Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War – Dark Crusade Guide

DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA - How to play as Da Orkz for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade

DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA – How to play as Da Orkz


A simple guide for playing da baddest boyz in dis ‘ere planet!

Basik Fingz About Da Boyz

Orks are a race that heavily relies on big numbers and melee units to win battles. While they still own ranged weaponry, they are not as good as their melee units. While you can certainly turtle with them, they are much better when played aggressively.

Although ranged units are not as good as the melee ones, they are still very much required and a big asset to your Waaagh!

Orks have their very own resource, called Waaagh! Waaagh is used to do create more boyz and add more boyz to your already existing squads. And yes, Commander units do need this resource to be spawned. Although Vehicles do not require Waaagh, they still have the 20 cap limit. Waaagh also has a cap of it’s own, meaning that after your Waaagh reaches red and you have 0 Waaagh resources, you cannot get more boyz. Such a shame, right?

Although your melee infantries are your strongest units, your vehicles are just as useful too and should be created as soon as possible. They can disrupt infantry and destroy buildings, allowing your other boys to come in and stomp everything.

And da Squiggoth is a great relic unit. It is not a Baneblade, but can still take a lot of damage and deal a lot of damage if he has some boys with him. He can also carry more important infantry to important buildings and deploy them there to stomp it.

As for your buildings, all of them (excluding the Plasma Generators) can shoot at enemy units. Making your base pretty fortified even without boyz defending it. While you should still keep some weaker boyz around your base, your buildings alone can protect themselves very well. Don’t get Da Mek Shop stuck between a bunch of buildings, though. It can and WILL get your Squiggoth stuck in there if you spawn one.

Main Fingz of Da Boyz

Key fingz:
1 – They’s fight in bigga numbaz. Dat’s good.

2 – They’s not very good with shootas. Dat ain’t good.

Not Key fingz
1 – They’s got mekz to keep dose humies busy. Dat’s good.

2 – Da Big Mek can make dose Banebladez and Dreadnaughtz stop fightin’. Dat’s good.

3 – They’s got da best melee boyz outta all those races. Dat’s good.

4 – They’s are da best at offense. Dat’s good.

5 – They’s know dat Red goes fasta. Dat’s real good.

Wat ta do in da Skirmish

– Always try to get your unit cap to max. ALWAYS. Alawys try to maximize the amount of units in a squad too. More boyz means more damage and dat’s good.

Research Damage and Health related stuff first. Also research Blastier if you are using Shootas.

– Arm your Sluggas with Flamers as fast as you can. That is the only heavy weapon they have in Dark Crusade and Soulstorm.

– Your Nobs should always be armed with Claws. It has no downsides and makes them deal more damage.

– Try to not have less than the maximum unit limit.

– If a red circle shows up under your boyz, get them out of there. They are Orks but that does not mean they can take on 4 Chaos Space Marine squads with just a squad of Slugga Boyz.

Have vehicles in your army, please.

– Wartrukks should only be used if you do not own a Squiggoth or there are no relics on the map.

– Use Vehicles to protect your boyz. It is the exact other way around when it comes to those Imperial gits.

– Have a Squiggoth? Do not send it to battle alone. Send some boyz with him so he can stomp real good.

– Killa Kans can beat other walkers in a 1v1, but will lose to a Dreadnaught.

– Speaking of da Killa Kan, it is high armour means it can get real close to Baneblades. Dat’s real nasty.

Take commanders over more boys.

Have commanders attached to your more important melee squads.

Your Boyz

Slugga Boyz

Boss? We gotta go!

Build Info:
Costs: 150 Requisiton, 0 Power, 4 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 4/15
Build Time: 18 s
Built From: Da Boyz Hut or Settlement
Limit: None
Requirements: None

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 250/1
Armour: Infantry High
Morale: 300/7/150
Death Penalty: -20
Unit Mass: 12
Move Speed: 16
Sight Radius: 25 (cannot detect)

Reinforcement Info:
Reinforcement cost: 30 Requisition, 0 Power, 1 Ork Cap
Reinforcement time: 6 s

They’s good at stompin’ stuff. Dat’s good.

Your starting unit, used mostly for scouting and soaking up enemy fire. Although they can be used for a Low Tier Rush with some Shoota Boyz and a Mek, I do not recommend making that your primary way of winning games.

You should ALWAYS create a Slugga Boy squad as soon as you begin the match, followed by two Gretchins or one gretchin and another Slugga Boy squad if you feel like it.

Although I do encourage Scout Rushing with them, they are still fully capable in battle when you and your enemies are in low-mid tier. But this does not mean they are useless in high tier battles, no no. You can use them kinda like you use Stormboyz and send them towards ranged units to keep them busy while your other boys come in and finish the job.

Shoota Boyz

All da shoota boyz fink of is dakka, dakka, dakka.

Build Info:
Costs: 140 Requisiton, 0 Power, 4 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 4/8
Build Time: 25 s
Built From: Da Boyz Hut
Limit: None
Requirements: None

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 235/1
Armour: Infantry High
Morale: 300/7/150
Death Penalty: -20
Unit Mass: 12
Move Speed: 17
Sight Radius: 25 (cannot detect)

Reinforcement Info:
Reinforcement cost: 35 Requisition, 0 Power, 1 Ork Cap
Reinforcement time: 6.5 s

They’s good at shootin’ stuff. Dat’s good.

Another late-mid game unit. Used for helping Slugga Boys during fights or while Slugga Boys are capturing strategic points or relics. Also a part of the Low Tier Rush. Should not be sent to battles alone, even if you are sending more than a squad as the enemy can literally make them basically unusable by just sending a group of their scout units to melee them while their ranged units wipe them out. Instead, send them with Slugga Boys or with your high tier units.

