Grim Dawn Guide

DAIL Mod for Grim Dawn



1000s of my own edits + 12 mods merged in for your convenience with alternate files if you don’t want certain things.

The Mission and Features

Incorporate mods, or parts of mods that increase the replay-ability of the game while adding some actual endgame content without making it easier, or breaking main game saves that get transferred over to try it out.

Features so far that work
Yes, you can bring your main game saves in and they will work. See below for more details.
Level 100 player level cap
Monsters are uncapped in every area
Masteries go to level 100 ! and have ultimate bonuses that start at level 51.
Cornucopia has been merged (Devotions only at the moment).
Sot/Boc do not have doors anymore. so if you die you can run back in from an outside portal! You
quests will reset the first time you load this map
Ranger, Necromancer and Coronus Masteries added and working including loot affixes.
Loot Affixes for Epic and Legendary items (RNGesus approves of this)
Omega mod infinite quest for player alternative power growth
Food and con pots will restore 20% of your mana.
RIFT/MAPPING MOD unlimited dynamically generated areas for your endgame enjoyment!
Stasher Mod for massive bank and transfer stash (stop playing inventory tetris and get this mod now!)
Special npc who likes iron bits in Devils Crossing:

secret area 1 unlocked
secret area 2 unlocked

Regarding XP in DAIL
Basically level>90 is HELL. but you will receive TEN (10) skill points every level after 90 until 100.


1. Run the .exe and choose your option (VANILLA included if you want to revert).
2. then choose your grim dawn installation folder

STEAM: if you can’t find your grim dawn folder it might be under c:(x86)Program FilesSteamSteamappsCommonGrim DawnMods
GOG: c:(x86)Program FilesGalaxyGamesGrim DawnMods
GOG however may be elsewhere.. its more configurable than steam, for installations since there IS NO DRM.

Your xp will be reset to the beginning of your current level if you play your DAIL touched character in a non level cap raised mod / main campaign.
You will keep your level, skills and extra affixed gear however.

Please use the word DAIL and the version number if your hosting a game with this compilation.
DAIL 0042 sot boc

Compatibility list
GD -> DAIL -> DAIL 0022+ -> DAIL 0001 to 0021

Modes(Mods) installed by default:
DAIL DAIL changes + Vanilla game.
DAIL – RIFTS DAIL changes + DGA Mod. Fully compatible with DAIL – switch between them freely.
DAIL – Survival DAIL changes + Eternal Mod – Your factions may break when you use this don’t use this mode until your done with DAIL.

Additional Installation Options
(DAILXXXX)(S) = S class mode – prepare for your GPU and CPU to melt. full grimmest everything.
(DAILXXXX)(B) = Medium Grimmest – this is essentially boss script upgrades and x2 heroes with regular other spawns this is my personal favourite mode
(DAILXXXX)(NG) = Grimmest disabled
(DAILXXXX)(A) = S class mode but with invisible / non existant spiders.
(DAILXXXX)(AB) = non existant spiders + medium grimmest
(DAILXXXX)(ANG) = nospiders and grimmest disabled


Download them here:
0023 DAIL 0023 268MB bugfixes and nonworking fangshi merge
0022 DAIL 0022 248MB try if if you feel lucky. merged
0021 DAIL 0021 252MB likely the last build before merge build
0020 DAIL 0020 212MB its fixed rift and survival shoudl install properly now.
0019 DAIL 0019 INSTALLER 231MB no more multi releases. will be 1 release ~200 megs each time. enjoy.
0019 BUILD 0019 165MB
0019 BUILD 0019 NOMAPS 21MB
0018 0018 170MB massive bugfix release + one small map update north of burrwitch
0018 0018 NOMAPS 23MB
0017 HOTFIX for text_en.. put it in dailresourcestext_en this fixes the mising coronus tags.
0017 DAIL 0017 166MB
0017 DAIL 0017 NOMAPS 18.2MB you will have to use keys for sot/boc and old grove wont be accessible
0016 0016 database.arzfixed soldier mastery cap. will be merged into 0017
0016 0016 315MB fixed finally.
0016 0016 NOMAPS 12MB
0015 BUILD 0015 165 MB
0015 BUILD 0015 NOMAPS 11MB
0014 BUILD 0014 314MB
0014 BUILD 0014 NOMAP 12.5MB
0011 BUILD 0011
0011 BUILD 0011-Rift
0011 BUILD 0011-Survival
0011 BUILD 0011-Arachnophobia
0010 BUILD 0010
0010 BUILD 0010 – Survival
0010 BUILD 0010 – Arachnophobia
0009 BUILD 0009 quick bugfix for projectiles
0009 BUILD 0009 – Arachnophobia Arachnophobia version
0008 BUILD 0008 added Necromancer and Ranger Masteries and cleaned up a few .tex problems
0008 BUILD 0008 – Arachnophobia Arachnophobia Version
0007 BUILD 0007 added STASHER Mod super expanded version – my first ever nexus upload. very painful
0007 BUILD 0007 – Arachnophobia Arachnophobia Version
0006 DAIL0006 2016 05 added coronus mastery
0006 DAIL0006 2016 05 20 SOURCE.zipsource folder if anyone needs it
0005 DAIL – stable – 2015 05 first release

