In this guide, we’ll be exploring the differences of lowest and highest settings, when it comes to FPS.Having a bad time with settings? Not bothering test, what is the difference between X and Y?Now you can take a look at the most FPS-choking options…Just remember, that some of the settings are VERY location-specific, so you might get a lot of better/worse framerate on other areas.On all sections, everything is set to lowest possible, so we can see how much each and every setting affects your FPS.My own rig;AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor (6 CPUs), ~2.8GHzAMD Radeon R9 280x2x4GB RAM, DDR3Windows 7 Professional
Looking out of the building
I did get whopping ~147FPS uncapped, when I set everything (except res) to lowest possible/off.
Turning a setting to highest/on.
Looking inside the building
I did not get as high FPS as I thought, but still… ~88FPS
Turning a setting to highest/on.
Standing on the platform, in front of the spawn
Now, these numbers are the ones you might be actually interested in. Plenty of stuff on the screen on once! Hitting pretty solid ~142FPS.
Turning a setting to highest/on.
Menu-only settings | Texture Quality, Shadow Map Size and Foliage Quality
You can change these settings only when you’re main menu.
Testing was performed on the platform.
Texture Quality: Drop FPS by mere ~3FPS, which isnt noticeable. Therefore, I’d always recommend having this set to High.
Shadow Map Size: Oh man, this causes some serious FPS drops! I’d recommed setting this to Medium or High, because there are some areas where a lot of shadows… exist….
Foliage Quality: Unless you really love grass and/or trees, switch it to Low or Medium. Plants dont look that bad on the lowest settings!
Extra: feedback, ideas, comments…
For example, my PC did swing between ~67FPS (highest) and ~140FPS (lowest), which means that finding the sweet spot between graphics and framerate is important.
Be sure to leave comments regarding video settings, combinations that fit for you, your current rig etc, whatever might help others.