[WIP]Guide for the DatabaseThis guide is mainly directed to the txt files in the modding folder.
How to edit .txt files
The best method to edit the txt files is to convert them with Microsoft Excel to .csv files. There are two options I have used:
– Open Excel
– Go to the first tab
– Click on “open”
– Search for the txt file to open
– When you want to open the file, you get the option to convert the .txt file
– Click on continue
– On the next tab, select “comma” (in the mid-left section is a list) and continue
– Now the .txt file should be converted and you can edit it more easily.
– The best way to save your work is in a .csv file, the game will be able to read them.
– Make sure to have a backup, like “Team_base” and edit a separate version of it as “Team”
If the file is already in a excel table:
– Select everything in the first row [A]
– Click Data > Text to Columns
– Click on continue
– On the next tab, select “comma” (in the mid-left section is a list) and continue
– Now the .txt file should be converted and you can edit it more easily.
– The best way to save your work is in a .csv file, the game will be able to read them.
– Make sure to have a backup, like “Team_base” and edit a separate version of it as “Team”
After you edited the file, save the file as .csv file. You can edit this file through excel. Furthermore, if you open it in notepad you have the same conversion as the base files and can save it as .txt again.
In short:
Save the .txt as .csv so you can edit data via excel and convert the .csv to .txt via notepad again.
Can be left empty without crashing.
If left empty, a “0” will be placed in the name.
This name will be mostly displayed. (Standings, etc.)
(M) -> Male
(F) -> Female
Starts with No. 2, be careful.
However, for images it’s Team_0.
Meaning: Team_0 (first Team) is in Drivers.txt Team_2 (2)
Needs at least 2 Drivers per Team:
Either: One / Two
Or: Equal / Equal
Third one is labelled as: Reserve
Be Careful: If there aren’t 2 Drivers, either labelled One/Two or Equal/Equal, for each team the game will crash.
I don’t know what this is, it’s apparently not necessary.
Write the nationality down.
For United Kingdom: UK
Otherwise, if you want to write “United States” you need to write it together:
Date of Birth.
Format: DD/MM/YYYY
Game Starts in 2016, keep that in mind.
1996 = 20
1991 = 25
1986 = 30
1981 = 35
They are written in numbers and separated by a semicolon.
1; 5
Team Player (1); Ambitious (5)
The most important (permanent) traits are listed below:
1 Team Player
2 Selfish
3 Media Shy
4 Narcissist
5 Ambitious
6 Wonderkid
7 Content
8 Fearless
9 Scaredy Cat
10 Smart
11 Dumb
12 Shy and Retiring
13 Spoilt
14 Grounded
15 Ice man
16 Hard Worker
17 Slacker
18 Greedy
19 Selfless
20 Beautiful
21 Ugly
22 Nice guy
23 Mean
24 Passionate
25 Mercenary
26 Dedicated
27 Crazy
28 OCD
29 Pet Dog
30 Annoying Other Half
31 Boring winner
32 Chubby
33 Health Freak
34 Wise old hand
35 Old
36 Young gun
37 Greenhorne
38 Optimist
39 Pessimist
40 Famous Parent
41 Erratic
42 Stable
43 Crash Happy
44 Rock Solid
45 Overtake specialist
46 Action Averse
47 Chaser
48 Hates chasing
49 Born Leader
50 Hates Leading
51 First Lap Hero
52 First Lap Panic
53 Easy on Fuel
54 Fuel Hungry
55 Radio Shy
56 Chatty
59 DRS Expert
60 Bad at DRS
61 KERS Expert
62 Bad at KERS
63 Late Braker
64 Early Braker
65 Racer
66 Timesheet Hero
67 Gives Great Feedback
68 Gives Bad Feedback
69 Smooth Braker
70 Flat Spotter
71 Handles Complex Steering Wheel
72 Keep It Simple, Stupid
73 Wet Weather Pro
74 Wet Weather Struggler
77 Home Race Hero
78 Wilts At Home
79 Crashed Big in {BigCrashLocation}
80 Aggressive
81 Passive
82 Lighting Reactions
83 Slow Reactions
You can choose between -1 and 2. (I will try to explain them as far as I am able to.)
-1 No information at start, no matter what scouting facility
0 – 2 Depends on your scouting facility.
I tested it, and if you set Fame/ScoutingLevel to 0/0 you see all information on the driver, if you set 2/0 then you see no information on the driver. (I chose the first team.)
Between 0 – 3
3 is hardest to scout, 0 easiest
I guess normal weight is between 60 – 70.
There is also a chubby trait.
How much is the salary of a driver to a team.
Amount in Million.
Example: 13 = €13 Million
When did the contract start?
When does it end?
Reminder: It’s the year 2016 in game
Amount In Million.
Example: 0.1 Bonus Amount = €100.000
(Also applies to Champion Bonus)
Position: 2 = at least second place.
If a driver has the trait “Pay Driver” you can adjust here how much money he/she will pay towards the team.
4 = €4 Million
Please refer to:
I have no clue.
How aggressive the driver is, I suppose.
1 – less aggressive
100 – most aggressive
Number given at start. Can be empty.
Stats for every driver, can be left empty.
Let us assume you create a driver who has in every attribute the same value:
You can calculate the star rating via this formula:
(x * 5) / 20 = Star Rating
If you want to get a specific star rating:
(StarRating * 20) / 5 = X
Here are some examples:
There are 9 Attributes:
Braking, cornering, Smoothness
Overtaking, Consistency, Adaptability
Fitness, Feedback, Focus
[This Guide is a WIP]
How the team will be called in e-mails, or standings.
Where the team comes from. However, if you change it, the flag will switch but not the name of the country that is displayed.
You will have strange behaviour, for example: Japanese flag but the text states “Portugal”
You have to change the HQ (Headquarter) location in the HQ.txt file as well.
The Livery the team will use.
4 Options:
- Traditionalist (sticks to rules)
- Progressive (approves rule changes)
- Egalitarian (indifferent)
- Gimmicky (probably chooses randomly)
Depending on their political attributes, the charimen will vote on the rule changes differently.
Change the team the selected team views as rival.
3 – High
2 – Middle
1 – Low
Determines how much money the team has at game start.
1 = €1 Million
I don’t know what this is. You can leave it empty without crashing, though.
Value between 1 – 5.
- 5 highest marketability
- 1 lowest marketability
Fan base in million: 1 = 1 million
I have read some forum threads that it doesn’t really change. So it probably doesn’t matter.
Why is this even in there?
This should be supposed to be calculated within the team, as far as I understand it.
This seems to be calculated within the game automatically, also at start.
So I left it empty without any problems so far.
You should set a value between 1 – 100.
If you leave it empty, the opinion will be at 0, that is not desirable.
Here you can find useful informations about logos:
Sponsor logos begin with 0, the ID in the database is wrong. (It counts like an array, if you know programming)
If you want to change ID 22 with your logo you have to write Sponsor_21 and SponsorCar_21.