Retain Main game saves and quests

Originally Posted by teinedraig View Post
I have found a way around this. I backup my character and then load the game which does the reset. I then exit completely, copy the backed up chacater over the one in C:Users<user>Documentsmy gamesGrim Dawnsaveuser<character> – this resets the now updated save and this works most times – see below for some fiddling which may be required…

On some updates, for reasons I do not know, you will see directories with the names like (which was the latest one created) or (was the previous versions directory).

If there is a new directory created in the character save folder, which is not in your backup version of the save then make sure you copy the contents of the old level_ or Maps_directory into the new one and your progress is returned.

Hope this helps. Not sure how to do this if you have steam save activated but I suspect if you go to where they are being stored and do the same it will work as well, I haven’t tested that yet.

This guide is fully in thanks to this thread by Elfe
and specifically this post by Grim Dawg
Originally Posted by Grim Dawg View Post
Using symbolic links I got rid of that unpleasant saving problem. Basically, I turned my custom hero into a shortcut to my main hero. All progress between my main and custom hero is now shared. I did the same thing to my unlocked blacksmith formulas.
Somehow it doesn’t work for the shared stash.

Here’s how you do it:
Warning: the instructions below can ruin your save games if you do something wrong. To be safe, make a back-up of your whole save folder first.

You need to open notepad and copy+paste the code below. Later, you will need to turn it into a batch file, but first you must edit the path to your own save folders. Best is to use replace all (ctr+h) in notepad to make sure you don’t miss anything.

USERNAME should be your username
CHARACTERNAME should be the name of your vanilla game hero
MODNAME should be the name of the mod that you are sharing your formulas with. The first time you play a mod a folder is made in the save folder, and MODNAME should be spelled the same. If you don’t want to share formulas you can forget about this one.

When you are done, click save as, and in the following screen click save as again, select all file types, and add .bat to the name of your file. Save and you now have your very own batch-file! Before you run it, you have to make sure that there is no custom hero with the same name as your main hero, because if the file already exists the code will not work. The same is true for your formulas so if you want this you have to remove or back up (which you already did, right?) the files formulas.gst and formulas.gst.bak. Remove them from Grim Dawnsavemodname and not from Grim Dawnsave (!).

Finally, right-click the batch-file and select run as administrator.

If you are successful, deleting either your main hero or your custom hero in-game will delete both. If you ever wish to get rid of these symbolic link shenanigans you must manually delete the two formulas in savemodname and your custom hero folder savecustom_charactername. Or you can use your back-up.


mklink /d c:users”USERNAME”documents”my games””grim dawn”saveuser”_CHARACTERNAME” c:users”USERNAME”documents”my games””grim dawn”savemain”_CHARACTERNAME”

mklink c:users”USERNAME”documents”my games””grim dawn”save”MODNAME”formulas.gst c:users”USERNAME”documents”my games””grim dawn”saveformulas.gst
mklink c:users”USERNAME”documents”my games””grim dawn”save”MODNAME”formulas.gst.bak c:users”USERNAME”documents”my games””grim dawn”saveformulas.gst.bak

Credit to Mod Authors

Grimmer and Grimmest Mod
2015 05 27 – VERSION 0.7 – Thanks to Jiaco for that mod and for the rule bending in the dbr files.

Legendary Cap Remover – affixes only.
2015 05 19 – version 2.1 – Thanks to NateATon for making that mod, excellent work there.

Omega mod
2015 05 30 – VERSION 0.1P – Thanks to Okami29 for his hard work I will keep it updated as he updates things.

Coronus Mastery mod
2015 05 29 – VERSION 1.0 (FINAL) – Thanks to Somerled for the excellent design, great synergies with other masteries

2016 05 29 – Version 4 – Thanks to rorschachrev for the initial release and the update by tt300 for version 3+

Arachnophobia Mod
2016 05 21 – Version 0 – Thanks to Jiaco for that one

Necromancer and Ranger Masteries
2016 05 31 – VERSION 0.22- Thanks to CFTX for hard work creating them!