Yes, I said high tier units.

You see, while they are low tier units themselves, they can still be a great asset when paired with high tier units like Flash Gitz, Nob Squads and your Commanders. Even though they won’t deal as much damage as the other units will, they can still serve as just overall more dakka or as bodyguards to your other units. Although Slugga Boys can do the exact same, they will probably be under enemy fire more and won’t survive as long as they are melee units.

Pretty good during low-mid tier and a decent bodyguard unit at high tier.


Stormboyz, iz ready fer a fight!

Build Info:
Costs: 180 Requisiton, 0 Power, 4 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 4/15
Build Time: 28 s
Built From: Da Boyz Hut
Limit: 30 Ork Pop
Requirements: None

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 275/1
Armour: Infantry Heavy Medium
Morale: 400/7/150
Death Penalty: -20
Unit Mass: 12
Move Speed: 24
Sight Radius: 25 (cannot detect)

Reinforcement Info:
Reinforcement cost: 40 Requisition, 0 Power, 1 Ork Cap
Reinforcement time: 10 s

Has access to:
– Stikk Bombz: Deals damage and knockback to enemies. Deals no morale damage in Dark Crusade.

– Jump Packs: Allows Stormboyz to jump to a location within a radius. The location has to be accesable by normal means for them to be able to jump to it.

Stormboyz have their unique research, named Turbo Boost. Turbo Boost allows Stormboyz to activate the Turbo Boost ability to move 50% faster for 10 seconds. In Dark Crusade, this does not effect Stormboyz Nob Leader and requires 31 Ork Pop (30 in Soulstorm).

They’s good at jumpin an’ da like. Dat’s good.

A pretty good no-tier (as in they are always good) unit. Used to deal with enemies hiding behind other units and to soak up enemy fire until the other boyz clean up. Jump Pack is their most useful ability, allowing them to jump directly into the middle of the ranged enemy units and kill them. They can also use Stikk Bombz to knock away and hurt melee units coming to protect the ranged ones. If you have already spent both of your Jump Packs, you can use Turbo Boost and click on a far away ork building to move them there instead of having them fight on. They are also pretty good for hit and run tactics.

Nob Squads:

Nobz is betta than smalla, runtia Orkz.

Build Info:
Costs: 250 Requisiton, 75 Power, 10 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 5/10
Build Time: 40s
Built From: Da Boyz Hut
Limit: 2
Requirements: Pile O Gunz! and 50 Ork Cap

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 650/1
Armour: Infantry Heavy Medium
Morale: 600/10/150
Death Penalty: -25
Unit Mass: 40
Move Speed: 16
Sight Radius: 25 (cannot detect)

Reinforcement Info:
Reinforcement cost: 45 Requisition, 10 Power, 2 Ork Cap
Reinforcement time: 9 s

Can be upgraded with a Power Claw.

They’s can stomp real good. Better than other boyz even. Dat’s good.

Some of ’em thinks they can be boss.

Now we get to the elite boyz. Nobz are a superior version of Slugga Boyz. Although they are not Banshees or Assault Terminators, they can still pack in quite the punch and stomp a lot of humiez fer da Waaagh! unlike those runty Orkz. Their high HP makes them perfect squads to attach your Warboss or Big Mek to. In fact, you should pretty much have Warboss and Big Mek attached to these guys at all times. They do have an off-putting squad limit but two squads of these boyz is more than enuff to stomp those puny Eldar or humies.

Flash Gitz

Look at me flash, Boss!

Build Info:
Costs: 210 Requisiton, 30 Power, 6 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 3/7
Build Time: 30s
Built From: Da Boyz Hut
Limit: 2
Requirements: Orky Fort

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 450/1
Armour: Infantry Heavy Medium
Morale: 500/9/50
Death Penalty: -25
Unit Mass: 12
Move Speed: 16
Sight Radius: 25 (cannot detect)

Reinforcement Info:
Reinforcement cost: 70 Requisition, 20 Power, 2 Ork Cap
Reinforcement time: 10 s

They’s can shoot real good. Better than da Shoota Boyz even. Dat’s good.

The backbone of any Ork army. Deals insane damage to any Heavy Infantry and Infantry that dares to show their ugly faces. They are superior versions of Shoota Boys. They share the same off-putting squad limit Nobz have. However, just like Nobz, two squads of Flash Gitz are enuff to dakka up all da humies. If you want to keep them alive, you can have them stay with a Shoota Boy squad and have that squad as their bodyguard. Although they are not good against buildings, two Flash Git Squads and two Nob Squad can take on rather large amounts of infantry with no problem and little to no casualties. You can attach Mad Doks to these gitz if you want them to live on longer, but that’s too much IMO.

More of Your Boyz

(I reached the word limit on the last one.)


Hold on to da pin. Throw da othar part.

Build Info:
Costs: 150 Requisiton, 30 Power, 3 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 3/5
Build Time: 24s
Built From: Da Boyz Hut
Limit: None
Requirements: Pile O Gunz! and 50 Ork Cap

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 360/1
Armour: Infantry Heavy Medium
Morale: 300/9/150
Death Penalty: -20
Unit Mass: 12
Move Speed: 16
Sight Radius: 25 (cannot detect)

Reinforcement Info:
Reinforcement cost: 50 Requisition, 10 Power, 1 Ork Cap
Reinforcement time: 10 s

One of the best anti-vehicle units in the game in my opinion. Being able to infiltrate and deal good ranged damage to any vehicle in the game makes them a great asset to your Waaagh! If your enemy is using a lot of vehicles (lookin at your smug face, Imperial Guard mains) they are pretty much an essential. They can also be used if you want to rush the enemy’s HQ as they can deal massive damage against buildings in large numbers. They can also be used to melee vehicles to stop their advance but then again, each one of these gitz has 360 HP.

