Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – Retribution Guide

Dendolian Battle Tactics (Imperial Guard) for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution

Dendolian Battle Tactics (Imperial Guard)


Welcome enthusiasts and veterans of the imperial guard this guide is a strategic suggestion for the battlefields it is recommended to utilise this strategy with the Lord General BUT it should work just fine with the other commanders

If you want Resource lists and all about EVERY SINGLE ASPECT and informationTHAT you probably will not remember then do not read

This guide is not the kind of guide where you just find a list of abilities, hero upgrades, unit upgrades and units being classified from TIER 1 to 3 I am not saying that the guides that have lists are bad of course not, I actually find them to be very nice but since someone already did it then I had to come up with something creative such as mere strategic advice and a little fun in the middle.
Read this guide instead it has a way better focus on unit specifics and prices while mine is a just strategic advice


You may be asking yourselves WHAT THE HELL what means Dendolia.
Well for starters is a Planet situated in Imperium space that houses one of the Most Humane Regiments of the imperial guard (NOT OFFICIAL) “The Liberation Brigades of Dendolia” this is the regiment that pay a little bit less for its soldiers but at a higher chance of survival on the battlefield (then again it doesnt matter how much you get payed if you are going to get killed in the next 5 seconds of battle anyways)The dendolian uniform always include shades of blue and white and gasmasks with filters of limited use often packed in the equipment bag of the dendolian white shoulder and knee plates, armed with the Toio pattern lasrifle with a larger barrel for increased range and damage at the cost of less shots per power charge this is where the pay of the dendolians that is deducted from the regular pay of the regular guardsman(woman) is invested into, better equipment for a higher survivability rate.
Snipers are a common force in dendolian regiments where there are always whole teams of long-las wielding guardsmen, one of the first thing a dendolian trooper must train is weapon accuracy because as it was well said by Liberator General Andreas Weiss von Castell: “It does not matter how many weapons you can shoot if none of them is going to hit the target”, since the Imperial guard is not always suited for hand to hand combat the Toio design was made to improve the attributes the astra militarum already has which is range,firepower and the added bonus of accuracy training aswell as a design of the dendolian gasmasks that possesses visual sensors for even more accurate firing (this also comes from the deducted part of the dendolian salary).
Due to the fact that the dendolian society is quite equal with each section of society trying to achieve a humane standard of life for all dendolians to prevent any chance of treason against the emperor almost all the working class is replaced with automated production meaning that the average dendolian citizen is at least in the middle class. The Dendolian Liberaton Brigades are the exact opposite of the stoic Death Korps of Krieg in terms of public opinion, meaning that in places where the Kriegers would be feared the Dendolians would be praised and oftenly be quite cheerful during parades and post battle festivities being seen as heroes instead of dead men walking but in matters of combat effectiveness they are both praised by their actions of bravery and self sacrifice.
The Commissars that serve alongside the dendolians NEVER and I repeat NEVER executed a single dendolian guardsmen as the dendolians possess an undying faith and morale during battle whereas the Kriegers would just be cold the Dendolians are cheery and so a commissar of a dendolian section would instead execute enemies to inspire the men putting his pistol to good use.
“Trully I never liked the commissars executing their men because if it were me in there with all my section companions all getting killed by enemy forces and the commissar started to execute soldiers to ‘improve” morale I would surely be more terrified because we would be getting killed from the front and behind that in my eyes is no morale boost despite what many may think”

Now that you read some of the lore behind what the Dendolian Liberation Brigades would look like if they were an official regiment of the imperial guard instilling motivation by the care and example of leaders for the soldiers instead of fear go ahead for the real reasons why you are here.

The Beginning Phase

My acceptable losses are always lower than the enemy’s
Liberator General Andreas Weiss von Castell

To start of you must position your fingers in a way that you may AS SOON AS POSSIBLE —>SELECT YOUR BASE—>AND START BUILDING A SENTINEL. THESE are the keys on your keyboard that you must press in order to start building:
1º F1
2º E
Press these in quick succession to have a time advantage so that you may be able to spend your time in moving your Lord General and First Guardsmen Section.