Grim Dawn: Eternal
2016 06 02 – Version 0.964 – Thanks to PrincessLuna for hard work and creativity, and for upping the ante for CRATE’s upcoming Survival game mode

2016 06 02 – Version 0.20 -Thanks to WareBare for his hard work with Dynamically Generated Areas [DGA]. I skipped his mastery and player updates however.

Good-Looking Mod
2016 05 25 – Version 0 – Thanks to Grim Dawg for his hard work on this mod

Grim Legion
2016 05 29 – N/A – Thanks to Deathbit for showing, by example how to increase masteries beyond 50

Cornucopia – The Unofficial Balance Mod
2016 05 29 – 0002 – Thanks to Ceno and Adoomgod for this ongoing project



(* means in progress – when i knock all of these out i will do an upload)
0023 – 1:09 AM 6/8/2016
merged fangshi mastery in BUT it wont appear. i set everything up as class10 and even the ui buttons to be 50 pixels below coronus. pulling hair out on this one. i even tried shoving it as a hard mod. filling a bug report.
fellow at the outhouse is back
B and AB modes are fixed
sot boc doors are gone again. sorry about that.
unused areas are unlocked again
NG modes have regular xp

0022 – 5:58 PM 6/7/2016
fixed default path for installer was mods shoudl have been
fixed arachnophobia for due to all the creature changes
merged in eternal 0.973
Merged patch

0021 – 2:00 PM 6/6/2016
NEW NPC check out the npc in front of the outhouse in devils crossing.. he can help you with factions…
fixed various tags related to mastery combinations
added some tags to maps
fixed disabled grimmest script pack – (NG) option for people who dont want grimmest.. it had the grimmest scripts in it (whoops haha)
updated to latest cornucopia hotfix DEVOTIONS ONLY – not merging skills at this time
updated omega to 0.2
updated eternal mod to .971 – removed the attribute/skill points as rewards. left devotion points in place since there is a cap.
merged in stasher v5
added a few more install options for people who like being swarmed but dont have the star trek holodeck computer they need for full grimmest.

0020 – 10:43 AM 6/02/2016
clean up of installer build scripts so i can quickly generate updates without thinking about it too hard
user reported that DAIL doesnt install the database. it does.
user reported coronus togglebable musically named skills not working as toggles – its an hour long buff. it works not gonna fiddle too much
DGA can’t craft essense – i think its fixed now please check 0020
refreshed grimmest just in case will be observing behaviour of two new monsters for 0021
updated to 2.0 DGA – alexei added as developer credit on this mod
updated to eternal mod version 0.964

0019 – 11:02 PM 5/31/2016
re-release as an installer. don’t ask how i figured out NSIS. i had to contact aetherials. thanks for the suggestion Mamba….
enjoy it casuls

0019 – 7:30 AM 5/31/2016
xp fixed – no longer weird slow slogs of 3 xp per kill (wups)
fixed good-loooking skel to be a transmog smith again.
updated to necro/ranger v0.22 RIP fangshi can only have 9 masteries i already added coronus maybe if crate raises mastery limit……..
updated to 0.962 survival mod

0018 – 7:46 AM 5/30/2016
*new/updated features*
unlocked another hidden area – north of burrwitch screenshot in first post
omega mod updated to 0.1P
survivalmod updated to 0.94

fix stash button placement – thanks cyberreefer for the dbr edits
lots of broken tags removed / fixed
some hybrid classes renamed
readme cleaned up
pet bonuses linked up properly
devotion cap is 59 again
hide the goodlooking skeleton smith from combat
ensured items are properly linked between mods so you can loot up in rifts and use the items in dail / survival
fixed darius event for people who dont want grimmest enabled. oops

“iwearbeanies” said there was a problem with ranger dual weilding when he was streaming 0017 on 2015-05-29. i couldn’t figure our specifically what the problem is/was

0017 – 10:30 AM 5/29/2016
moved the grimmest and arachnophobia changes into database.arz for convenience switching versions. check the readme for instructions
merged in cornucopia mod v0002 – just the devotion changes. the skill changes were missing some items. maybe will merge later versions
cleaned up some of the 50+ ultimate masteries
cleaned up alot of merged assets
updated survivalmod to 0.891
updated grimmest to 0.7m1
updated coronus to 1.0
updated omega to O
opened up some secret paths – secret path 1 -> old grove -> south bridge in devils crossing
more secret paths (there are many unused areas) ill open later.. I am not sure if I should do anything with these areas. they seem like well prepped expansion areas ;o
merged in cornucopia mod v0002!

