Here you can find some useful information, tips and tricks. Most information can be found in the game itself or in the forum. I simply collected these in one place to make it easier to find them.
When creating a new profile you can select between three difficulty modes. In multiplayer each player will play in the difficulty setting they have chosen.
Each hero in your party starts each quest with +3 health.
This is the recommended difficulty.
There is no Gravedigger in hardcore mode. Therefore, there is no possibility to resurrect a fallen hero at the graveyard. If all your heroes die the game is over.
Note: The Knight has the resurrection ability. If a hero dies in the dungeon, you can use the Knight’s ability to resurrect the fallen hero.
The first time you play Dark Quest 2, you will get some tutorial pop-ups in the first quests which explain the gameplay basics.
If you want to read these tips again, you can find them here.
Left Click on an empty floor to see the path your hero will take to get there. Left Click again and your hero will move there. You can play another hero during your turn by simply clicking on him.
Left Click on the skeleton corpse to search for treasure. This will test your perception, if you succeed you will discover some treasure. Right Click on a character to see the statistics.
The statistics show you all the information about a hero or an enemy.
You can find the statistics of all heroes down below (see Character Stats)
Your attack and accuracy controls how much damage you will do with each strike. An attack of 1 and accuracy of 60% means there is a chance of 60% to score a hit, this repeats for every attack point.The enemy will use his defence to try and block those hits.
For example:
If your hero has attack 3 and accuracy 50%, it means:
-> 50% to score a hit
-> 50% to score a hit
-> 50% to score a hit
If you score 3 hits then you deal 3 damage.
If you have damage modifiers it adds that on top as a hit (no dice roll).
Upon activating the skull one of the following will happen:
– A random enemy will die.
– A random enemy will suffer 1-2 points of damage.
– You will be healed for 1-2 points.
– You will get some gold.
– Nothing will happen.
You can use abilities such as the Barbarian’s throwing axe to win a battle. These are unique powers and can only be used limited in each quest so use them with care.
Some characters like the wizard and goblin warlock have a magical attack. To block magic damage from either an attack or an ability you must have a spell shield.
NOTE: There is also chaos damage which cannot be blocked by any means.
The castle and its dungeons hold many traps. Most of them will trigger only once and then become harmless. Traps can only be detected through a skill or by carrying a torch.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
Some important things you can do in the village.
Rest at tavern to restore missing health points, learn new spells, buy potions and other equipment, sell unwanted items, resurrect dead heroes, start a new quest or visit the brothel to gain a bonus.
In the Tavern you will find new heroes that can join your party. To recruit a hero, drag him on your party. They will unlock after a certain number of quests you have done.
When you return to the village from a quest your heroes may have low health. To restore to full health, it is necessary to rest them. Otherwise you will start the next quest with low health. Drag a hero to the slots.
Equipment can increase your hero’s power for as long as they are equipped. Only 1 of each item may exist in the game. You can equip an item by dragging it to one of the slots in bottom.
To see the complete equipment with description, please click on the artwork below.
Each hero may carry 1 or 2 potions. Drinking a potion will consume it. You may only use 1 potion per turn. Drag and drop a potion to the bag slot to purchase it.
To learn or upgrade an ability or skill you need to spend 1 magic pot. An ability may only be used limited in a quest. A skill is a passive effect. Drag and drop the magic pot to a ability or skill to train it.
Each hero may visit the brothel once before a quest. Spending time here will give you a one-time bonus for your next quest such as extra health, attack or movement. Drag a hero to the slot.
Once a hero has fallen in battle it is possible to bring him back. There is a steep fee for this service but it is the only way…
TIP: It’s more efficient to resurrect heroes all together rather than one by one.
NOTE: You won’t be able to resurrect heroes if you play on hardcore-mode!
If a quest is too difficult for you or you just haven’t had any luck and want to restart, you can give surrender. Surrendering allows you to keep your magic pots, take 50% gold and no items. If you lose all heroes in a quest you get to keep nothing (no gold, no pots, no items).
Tests and Symbols
When accidentally triggering spear traps (if the hero has detect traps level 3 or a torch), walking on floor tiles with a perception test, search for treasures in skeleton corpses or when breaking barrels to find loot, the hero has to test his perception.