Move your Lord General to capture the first Requisition Point as the requisition generation grows with time to a maximum of 15 per point
,buy the sergeant for your guardsmen and then move them to a viable position to stablish a Las-Turret you may think to yourself: “WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT THAT” well basically because of its fire rate it is basicaly a las-machinegun and it focuses on single soldiers being able to diminish enemy squads way faster than your average guardsmen and they NEVER stop firing which means that even if they are under melee attack from close combat they will still fire at anything in its range which is good because it means that in the early engagements you can bait enemy meele units with your guardsmen section to the firing range of the turret the enemy will bleed way more than you and it is helpful when your enemy is with an early melee heavy based army when this is the case it is recommended to garrison your soldiers in the nearest structures or if there are no structures you will just have to run from the meele units and the other units not being targeted by them will fire and as soon as the enemy units shift focus you start to fire with your units who were being chased.

And remember as long as you kill more enemy soldiers that you lose yours then you are on the lead EVEN if you are forced to retreat.

-Remeber that if you cant hold you position but you built the turret and it will most likely get destroyed then scuttle it you get 50 % of the resources spent back, all the population capacity used while denying your enemy the experience and time spent on an already underway to destruction turret and last but not least pis sing off your enemy because of this 😀
-Next up is you Lord General: imagine a scenario where you have been attacked by a chaos force and the chaos lord and the melee heretics were forced to retreat and there are only 2 Chaos space marines left still firing at you what do you do simple charge them with your general and melee them, his sword and melee skill are not the best but it will let your guardsmen fire more freely and his sword has a knokback attack that randomly (I guess) happens.
-The turret is one good reason for the enemy not to charge straight into your troops since it snipes single soldiers and leaders, they are so accurate that you can down the leaders that are retreating with it
-Keep your sentinel close to your sections of guardsmen that also will also makes your enemy think twice before meleeing your soldiers with jumptroops or regular melee troops, keep the sentinel close to the weapons team also because jump troops might preffer targeting it to allow the enemy units to advance on your position

-Keep your Lord General in the front of your soldiers so that the enemy fire is focused on him and your troops will also fire more freely and will have less casualties afterall every shot counts and one less guardsmen on the field is one less shot, plus the Lord General can reinforce his squad ANYWHERE while your guardsmen sections do not have that luxury.
-Same for the sentinel make the enemy fire at it because you can repair it while the enemy will be losing HP and soldiers (Unless they are followers of nurgle in that case fire at the cultists first to hinder the aura of healing they often possess)
-The sentinel is a SCOUT so use it go without fear and look at what the enemy has if your sentinel gets damaged then retreat it to your guardsmen for repairs
-HIT AND RUN TACTICS WITH THE SENTINEL: Move foward with your sentinel early game since it cannot capture points why not use it to kill some enemies that are capping points (do not just place it there and keep waiting with it) make the enemy fight on your terms, if there is only one single unit capping a point and it is almost complete position your sentinel next to that unit and stomp them away so their progress is wasted this way you will be softening up your early enemy forces and receiving more resources, a sencond guardsmen squad, and time to better prepare your defenses with the las-turret and cover while the enemy will be wasting precious time trying to cap his next-to-base points
-You see a spot that looks great for a killing zone well then why not place some cover if there is none available

-Your enemies early game are a bunch of squishy imbecils(Eldar, Tyranids, OTHER Imperial Guard [not your men of course] and the dammed orks) then buy one of your guardsmen sections some flammenwerfers to werf some flammen on those idiotic enough to charge at you and these weapons are also good for pushes against a fortified enemy position
-You have a SENTINEL yay 😆that means you get to create your battlefield aka destroying all the cover the enemy might make use of giving yet another advantage in battle
“We could use better cover”
Sergeant Ajax of the 31st Dendolian “Deamon Hunters”

-When placing cover do not make a straight line of roadblocks remember that this is not WW1 this is Warhmmer 40,000 and there will be plasma grenades to make you pay for such decision, scatter the cover, scatter your men(women) and place the sentinel in place optimal for movement without breaking you hard spent time cover.

-Knowledge really is power, knowing that the vehicles that you own can be caught up by soldiers and so having its movement blocked by yours or the enemy’s preventing a damaged sentinel a retreat path》getting stuck》getting blown up by enemy fire or a bunch of melee from ork slugas, heretics, etc…》and then losing your only shield againts enemy fire that will now focus on shooting your guardsmen down one by one diminishing your damage output for every guardsmen lost

Builds for After You Held or Are Still Holding The Ground

Next up the building phase

We will need more troops
Liberator General Andreas Weiss von Castell

1º Get another guardsmen section as soon as possible and equip them with a sergeant.
2.1º Get a Catachan squad if your enemie is a lictor alpha, an ork commando or a chaos sorcerer to spot the hidden units melee retreating units to finish them of and in the eventuality of you doing so well that you want to advance further into enemy territory.