0016d – 8:22 AM 5/28/2016
Hotfix for database.arz -> soldier mastery limit raised to 100 instead of default

0016c – 4:10 PM 5/27/2016
arachnophobia is working now
no more level 250 stuff (hah)
spawns not sparse anymore.
updated grimmest to 0.7

0016 – 10:43 AM 5/27/2016
stasher mod update to v4 – now with transparency!!!!!
good looking mod merged in !
skills fixed in survival mod – let me know if issues
fixed item levels/affixes in DAIL survival/rift/arachnophobia – let me know if issues
affixes / loot tables for coronus/necro/ranger items. i copied their files… i dont know where to go to test hah
grimmest 0.666 proxies injected -proxy pool values left intact.. its actually not bad in 0666
survivalmod updated to 0.81
omega mod updated to N
rift/dga mod updated to v1.3

0015 – 10:31 AM 5/25/2016
potions will stack properly to 1000 now
some ultimate masteries fixed
no more level 1 uber items shoudl appear. affixes should roll more in line with item level now
added 20% mana recovery to food/con pots

0014 – 5:16 PM 5/24/2016
Set potions/ointments to stack to 1000 instead of 100
xp recurved again! sorry 😛 see image at top of post
10 skills per level (instead of 2) after level 90 to 100 (so total of 100 skill points from 91 to 100 !)
reverted items back to being leveled. garbage was consistantly dropping for high level characters (unacceptable)
updated survival to 0.6

SoT and BoC
*doors have been forcibly removed. giving multiplayer games more uptime
in the event of a lag raid death from the massive amount of spawns.
*the teleports still dont work inside but thats ok. you can set one up just outside and run back in if you die.

Changes that require updating the main game database.arz
->MaxDevotion set to 59 (maximum legitimately possible in maingame atm)
->All masteries go to level 100 now
->your maingame saves STILL won’t be broken with this change

0011 – 2:48 PM 5/23/2016
XP can be curved – monster xp was set to 25% of regular.
I’ve changed monster xp to 80% of regular and I’ve curved the xp using a
math formula so that xp is “vanilla” until level 50ish then it ramps up
quickly to 53% extra xp per level by 100
Omega updated to 0.1k
Surival mode updated to 0.41
Removed level restrictions on items and affixes
Rift/Mapping mod from WareBare has been added successfully! As a separate mod since its it’s own world.
I toned back the spawns a bit more. should’nt be any x4 purple bosses anymore.

0010 – 10:20 AM 5/22/2016
fixed the icons so they aren’t upside down
cleaned up alot more tags
omegamod update to version J – many bugfixes and new omega bosses added as well as 3 new icons
added a “DAIL – Survival” build as an alternative to leveling and
gearing up if you just want to fight waves of monsters one after another
in the “GrimDawn: Eternal” from PrincessLuna (imho it is Princess LUA)

0009 – 10:24 PM 5/21/2016
quick fix for projectiles and other fx

0008 – 1:58 PM 5/21/2016
merged cftx ranger/necro mod
also renamed the arachnophobia mod because if it has a diff name they
wont be able to play with regular DAIL users. its just a graphical thing
so why restrict them?
cleaned up some tags and .tex files
next up: updates on necro, coronus, grimmest dawn, and any release of the rift mod will be incorporated.
maybe some initial research into cornucopia.. if it breaks vanilla chars . it might be annoying.
dont be shy about suggestions people. the way mods work for GD is annoying so we really do need these compilations ;

0007 – 12:12 AM 5/21/2016
merged in the tt300 version of stasher mod for all our stashing needs
next up: gonna take another crack at merging the ranger / necro
masteries with coronus now that i know a bit more about .tex/etc
added an arachnophobia version too

0006 – 6:08 PM 5/20/2016
Merged in Coronus Mod
Attempted to merge Necro/Ranger/etc mod – cancelled. after unpacking it.
it was too big and contained too much

Prayer to RNGesus


Our father, who art in random.
Entropic be thy name
thy random come,
thy generation be done
in ARPG as it is in crypto,
give us this day,
our daily grinds
and forgive those,
who try to scam against us
and lead us not into low entropy,
but deliver us to loot
for thine is the random, the grind, and the rare spawns forever

Watch me mod/test/play: [link]