When a hero walks on a fear test, his turn ends. If the test is successful, he will be able to act normally in the next turn. Otherwise the hero will walk a step back and has to pass his next turn.
When a hero walks on the sanity test and fails to pass the test, he will turn around and attack an ally.
When a hero walks on the fate test, it will be checked if he has any fate points left. If he has, he’ll lose one and if not, he’ll die. Therefore it is irrelevant if the hero still has health points.
In fights, the hero or monster will first lose health points. If all health points are lost, the hero or monster loses fate points (if they have some) and dies when there are no more fate points left.
Unfortunately there aren’t many of them and they are not documented.
Arrow keys are used to move the map.
Tab key is to switch active characters.
Spacebar centers the camera on the active hero.
Tips & Tricks
The castle and its dungeons hold many dangers. Here are some tips to help you survive!
- Make sure you explore all rooms and get all the magic pots from a quest. After killing the last monster you’ll get a bonus pot.
- If you can’t beat a level, consider doing a different one or even redo a quest to get gold and pots.
Content from the workshop is also suitable for this purpose. You can also create simple levels with the editor.However, you should be aware that the difficulty level of a quest increases after each successful run. This is not the case when you are playing adventures from the workshop.
- Try to unlock the bonus level as it will give you lots of goodies.
- Craft a platemail and give it to the dwarf or barbarian. A dwarf with platemail is very hard to take down in melee.
- Take out dangerous enemies first, warlocks and assassin’s in particular need to die immediately. The barbarian axe can be useful for that.
- Put your heroes in good positions. Enemies will always attack the closest hero.
e.g. If you are facing 2 warlocks and your barbarian has low health, put the wizard close to them so he can absorb the magic attacks with his shields.
Then use the barbarian to kill the nearest and the wizard to finish the second one. - Try to unlock the Dark Monk and level him up, he is a very powerful hero.
- Artifacts will make your life a lot easier as there are a lot of different strategies you can take.
- When facing lots of enemies, you will need strong AOE such as firewall, inferno and lighting bolt.
- In some situations it can be useful to leave the room and enter it again. For example, the archer has a reflex attack, which takes place before all other actions and can be triggered when entering a room.
But you should keep in mind that the enemies have IMMEDIATELY the initiative if the heroes enter the room again.
- The dwarf with the find gold skill and his high perception can yield a lot of extra gold with each quest.
- Travel boots on the barbarian can give you enough walk range to attack almost anyone in the room.
- A visit to the brothel can be worthwhile and make the next quest easier. For 150 gold pieces, heroes can receive a bonus on magic resistance, hit points or attack. This bonus holds for the next map and is randomly selected.
- It is recommended to cast a heal or group heal spell if possible before leaving a dungeon. This can make a rest in the tavern unnecessary.
- Right click on an opponent to get an overview of their characteristics. Take a look at them to learn more about your opponents. In some quests it is important to take a look at the type of damage. Even if some enemies’ attack animation looks like a common melee attack, the type of damage can be chaos. This means that the hero has no way to block this damage and you have to consider an alternative strategy.
You invite:
To enjoy the multiplayer of Dark Quest 2 you need to have a friend who also owns the game. If your friend is online and you want to invite him/her, click on the + symbol in the upper left corner. In the newly opened window, select your friend.
The “…” indicates that the game is waiting for your friend to accept the invitation.
You’re getting invited:
If a friend invites you to play with him/her, you will get a pop-up where you have to accept the invitation.
Starting the quest:
If the group leader chooses a quest, there is a small window below the group bar where the quest is named and you can join.
After doing that, a new window opens and you can drag your hero into an empty slot as usual. Don’t forget to click on “Ready”.
If you are in a group, you can see the avatars of the players who are in the group in the upper left corner.
Groups can consist of up to four players. Each player can only control one hero. So if you are in a group of two, you will have to play the map with only two heroes. It is not possible for a player to control two heroes to fill up the group on maps that are intended for three or more heroes. The best thing to do is to invite more friends. But it is also possible to complete the maps with only two players if you know what you are doing.