2.2º Get a heavy weapons section to keep the enemy from advancing on your guardsmen and garrison them if the enemy has jump units or do not garrison them if the enemy has flamers or grenades and if the enemy has both then place the sentinel next to you weaposn team to protect it from jumptroops.
2.3°Feeling bold ? Do not want to wait for the needed resources for such units listed above ? You did not lose your sentinel ? You are confident in your sentinel micromanagement ? Well then get another guardsmen section with a sergeant giving yet even more firepower for your troops on the field and in quick fashion.

Also if you forced the enemy off yet then why not go harrass his supply lines by uncapping the requisitions points reseting it and destroying the power plant and nodes this way delaying your enemy even further from getting things like this:

Tech up to tier 2 and get something depending on tbe situation… such as:
You might need to equip the guardsmen with plasma guns and commissars for added firepower and reinforcement rate but i believe you already know WHEN to do those upgrades so I do not need to list them down here and sometimes you might need a weapons team it being the second one depending on the path you followed and upgrade him with a lascannon for more anti-vehicle firepower.

Commissar Dreyfus of the 45th dendolian “Holy Flames”

3.Image above° Sometimes the enemies have grenade launchers in this case you will be at a disadvantage getting hit while you hold your ground AND while you advance, well then as soon as possible get the sniper rifle for your Lord General and show them what the Guard is famous for by outgunning them from afar with the ability provided by the weapon. And laugh as the enemy that was so sastified shooting your men(women) down now gets to see his own getting slaughtered and forced to retreat
3.1°Get missiles for the sentinel for you to harrass weapon teams, bunched up enemies, garrissoned enemies and also adding anti vehicles capabilities and all of this from a safe distance.

4.1°If you have deemed necessary a field bunker then you have already built one on the field to reinforce your squads then you will not need a Chimera but if you did not build one then get a Chimera

4.2° The enemy is going quite defensive and is building loads of turrets and weapons despite his disadvantage of not having the middle ground and you have a medic bunker next to your defensive line… GET A MANTICORE AND SHATTER THEIR SKY
4.3° If none of this is the case and you have a medical bunker then get Ogryns……
what? Do you want me to explain what they do ? Ok well they are the linebreakers this means that they will charge ahead and knockback the enemies be them melee or ranged good for distracting the enemies from shooting your men (women) back them up with a sentinel charge if you believe it is safe to do so and stomp theenemy units for added effect it is also recommended to give them medikits from Lord General special ability making them even more difficult to kill, just do not charge them at suppression teams since they are not immune to it plus they are good at chasing retreating units, armored units, the backs of vehicles and walkers since they are normally slower and easier to chase down(like wraithlords)
Additional tips:

-Sometimes you have to be bolder and charge straight up to the enemy with the sentinel destroying his cover and stomping his soldiers

-And you should make defenses whenever possible since your soldiers are not good at receiving bullets when out of cover unless the enemy is focusing fire on your sentinel/lord general and that is something you should not count on all the time and make this cover SCATTERED and large so the enemy takes long to come around to flank you


“There will always be a right weapon for every occasion”
Liberator General Andreas Weiss von Castell

Yes there is a weapon for every occasion specially for the Liberator(Lord) General that can bring some great ordnance to bear upon his enemies, such as :

-Grenade launcher: his Draconis(stormtroopers) bodyguards can be equipped with them aswell not only you get a great way to clear garrisons, pummel your enemies from afar and be a general nuisance, you also get a MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! ability to make the troops around you “move” faster

-Sniper Rifle(unlocked after tier 2): this time only the the best is for the general(also because it would be pretty OP to have a three sharpshooters squad) great for harrasing your enemies from a distance less effective than the grenades because as said before only the general gets the sniper rifle BUT he gets the ability FIRE ON MY TARGET! which enables him to improve the range of all you troops(invite all his troops to a firing range and even the weapons team can join), this way you can stop an enemy assault before it even starts by surprising your enemies with a counterattack from a distance