Mega Armored Nobz

Why’z YOU givin’ me orders?!

Build Info:
Costs: 100 Requisiton, 45 Power, 2 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 1/4
Build Time: 45s
Built From: Settlement
Limit: 1
Requirements: Pile O Gunz! and 60 Ork Cap

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 900/2
Armour: Commander
Morale: 4000/9/50
Death Penalty: -0
Unit Mass: 25
Move Speed: 12
Sight Radius: 25 (detection 25)

Reinforcement Info:
Reinforcement cost: 100 Requisition, 75 Power, 2 Ork Cap
Reinforcement time: 20 s

They’s good at stompin’. But not as good as da Boss. Dat’s still good though.

The best melee infantry Orks have at their disposal. Although slow, they can take a lot of punishment and deal insane amounts of damage to any enemy that gets in their way. They can also use Power Surge but I do not really recommend it as it does more harm than good. Sadly they count as Commander units so you cannot attach Warboss or Big Mek to them. They are good for when your enemy has a lot of melee units and you need someone to wipe them out without being ♥♥♥♥♥♥ over. You can also use Squiggoths or Wartrukks to bring them into the battlefield so they do not have to take that sluggish walk to the front lines.

Mad Dok


Build Info:
Costs: 75 Requisiton, 25 Power, 1 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 1
Build Time: 20s
Built From: Settlement
Limit: 4
Requirements: Orky Fort

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 500/1
Armour: Commander
Morale: 300/8/150
Death Penalty: -25
Unit Mass: 15
Move Speed: 16
Sight Radius: 25 (cannot detect)
Attachable: Yes

They’s heal real good. Dat’s good.

There’s nothing too special about Mad Dok. He boosts health recovery of units around him and can use Fightin’ Juice to make your units immortal for a short period. Should be attached to melee squads to keep boost their health recovery. You can use Fightin’ Juice on any Infantry you want, so I’d recommend using it on Nobz or Mega Armored Nobz to have them fight on.

He also has some great lines.

Warboss (Gorgutz ‘Ead ‘Unter)

Who else had been doin’ the thinkin’, huh!?

Build Info:
Costs: 200 Requisiton, 75 Power, 2 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 1
Build Time: 30s
Built From: Settlement
Limit: 1
Requirements: Orky Fort

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 2240/2
Armour: Commander500
Morale: 500/12/150
Morale Bonus: +200/+3
Death Penalty: -150
Resource Bonus: +2 Vehicle Cap
Unit Mass: 36
Move Speed: 16
Sight Radius: 25 (detection 25)
Attachable: Yes

Da biggest, baddest warboss dere iz. Not bigga den Ghazgkull, at least… not yet.

Warboss has the highest HP of any commander unit in the game, however he is only available at tier 3. Making him pretty easy to deal with unless attached to a squad. In which case, as I previously stated, attach the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ to a Nob Squad. His special ability, Power of the Waagh! also helps a lot as it makes the squad immune to morale damage AND increases their movement speed and damage. And what’s better than boyz that stomp and move fasta? More Dakka, now dat’s even betta!

Big Mek

I should invent some kind of masheen that makes walkin’ fastaaar.

Build Info:
Costs: 190 Requisiton, 50 Power, 2 Ork Cap
Squad Size: 1
Build Time: 60s
Built From: Da Boyz Hut
Limit: 1
Requirements: Settlement

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 1310/2
Armour: Commande
Morale: 400/9/50
Morale Bonus: +150/+2
Death Penalty: -100
Resource Bonus: +2 Vehicle Cap
Unit Mass: 25
Move Speed: 16
Sight Radius: 25 (detection 20)
Attachable: Yes

Big Mek has his own research, called Kustom Gadjitz. Which allows him to use da Tank Zappa and Kustom Forcefield.

Dis ‘ere Mek builds da shootiest stuffs. Dat’s good.

An early game harrasher unit. Also used for the Low Tier Rush. Also a great late-game unit due to the Kustom Gadjit research. You see, Kustom Gadjit gives him da Tank Zappa and Kustom Forcefield. Tank Zappa is basically Curse of The Machine Spirit, except it will also not allow the enemy to move the targeted vehicle or use it’s specials away but only works for 10 seconds instead of 15 seconds. Meaning that yes, you can turn a Baneblade or Squiggoth into a pathetic creature for 10 seconds and have your boys wreck the ♥♥♥♥ out of it. He can also use da Tellyporta, Mistah Nailbrain. Meaning that if he gets in trouble with his boyz, he can tellyporta himself AND his boyz! Pretty nifty, eh?

Your Mek

Killa Kan


Build Info:
Costs: 190 Requisiton, 275 Power, 4 Vehicle Cap
Build Time: 30s
Built From: Da Mek Shop
Limit: None
Requirements: 60 Ork Cap

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 3000
Armour: Vehicle High
Unit Mass: 50
Move Speed: 14
Sight Radius: 30 (cannot detect)

Can be equipped with a Rokkit Launcha. Which makes him more effective against buildings and vehicles from far away.

They’s stomp real good with dat Kan. Dat’s nasteh!

