right and you’ll spot an attack buff. You can jump from the bridge onto the ledge. Jumping back is a bit harder.
E3M4 – Wyndrax Tower
The first secret is a bit dangerous and somewhat not worth it. When you reach the drawbridge you’ll be able to push a barrel into the ice. Jump into the ice and under the arch underwater. Immediately swim to the right and you’ll see a cave further down. Swim into the cave and surface at the secret. Grab the Golden soul and swim back out.
Once you reach the outside perimeter of the castle (screenshot 1), you’ll want to climb up on the half wall and jump into the moat. Swim underwater to find a secret passage with the second secret.
The third secret requires some jumping. Once you’re at the top of the perimeter of the castle you’ll need to jump outside the wall onto the rocks. Then you can jump onto the half wall. Then back over the rocks onto the roof of the castle. From there you’ll be on the otherside of the watch towers. Fall down, traverse the hallways and grab the third secret.
From the start of the third secret continue your way up the watch tower. When you reach the roof look across the way and you’ll see a crack in the opposite wall. Shoot the barrel beyond the crack to blow it open. Jump into the hole and uncover the fourth secret.
In the same area as the wyndrax key and spellbook you’ll see a bunch of stained glass windows. Shoot the one in the second screenshot to open up a passage to the final secret. Jump on down to grab the secret and a vitality buff.
E3M5 – Crypt of Nharre
From the very beginning turn around and head back the way you came. You’ll find a power buff to the left of the gate.
After entering the crypt you’ll find a bridge over some lava. You’ll need to balastia jump to the left side of the building between the rockwall and the building. There you will find the second secret.
From the second secret you want to Balista jump onto the roof of the crypt. There you will find the third secret.
Secret’s 4 and 5 are direct mirrors of 2 and 3. Go back to the bridge, balista jump to the otherside of the rock wall, grab the fourth secret. Then jump onto the roof again to grab the fifth.
Upon entering the tower with the lava at the bottom, cross the broken bridge into the antichamber. Before going through the doorway at the end of the hall you’ll want to balista jump to the rafters above. There will be a Golden Sun and the sixth secret.
Now we can go through the door at the end of the hall and you’ll be back outside. At the base of this weird structure ahead are two conceiled buttons. Push both of them to open up the doors, head inside and grab the seventh secret.
Secret 8 and 9 requires you to be quick because you have to make use of the same acro buff for both of them. Behind one of the nearby gravestones is an acro buff. Quickly grab the buff, then position yourself to balista jump onto the roof of the crypt. See the images to see exactly where you need to go. Once up there you’ll get the 8th secret. Fall down and make your way into the nearby door, quickly traverse the hallways, ignoring enemies if possible and enter the cathedral. You need to do another balista jump in the cathedral over the fence that surrounds the top level. Once up there you can grab the 9th secret.
E3M6 – Gharroth’s Throne
A ways into the level you’ll climb yet another spiral staircase in a tower. At the top will be a purple mist in front of a flag. Blow out the purple mist, or inhale it? I dunno, and walk through the flag to get the one and only secret on this level.
E4M1 – Alcatraz
Once you make it outside turn around and take a look at the piping along the wall. You can climb it to get to the ledge where the light is. Crawl across the edge and around the building and you’ll find another pipe you can climb. Climb up that one and into the window.
Don’t drop down into the yard just yet, continue along the ledge and fall the wall across to the other building. In the dark corner of the yard along the top of the wall you can jump into the next building over. You’ll find a speed buff and the second secret.
Still, don’t drop down, continue along the half wall outside until it slopes downwards into the fenced off area. Walk onto the lower roof top to find the third secret and the third weapon of the episode.
Once in the cell block area find the blocked staircase. You can shoot a barrel at the top of the staircase to clear the rubble. Climb up the stairs and shoot another barrel to make a pillar drop down. Climb across the pillar and into the vent. Follow the vent system and drop down into the fourth secret and a mana skull.
Back on the first floor of the cell block head to the far right corner cell. You can open a vent there. Climb inside and follow the path to the ladder. Climb up in the pipe area and grab the fifth secret.
The final secret requires you to use an acro buff. Immediately after the shower room, when the ceiling falls down, climb ontop of the ceiling and grab the acro buff. Continue on your way to the next hallway and after fighting a goon, look up and you’ll see a hole in the ceiling. Use the acro buff to jump into the hole and grab the final secret.