-Melta Gun(Also unlocked after tier 2): the bodyguards can also equip melta guns making your general a viable units for taking down enemy vehicles such as those pesky bloodcrushers, wraithlords, and all the others vehicles but it is easier to kill the slower armored targets, the melta guns is the ONLY weapon the lord general does not use from afar this time he needs to get close to deal that sweet sweet damage massive damage this is also effective against heavy armored infantry such as chaos space marines, plague marines, the bloody chaos lord himself, etc. PLUS this weapon gives you the ability FIGHT HARDER! which when activated it adds bonus damage to your troops not by making their shoots more powerful oh no by all means no, it actually makes them shoot faster, useful for lascannons and autocannons for more damage per second


“No, not quite naked. I shall have my uniform on.”
Frederick William I King of Prussia and father of Frederick the Great (his last words)

Believe it or not but the clothes you choose to wear on the battlefield may inspire your troops and the lord general knows that All of the soldiers on the battlefield of the imperial guard act accondingly to what the lord general is using and he has a very diverse set of armors and all of them provide an added health bonus to the general:
-Carapace Armor: Makes the soldiers around you BRAVE ENOUGH to stand up to any sort of machinegun fire with the ability STAND FIRM ! giving you precious time to maneuver your soldiers or time enough to shoot the weapons team and make them retreat OR kill them.

-Stabilizers: This armor makes your soldiers get BACK IN THE FIGHT! with a health regeneration aura once activated

This picture is showing a medical bunker healing soldiers but the green hexagons appear just in the same fashion when the ability activates and i had no better picture for it since i barely use this armor
-Flak Jacket(tier 2 required): This armor is the sturdiest available and since the soldiers want to follow the example of the general they too will get hardier with the INCOMING! ability you soldiers will receive less damage from enemy fire, plasma ,explosives, etc…
and plus they get a neat shine to their uniforms 😀


“I do not need to direct the men in combat I have subordinates that I can trust will make the troops give their best I AM here to provide three things to ensure victory : advantages, advantages and advantages”
Liberator General Andreas Weiss von Castell

-The Sergeant (commonly reffered to as the medical sergeant): This veteran here provides bonus health to the Lord General and his bodyguards plus the ability DISTRIBUTE MEDI-KIT to a targeted section of your choice yours or your allies(useful to give to everyone possible when moments of calm appear on the battlefield[give the medi-kits to the ogryns making them extra harder to be killed])

-The Commissar: This glorified hero will make your command section more powerfull by boosting their damage dealt and providing the REFRACTOR FIELD ability which IF used correctly will provide a great damage resistance to all close by to the Lord General

When you buy the commissar for your guardsmen sections you get the NASTIEST unfortunately sometimes useful(I NEVER USED IT MYSELF) SUMMARY EXECUTION(TOTTALY ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING ABILITY IF I DO SAY SO MY SELF AND I DO) to stop a retreating guardsmen section “dead” in its tracks denying the pathfinding to the base at the cost of ONE(I think it is to much a cost to pay since I VALUE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY SOLDIERS)guardsmen I have seen it is useful if the medical bunker/chimera is in the retreat path so you might want to do that execution so you can reinforce the squad on the front already(luckily I have NEVER NEEDED NOR WOULD I EVER USE THIS ABILITY IF I HAD{AS THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY TO WIN THE DAY FOR THE EMPEROR WITHOUT SACRIFICING LOYAL MEN AND WOMEN}),
on top of that you must know by now that for every leader a guardsmen section gets it reinforces 1 more soldier PER buy so if a section possesses both the sergeant and the commissar you will reinforce 3 soldiers for the price of one and last but not least the commissars provide a damage boost to the section just as he does with the Lord General

-The Vox Operator: a soldier with communication equipment(and marketing training aswell as friends in high places to call favours via Vox)capable of Calling Reinforcements ! reinforcing all you sections in the target area(ogryns included) in the blink of an eye(not really it takes some time for the valkyrie to reach your location) at the cost of 150 requisition and some energy from your Lord General and the Vox Operator also provides a speed boost to the command section (is playing some nice marching music such as this) 😀

The Ending Phase

“Honor will never be worth more than lives”
Liberator General Andreas Weiss von Castell

Yes i know it has been all fun and games so far and if your enemy was able to stay in the fight long enough then it is time you finnaly use the greatest weapon and one of the main reasons to join the guard