Killa Kans are the Ork equalivent of the Space Marine Dreadnaught; Effective against everything when it comes to melee but meh at range. His armor, vehicle_heavy_high, makes him a lot more durable and allows him to get real close to a Land Raider or a Baneblade. Meaning that he can take the damage for more important units while still being able to deal a significant amount of damage. He will beat all walkers except for the Dreadnaught in a 1v1, so do not worry about having him fight against a Wraithlord or a Defiler. He should be upgraded with a Rokkit Launcha as soon as possible, as it will make him more effective against buildings and vehicles while not losing too much.


Dis is MY Wartrukk. Pretty nice, eh?

Build Info:
Costs: 150 Requisiton, 135 Power, 3 Vehicle Cap
Build Time: 30s
Built From: Da Mek Shop
Limit: None
Requirements: 50 Ork Cap

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 1975
Armour: Vehicle Medium
Unit Mass: 40
Move Speed: 36
Sight Radius: 30 (cannot detect)

They’s bring da boyz forward. Good at dakka too. Dat’s good.

Support/Transport vehicle. Big Shootas deal the same damage as a Space Marine Heavy Bolter and this git’s got two of those things! It is also good for putting important squads right into the heart of the battle instead of having them get shot up on approach. It can also dispatch enemies with those Big Shootas I mentioned earlier. I do not really use it due myself, but it is definetly a great asset to da Waaagh!


Faster, FASTER!

Build Info:
Costs: 145 Requisiton, 100 Power, 3 Vehicle Cap
Build Time: 20s
Built From: Da Mek Shop
Limit: None
Requirements: 50 Ork Cap

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 1850
Armour: Vehicle Medium
Unit Mass: 40
Move Speed: 29
Sight Radius: 30 (cannot detect)

They’s can move real fast. Dat’s good.

Fast and easily accessable support vehicles. Faster than jump units but slower than Rhinos or Predators. Once upgraded with the Vehicle Speed Boost research, it becomes as fast as a Land Speeder. I recommend using it with the Bomb Chukka weapon so it can disrupt the enemy and deal a bit more damage. Remember that the Bomb Chukka will NOT replace the Twin Rocket Launchas a Wartrak has on it’s own, which means Bomb Chukka is just a straight upgrade instead of a downgrade. However, both Bomb Chukkas and Twin Rocket Launchas deal damage and knockback to your units if they are too close to the explosions. So having Wartraks shoot at a squad your melee units are already attacking is not recommended. Especially if said melee units you are using are Mega Armored Nobz. The enemy can and probably will escape once they get back up. So, use them on enemies not being attacked to disrupt their fire or to destroy buildings with their Rocket Launchas.

[m2]Looted Leman Russ Tank[/m2]

Looted Tank ready fer blastin’!

Build Info:
Costs: 150 Requisiton, 300 Power, 5 Vehicle Cap
Build Time: 45s
Built From: Da Mek Shop
Limit: 2
Requirements: Extra Vehicle Armor and Orky Fort

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 5044 (With Extra Vehicle Armor, which you NEED to spawn a Looted Tank)
Armour: Vehicle Medium
Unit Mass: 75
Move Speed: 24
Sight Radius: 35 (cannot detect)

They’s good at shootin’ from far away. Dat’s good.

An artillery mek. However, his cannons are not very accurate when firing blind. So get your boyz to find those humies first. THEN rain some roks on them. Looted Tank is a bit different than the Leman Russ one Imperial Guard has. While Imperial’s Leman Russ is both support and artillery. Looted Tank is more artillery and less support due to it’s Battle Cannon having 100% accuracy while Leman Russ has only 70% but has 10% less accuracy on it’s Bolters compared to a Leman Russ. Making it a much more fitting artillery weapon than the actual Leman Russ. I recommend using them on vehicles trying to push your boyz away or to disrupt enemy fire. However, like any other explosive, it’s attacks will deal knockback and damage to your units aswell. So make sure you do not have any boyz close to the humie fingz it’s firing at.


Rawr! x3” -Not an actual Squiggoth

Build Info:
Costs: 400 Requisiton, 400 Power, 3 Vehicle Cap
Build Time: 90s
Built From: Da Mek Shop
Limit: 1
Requirements: 70 Ork Pop, a captured Relic, Extra Vehicle Armor and Orky Fort

Unit Info:
Hitpoints: 11,000/0 (With Extra Vehicle Armor, which you NEED to spawn a Squiggoth)
Armour: Daemon High
Unit Mass: 80
Move Speed: 24
Sight Radius: 35 (cannot detect)

Has access to:
Rampage: Squiggoth rampages to a specific area you chose at 50% more speed, dealing strong knockback, 45-65 damage and 25 morale damage to all enemies that is in his way. This will also effect your own units, so be warned.

Dis ‘ere Squiggoth is da best at stompin’. Not an Ork tho, so he’s not da Boss.

The Relic unit of The Orks. Boasting 11k HP and a Daemon High armor, he is pretty hard to take down even with anti-vehicle units. Although a melee unit, I recommend keeping him in ranged stance if your enemy is moving his/her units around too much. If he/she is not having his units dance around, you can set him to melee so he can slaughter the enemy. Although I believe Squiggoth’s attacks works similiar to an explosion, meaning your units should be pushed away by his attacks too? I never really paid much attention to it, so I would not know. If that is the case though, I recommend having your Squiggoth take on big hordes while your boys take down any important buildings or assist him from far away. Ah yes, Squiggoth has Rampage, doesn’t he? See; Rampage is not that great. It only seems to work at a straight line, even then it’s very strict. It deals little to no damage and is stopped by literally everything. It is good for disrupting enemy fire, but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is it hard to even activate, let alone strategize the usage of.