E4M2 – Beneath the Rock
Pretty early on you’ll see an obvious attack buff. Grab it and use the ledge it’s on to jump to the ledge across the gap. Once across look for the hole with the water at the bottom. Drop into the water and trigger the level change. Swim across and when you reach the waterfall don’t drop down, instead jump to the ledge in the dark to the left. Follow the ledge around and find the first secret.
This one is right near secret 1. From secret one drop down into the water, then swim behind the waterfall. You’ll find the second secret and the ripgun.
The next secret is in one of the broken down buildings in the water area up ahead. Swim into the first ruined building you see, follow it’s path along to where you see the boarded up windows. Then jump the gap between the two buildings. Finally enter the next ruined building and you’ll find yourself in an open area with a ladder. There is a crack in the wall that you can shoot to open up the third secret.
From secret 3 continue on your way until you make your way back outside the ruined buildings. Climb around the catwalks to the rock island in between the two buildings. You can run up the slope of this island to reach the fourth secret. You likely saw the items before as you were navigating this area.
The final secret requires the use of an acro buff and you gotta be fast! Once leaving the underwater city area you’ll come across an acro buff. Grab it, save and make your way towards the lever up ahead and the level change. Activate the elevator and jump down towards the badguys and run through the door you just opened. Run across the wooden bridge and towards the tripwire traps. Now jump ontop of the coffins and into the opening in the wall above them. You’ll finally enter the secret area. If your acro buff runs out then you can likely use the shotgun to boost your way up, or do some tricky jumping without it.
E4M3 – Tower of Crime
Past the neon sign you’ll be able to turn the corner to the first secret. Really simple one.
In the submerged parking lot find the room in the first screenshot. Climb ontop of the vent and follow the piping to an area where the vent opens up above you again. Climb up top and follow the path to the second secret. Watch that the fan doesn’t kill you.
This is the hardest secret in the game thus far. So be prepared for a lot of loading. Right after secret two drop down back ontop the pipes. Look from the way you came and you’ll see an open vent across the way. It’s close, but because you’re crouching you can’t jump to it. You’ll need to use the freeze gun to boost yourself up there mid crawl. I basically sprint crawl off the pipes and immediately look down, shoot the freeze gun, while still crouching and if I’m lucky I make it across. Make sure you save before attempting. I had to reload about 100 times before I actually made it. If anyone knows of an easier way feel free to let me know.
Once inside the building find the hallway in screenshot 1. Blow open the crate and it’ll open up the passage way to the secret.
On the second floor of the complex you’ll find an elevator shaft. Drop down into it and land in the water. Shoot the floor until you see some rocks come up, you’ve opened up a cave passage. Swim underneath and grab the fifth secret.
Underwater, in the same area as secret 5, shoot the crack in the wall to reveal the dopefish.
Climb up the elevator shaft and look into the rafters of this new area. You’ll see an attack buff. You can jump onto the railing and into the rafters to claim the secret.
Once you finally make it to the elevator shaft, head down the wire until the first elevator door you come to. Open the door and you’ll see the Novabeam. Jump into the elevator door grab the secret and the novabeam.
E4M4 – Mishima Labs
Only one secret on this level. After the first level transition and quite a ways through this part you’ll come across some dormitories. There are actually two of them, take a look at the screenshot to see which one has the secret. Open the locker in the corner of the room thats against the wall to uncover the secret.
E4M5 – Mishima’s Hideout
The first secret is in one of the rooms with the two heavy troopers. Once you enter the room turn around and shoot the silk screen wall, it will open up a passage in the elevator shaft. Take the elevator up and walk through the passage to get the first secret.
The next secret is in Kage’s bedroom. You’ll need to freeze gun jump yourself up onto the rafters of the bedroom. Then follow them around the perimeter of the bed, destroy one of the hanging cloth decorations and use the ornimental painting above the bed. This will uncover some armour and the second secret.
In one of the hallways after the Koi pond where you have to open the door for Mikiko you can open one of the panels in the hallway to uncover the third secret.
After the art room you’ll enter a hallway with a lot of paintings of weird faces. One of the walls to the left of the staircase is useable. Open it up to reveal the fourth secret.
E4M6 – S.E.A.L. Training Center
Only one secret and it’s the very last one! Right at the beginning of the level will be a ladder that goes up to the upper catwalk. Immediately after getting off the ladder there is another one. You can continue to climb the ladder all the way up to the top for a Goldensun and the final secret!