Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Guide

Developer Console Commands for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Developer Console Commands


I’m was writing down console commands for my own use. Might as well post here, in case it helps anyone else. Any suggestions are welcome.

How to activate the Developer Console

As of e1.4.2, you can just press ALT + tilde to open the console. No mod required.

This may vary, depending on your keyboard layout.

If you are playing an earlier version, you’re gonna need this:

Activating Cheat Mode

If you want to cheat, you will have to activate cheat mode.

The command is config.cheat_mode 1. Press Enter to activate.

You can deactivate cheat mode by entering the command again, but with a 0 instead of a 1.

Things to do in Cheat Mode

While cheat mode is active, the left side of the inventory screen contains 10 units of every item in the game. Just open the inventory and start filling you pockets.

There are also some hotkeys that have various effects.

On the world map:

Ctrl + left click
Teleports you to pointer location.
Ctrl + Alt + T
Reveals all units on the map. May be laggy.
Push again to disable.

In battle:

Ctrl + H
Heals you.
Ctrl + Shift + H
Heals your horse.
Ctrl + F4
Knocks out a random enemy.
This is good to know, if an enemy glitches through a wall and can’t be hit.
Ctrl + Alt + F4
Knocks out all enemies. May be laggy, if there are many enemies.
Ctrl + F2
Knocks out one of your own troops.
Ctrl + F3
Knocks you out.
Ctrl + Shift + F3
Knocks out your horse.

Spawning Items

You can spawn items with the campaign.give_item_to_main_party command.
The syntax is campaign.give_item_to_main_party [ItemName] [Amount].

While you can also spawn items in the inventory screen, you can only get 10 units at a time. If you need 1000 units of something, using the console is much faster.

Spawning Troops

You can spawn troops with the campaign.give_troops command.
The syntax is campaign.give_troops [TroopId] [Number].

Type campaign.give_troops help to get a list of all available troops.
This does not show all troops in the game, though.

List of tested commands

Remember that you can type a question mark at the end of any command, to get more information about that command. Obsoive:


campaign.add_gold_to_hero [Number] [HeroName]
Gives [Number] gold to [HeroName].
If nothing is entered, gives 1000 gold to your character.
campaign.add_focus_points_to_hero [Number] [HeroName]
Gives [Number] focus points to [HeroName]. Gives to your character, if no name is entered.
campaign.add_attribute_points_to_hero [Number] [HeroName]
Gives [Number] attribute points to [HeroName]. Gives to your character, if no name is entered.
campaign.set_all_skills_main_hero [Value]
Sets all of your characters skills to [Value]
campaign.set_skills_of_hero [Level] [HeroName]
Sets all of chosen characters skills to [Level]
campaign.set_skill_main_hero [LevelValue] [SkillName]
Set one of your characters skills to [Value]
campaign.add_influence [Number]
Gives [Number] influence.


campaign.set_skill_companion [LevelValue] [SkillName]
Sets chosen skill of all your companions to [Value]
campaign.give_troops_xp [Number]
Gives [Number] xp to all your troops.
Adds a companion with 0 in all stats.
Not recommended. They’re dumbasses.
campaign.add_renown [Number] [ClanName]
Gives [Number] renown to [ClanName]. If no name is entered, it gives renown to your clan.


campaign.declare_war [Faction1] [Faction2]
[Faction1] and [Faction2] declare war on each other.

Write faction names without spaces. Thusly:
campaign.declare_war northernempire westernempire



campaign.add_progress_to_current_building [SettlementName] [0-100]
campaign.add_progress_to_current_building lycaron 100

Sets progress of current project in Lycaron to 100%. One day still needs to pass, before work is started on the next project.


campaign.add_gold_to_all_heroes [Number]
Gives [Number] gold to everyone.
campaign.take_hero_prisoner [PrisonerName] [CaptorName]
[PrisonerName] is taken captive by [CaptorName].
If a characters name contains multiple words, use underscores instead of spaces.
campaign.take_hero_prisoner sir_butterworth biggus_dickus
Sir Butterworth is taken prisoner by Biggus Dickus.

If you want to cheat more

Try this excellent mod: [link]


Does anyone know how to spawn peasants as troops?