Train Sim World® 2020 Guide

DE Ne1 Signal PZB Tutorial for Train Sim World® 2020

DE Ne1 Signal PZB Tutorial


This tutorial explains how to approach and proceed through a DE Ne1 signal using the PZB safety system.


This tutorial explains how to approach and proceed through a DE Ne1 signal using the PZB safety system.

Disclaimer: this tutorial is not supposed to describe any real-life procedure. The following is only valid in Train Sim World.

This is a video of the procedure recorded on the Wuppertal-Steinbeck – Hagen 16:15 service of Rhein – Ruhr Osten (RRO) route:

Approaching the signal

The approach phase through the signal could change depending on the route and the signaling configuration used on the tracks section. The following is an example of what to expect.

As the Ne 1 signal is equivalent to a stop signal, a restricted approach configuration will be encountered.

The first signal encountered in this example is a Ks 1 distant repeater signal. It indicates to expect clear and being a repeater should not be normally PZB Acknowledged. However, on this particular occasion should be PZB Acknowledged.
This is a TSW bug that could be fixed in the future.

The next signal should be a caution one. In this case is a Ks 2 + Zs 3 + Zs 6 distant signal. The Ks 2 signal indicates to expect stop. The Zs 3 signal indicates to proceed at 40 km/h or less. The Zs 6 board indicates that the train will be driving on the wrong line (left-hand) from this signal on. Should be PZB Acknowledged.
Continue to keep the imposed speed through the next section.

The following is the first not common signal. It is a Ne 2 reduced distance signal. The driver should expect to stop at braking distance. Should be PZB Acknowledged.
As stop is expected, a 500Hz magnet will be encountered slightly afterward. Speed should be adjusted depending on the active PZB mode (O, M or U). Usually the magnet should be passed at 25 Km/h or less.

This is the 500Hz magnet preceding the stop point.
Remember to reduce speed according to the active PZB mode.

We finally arrive at the Ne 1 signal. The train should be stopped before this signal.

How to proceed

The signaller should be now contacted. The standard shortcut is Tab key.
Will be instructed to proceed as signal indicates.

We can now move forward keeping reduced speed. Before passing the signal the PZB Override button should be pressed and hold. The standard shortcut is delete (canc) key.
A repeating sound will be heard during the override operation.

Passing through the 2000 Hz magnet corresponding to the Ne 1 signal will trigger “Befehl 40” on PZB.

Continue to hold the PZB Override until all the locomotive has passed the magnet and then normal operation could be resumed.

Feel free to contribute by reporting any wrong information included in this guide.