Still though, this does not mean Squiggoth is a ♥♥♥♥ unit. He is still one of the most powerful relic units and is great at taking on large hordes.

Research Fingz

Pile O Gunz Researches:


Costs: 150 Requisition, 25 Energy
Research Time: 45 s
Requires: 40 Ork Cap

  • The damage values of Shoota Boy Squads Shootas and Big Shootas are increased by 50%
  • The damage values of Wartrukk Big Shootas are increased by 15%

Helps your Shoota Boys get more done in battle, I recommend getting this if you are using lots of Shootas.

More Choppy

Costs: 100 Requisiton, 50 Energy
Research Time: 30s
Requires: 40 Ork Cap

  • The damage values of Slugga Boyz’ Choppas, Shoota Boyz’ Knives, Stormboyz’ Choppas and Nobz Squads Choppas are increased by 35%
  • Nob Leaders and Stormboy Nob Leaders get the Power Claw weapon upgrade.

One of my four favorite researches. Your Nobs become much more powerful while your Shoota Boys become more able to defend themselves in melee if things come to that.

Even More Choppy

Costs: 150 Requisiton, 100 Energy
Research Time: 30s
Requires: 65 Ork Cap, Orky Fort and More Choppy Research

  • The damage values of Slugga Boyz’ Choppas is increased by a further 10% for a 49% bonus total.
  • The damage values of Shoota Boyz’ Knives, Stormboyz’ Choppas and Nobz Squads Choppas are increased by a further 35% for a 82% bonus total.

An upgrade to More Choppy. Pretty much an essential to get if you got More Choppy. I mean, the requirements aren’t much and it only costs 50 requisiton and 50 energy more than More Choppy! It also makes Nobs a dreaded force of bloodshed and carnage.

Burny and Even More Burny Resarches

Costs: 50 Requisition, 50 Energy for each one
Resarch Time: 60 s in total, 30 s for each
Requires: 16 Ork Cap for More Burny, 60 Ork Cap and More Burny for Even More Burny

  • The damage values of Slugga Boyz’ Burnas are increased to a 156% bonus total.

I do not get this research.

I mean, it is to increase the damage of a weapon that is not even made to deal health damage. It is made to deal morale damage, and this does NOTHING to increase that morale damage! I guess it is good if you feel like your Burna Boyz are not too useful for your army, but other than that? Eeeh, not my thing.

‘Eavy Boy Armor

Costs: 75 Requisition, 25 Energy
Resarch Time: 45 s
Requires: 30 Ork Cap

  • Provides a 33% health bonus to Slugga Boyz (333 HP), Shoota Boyz (313 HP), Stormboyz (366 HP), Tankbustaz (479 HP), and Nobz (865 HP).

Makes your boys pretty tough to kill. But it should only be used to make way for:

Super ‘Eavy Boy Armor

Costs: 75 Requisition, 25 Energy
Resarch Time: 45 s
Requires: ‘Eavy Boy Armor, 50 Ork Cap and Orky Fort

  • Provides a 33% health bonus (77% total) to Slugga Boyz (442 HP), Shoota Boyz (416 HP), Stormboyz (486 HP), Tankbustaz (637 HP), and Nobz (1150 HP)

A full Nob Squad has 500 more HP than a Squiggoth with this upgrade. So, you know.

Just, just get this.

Oh, this is also one of my four favorite researches.

More Dakka

Costs: 60 Requisition, 25 Energy
Resarch Time: 60 s
Requires: 16 Ork Cap

  • The damage values of Slugga Boyz’ Sluggas, Shoota Boyz’ Shootas, Stormboyz’ Sluggas, Nob Leaders’ Shootas, Stormboy Nob Leaders’ Shootas, Flash Gitz’ Kustom Shootas and the Shoota Turrets on ork buildings (except Waaagh! Banners and Da Listenin’ Post) are increased by 15%

Fun Fact: This is the only research that effects Flash Gitz, nothing else even touches the poor bastard.

Although Shootas dealing more damage seems not really neccesary cause they are pretty ♥♥♥♥ at shooting, Flash Gitz become very powerful with this due to their fast fire rate and already good damage. Seriously, a squad of Flash Gitz can rip through two squads of Space Marines with this upgrade if they please.

Even More Dakka

Costs: 80 Requisition, 40 Energy
Resarch Time: 60 s
Requires: More Dakka Research, 60 Ork Cap and [/b]Orky Fort[/b]

The damage values of Slugga Boyz’ Sluggas, Shoota Boyz’ Shootas, Stormboyz’ Sluggas, Nob Leaders’ Shootas, Stormboy Nob Leaders’ Shootas, and the Shoota Turrets on ork buildings (except Waaagh! Banners and Da Listenin’ Post) are increased by a further 20% for a 38% bonus total.
The damage values of Flash Gitz’ Kustom Shootas are increased by a further 15% for a 32% bonus total.
The damage values of Wartrukk’s Big Shootas is increased by a further 15% for a 32% bonus total (with Blastier).

Your ork shootas become the source of many nightmares. A must pick if your enemy is using a lot of ranged units themselves. One of my four favorite researches aswell.

Speed Boost Research

Costs: 25 Requisition, 35 Energy
Resarch Time: 40 s
Requires: 30 Ork Cap

  • Allows Stormboyz to use the Turbo Boost ability and increases their base speed by 30%.

VERY fast Stormboyz boosting at incredible hihg spe-

In all seriousness though, Turbo Boost is a Plan B research in my opinion. Like, when you do not have Jump Packs and need to get out real quick. I recommend picking it up if you have your worries of losing your Stormboyz, but other than that it isn’t that amazing.

