I was disappointed that the highest resolution Dead Space offers is 1920×1080. So I looked for a method to play it in 3840×2160 aka 4k aka UHD aka 2160p.
Proof of Concept
A short update to my guide. Finally I was able to get a video capture software that can record
in 4k. Here as proof of concept a short video of Dead Space in 4k captured with D3DGear.
Why is this guide relevant for you ?
When you are playing in 1080p as most gamers do you can also use this guide for downsampling
to your resolution. You will get superior visual quality without the need for antialiasing and have the
possibility to add image post processing similar to SweetFX or use depth of field and bloom effects.
You get rid of the 30 fps frame lock.
GeDoSaTo is not limited to one game. All games using DX9 or DX9Ex can be downsampled or
upscaled in principle. Although in some rare cases it might not work.
The developer of the program is the respected modder Peter ‘Durante’ Thoman who coded the DSfix for Dark Souls.
Durante tries at the moment to get GeDoSaTo to work with DX11 games as well.
Modified settings.txt
First I modified the settings.txt document that can be found in C: Users -> Your Name ->
AppData -> Local -> Electronic Arts -> Dead Space:
Audio.MusicVol = 1.00000000
Audio.Output = 0.00000000
Audio.SFXVol = 1.00000000
Audio.Subtitles = false
Audio.VoiceVol = 1.00000000
Control.InvertX = false
Control.InvertY = false
Control.MouseSensitivity = 0.24999996
Control.Shock = false
Game.Played = 1
Misc.LastSaveSlot = 5
QualityOptions.ActorMotionBlur = true
QualityOptions.Bloom = true
QualityOptions.Blur = true
QualityOptions.ConfigType = 4
QualityOptions.Decals = true
QualityOptions.DoF = true
QualityOptions.EdgeAA = true
QualityOptions.Flare = true
QualityOptions.Glow = true
QualityOptions.ManipColor = true
QualityOptions.ShaderQuality = 2
QualityOptions.Shadows = 2
Window.Fullscreen = true
Window.Gamma = 0.50000000
Window.Height = 2160
Window.Hz = 60
Window.Left = 0
Window.MessageNotification = 1
Window.State = 0
Window.Top = 0
Window.VSync = true
Window.Width = 3840
Download and setting up GeDoSaTo
Download GeDoSaTo from here: [link]
Make sure you follow the instructions and download all files necessary for GeDoSaTo
to work correctly. Install GeDoSaTo in a new folder on a drive that is not your Windows
drive like G:GeDoSaTo and tell the downloaded executable to install there.
Click on ‘Edit Settings’ and uncomment all resolutions besides 3840×2160@60 with ‘#’.
presentWidth 0
presentHeight 0
presentHz 75
Note: This is my monitor resolution 3840×2160 and refresh rate – yours will be different.
presentInterval 1
Note: Very important all other settings cause Dead Space to crash.
scalingType lanczos
Note: This is for best quality but demanding on your GPU.
maintainAspectRatio true
forceAnisoLevel 0
fpsLimit 0
fpsPredictiveLimitRatio 0.0
fpsLimitBusy true
forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes false
emulateFlipBehaviour false
interceptOnlySystemDlls false
preventSteamOverlay false
loadSteamOverlayEarly true
loadD3DEarly true
forcePresentRes false
overrideWidth 0
overrideHeight 0
zBufCompatibilityFlag 0
zBufClearIndex 0
pluginOverride None
hideMouseCursor false
forceBorderlessFullscreen true
forceFullscreenMode false
let all other settings at their default value. Save your settings and scroll down in Profiles to
configDead SpaceGeDoSaTo.ini press ‘U’ to create configDead SpaceGeDoSaTo_user.ini
Open your Steam Library and start Dead Space. Now you should have a new resolution option
3840×2160@60Hz accept this option and play Dead Space in 4k.
2160p GeDoSaTo
Although GeDoSaTo is a downsampling tool you can also use it to force a game to render in
higher resolutions and get the NOT downsampled result displayed on your monitor.
Please note that I only tested this on Windows 8.1_64 with a Radeon HD 7950 GPU with crimson driver. So if you are on another OS and/or GPU your mileage may vary.
All comments are welcome especially leave a comment if and on which system you got it working.