This guide contains some videos to show how to work with the editor. In the first part I tried to illustrate the main steps for creating a small dungeon to show the basic functions of the editor. The other videos deal with specific themes like traps, triggers and character tests.I wish you a lot of fun trying out the editor! __________________________________________If you have problems watching the videos on Steam you can find them on -> YouTube <- as well.
The creation of the “Tutorial map for the Editor Guide”
These six videos will show you the creation of the small dungeon “Tutorial map for the Editor Guide” step by step. There are some passages that took a little longer (e.g. placing walls). Feel free to skip them if you already know how each step works or just increase the speed of the video.
The map can be found in the Workshop:
SpearTrap, WallSpearTraps and PerceptionTests
FallingAxeTrap and PerceptionTest
Character Tests
Evil Ghost and Skull Tile
EvilGhost and SkullTile
Levers and Doorbars
Lever and DoorBars
Speak, Ambush and CutScene
RoamingMonster and MaxRoamers
Upload to the Steam Workshop
You have created a map with the editor and now you want to share it with the community? Then you will find an explanation here how this works.
First you have to create and save a map. You should have seen how this works in the videos above.
In the editor you have to open the menu. There you click on Steamworks. A new window appears where you have to click on “Create Map” on the left side.
In the list on the left side appears unamed now. Click on it and fill in all required information on the right side. Title and Description should be self-explanatory. Must have completed quest is interesting if you want to create your own campaign. For Image and Map, you just have to select the files on your computer. The last thing you have to set is who should have access to the map. With Available to “everyone” you share your map with the whole community. Once you have filled in all the required information, click on Upload to Steamworks.
In this next window you can write something like “upload” if you want to, but it is not necessary. With a click on Update your map will be published, with Cancel you return to the menu.