Big Shooty Boss Weapons

Costs: 125 Requisition, 50 Energy
Resarch Time: 50 s
Requires: 70 Ork Cap

  • Upgrades the ranged weapons of the Warboss to a Kustom Shoota and the Big Mek to a Mega Blasta.

Makes the approach and escape of your Commander units much easier. Not the most neccesary upgrade though, but it’s not too high price and research time makes it worth it to pick it up once your more important upgrades such as Tougher Bosses, Even More Dakka and Super ‘Eavy Boy Armor are done.

Even More Reserach Fingz

Tougher Bosses

Costs: 100 Requisition, 25 Energy
Resarch Time: 45 s
Requires: 50 Ork Cap

  • The Warboss’s hitpoints are increased by 400 to 2640 HP.
  • The Big Mek’s hitpoints are increased by 300 to 1610 HP.
  • Mega Armoured Nobz’ hitpoints are increased by 200 to 1100 HP.
  • Nob Leaders’ and Stormboy Nob Leaders’ hitpoints are increased by 100 to 1000 HP.
  • The Warboss’s Powerclaw and the Big Mek’s Powerclaw damage is increased by 15%
  • The Warboss’s and Big Mek’s health regeneration rate is increased by 0.5 HP/s
  • The cooldown time on the Warboss’s and the Big Mek’s abilities are decreased by 10%

One of the, if not, THE best research (same goes for the upgrade to this) there is for Orks. It increases the health, the damage, the healt regeneration AND decreases the cooldown time for your Commanders! And it costs THAT little and takes THAT little time to research! But oh ho, it does not end there. Cause we have:

Even Tougher Bosses

Costs: 125 Requisition, 50 Energy
Resarch Time: 45 s
Requires: Tougher Bosses and Orky Fort

  • The Warboss’s hitpoints are increased by a further 400 to a total of 3040 HP.
  • The Big Mek’s hitpoints are increased by a further 300 to a total of 1910 HP.
  • Mega Armoured Nobz’ hitpoints are increased by a further 200 to a total of 1300 HP.
  • Nob Leaders’ and Stormboy Nob Leaders’ hitpoints are increased by a further 100 to a 1100 HP total.
  • The Warboss’s Powerclaw and the Big Mek’s Powerclaw damage is increased by a further 20% (38% total)
  • The Warboss’s and Big Mek’s health regeneration rate is increased by a further 0.5 HP/s.
  • The cooldown time on the Warboss’s and the Big Mek’s abilities are decreased by a further 10% (19% total)

Yes, you can boost your Warboss and Big Mek’s health, damage and health regen AGAIN. Attaching a Warboss to a fully upgraded Nob Squad with this upgrade makes their HP 14490 in total. Making them one of the most dreaded melee squads in the game. Especially with The Power of The Waagh!

More Sluggaz

Costs: 200 Requisition, 0 Energy
Resarch Time: 45 s
Requires: Extra Vehicle Armor

  • Lowers the cost of Slugga Boy Squads to 0 Requisition, 0 Energy and 4 Ork Pop. The reinforce cost still remains 30 Requisition, 0 Energy and 1 Ork Pop.

I do not really use this upgrade cause I hardly ever use Slugga Boyz late game. But I guess it can be useful if you wanna be a silly git and do a Slugga Rush.

Settlement Researches

Gretchin Infiltration Ability

Costs: 50 Requisition, 0 Energy
Resarch Time: 25 s
Requires: Nothing

Allows Gretchin to infiltrate, meaning that they can be taken to battle. Why? Allow me to explain:

See, although the AI just attacks at the closest enemy, players online will attack the most important ones. Your vehicles, in this matter, are very important. So what you can do is get your gretchin near the vehicles, repair them as they take damage and pray that no detection unit gets near and takes your Gretchin down. It is a very viable strategy to do this too, as most detection units will probably be off dealing with your commanders instead of a Looted Tank or a Killa Kan. Gretchin without infiltration are as useful as handicapped Imperial Guard during a battle.

Tankbusta Infiltration Ability

Costs: 50 Requisition, 75 Energy
Resarch Time: 25 s
Requires: Pile O Gunz! and 50 Ork Cap

Allows Tankbustaz to infiltrate. Is great if you want to keep your Tankbustaz safe during an attack to the enemy’s main stronghold. And that’s it, really.

Da Boyz Hut Researches

Kustom Gadjitz

Costs: 75 Requisition, 75 Energy
Resarch Time: 50 s
Requires: 40 Ork Cap

Allows Big Mek to use Kustom Forcefield and Tank Zappa. I already talked about how useful this is when I talked about Big Mek itself, so I do not really feel the need to talk about it again now cause I’d just be repeating myself.

Da Mek Shop Researches

Extra Vehicle Armor

Costs: 450 Requisition, 450 Energy
Resarch Time: 100 s
Requires: 60 Ork Pop and Orky Fort

  • Allows for production of Looted Tanks and the Squiggoth
  • Provides a 10% health bonus to Wartrukks (2173 HP), Wartraks (2035 HP), Killa Kans (3300 HP), Looted Tanks (5044 HP), and the Squiggoth (11,000 HP)
  • Upgrades Nobz Squads, Nob Leaders, and Stormboy Nob Leaders to Infantry Heavy High armor
  • Note: In Dark Crusade this research costs 400/400 and takes 96 s.

