Tutorial on how to install the Original Frank West mod.
Obtaining the files
In order to install this mod you need –
Dead Rising 1 Frank West –
Gibbed Dead Rising 2 Tools –
Steam doesn’t like Mediafire apparently so just enter the address. <3
Enter .com after mediafire if you don’t know.
Installing the mod
Extract the Gibbed Files to a folder anywhere and it should look like this.
Now go to your Dead Rising 2 OTR installation which should normally be at
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDead Rising 2 Off the Record
It should be on your C: drive because Dead Rising doesn’t like other drives oddly enough.
Go into your data folder then models and you should see this.
Open npcs.big with Gibbed.DeadRising2.Unpack
To do this drag npcs.big over to the Gibbed.DeadRising2.Unpack and it should open up like this.
The box will remain blank but it is doing it’s job.
You will notice a npcs_big folder has popped up in your models folder.
Now this is where you open the dr1frankotr.rar file and extract what is inside npcs_big into the npcs_big folder in your Dead Rising Models folder.
Make sure to also open the Install Instructions included in the rar file.
After this find the bigfile.xml and open it with Notepad or Notepad++
Scroll to the very bottom of the file and copy this after the last entry.
Your bigfile.xml should look like this afterwards
Make sure to save it afterwards.
Now drag the npcs_big folder into the Gibbed.DeadRising2.Pack
The black box will appear again and leave you with a npcs_big.big file.
Rename the old npcs.big file to npcsold.big in order to have a backup incase you messed up somewhere.
Rename the npcs_big.big file to npcs.big.
Now back out of your models folder and go to your data folder
Unpack datafile.big using the same process as before.
Go into your datafile_big folder and find items.txt
Now go back to your install instructions and find this.
Copy all of this all the way to the bottom of the section and paste this in your items.txt
Save your items.txt
Then open your safehouse.txt
Place this anywhere in the text file
cItemPlacement drfrankdispenser
ItemName = “drfrankdispenser”
Location = “-4.8,-2.8,32.7”
PropState = “3”
Rotation = “-0.000,1.000,0.000,1.000”
Repack the datafile_big and rename datafile_big.big into datafile.big
Make a backup version of your old datafile for good measure.
Now you have the mod installed.
Finding the outfit
Frank Wests original model is packed as an outfit so it doesn’t replace anything and wont interfere with any other items.
You can find it in the safehouse under the stairs to the vent.
Wearing clothing can sometimes make Frank look wonky but alot of items still work.
This is not my mod this is a mod made by
Plasmid and Freako from deadrising2mods.proboards
You can find the original forum post
[link]I am not claiming to make the mod or the instructions I am just putting them into an easier to understand form so that those who are unsure about the instructions can figure it out.