Yes…… THE BANEBLADE this little monster has 2 lascannons on each side, 3 heavy bolters on each side and on the middle, a BIG and SCARY main cannon, an even SCARIER but smaller DEMOLISHER CANNON on the middle which needs to be manually fired by you like an ability of sorts with cooldowns and all that jazz and is slow as a rock(seriously this thing IS REALLY
SLOW) trully one of the biggest symbols to represent the Imperial Guard OR IS IT, well when the enemy comes at you WITH NOBZ and HUGE HAMMERS you simply have almost and I mean it ALMOST no chance as they will force your soldiers of the battlefield and then will start to bash the back of your beautiful tank you might think : “Oh ill just build a weapons team and suppress them preventing them from getting close to my tank” well now thats not how NOBZ work lad they have an ability that makes them invulnerable for a few seconds, long enough to cause havoc AND lots of damage to your BEHEMOTH of a tank and do not EXPECT to be able to run from them because as I said he is SLOW AS A >>ROCK<< your best shot at preventing the nobz are by using knockbacks as long as possible until their ability to prevent suppression wears off with the sentinel’s stomps, ogryns “use yer ‘eads” abillity available after purchasing the bone ead leader for the ogryn section, catachan devils’ shotgun blast or the old reliable grenade launcher and the demolisher cannon from the BANEBLADE if you know how to time it right that is. Unless you are completely and utterly sure you have what it takes to go toe to toe with an ork army you will more than likely face NOBZ with big emperordamm huge hammers and you if know how to use all means to stop them from reaching your tank and formations then feel free to buy one if you have population capacity I personally would preffer getting a leman russ instead they are way faster, believe me I have seen many times allied baneblades getting scrapped to pieces by those dammed orks.

Aaaaah yes the the LEMAN RUSS the baneblade’s younger cousin armed with a middle located lascannon two heavy bolter turrets on each side and a main cannon that can be modified to your needs :
-Vanquisher Cannon is your best bet since he at least is able to shoot your strong enemies from a distance and accurately which normally means it should be the standard choice
-Executioner Cannon is great for killing loads of squishy blobs of enemies such as tyranids with loads of very bright and hot plama shots but other than that i would not really like to buy unless the enemy is a swarmer(basically a big plasma repeater)
-TOP SPEED is way higher than the BANEBLADE enabling you to scape from tricky situations(such as ROKS,NOBZ and those dammed tankbustas BARAGES OF BLOODY MISSILES) way more easily.
-DO NOT and i repeat DO NOT send your tanks out there alone they can get crushed very easily without support remember they ARE NOT and i repeat yet again ARE NOT DOOMSDAY DEVICES THEY ARE SUPPORT MOBILE SUPPORT WEAPONS to keep your guardsmen safe and in return the guardsmen protect the tanks and so you cannot advance into enemy territory like it is a walk in the park(and it is raining lead, missiles and armor penetrating lazers)
-Oh what is that is it a NOB squad chaging towards your LEMAN RUSS well then why not kite them by backing away while you main cannon shoots them to smitherins(I believe you have the Vanquisher by now) place a weapons team so th eenemy will have to use his ability to deny supression effects and so you just keep backing off (NOT RETREATING THAT IS TOTALLY NOT WHAT I SAID RIGHT NOW)until THEY are forced to retreat only then you advance but making sure there are no surprises waiting for you with a quick look with the sentinel’s missiles (which I suppose you did not lose by now) with the attack ground button to see if it hits something like a tankbustar squad or something of the kind.
And if your enemies say it is op or something of the kind who the bloody hell cares in the whole emperorblessed regiment about what he has to say you have to do all in your power to win the day for humanity and the emperor who cares about honor when you have lost almost no soldiers and killed tons of enemies, to me honor is not letting your units get killed.

The End

“I am not here to get my troops killed”
Liberator General Andreas Weiss von Castell

Congratulations you probably won the battle right now and surely had a very low casualty rate by Astra Militarum standards you basically know by now that you always have to prevent the deaths of your soldiers as much as possible with the usage of more threatening or valuable targets for the enemy to shoot at, your best tools are your sentinel to stomp enemies and destroy walls and cover, your Lord General’s small but still relevant melee skill and the and the fact that you should always put them in front of the fighting since they can heal on the field your soldiers cannot.
By preserving your units you are already winning so go forth
“It is not these well-fed long-haired men that I fear, but the pale and the hungry-looking/
It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience”
Julius Cesar

In case of any mistakes you see in my guide I am always open to suggestions and constructive criticism.