A must get if you have a Relic due to it allowing the production of Squiggoths. If you do not have a Relic yet or there is no relic on the map, you should still get it due to the insane health bonus your units get and because it upgrades the armor of your Nobz Squads, making them much more durable in battle even without all the amazing upgrades.

Vehicle Speed Boost

Costs: 50 Requisition, 50 Energy
Resarch Time: 30 s
Requires: Pile O Gunz! and 30 Ork Pop

  • Boosts the base speed of the Wartrukk and Wartrak by 30% to 46.8 and 36.4 respectively.

A great research for getting Mega Armored Nobz and other important units to battle faster with the Wartrukk and to allow disruption of faster enemies with the Wartrak.

Da Enemy Gitz and Wat Ta Do Against ‘Em

Blood Ravens/Space Marines

Your green tide stops here, Ork. You will only find death here!

I likes dat kind of talk humie. I still gotz room on me stik fer yer ‘ead.

The simplest race in 40k, having all kinds of units to use against you.

Mostly infantry, anit-infantry units recommended.

Owns the best melee units in the game, Assault Terminators.

Believes that a humie corpse on a throne is helpin’ em. Dat’s funny.

Has Sergeants that boost morale using Rally, morale damagers recommended.

Their Dreadnaughts can beat your Killa Kan in a 1v1. Use Tankbustaz to support your Kans.

Try to fortify relics on the map so they cannot spawn in a Land Raider.

Watch out for drop pods, always keep units grouped and your base fortified.

Beware skull probes, they can sabotage your Squiggoth or Looted Tanks. Dat’s no good.

Space Marines are the holy warriors of The Imperium, dressed in gigantic bulky armors and big meanie guns. They are most likely going to use a lot of Space Marines and some Assault Marines. Keep a Shoota Boy near your Flash Gitz and send your Nob Squads and Stormboyz at the Space Marines. When it comes to vehicles, bash them with Tankbustaz and your own vehicles. Their vehicles are not the strongest, but they are not the weakest. I’d say they are more of an infantry race than a vehicle race. Considering they are an infantry race, using Flash Gitz, Nob Squads, Wartraks and Looted Tanks is very much recommended.

Speaking of vehicles…

001 Kronus Liberators/Imperial Guard

Do ye alwayz yap so much, humie?

You’ve come here to die, alien!

Guess so.

A turtling race. Heavy forces recommended.

Best vehicles in the game. Anti-vehicle units recommended.

Commisars can replenish the morale of their squad and make them fire faster instantly by just killing a guardsman. Disrupt them from doing so.

Kustom Gadjitz is a must get if the enemy captures a relic.

Commander can use Strafing Run to disrupt your infantry. Take care of him as soon as possible.

Commander can have 4 priests with him instead of a regular jack-of-all-trades formation. Use Stormboyz on him so he won’t cause major casualties.

Just like Space Marines, fortify Relics so they won’t be able to capture it.

They’s Guardsmen are pretty weak alone, not enough dakka.

Although weak, Psykers can curse your Squiggoth or Looted Tanks.

Imperials are a vehicle race that specializes in holding position and defending. Do not except anything less than an indestructable defence from these guys. While they may very well look like they are making you advance, they can send you back to turtle which is a pretty scary change of pace when you think about it. I recommend heavy amounts of anti-vehicle and anti-building units for the Baneblade and the turrets and ranged weaponry for the Guardsmen and Kaskrin. Orgryn can be dealt with just a simple group of Nobs and the Warboss so they aren’t your biggest issue. Your biggest issue is them owning the best relic unit in the game, The Baneblade. You pretty much HAVE TO use Tank Zappa on it if you want it destroyed. Which is why Big Mek is the most important unit in your army when your enemy is the Imperial Guard.

Let’s meet their edgy brothers, yes?

Word Bearers/Forces of Chaos

Your blood wil serve as any other, alien.

What’s it doin’ in me ‘ead! Get outta dere!

Gladly. Yours is not the refined soul I wish to drink from.

Kinda like a combination of Orks and Space Marines, mostly infantry/daemon units. Anti-infantry recommended.

A Defiler will lose to a Killa Kan in a 1v1, do not worry about them.

Bloodthirster is a dangerous melee unit that regenerates health in melee combat. Keep it far away from anything it can smack that will smack it back.

Daemon Prince can be held off by using a Squiggoth, in which case he will die a bloody death. Can also have him chase whack weaker units while ranged units destroy him.

Sorcerers must be dealt with before anyone else, as his Doombolt ability can crush any infantry’s morale and force you to get them out of there.

Horrors aren’t too much of a problem, but should be dealt with regardless.

Khorne Berserkers should be disrupted before they can reach any important ranged units.

They are as deluded as that fool Eliphas!

Which one of you’s let dat Sorcerer git in ‘ere!?

Chaos is a pretty worth opponent, having the power you have in melee and the power Space Marines have with their vehicles while also having good ranged units and Daemons of their own. Their vehicles, while being similiar to a race with good vehicles, isn’t great. Their power comes into play with their infantry the most, which means their infantry must die. You might not serve a corpse, but you sure as ♥♥♥♥ are ready to dakka those Chaos boyz up. The only units that should cause you trouble is The Daemon Prince and Bloodthirster. You pretty much have to sacrifice a few weak units to shoot at the Bloodthirster in close range while others destroy him at long range and for The Daemon Prince, just use a Squiggoth and some Nobz. He will be dead before dawn.

Craftworld Ulthwé/Eldar

Our task here is too important to let one such as you derail it.

Did you say something Eldar? I couldn’t hear for all dat hot air you’s blowin’!

Your infantalism is boundless, Ork.

And she still won’t shut it.

Rock Paper Scissors Race, anything goes.

Avatar of Khaine must be destroyed because of the amazing benefits it gives to the Eldar.

Capture Relics to reject them the ability to spawn in an Avatar.

Banshees must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Rangers can destroy morale. Take them down with Stormboyz if neccesary.

They’s got dose Wraiflord fingz. Kanz beat ‘dem up good.

Eldar are a race I can hardly give any straight recommendations on cause they pretty much change strategies on the fly. My recommendation is to change YOUR strategy on the fly based on their strategy. Like, if they have lots of vehicles, grab Tankbustaz and Killa Kanz. If they have Warp Spiders, grab Stormboyz and Nobz. If they have Banshees, grab Flash Gitz. Grab anything that helps you during that moment.

More of Da Enemy Gitz


Ok ye gits, listen up! I’m gonna stuff dis ‘ere bomb down dis Necron boyz throats. So let’s get down there and get out right quick.

Heavy Infantry Race, must have anti-infantry.

Tank Zappa is a must have late game against these guys.

Monoliths a plenty. Get Tankbustaz.

Necron Warriors and Pariahs are very dangerous, use disrupters.

nekronz are kool and orkos suk xd

Flayed Ones will spawn in the middle of your army most of the time, try to take them down quickly.

Do not make your men chase invincivible units, there are more important units to deal with.

Keep Nightbringer busy by making him chase you, then focus fire on him when he turns back into a Necron Lord.

When a Necron Lord dies close to a strategic point, fortify it so that he may get injured while leaving.

Necrons are powerful but they aren’t able to retaliate very well to extreme fire, outranging them or finishing them quickly is probably the main key. They aren’t outragously tanky or anything, though they can take a few good hits.” – Bradley Bell, a fellow Necron Main.

Necrons are a Heavy Infantry race that greatly relies on being in huge groups and soaking enemy fire while their melee units charge into change the focus of the enemy fire. It is recommended to have strong and fortified bases and every upgrade that increases health/damage of units or vehicles when fighting against these guys due to even their most basic unit, Necron Warriors, being able to defeat Mega Armored Nobz. Keep your units in big groups and support them with vehicles that disrupt the firing line of Necrons. Your biggest enemy, when it comes to Necrons, are their Monoliths. If you can destroy it, they will be a lot more weaker or lose altogether if it was their only Monolith. It is also recommended to throw bodies into their relic to capture it or at least keep it uncaptured so they do not get Awakened Monoliths.

T’au/Tau Empire

You are an affront to the Greater Good, Ork.

You callin’ me names grayskin!? Me boyz ar gonna have ta teach you sum mannarz.

Infiltration-heavy race. Detectors recommended.

Kroot units can eat your fallen boyz, do not get too many casualties so that they may not feast.

Greater Knarloc, while he has lower HP than Squiggoth. Can beat it, he still has low enough HP to be taken down fast. And he is also a vehicle, so bring some Tankbustaz.

Crisis Battle Suits will be slaughtered by Killa Kans, do not worry about them.

Although they are weak against your walker, they can escape by using their Jetpack and cause your Kan to chase them. So keep a sharp eye on your Kan at all times if he gets in a fight with one.

Their Commander can drop traps to slow down your units, take him down before he drops too many. They are detectable by commanders though, so at least you have that.

Their vehicles aren’t the best but not the worst either, they should be dealt with as soon as possible.

Fire Warriors and Pathfinders will outgun Shootas, get Nobz and Flash Gitz in for them.

Tau are a race that heavily relies on infiltration and are great gunners. Although that should make them your worst enemy, Stormboyz will be glad to soak in the damage while your boys come in to wipe them out. If you are agains these guys, make haste to get Big Mek and Warboss as soon as possible to detect their infiltrators. Cause, see, when they are not infiltrating or using gunners, they become really weak and will be crushed by any squad. So having both of your commanders in large groups is recommended. Their relic unit, Greater Knarloc, has 8k HP but don’t get too excited cause he can trash a Squiggoth. But, he still counts as a vehicle, so getting any anti-vehicle unit to shoot him when he is fighting the Squiggoth will make short work of that stupid gutless git. As for their vehicles, well, just use anti-vehicles on them. Disrupt their fire with Stormboyz, Looted Tanks and Wartraks and you should get them down fairly easily.

Da End of Dis Fing

Well, that’s all I know about the Orks so far! Before you go, let me answer some questions:

Why did you not talk about build orders!? This information is nothing when I do not know what to build first!

Someone had done that way before I did and probably knows a lot more about build orders than I do, so I did not really include build orders.

You did not talk about any of the flyer vehicles!

I do not own Soulstorm and am not planning to get it at the moment, so I do not know anything about any of the flyer vehicles that got added.

You could’ve gone into more detail.

See, that’s the thing; I do not know everything about Dark Crusade yet. I know how to play most of the races excluding Eldar and Tau and have a solid idea of what I have to do in specific situations but I do not have trivial and more detailed knowledge about every race. I know the lore of 40k well, though.

Will you make guides for other races?

At the moment, probably not. I play Chaos and Imperial Guard a lot nowadays and I MIGHT make a guide for them, just not yet.

Why do some of the pics look awful?

Cause I am too lazy to make them better, and hey they show exactly what the unit is so why’s you complainin’?

You said NOTHING about strategies!

It is up to YOU to create your own strategy, just because I told you how to do things does not mean they are THE way to play Orks. Everyone has their own way of playing. Hell, I am sure some players finish the match before seeing Tier 3! So yeah, create your OWN strategy. Do not rely on some other player’s strategy.
